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105 Cards in this Set

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people born in 1910s-1930s were called _____ and went through what?
The Greatest Generation, WWI, WWII, depression
people born in 1940s-60s were called ____. What was significant?
Baby Boomer Generation, they were biggest generation
people born in 1970s-1990s are called ______. The enxt generation is supposed to be _____
Generation X, generation excess
Describe 68, female, and single
old maid game, no kids, close to family, lives alone in apartment, cats, old maid, spinster
Describe 68, single, male
drinks scotch
___ + ___ + ____ = more sex for _____
baby boomers + birth control + women's movement = more sex for singles
one myth that happened through the media was that if not married by age 30, women have a ___% chance of marriage. They siad it was because what?
5%, biological clock, more women than men, men marry younger women
Another myth was that women who were ____ and ____ would not be able to get married
good-looking, with high paying jobs
-Dating improved in the ____
-by the ___, men actually did outnumber women
what are the 4 categories of single people, and give examples
1. voluntary temporary (putting off marriage)....us!
2. voluntary stable (choose for life)....nun, priest
3. Invuluntary temporary (just hasn't happened yet)....still looking
4, invuluntary stable (accepted singleness, not by choice)......
3 reasons for invuluntary stable
1. birthday
2. buy a house
3. break up
There are more single ____ than ____. As high as ___%
blacks than whites, 15%
who has the highest rate of singlehood?
educated females
name 4 things that make singlehood more common for females (this is what a single female may look like)
1. education
2. IVF available
3. career makes more $ than married female
4. maybe caring for parents
What does a single male look like?
1. makes less money than married man
2. not working
3. unhapopy childhood
why do women choose single motherhood?
1. more negative view of men
2. want control: don't want to share
___% of birthing age single women (18-44) have a child. ___% of single black women have a child. ____& of single white women have a child
25%, 50%, 15%
___% of all US births are to single mothers. Why?
60, engaged individuals, lesbian couples, more people cohabitating, control
Older singles have fewer _____ and less likely to have _____
social contacts, confidant
6 facts about social contacts for singles
1. whites interact more with relatives, friends, neighbors, etc than non-white
2. the higher your education, the higher the social emotional support
3. Good family social ties with siblings, nieces, and nephews
4. older single males are more likely to get help from friends
5. older single females are more likely to get help from Dad
6. Single people are more likely to get hired help
Living arrangements for older singles:
1. higher rates of ____ than widowed or divorced (as high as ____)
2. Less likely to have to ____
3. Living alone at an older age isn't necessariliy _____ to some
4. lowest rates of ____
1. co-residency, 30%
2. move
3. famililar
4. institutionalized care
What are two reasons singles might not be used to living alone?
1. took care of family memeber who died
2. had a roommate for a long time
6 drawbacks of singlehood
1. lower self-acceptance
2. lower environmental mastery (usually pay people to do stuff)
3. lower positive relations with others
4. lower sense of purpose in life
5. lower autonomy (not able to make own decisions....have self doubt)
6. females increased expectation to help the family
4 basic drawbacks to being single
1. loneliness
2. expense
3. feeling left out in coupled society
4. stigma of being single
for older single females, the #1 regret is ____
no children
65+ single men that dated in past month ____, 65+ single females that dated in past month ____
30%, 7%
75+ single men that dated in past month ____, 75+ single females that dated in past month ____
13%, 2%
4 reasons older people date
1. looking for long-lasting relationshi
2. intimacy
3. sex
4. hedge loneliness
Cohabitating: __% of 60+. ___% women ___% men
3%, 1%, 6%
Cohabitating ages 40-59 ___%
cohabitating more likely among 4 categories
1. poor
2. young/old age difference
3. divorced and separated
4. residence of sunbelt (hide it from family)
-Divorce is more common in _____
-Only ___% get divorced after age 65
-___ more likely to remarry
-first few years
Divorce in same-sex union is difficult because: (2)
1. There is no legal document
2. There is often no religious support
In the first year of separation, name 6 feelings:
1. ambivalence
2. longing
3. anxiety
4. depression
5. personal disorganization
6. relief
In the next 2-3 years of separation, 3 things that happen:
1. reorganize life
2. new identity
3. new lifestyle
2 facts about divorce for women:
1. often go from homemaker to paid worker
2. have greatewr psyche distress than males
2 facts about divorce for males:
1. react later
2. more severe reaction (suicide, accident, psychiatric help)
3 things that improve for women after divorce:
1. social life
2 things about men after divorce:
1. more likely to be good friends with ex
2. overall well-being is lower
who adjusts from divorce better?
Name 3 stages of bereavement and time frame
1. numbness (2 days)
2. grief (3 months)
3. loneliness (6 months
in stage ___, you pick up a hobby to memorialize
4 common reasons people separate:
1. desire independence
2. different interests
3. attitudes about sex
4. affairs
gay/lesbian separations become harder because:
1. we live in heterosexual society
2. they have such small communities
-divorced females retire ___ than married females
-divorced female __ likely to live alone
-divorced women have ___ home ownership rates
-divorced women's top support is from ____
4 bad things about the loss of a same-sex partner
1. less social support
2. no work place allowance
3. family members possibly non-support
4. possibly no religious support
___ deal better with widowhood than ___
working class, upper class
2 sources of income for older women that are in short supply
1. marriage
2. employment
4 things that make for less income for retired widows:
1. less education
2. lower occupation prestige
3. didn't plan for retirement
4. more likely to become caregiver
If a widow is first a caregiver:
1. less depression
2. easier to adapt
3. easier to deal with loss if older

1. higher levels of strain
2. sleep problems
3. view of life as meaningless
4. harder for older (smaller support network, poorer health)
if they move, widows usually move by _____. 3 ways of moving:
1st year
1. nursing home
2. live with fam
3. downsize
If widows don't move in the first year, they usually stay there ____ years. 2 reasons to stay in house:
-financial and health
6 things about the contact of widows to siblings:
1. greater emotional contact
2. more frequent
3. more supportive
4. help with loneliness
5. all accentuated with childless
6. but they don't really help to "get things done"
widowed women (as compared to men) are more likely to have:
1. friend, friend become confidant
2. more likely to find a companion
3. tend to get more friends after widowhood
widowed men (as compared to women) are more likely:
1. to be totally isolated....not many widowers
2. tends to be cyclical.....likely to remarry
-anticipatory socialization
-___ are more likely to do this because they are prepared and more likely to live longer
-anticipating how you will fit in
rates of remarriage have gone down because of (2):
1. cohabitation
2. women more dependent
-average age for second remarriage for men is ___
-remarriage is more common after ____ than ___ for 2 reasons:
-divorce, widowhood
1. age
2. more attached
-____% of divorced women remarry
-___% of divorced men remarry
5 reasons remarriage lowers with age:
1. fewer men
2. poor health
3. reduced mobility
4. poor finances
5. protect estate
3 types of marriage:
1. abuse/really bad
2. everyday (more likely to get remarried)
3. head-over-heels
of the 3 marriage types, which one is least likely to get remarried:
bad marriage because they don't think they'll ever find love again
2 reasons women remarry and 1 reason men remarry:
1. companionship
2. love

1. to be cared for
latent kin matrix
continually shifting relations activated or intensified as needed (much like modified extended family)
latent kin matrix includes 2 things:
1. former in-laws (grandparents)
2. step families
name the 6 family solidarity points
1. associational (actual activities: type and frequency of getting together)
2. structural (closeness, proximity)
3. functional (helping)
4. affectional (emotional bond)
5. consensual (sharing similar values; easiest one to find conflict with)
6. normative (shared expectations of family life)
how many gay females with children? How many gay males with children (in US)?
-1 to 5 mill
-1 to 3 mill
___% of all children extimated to have gay parents
3 ways gays can have children:
1. adoption
2. invetro/artifical insemination
3. step children
6 factors associated with close children:
1. family size (bigger, more likely someone live close)
2. health of parent (lower health, more likely to live close)
3. parents age (older parents, closer kids)
4. age of child or children
5. finances (lower finances, more likely to live close)
6. marital status
from most likely to least, list the marital status as related to living close:
1. widowed
2. married
3. divorced
4. remarried
-__% of all mothers age 80 have at least one son still living
-___% of all mothers age 90+ have at least one daughter
-___% of aging population have child within one mile
-____% of aging population have at least one child in 35 min drive
-___% hjave 2 children within 35 miles
3 ways of weekly contact
1. telephone
2. dinners and overnight
3. email
-___% of aging have weekly contact with children
-who initiates contact?
name 7 dreams parents have for children (21-44):
1. happy
2. educational success
3. career
4. happy family
5. personal fulfillment
6. be good
7. be healthy
2 biggest things parents want to take care of:
1. will
2. resolving conflict
5 sources of conflict between parents and children:
1. communication and interaction (children)
2. habits and lifestyle choices (parents)
3. child rearing (children)
4. work oriented (parents)
5. politics (children)
early conflics _____
sustain into later life
parents in 80s value most:
independence for them and children
who does face-to-face contact more often?
later parents
most common source of conflict for later life parent-child?
habits and lifestyle choices
-or a daughter, marriage ____ her relationship with parents, and children ___ her relationship with father
-for a son, ____ improves relationship with parents
-improves, decrease
2 types of support for later life:
1. formal (nursing home, home care, meals on wheels, etc)
2. informal (fictive kin, neighbors)
4 models of social support for aging families:
1. hierarchical-compensatory model (spouse usually at the top, then children)
2. task-specific model (based on what has to be done and who's good at doing it)
3. functional-specificity of relationship model (driven by relationship)
4. convoy model (constantly shifting of who takes the lead)
filial responsibility
son or daughter feels responsible because they are the son/daughter
-__% of aging think children give them enough help
-___% of children think they give parents enough help
__ and ___ feel filial responsbility more
sons, minorities
3 problems with caregiving research:
1. cross-sectional
2. primary caregiver only
3. gender bias
profiles of who does caregiving (6)
1. unamrried daughter, then daughter
2. sons if only child (or if sister lives far away)
3. working class son
4. black children )white children put in nursing home)
5. white spouse
6. black/chite children help with finances, hispanic less likely
How the child is chosen for caregiving:
1. de facto
2. family meeting
3. parent chooses
4. just evolves
5. child volunteers
Who are caregivers?
1. daughers (29%)
2. wives (23%)
3. other females (20%)
4. husbands (13%)
5. sons (8%)
6. other males (7%)
Why are females more likely to be caregivers?
1. more likely not to work outside house
2. life expectancy
3. age difference
ages of caregivers
1. 14-44 (22%)
2. 45-64 (42%)
3. 65-84 (26%)
4. 85+ (10%)
___% of caregivers are in sandwich generation
what kind of care do caregivers give?
1. cooking, caring for environment
2. finances
3. visiting/activities/memories/songs
4. affection
things parents do for their adult children:
1. childcare
2. financially
3. meals
4. laundry
5. transportation
6. cleaning,house and yardwork
-or a daughter, marriage ____ her relationship with parents, and children ___ her relationship with father
-for a son, ____ improves relationship with parents
-improves, decrease
2 types of support for later life:
1. formal (nursing home, home care, meals on wheels, etc)
2. informal (fictive kin, neighbors)
4 models of social support for aging families:
1. hierarchical-compensatory model (spouse usually at the top, then children)
2. task-specific model (based on what has to be done and who's good at doing it)
3. functional-specificity of relationship model (driven by relationship)
4. convoy model (constantly shifting of who takes the lead)
filial responsibility
son or daughter feels responsible because they are the son/daughter
-__% of aging think children give them enough help
-___% of children think they give parents enough help
3 ways of weekly contact
1. telephone
2. dinners and overnight
3. email
-___% of aging have weekly contact with children
-who initiates contact?
name 7 dreams parents have for children (21-44):
1. happy
2. educational success
3. career
4. happy family
5. personal fulfillment
6. be good
7. be healthy
2 biggest things parents want to take care of:
1. will
2. resolving conflict