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67 Cards in this Set

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Family ties in later life are a culmination of 4 things:
1. lifetime of decisions
2. roads taken and not taken
3. changing times
4. social ties
2 mains ways people lose and gain relationships:
1. Death and Divorce
2. Birth and Marriage
3 historical myths and why they aren't true:
1. elderly are neglected
-not true because they are cared for by the government and by families. This is a myth of the media mostly.

2. People in 1800s lived in multigenerational housing.
a. life expectancy was 40-45
b. mortality rate (death rate) was high (leading cause of death was pneumonia)
c. country had lots of immigrants (didn't bring grandparents with them)

3. The higher the income, less coresidence (true today but not then)
-if there was enough money, families took care of members
-if not, family went to poor house
-if there was coresidence, 2 reasons:
1. inheritance laws (oldest son)
2. dependence (youngest daughter)
How the nuclear family is starting to look like the extended family.
modified extended family
4 Things about later life families today:
1. if there is a high income, they live alone

2. modified extended family

3. demands on family are high

4. change is inevitable
2 reasons why the demands on family are higher today:
1. people live longer (life expectancy)

2. dysfunctional family
Basic theory examines 5 things:
1. life course
2. examine all relationships
3. need to go beyond traditional family
4. social structure
5. cultural norms
4 main areas of study:
1. availability of kin
2. extent of contact
3. is support a factor?
4. what is quality of family relations?
2 reasons men have higher rates of marriage in later life:
1. life expectancy
2. homecoming dance effect
As high as __% of men will be married at any time given time in later life.

As high as __% of women will be married at any given time in later life

Ages 65+ - Marriage

Age Men Women
65-74 80 50
75-84 75 30
85+ 50 10
Average 75 40
Age 65+ Widow

Age Men Women
Age Men Women
65-74 10 30
75-84 20 60
85+ 40 80
Average 30 50
Married by race (age 75-84)

Men Women
Men Women
White 70 30
Hispanic 60 20
Black 50 20

-blacks more likely to divorce
Widowed by Race (75-84)

Men Women
Men Women
White 20 60
Hispanic 22 60
Black 28 70

-Heart disease and diabetes more prevalent in blacks
6 facts about divorce:
1. 65+ have 7% rate
2. men more likely to remarry
3. growing acceptance of divorce
4. black culture were first ones to realize getting a divorce was better than a bad marriage
5. divorce affects as many as 3 generations
6. numbers are rising
why is there a growing acceptance for divorce?
1. woman can support herself
2. laws make it easier
3. abuse
-65+ % of singles

-trends: great % of singles age __ and under than every before. Why? (3)

a. people get married later
b. more people choose to be single
c. co-habitation: straight, gay, or lesbian
7 facts about children age 65+
1. birthrates have declined
2. 80% have kids
3. no one wants to admit to outliving their children
4. average is 2 kids over all age groups
5. childless 80-85+ is really high. Why? Great depression
6. no one thinks about who will care for me....my kids
7. 4 is an odd number
3 aspects of grandparents:
1. 80% of people 35+ have 3 generations
2. 19-26 age - 75% have at least 1 grandparent
3. 19-26 age- 20% have 3 grandparents
__% of all ages have a sibling
Living arrangements (65+)
1. 5% live in nursing homes
2. 80% of men live with fam
3. 55% of women live with fam
4 categories more likely to be in a nursing home:
1. older women
2. few kids
3. non-married
4. whites
-black population more likely to find paid homecare of family or no care
4 Reasons young people might live with parents:
1. they never left home
2. divorce
3. unemployment
4. disability
-more women/men live alone than men
-__% of women 65+ live alone, ___% men
-40, 20
Age 65+, ___ culture more likely to live with fam
-more children means increase probability of _______
-Only child, more likely ______
-at least one child living at home
-parents move in with child
4 reasons for living arrangements (living together)
1. economic (more likely with less money)
2. health
3. family ties
4. culture
where older residents are left behind in communities that younger residents leave in order to find more prosperous locations
people have money, go to FL, AR, TX
why do elderly live alone?
Want independence (descendant from Europe)
rank health in relation to marital status:
1. marriage
2. single
3. widow
4. divorced
5. separated
single older people are more/less likely to live with someone else than a widow
low moral of widow is due to __ and not necessarily ____
loss, loneliness
Happiness in relation to marital status:
1. Marriage
2. co-habitating
3. single
4. separated
5. divorced
6. widow
sex with a partner:

-over 75
-45-60 60% once a week
-over 75 25% once a week
-60+ 75% once a week
sex if no partner (60+)

females: 1% once a week
males: 6% once a week
by age 70, sex in past month:

Married men:
unmarried men:
Married females:
Unmarried females:

-why higher for men?
Married men: 47%
unmarried men: 31%
Married females: 43%
Unmarried females: 3%
gay stats:

men 60+ __% sexually active once a week
serial monogamy:
faithful to current partner
serial monogamy is stronger in whom?
gay population
4 reasons why there is more sexual satisfaction over 50:
1. more free time
2. kids are gone
3. no fear of pregnancy
4. enjoy sex beyond basic intercourse
2 reasons why there would be decreased sexual satisfaction after 50?
1. physical problems
2. lack of interest
sexual invisibility
feeling of not being seen sexually by society. hits women more, especially lesbian women.
-aging leads to greater ____ in marriage
-3 reasons for that
-1. fewer social contacts
2. fewer leasure activities
3. romance increases
2 main reasons for trouble spots in later marriage:
1. different values and philosophies
2. lack of mutual interests
-___% have sex once a week
-65+ ___% have chance of divorce
-Age 45-60, sex once a week or more __
-age 70, married men sex in the last month ___
successful marriages are based on 4 things:
1. enjoying each other's company
2. being committed to partner and marriage as an institution
3. humor
4. holding similar views/values
-unmarried men retire ____
-Married women retire ____
aging leads to less gender differences:
-4 changes in males
-3 changes in females
-1. greater sensitivity
2. family affiliation
3. passivity
4. introspection

-1. increased aggressiveness
2. dominance
3. assertiveness
___ ___ of chorse is the key to marital success
perceived fairness
5 facts of retirement
1. lower marriage satisfaction if husband retires and wife is still employed
2. higher marriage satisfaction if wife retires and husband is still employed
3. prestigious career for wife decreases satisfaction
4. prestigious career for husband increases satisfaction
5. when both retire, no problems
declining health, 4 things
1. good health of self enhances happiness
2. for men, good health of spouse enhances happiness
3. men with wife in poor health decreases happiness
4. wife with husband in poor health only lowers satisfaction if her husband is unhappy
3 things about ill partners:
1. doesn't like being ill
2. don't like being needy
3. doesn't like compliance expected for care
4 things about helper partner:
1. feels responsibility to provide help
2. needs acknowledgement for sacrifices
3. needs time for self
4. loss of social outlets
gay partners (caregiving): (3 things)
1. shared risk involved
2. survival guilt is much higher
3. isolation from family
older couples who marry, low ___ ___ with illness involved
success rate
75+ say "___ ___ ___"
lets just survive
If wife becomes ill and husband cares for her ____
Mr. Wonderful
fictive kin
closest friends who are not blood relatives but are considered family
Where older persons migrate to an area that younger persons are leaving
oure relationship
a situation where a social relation is entered into for its own sake, for what can be derived by each person from a sustained association with another, and which is continued only in so far as it is thought by both parties to deliver enough satisfactions for each individual to stay with it.
Divorce numbers are rising/lowering. ___ were first ones to realize divorce was better than a bad marriage. Divorce affects as many as ___ generations.
-black culture
age 65+, ___ % have children. Among them, birthrates have inclined/declined.
Childlessness is really high in age range of ___ to ___+.
80 to 85+
___% of people age 35+ are part of 3 generations.
Average of ___ kids over all age groups