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91 Cards in this Set

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1. Members of management seeking to improve their effectiveness and relationship with employees as well as optimizing the organization's performance, could utilize the appraisal process of:

A. job rotation
B. upward feedback
C. mentoring
D. executive education
B. Upward feedback is a reverse appraisal process where subordinates evaluate managers, often providing insight into ways to improve management effectiveness and make policy change.
2. A U.S. post office branch choosing to hire an employee with no disabilities over a slightly more qualified candidate restricted to a wheelchair, could be a violation of:

A. the Civil Rights Act of 1964
B. the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
C. the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
D. B and C
. D. Both laws prohibit discrimination based on disability. The Rehabilitation Act is specific to hiring by the Federal government. The ADA applies to private and government employment.
3. Under most cases an employer can lawfully demand that a pregnant employee:

A. take a minimum of six weeks leave after delivery
B. supply medical documentation of pregnancy related disability requiring leave
C. work in a different capacity to avoid public or customer contact
D. do all of the above
B. Under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers must extend the same protections to pregnant employees as to others and treat pregnancy related conditions as disability. Employers can require medical documentation of the disability as they would for other disabilities. Employers cannot require minimum leaves and must allow employees to work as long as able. Public, customer, or other employee attitudes cannot dictate changes in employment situations for pregnant employees.
4. An employer could be liable to litigation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 if:

A. an employee is made to feel uncomfortable by a co-worker who tells jokes of a sexual nature
B. a manager makes demonstrative physical contact with a subordinate of the same sex
C. an employee is subjected to unwelcome advances, but no economic injury occurs
D. any of the above occur
D. All situations could subject an employer to legal liability under federal law. Economic injury or loss of job is not required to make a sexual harassment case.
5. When a manager is using personal involvement as a motivational strategy, the biggest risk is with those employees who:

A. have low self esteem and cannot form high performance expectations
B. make only verbal commitments to their goals
C. make a public commitment as a group instead of as individuals
D. are overconfident in their performance abilities
A. Personal involvement can build deep commitment to success and high performance standards by allowing employees a role in developing their own goals. Employees with low self esteem need managerial support in improving their self image to create correspondingly high goals. Verbal commitments and public group commitments have typical high success rates.
6. Performance management is one method that can be substituted for:

A. merit pay
B. traditional appraisal systems
C. annual or quarterly bonus schedules
D. quota systems
B. Performance management can replace traditional employee appraisal systems and focuses on the whole employee picture from new hire to exit interviews
7. Under FSLA, an exempt employee earning an hourly rate of $28.50 who works 45 hours would earn a paycheck of:

A. $1285.50
B. $1353.75
C. $1710.00
D. $1923.75
A. An employee defined as exempt under FSLA is not entitled to overtime and would earn the hourly rate at straight time.
8. What was one of the main themes of Upton Sinclair's 1906 novel, The Jungle?

A. The need for government regulation to protect consumers from corporate greed
B. The desperate plight of American farmers in the drought ridden southwest
C. America as a land of opportunity for immigrants
D. The triumph of democracy over totalitarian regimes around the world
8. A. Sinclair's novel was a vivid and horrific portrayal of immigrant struggles set amid the early 1900's meat packing industry. The novel's graphic descriptions of the industry are credited by some with prompting Congressional legislation creating the Food and Drug Administration.
9. Which period of time in American history is commonly referred to as the Progressive Era?

A. 1890 to 1920
B. 1920 to 1929
C. 1945 to 1960
D. 1960 to 1972
9. A. The Progressive Era is usually marked from the late 1800's until the beginning of World War I. It was characterized by numerous reform movements including improving efficiency and honesty in government, equality (although with contradictions), social justice, and social welfare. Significant events included the passage of Prohibition and the Nineteenth Amendment guaranteeing women's suffrage.
10. What was the significance of Harvard University 's June, 1947 commencement speech given by then Secretary of State, George Marshall?

A. It proposed greatly expanded involvement in international trade by the United States
B. It suggested a rapid military build up by the U.S. in western Europe
C. It suggested the division of influence in Europe into eastern and western blocks conceding some control to the Soviet Union
D. It proposed a European developed plan for post war reconstruction financially aided by the United
10. D. The Marshall Plan as it was commonly known became the blueprint for rebuilding post war Europe while at the same time stabilizing international markets and encouraging the spread of capitalism, free markets, and democracy. It was also a first step in limited the spread and influence of communism.
11. Which television program holds the distinction of being the longest running news or current event program in the history of T.V.?

A. 60 Minutes
B. Meet the Press
C. CBS Evening News
D. Today Show
11. B. Meet the Press has been shown weekly since its first episode in 1947.
12. Senator Joseph McCarthy's name has become historically linked to Congressional hearings investigating which of the following?

A. Suspected Japanese spies during World War II
B. Communists in the U.S. government
C. Misconduct by U.S. military serviceman overseas during World War II
D. Draft dodgers during the Vietnam Era
12. B. McCarthy was the chair of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations and launched numerous investigations in the 1950's into alleged communist infiltration the U.S. military and government agencies. His committee conducted countless interviews and public and private hearings. McCarthy himself was outspoken and made specific accusations even without evidence to back it up. Although, he enjoyed tremendous support for a short time, he would fall from public grace after vilifying a war hero and losing the support of his party.
13. At the time of its conception, which of the following had the largest impact on the United States ' national economy in terms of encouraging mass production for a national market of consumers?

A. The railroad system
B. The Erie Canal
C. The Cumberland Road
D. The Oregon Trail
13. A. The United States railroad system revolutionized transportation of goods and people in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries allowing finished products to reach many more consumers.
14. The Scopes trial in Tennessee that captured national and international media attention in 1925, centered on what controversial issue?

A. Organized prayer in public schools
B. Teaching the theory of evolution in public schools
C. Public school segregation
D. Mandatory school attendance
14. B. The Scopes or so-called “monkey” trial was an orchestrated attempt to force a court opinion on state statutes outlawing the teaching of evolution in public schools. The case garnered extensive media coverage featured numerous prominent lawyers as well as the ACLU. Although the courts upheld the state law outlawing evolution instruction, that precedent would be overturned in later court decisions.
15. Black Tuesday is a reference to which significant event in American history?

A. The stock market crash preceding the Great Depression
B. The assassination of President John F. Kennedy
C. The bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japan
D. The entrance of the United States into the Vietnam conflict
15. A. Black Tuesday is a reference to the October 29, 1929 stock market crash in which a record number of stocks were traded and stock values plummeted. This event is considered to mark the beginning of the Great Depression. It took several decades for the stock market to recover in value.
16. Which of these events resulted from United States Cold War strategy?

A. Defeat of Germany in World War I
B. U.S. involvement in the Korean War
C. The bombing of the U.S.S. Cole
D. U.S. occupation of the Philippines and Guam
16. B. A major U.S. objective during the Cold War period (apprx. 1947 – 1991) was to halt the spread of Communism and Soviet influence. The U.S. entered the Korean Civil War in support of the South when it became apparent that the North was being aided by Soviet advisors and military supplies.
17. The term manifest destiny refers to which philosophy from American history?

A. The attempt to establish the United States as the dominant influence in the global economy
B. The resolution of the United States to defend independence on behalf of people in North and South America against European colonization
C. The belief in the superiority of American government and values and our right to spread it across the continent
D. The belief that the United States should avoid entangling alliances with foreign nations
17. C. Manifest destiny was a phrase first coined by newspaper reporter, John O'Sullivan to describe the growing belief among Americans in the 1800's that our nation's government and values were superior and it was our right to spread it across the continent, controlling all land. It led to the Mexican War and the ensuing land acquisition.
18. Which of the following organizations includes in its mission statement a primary goal of practicing and promoting the responsible use of the earth's ecosystems and resources?

C. Knights of Columbus
D. Sierra Club
18. D. Sierra Club is one of the oldest environmental organizations in existence, founded in 1892. The group has achieved many successes in improving environmental awareness. Although they state their mission is to accomplish objectives through lawful means, some incidents of violence and illegal action have been connected to members.
19. Which President promised prosperity by campaigning with the slogan, “A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage”?

A. Woodrow Wilson
B. Herbert Hoover
C. Franklin D. Roosevelt
D. Dwight Eisenhower
19. B. Hoover's campaign slogan was a promise of prosperity under his leadership. Ironically, the Great Depression began a year later.
20. Which of the following locations is not home to a United States military base or establishment?

A. Puerto Rico
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Turkey
D. India
20. D. The U.S. has numerous bases in Europe, Asia, and the Americas, but not India .
21. Most people of which nationality or race were barred from immigration into the United States during a 60 year period started in 1882?

A. Chinese
B. African
C. Mexican
D. Irish
21. A. The Chinese Exclusion Act banned most Chinese immigration into the United States from 1882 until 1943. It was the first immigration law to create a ban based on race or nationality and was passed in large part due to public prejudice and reaction to mass immigration following economic and political upheaval in China .
22. What was the original goal of the Congressional legislation commonly known as the G.I. Bill?

A. Increase government expenditures on defense during the Cold War build up
B. Assist veterans returning from World War II in assimilating back into society
C. Provide the President and Congress with legal authority to institute a draft
D. Make it a legal requirement for males 18 and older to register with the Selective Service
22. B. The G.I. Bill or Service Members Readjustment Act was signed into law by President Roosevelt in 1944 to assist returning WWII veterans. It included components such as education loans and grants, employment preference, medical benefits, and unemployment payments.
23. Cesar Chavez is considered a key figure in the movement to secure equal rights and better conditions for which group?

A. Criminals in prison
B. Inner-city and public housing residents
C. Migrant workers
D. Farmers
23. C. Cesar Chavez was a labor leader who spear-headed a movement on behalf of migrant farm workers for several decades starting the 1960's. His efforts led to the organization of the United Farm Workers and better treatment of migrant workers.
24. Which label is commonly used to describe people born from the mid-1960's to the mid-1980's?

Generation X
B. Generation Y
C. Baby Boomers
D. Greatest Generation
24. A. Gen X
25. In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, the Supreme Court reached what landmark ruling?

A. Separation of church and state is absolute
B. Capital punishment is cruel and unusual
C. Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is illegal
D. Separate is not equal in public schools
25. D. This case overturned previous precedent that held schools could be separated by race if they were equal. In Brown v. Board in 1954, the court found that separate cannot be equal and outlawed segregation in public schools based on race. This decision brought federally enforced desegregation and bussing whose impact is still seen today. Some school systems are still under federal court supervision for compliance.
26. To Kill a Mockingbird, written in 1960, included which of the following themes?

A. Race relations in a small southern community
B. Political protests of anti-war groups
C. The decline of morals in society
D. Political corruption in Washington, DC
26. A. Harper Lee's first novel describes the racial turmoil in a small town centered on the trial of a black man accused of raping a white woman. The book graphically details racism while at the same time modeling tolerance and compassion. The novel won her a Pulitzer Prize and has become required public school reading for every generation since.
27. Historically, the term flapper is often associated with which trend in American history?

A. The movement to outlaw alcohol sale and consumption
B. The liberation of women from society's traditional constraints
C. The urbanization of the American population
D. The rise of evangelical Christianity in politics
27. B. Flapper was a term used in the 1920's to refer to women who wore more skimpy clothing and cosmetics, smoke, drank, and had more casual attitudes towards sex. These women illustrated the changing attitude in America toward the role of women in society.
Employers are required to complete an I-9 form on all employees to verify:

A. eligibility to work in the United States
B. criminal records
C. proper payment of income taxes
D. employees meet age requirements
A. This form has been required by the Federal government for citizens and non-citizens since 1986 to verify eligibility to work in the United States . It requires the submission of proof of eligibility in several possible forms including driver's license, social security card, or visa.
Managers should ensure that all employees are provided with clear, accurate job descriptions, the lack of which could expose the employer to:

A. sexual harassment claims by employees
B. lawsuits for violations of the ADA
C. increased payroll costs
D. all of the above
B. Job descriptions that are unclear can result in legal issues surrounding job performance and management actions such as termination. Employers could be open to charges of discrimination under such federal laws as the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Managers can best address the vagueness associated with rating and ranking scales in employee appraisal systems by supplementing standard company forms with:

A. forms and rating scales designed specifically by the manager
B. verbal appraisal of employee performance
C. written comments explaining scale ratings
D. preferable forms used by other companies
C. Managers should avoid using documents not approved by company legal advisors and should always use the paperwork specified by the legal or human resource departments. Managers should also avoid relying on verbal exchanges to suffice and can supplement with written, explanatory comments.
Management tendencies to skew an evaluation or appraisal positively in all areas due to high employee performance in a few areas should be avoided and is known as:

A. central tendency effect
B. leniency bias
C. halo effect
D. recency effect
C. Managers should be cautious to avoid the halo effect of evaluating employees positively in all areas based simply on positive performance in a few areas.
. In conducting an employee evaluation, which of the following is a “soft” area to which employees are most likely to take personal offense?

A. sales figures
B. absenteeism
C. teamwork
D. production quotas
C. Employees tend to respond reasonably to evaluations of black and white categories such as sales figures. This is an area that is difficult to dispute. Employees might be disappointed in low numbers or make excuses, but are not likely to take personal offense to the observations. Softer areas such as communication skills, teamwork, or customer relations are less defined. Employees are more likely to take personally criticism in these areas.
A manager is most likely to have long term success in motivating an employee by focusing on:

A. performance based bonuses and incentives
B. reminders that job continuance requires successful performance
C. a better understanding of the employee's goals and interests
D. developing competition between employees
. C. Financial incentives produce short term motivation, but are not the key to maintaining motivation. Creating a work environment that is sensitive to employee interests and provides opportunities for employees to work toward goals brings deeper, long term job satisfaction and motivation.
A manager who utilizes the Pygmalion Effect usually receives higher performance from employees by:

A. demonstrating that they are confident employees can deliver a high performance
B. building teams, instead of using individuals in a hierarchy, to handle most large projects
C. always attached financial incentive to job performance
D. offering ambiguous expectations to encourage employee originality and creativity
A. Pygmalion Effect refers to the concept that raising standards and expectations higher will produce higher performance.
. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, a person will place greater importance on:

A. self-actualization
B. belongingness
C. physiological needs
D. cognitive needs
C. Maslow suggests that in understanding human motivation, we need to see the hierarchy in which needs must be met. Physiological needs such as food, water, and shelter must be met before higher level needs can be focused upon.
Although supervision of employee's productivity and daily actions is an accepted management role, a balance must be maintained and micro-management can commonly result in:

A. lack of communication
B. stifling initiative
C. increased morale
D. improved performance
B. Micro-management can be perceived as a lack of confidence in employee ability and can lead to employee resentment and lower morale. It can also limit employee creativity, resourcefulness, and initiative.
An active listener demonstrates all of the following traits except:

A. often completes the sentences of others
B. plans a response for after another is finished speaking
C. provides feedback without interruption
D. awareness and control of biases
A. An active listener does more listening than talking, allowing full opportunity for others to express and complete thoughts and ideas.
When it comes to the personal lives of employees, a manager should:

A. be aware and show concern and empathy
B. stay uninvolved and recommend organizational resources for troubled employees
C. encourage other subordinates to address the personal issues of co-workers
D. ask questions regularly to determine problems
A. Employers and managers cannot ignore the personal lives of employees as they are bound to impact their work lives at some point. Managers should be concerned, helpful, and empathetic without prying, although maintaining the appropriate tone for a managerial-subordinate relationship is important.
Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, it would be unlawful for any employer to restrict an employee's religious practices at work unless:

A. the employee's religious beliefs require grooming accommodations
B. the employee's religious practices create an unsafe work environment
C. the employer has a conscientious disagreement with the employee's religious beliefs and practices
D. the employer does not observe the holidays of the employee's religion
B. This portion of the law bans employers from any type of religion based discrimination in the hiring and employment process unless the employer can show that accommodating religious beliefs or practices would place an undue hardship or burden on the employer or other employees, would violate a law or regulation, or would create an unsafe work environment.
You have just started a new management job with over 500 employees working under you. You discover that some company practices are not in compliance with the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and its subsequent amendments. In order to remedy this, you could take all of the following steps except:

A. offer increased compensation to equalize pay for employees of different gender performing the same job
B. determine future pay increased for employees based on an established system of merit, seniority, or performance quotas
C. reduce the compensation of some employees to equalize compensation for employees of all genders performing the same job
D. refuse to agree to labor union demands or contracts that would violate the law
C. The act specifically forbids the reduction of any employee's wages in order to be in compliance.
An easy and cost effective strategy for managers to utilize in order to reduce work related stress among employees is:

A. create an open layout work space where all employees can easily hear and see other employees during the work day
B. to practice a plan-ahead strategy that minimizes the need for crisis management
C. to emphasize competition among employees by increasing performance incentives to maximize productivity
D. providing employees with minimal responsibilities
B. Living in crisis management mode is very stressful for everyone in the workplace. Open layouts can be noisy and distracting to completing tasks, minimal responsibility can make employees feel insecure in their jobs, and excessive competition increases stress.
When designing jobs, managers and employers can reduce job stress by giving consideration to all of the following except:

A. applying ergonomic design to the employee-machine technologies
B. creating clear physical, knowledge, and skill requirements to facilitate hiring highly matched employees
C. establishing work hours and shift changes that are the most profitable for the organization
D. creating communication channels for immediate and future needs
C. When designed work hours and shift changes, consideration must always be given to potential employee stressors, fatigue, health concerns, etc. in addition to profitability.
Involving numerous people in an employee's evaluation such as co-workers, customers, the employee, and supervisors is known as:

A. 360-degree feedback
B. Knowledge management
C. Job coaching
D. All in one evaluation
A. 360-degree feedback is an evaluation system that operates on the premise that an employee can be best evaluated by hearing for all parties who know them in a work capacity.
When interviewing a candidate for possible employment aptitude tests are often conducting early in the process to assess:

A. specialized technical skills
B. intelligence or IQ
C. personality traits or character tendencies
D. general abilities in reasoning and written skills
D. Aptitude tests are generally used early in interview processes to determine general skills in basic areas such as math, reasoning, verbal, and written communication.
Your company board has asked you to serve on an ad hoc committee to consider changes to the company's benefits packages. This committee will most likely:

A. meet regularly until the changes are completed
B. become permanent to address all issues surrounding employee benefits
C. meet one time to address the issue
D. hold meetings in conjunction with regular board meetings
A. Ad hoc means for a specific purpose meaning the committee would meet until its purpose had been served. It is unlikely this could happen in one meeting. It is also not in the nature of ad hoc committees to take on permanence. Boards often use these committees to take some of the burden from the board.
One of your employees has been complaining to about her problems with a co-worker and other employees have reported that the two frequently clash at meetings. Your best initial course of action is:

A. leaving the employees to their own resources with an order to work it out
B. offering new ways the two could work together and monitoring the situation
C. immediately restructuring to place the employees in separate work environments
D. firing or transferring the least valuable of the two employees
. B. A logical first step is to mediate and offer solutions, while monitoring the situation. Firing or transferring an employee can require proof of just cause which may be unclear if two parties are involved. Immediate separation can have a negative impact on the entire department and send the wrong message to employees about resolving conflicts.
Numerous psychology researchers including Abraham Maslow and Kurt Goldstein, have explored the theory of self actualization. Which of the following would be the best example in support of that theory?

A. An employee deliberately sabotages a team project as revenge against a boss
B. An employee works for the same company for 30 years, rising from office clerk to Regional Vice President
C. An employee's performance appraisal rating drops due to alcohol abuse
D. An employee receives a bonus for achieving a sales quota
B. Supporters of self-actualization propose that it is instinctual for humans to rise to the highest levels of their abilities.
The study of human behavior, including both individual and group dynamics, in the workplace is commonly known as:

A. industrial or organization psychology
B. applied psychology
C. educational or developmental psychology
D. social psychology
A. definition
A company might be in violation of the provisions of Title IV of the Civil Rights Act if their hiring practices include:

A. requiring educational achievements that are related to job performance or business needs
B. conducting aptitude testing for all employment candidates
C. coding resumes or applications by gender or race
D. limiting application for some positions to degreed candidates only
C. Coding or organizing candidates by race, gender, national origin, religion, or any other protected category could be construed as supporting discriminatory practices in hiring.
Psychologist Frederick Herzberg suggests a two part system for motivating employees in whom factors contributing to motivation are divided into “hygiene factors” and “motivators”. Which of the following is a motivator that can succeed only if basic needs or hygiene factors are met?

A. salary
B. advancement
C. job security
D. vacation time
B. Salary, vacation, and other benefits, job security, and working conditions are all examples of basic needs at work. These factors do not necessarily motivate, but an employer's failure to meet these needs leads to lack of motivation. Advancement is not a basic need and can be used to improve workplace motivation.
Some experts suggest managers can be divided into two types of styles labeled Theory X and Theory Y. Theory Y, which is more motivating, stresses regular collaboration with staff and soliciting employee input and feedback into decision making. This type of manager is most likely to:

A. publicly reprimand an employee for failure to encourage others to do better
B. rotate the chairperson position at regular staff meetings
C. regularly evaluate employees using a downward appraisal system
D. unilaterally establish department goals and objectives
B. Theory X managers command from a distance, make most decisions without serious staff input, and generally view subordinate employees as lacking ambition and drive. Theory Y managers collaborate with staff, value input, guide others to success, and function as a team with their subordinates.
You have assigned a six month project to an experienced team of employees. You want to reinforce task ownership of team members. This could effectively be accomplished by:

A. countermanding any questionable decisions the team makes
B. delegating new tasks to team members to broaden their experience
C. requiring daily progress reports or meetings with team leaders
D. replacing team members who fail to meet goals
B. Giving a team or individual ownership through delegation requires a hands off approach in which the manager oversees through the roles of advisor and coach.
In which of the following situations would an employer be required to grant job protected FMLA leave?

A. John has worked in a individually owned car repair shop with sixteen employees for six years and requests four weeks leave immediately following the birth of his child
B. Sue has worked for a large corporation of over 1000 employees for over two years and has requested two months leave to care for her cancer stricken grandmother in another state
C. Dave has worked for several months at the main office of a large government agency employing hundreds of people and requests a month leave for heart surgery
D. Casey has worked for almost a year as a manager for a national restaurant chain with ten restaurants within fifty miles and requests three weeks leave after adopting a child
D. Basic FMLA requires up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for employees of companies with more than 50 employees within 75 miles of the worksite, for the birth and care of a child, after adopting a child, to care for an immediate family member (not grandparents) with serious illness, or for a serious illness of the employee.
When considering applicants for position in your department, each of the following hiring practices would comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act except:

A. requiring each job applicant to have a medical exam to verify ability to perform physical aspects of the job
B. making pre-employment drug screening a requirement for all applicants
C. questioning an applicant about the limitations created by a visible disability
D. refusing to hire a candidate whose disability would require the department to lower production quotas
C. The ADA requires employers to make reasonable accommodations for disabled employees and applicants, but not those that place an undue hardship such as lowering production standards. Required medical exams that are job specific are allowed if every applicant must participate. Drug screening is not considered a medical exam and can be applied to any applicant. Employers cannot ask an applicant a question about a known or unknown disability, but rather only questions about his ability to perform job requirements.
The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, requires many government agencies and departments to consider all of the following in merit pay systems except:

A. excellent performance
B. pay scales by private sector employers
C. local rates
D. marital status
D. The act directs that race, religion, age, marital status, etc. cannot be factored into pay scales. The act directs consideration of the other factors.
According to the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, a manager within specified government agencies would be out of compliance for designing an employee appraisal system that:

A. encouraged employee participation is setting goals and standards
B. immediately terminated employees who received poor performance ratings on their evaluations
C. evaluated employees once annually
D. did any of the above
B. The law stipulates that employees with poor evaluations must be given time to improve performance. The law also states only that employees must be evaluated regularly and actually encourages employee involvement in the design process.
If you are managing a group of highly trained professionals with demonstrated creativity, motivation, and a history of high performance, they might respond best to which of the following management styles?

A. laissez-faire
B. directive autocratic
C. paternalistic
D. passive autocratic
A. Laissez faire or a hands-off approach can work well with this type of employees if it is a deliberate choice and not simply lack of management. This type of professional might not respond well to an autocratic style which would limit employee decision making and control and a paternalistic style, however well intended, would also be viewed as dictatorial.
“Which employee at your last job did you get along with the least and how did you handle it?”, is a question that you might ask an applicant in an interview to gauge her:

A. performance in stressful situations
B. motivation level
C. genuine interest level in the position
D. suitability for the position's skill requirements
A. This question requires the applicant to analyze a past stressful situation and also places some stress on the applicant during the interview as this is not an easy to answer question.
Your management team has decided that a Continuous Improvement Plan or CIP, such as the one suggested by Edward Deming, is the best way for the department to meet its long term goals. As part of this plan you will most likely:

A. avoid regular appraisal of plan status
B. design a document specifying actions to be taken
C. value quantity over quality
D. A and B
B. A CIP usually involves a highly specific written plan of goals and intended actions. It involves regular feedback, monitoring, appraisal, and modification. It also emphasizes quality. Deming's model is Plan, Do, Check, Act.
Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, a decision not to hire an applicant because of a limited proficiency in English would be a violation unless:

A. that person was a citizen of a foreign country
B. it was a key component of maintaining a safe work environment
C. the company had specific written policies requiring all employees communicate fluently in English
D. A and B
B. Employers cannot discriminate based on language abilities unless those abilities are key to specific job performance or maintaining a safe workplace.
28. Which event of the Vietnam Era highlights the consequences of the wide-spread domestic opposition to the war?

A. The Kent State shootings
B. The My Lei Massacre
C. Richard Nixon's resignation
D. The collapse of Soviet influence
A. On May 4, 1970, National Guardsmen opened fire on unruly student anti-war demonstrators at Kent State in Ohio, killing four and wounding nine more. The incident shocked Americans and the world and was a tragic low point of the domestic opposition to the war.
29. Which government program or agency does not have its roots in Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal?

A. Social Security
C. Tennessee Valley Authority
D. Medicare
D. Medicare, providing health coverage for seniors, was enacted in 1965, thirty years after Roosevelt 's New Deal, a plan for addressing the effects of economic depression on Americans.
30. The United States government sponsored Fulbright Program seeks to promote which of the following goals through scholarships, grants, and educational programs?

A. Increasing minority pursuit of advanced science and math degrees
B. Improving international understanding and relations
C. Increased enrollment of American students in our nation's universities and colleges
D. Balancing political outlooks on college campuses
B. The Fulbright Program was established in 1946, and in 2005, the U.S. appropriated $144 million dollars to its funding. The program encourages improved international understanding through exchange programs, scholarships and grants for American students to study abroad, and fellowships for American professional to lecture and teach overseas.
31. Which of the following has been least impacted by the post-WWII phenomenon sometimes referred to as white flight?

A. Public education
B. Housing
C. Crime
D. Corporate jobs
D. White flight refers to the movement of predominantly white, middle and upper class Americans out of urban, inner city areas into suburbs. This resulted in deteriorating neighborhoods, lack of services and retails, and poor quality public schools for the predominantly poor, minority residents left behind. This trend has reversed itself on a small scale in recent years with a movement of young professionals and even some families back into urban areas.
32. Which of these songwriters is best known for using music to define America 's patriotism and holiday traditions?

A. Irving Berlin
B. Duke Ellington
C. Burt Bacharach
D. Cole Porter
A. Irving Berlin was a popular songwriter and entertainer during the first half of the 20th century with many hits including his “God Bless America ” and “White Christmas”.
33. Which artist's works are well known for their connection to American pop culture, including images such as a bottle of Coca-Cola, Campbell 's soup, and film icon Marilyn Monroe?

A. Andrew Wyeth
B. Pablo Picasso
C. Andy Warhol
D. Norman Rockwall
C. Andy Warhol is considered one of the founders of the pop art movement, using American pop culture as his inspiration and even using his skills in commercial art. His career spanned four decades in the 20th century.
34. Which of the following best describes the current role of the federal government in public education in the United States ?

A. Regulation of curriculum in all public schools
B. Creation of achievement standards that carry no authority but are tied to federal funding
C. Development and publication of mandatory nationwide achievement testing for specific grades
D. Oversight of school districts with intervention authority in cases of low-performing schools
B. According to the United States Constitution, authority over education is a power reserved to the states. The federal government has found ways to involve itself in public education by establishing expectations, requirements, and standards that schools must meet in order to receive federal funding such as President Bush's plan No Child Left Behind
35. In American history, Revolutionary General Benedict Arnold's name is associated with which of the following?

A. cowardice
B. treason
C. bravery
D. sacrifice
B. Although Arnold was instrumental in winning a battle for Americans in our revolution that convinced France to enter the conflict as our ally, his later treason and abandonment of the American cause has made his name historically synonymous with traitor or treason.
36. What geographic region of the United States is referenced by the term Bible Belt?

A. Northeast
B. South
C. West Coast
D. Atlantic Coast
B. The American South and parts of the central Mid-West have commonly been referred to as the Bible Belt for the heavy influence of Christian churches, especially those of a fundamental or evangelical nature.
37. Which term originating in the United States, refers to an approach to international relations that involves peaceful negotiations backup by the threat of military force if needed?

A. Big stick diplomacy
B. Multilateral diplomacy
C. First step diplomacy
D. Peace diplomacy
A. The term was made popular by American President Theodore Roosevelt who quoted an old proverb, “Speak softly, but carry a big stick”, as an explanation of America 's approach to enforcing the Monroe Doctrine in the Western Hemisphere .
38. Which of the following refers to the secret project conducted by the United States during WWII that resulted in the creation of the first atomic bombs and the eventual bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ?

A. Einstein Project
B. Project Alamogordo
C. Manhattan Project
D. Project Reactions
C. The Manhattan Project research and experiments actually took place at several different sites including the first bomb test site in Alamogordo, New Mexico, producing the first nuclear reaction in 1942. This process was used to develop a fully functional atomic bomb by 1945.
39. Which group promotes itself as a watchdog for Second Amendment rights in the United States ?

D. The National Rifle Association is the most outspoken special interest group in the United States in the protection of gun ownership rights. The organization was originally founded after the Civil War to promote marksmanship and did not become politically active in lobbying until the 1970's. The organization currently has over 4 million members.
40. Which group was a leader in the organized labor movement in its infancy in the nineteenth century?

B. All choices are labor organizations, but were formed in the twentieth century. The American Federation of Labor was founded in 1886 and was a key player in increasing the influence of organized labor. They later combined with the Committee (later Congress) for Industrial Organization in the 1950's to form the powerful AFL-CIO.
1. Which best defines laissez-faire capitalism?

A. Business activity and natural resource usage and distribution are not regulated by the government
B. Government controlled distribution of natural resources with little involvement in other sectors of the economy
C. Ownership of the means of productions is split between public and private entities
D. Existence of extensive legislation governing internal trade
A. Laissez-faire comes from French “to let be”, and generally implies no government interference in a capitalist or free market system.
2. A statement from Exxon-Mobile that their third quarter profits were down 15% from last year is an example of:

A. Normative economics
B. Positive economics
C. Macroeconomics
D. Differentiated economics
B. Positive economics or descriptive economics examines data that can be verified or proven.
3. Which of the following defines the opportunity cost of production?

A. Using a resource in one capacity in production eliminates the ability to use it in another
B. Loss of potential profit in order to capture a larger market share
C. Streamlining production costs to maximize profit
D. Increasing overhead costs in order to expand production
A. Opportunity cost might be considered the second best choice for using a resource. By using it in its primary way, this second best opportunity is lost.
4. Which best describes the economy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain?

A. Traditional economy
B. Command economy
C. Market economy
D. Mixed economy
D. A mixed economy as in the UK combines features of centralized control of resources and industries with elements of a market economy in which private business and consumer demand influence the economy.
5. Economist and philosopher Adam Smith's expression, “the invisible hand” refers to a theory or belief that:

A. the greed of capitalists seeking wealth actually helps the poor in society
B. the world economy is governed by a series of natural laws
C. outside forces beyond human control influence the economy
D. governments should not impose economic regulation
A. Political economist and Enlightenment philosopher Adam Smith used this expression several times in his writings including his well known, The Wealth of Nations in 1776 to refer to the unintended societal benefit of wealth seeking industrialists.
6. Which best describes the calculation of GNP or Gross National Product?

A. The total value of goods and services produced domestically, plus income earned by citizens outside the country, less foreigner's income from domestic production
B. The total value of goods and services produced domestically by all workers
C. The total value of goods and services produced domestically less production costs except wages paid
D. The total value of goods and services produced domestically, less income from foreign workers producing domestically, less the total value of goods consumed domestically
A. GNP is a leading economic indicator for the health of a nation and focuses on national production, including production abroad in companies owned by citizens, but not including domestic production contributed by foreigners.
7. In the United States changes in the money supply are controlled by:

A. the U.S. Treasury Department
B. the Federal Reserve Bank
C. the House Committee on Financial Services
D. the Bureau of Engraving and Printing
B. The “Fed” has the unique position of function both as a private and public entity. It is not funded by Congress, but is regulated and given specific responsibilities by Congress including regulating other banks, providing financial services to the government, and regulating money supply.
8. If you purchase a 10 year, $15000.00 bond with an annual coupon rate of 6%, what is your total return at maturity?

A. $900.00
B. $9000.00
C. $15900.00
D. $24000.00
B. The annual coupon rate determines interest on the original bond amount. It is paid every year during the life of the bond, to maturity. The total return includes only money made on the bond, not the original purchase price.
10. In the United States which industry could best be defined as an oligopoly?

A. Shoe manufacturing
B. Automobile manufacturing
C. Publishing
D. Home construction
B. Oligopoly is defined as an industry with only a few competitors in which the actions of one impact the others such as with production, pricing, features, etc.
11. What do most economists view as the main economic problem facing the world, the reason for the study of economics?

A. Scarcity
B. Currency inflation
C. Trade imbalance
D. Recession
A. Although some have questioned this viewpoint, most economists point to scarcity as the motivating factor behind most personal and business decisions and the reason for making economic choices.
12. According to the law of demand, the relationship between price and quantity of goods demanded is:

A. inverse
B. reciprocal
C. converse
D. equal
A. As price falls, demand rises. As price rises, demand falls.
13. Which United States government agency investigates claims of fraud and false advertising as well as allegations of business or industry price fixing?

B. Consumer rights and protections are a major focus of the Federal Trade Commission.
14. If productivity is the amount of output that is generated per unit of input, what would the productivity of labor be if ABC Sprockets produced 2,000,000 sprockets in two weeks, while employing 10 workers each working 40 hours per week?

A. 2500 per hour
B. 400,000 per worker
C. 4,000,000 per week
D. 400 per week
A. Productivity can be measured in many different ways including labor or units of time. Mathematically this is the only correct choice.
15. Which of the following industries in the United States is not an example of monopolistic competition?

A. Electric service providers
B. Fast food restaurants
C. Cosmetics companies
D. Athletic shoe manufacturers
A. Monopolistic competition involves many companies directly competing in the same industry by providing similar but differentiated products. Electric service providers are usually limited in number and provide the exact same product to consumers.
16. Which of the following tax types would affect all groups equally regardless of income?

A. Progressive
B. Proportional
C. Regressive
D. Excise
B. Proportional taxes apply the same rate regardless of income.
17. Which action would support the principle of supply side economics?

A. A business slashes prices to move excess inventory
B. The government cuts taxes to encourage increased investment
C. The government imposes trade restrictions to increase imports
D. Industry leaders collaborate on pricing strategies
B. This principle involves government action such as tax cuts or business incentives to stimulate the economy.
18. Which government agency regulates the process for certifying labor unions as representatives of certain groups of workers?

C. Originally started in 1935, the National Labor Relations Board serves many functions related to the regulation of labor unions as well as settling disputes between workers and their unions.
19. With which of the following nations did the United States have the largest trade deficit in 2005?

A. Japan
B. Mexico
C. Canada
D. China
D. Although we had trade deficits with all choices, China was by far the greatest. The trade deficit or negative difference between our exports to them and their imports to us, with China was over $200 billion.