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101 Cards in this Set

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Winfield S. Hancock
Democratic cand.
Civil war hero
lost to Garfield 1880
Crime of '73
convert to gold standard
caused price silver to go up
surplus of it in treasury
j.p. morgan
'bankers banker'
lended gov 65 mill. w/ commision, restored confidence nation. was secretive dealing with prez cleaveland
.financed railroads, insurance companies. forced to buy out carnegie
resumption act
1875, gov would withdraw paper money and redeem it in gold beginning in 1879
charles guiteau
insane office seeker shot prez garfield.
pendleton act
1883, civil service reform
campaign money from federal employees illegal.
established civil service commission that appointed jobs on examinations
bland allison act
1878, for treasury to buy silver and put into circulation to inflate prices. replaced by sherman purchase act
half breed
opposed to conklingites.
led by james g. blaine from maine. didnt like spoils system
tweed ring
'boss' tweed, employed bribert, fraudlent election. stole 200 mill.
chester arthur
garfield vice prez, stalwart. prez when garfield shot. cold shoulder to previous stalwarts.
adlai stevenson
clevelands vice prez. supported 'soft money'
jay gould
planned to illegaly raise gol d price with jim fisk. worst among corrupt railroaders.
gilded age
little disagreement among political parties including tariff, civil service reform, currency. but still competitive. high voter turnouts 80%. rep. midwest and small town northwest-puritans, strict moral codes. dem.-south and northern industrial cities lutherans, catholics
soft/cheap money
support by democrat and greenback labor party formed 1878
compromise of 1877
democrats agreed hayes could take offic if removed troops from Louisiana and south carolina-signaled end of reconstruction. ended political standoff
spoils system
reformed by chester arthuur after garfield shot. reform by republicans. led to Pendleton Act 1883`
led by Roscoe Conkling, senator pro-spoils system also called Conklingites. opposed by half breeds.
garfields vice prez chester arthur was one until reforms
white Democrats who got back political power in South ex. sharecropping, jim crow laws
crop-lien system
storekeepers gave credit to small farmers for food/supplies and took lien(interest) of harvest. kept farmers (blacks) in perpetual debt
william jennings bryan
populist candidate 1896 (and rep. cand.)
mckinley tariff
1890 raised rates to highest peacetime level ever-about 48%. sponsored by republicans.farmers no choice but buy highpriced u.s. goods and try sell own goods in global market. hate for rep. caused them to lose majority in congress
1884. rep. who left to support democrats (grover cleveland) b/c didnt like cand. james blaine (bad letters he wrote) indian word 'better than you'
billion dollar congress
under rep harrison wanted surplus' via tariff. congress purchased silver, passed mckinley tariff.
james blaine
'halfbreed'. rep cand 1884 had everything needed but honest reputation (caused the mugwumps). only rep cand between 1868-1900 who didnt fight civil war
credit mobilier
scandal during Grant union pacific r.r. company hired themselves inflated prices earned over 300%. ppl got worried so sold stock to congressman. viceprez took payment
reducing the amount of paper money (greenbacks) in circulation. done under rep. grant and 'hardmoney policies'
grand army of the republic
where rep. got many votes. were organization of several hundred thousand civil war vets. gave dem. cleveland hard time by getting pension bills through congress
people's party (populists)
largely farmers wanted inflation through free silver, lowered income tax and gov. to own r.r., telephone etc. 1892 over million votes with general
grandfather clause
gave white men right to vote base on ancestors who voted earlier in 1860 so they didnt have to pass exams like blacks who werent able to vote in 1860
thomas nast
political cartoonist drew 'boss tweed'
theodore dreiser
novelist, 'sister carrie' about counrtygirl moves to city likes the glitz 'n glam; department stores etc.
'new immigrant'
italians, croats, greeks, poles. usually orthodox church, came from places with little democratic gov, illiterate, poor. sought industrial jobs rather than farming<--(earlier immigrants)
'american fever'
caused by 'american letters', abundance of food in u.s., no forced military service or religious persecution.
'birds of passage'
new immigrants who came too u.s. but went back (about 1/4) many single men no desire for u.s. citizenship
unoffial 'gov's'
ex. Boss Tweed. did much to get immigrant vote
'social gospel'
preached by walter rauschenbusch and washington gladden. thought socialism would benefit slums and world. used sermon on the mount 'science of society'
jane addams
devoted to uplifting urban masses.
settlement house
Hull House (jane addams) and others. helped immigrants cope, raise kids, speak english. also centers for womens activism and social reform (anti-sweat shop, child labor laws)<--leader was florence kelley
american protecive association
nativist group, didnt want people to elect catholics.
salvation army
religion.came from england. appealed to poor, gave out soup.
christian science
founded by mary baker eddy. said true practice of christianity heals sickness.
grew alot. did phusical and other kinds of education with religious instruction, in most u.s. cities.
chautauqua movement
public lectures, new york. and at home courses
booker t. washington
exslave taught blacks
talented tenth
used by web dubois. part of black community who he thought be given access to'american life'
web dubois
disagreed with other blacks (booker t.) wantedblacks have complete equality
Morril and Hatch acts
M.(1862) gave $ for public land to support schools. 'land grant colleges'
hatch act federal funds for agricultural experiments (in ccolleges)
used by Pulitzer and will hearst. p. 'yellow kid'(lurid) stories of sex scandal etc. 'yellow journalism'
kate chopin
wrote about adultery, suicide, and womens ambitions in the awakening.
comstock law
illegal to send obscene stuff through mail named after anthony comstock who fought for morality.
'new morality'
caused by women getting independece through jobs. led to sexual freedom, divorces, practice of birth control etc.
18th amendment
prohibition 1919
oliver howard
friendly union general in charge of freedmens bureau
andrew johnson
uneducated, like lincoln but ranked as one of the worst. didnt want to emancipate slaves, allowed south to set up 'codes. fired secretaary of war (violating 'tenure of office act') and was almost impeached. he would veto most of bills that congress made but his veto would be overrided.
alexander stephens
after civil war ex-vice prez of confederacy part of congress. republicans in congress mad when these former rebels resumed spots in congress-especially stephens who was on indictment for treason
charles sumner
leader of radical republicans wanted black freedom/racial equality during reconstruction
thaddeus stevens
most radical republican/devotion towards blacks. leading figure in joint (house/senate) committee on reconstruction. wanted drastic economic reforms and political rights but never enacted
william seward
secretary state under johnson. expansionist got alaska from russia for 7.2 million. was critized because alaska thought of as icebox. but he saw profit in it (fur, fish etc
ulysses s. grant
'bloody shirt' recieved war gifts (house). rep. 1868. era of good stealings (credit mobilier scandal. reelected 1872 (panic '73) pro hard money (resumption act 1875). was going to run for 3rd term. benefitted during 2nd term election b/c of cartoonist nast ('swallow')
horatio seymour
democratic cand. 1868. supported 'ohio idea' (would redeem greenbacks)
jim fisk
along with jay gould tried to illegally raise price of gold. during grant (era of good stealings)
horace greeley
both liberal republican and democratic cand. same time 1872 lost to grant. also unqualified. 'slashing journalist'
roscoe conkling
stalwart. senator loved spoils system. republican
rutherford hayes
after grant. rep. chose b/c obscure 'the great unknown'. (hayes tilden deal) with his win rep. party abandoned hope of racial equality (troops removed)
samuel tilden
democratic against hayes. popular because prosecuted boss tweed scandal sent him to jail
james garfield
republican 'dark horse' (no one knew him) from ohio (important swing state) another bloody shirt. assasinated. death made changes/reforms happen
grover cleveland
democrat 1885. vetoed bill to give farmers seeds (drought). fought for lower tariff. depression during 2nd (nonconsecutive) term. irony:1st term had surplus now deficit. 65 mill bond deal with jp morgan
pork barrel bills
during cleveland,bills that would waste treasury surplus such as military pension he didnt like
whisky ring
another scandal during grant administration it robbed treasury of millions in excise tax revenue
plessy v. ferguson
supreme court said that 'seperate but equal' facilities were constitutional even though segregated places (schools etc.) for blacks were far inferior
jim crow laws
literacy requirements, voter registration laws poll taxes etc
u.s. v. wong kim
exclusionsits (antichinese) tried ban citizenship on some chinese born in u.s. but under 14th amendment guaranteed it. 'doctrine of 'birthright citizenship'
rum, romanism and rebellion
a republican said this about the democratic party pat actually hurt rep. party because lots of democrats (irish) in ny which cleveland(democrat) won giving him presidency
blacks that moved west, stopped only when people wouldnt take across mississippi
wade davis bill
by republican congress vetoed by lincoln said 50% of states votes needed oath of allegiance to union. lincolns (10%) plan faster
moderate/radical rep.
1st disagreement was wade davis bill. radicals wanted south to be punished moderate (lincoln wanted them back into union fast
civil rights act
1875, last move by radical republicans said racial discrimination illegal but not enforced
14th amendment
equal protection all citizens
swing around the circle
andrew johnson's failed campaign speeches about his mild reconstruction policies, people thought he was drunk, lost votes.
ex parte milligan
1866, peacetime military rule, said military tribunals couldnt try civilians even during wartime, seemed contrary to const.
15 amendment
right to vote regardless of race
force acts
aimed to limit power of kkk so blacks could vote without being threatened etc.
fought for labor improvements, opposed socialism
william sumner
social darwinist,pro laissez faire (hands off)
russell conwell
'acres of diamonds' speech, socail darwinist minister.
vertical integration
carnegie steel industry controlling all aspects of manufcaturing
horizontal integration
rockefeller used it (oil) monopolizing basicallly
interlocking directorates
used by morgan get rid of competition by placing own employees on boards of other companies
rule by wealthy
used by corporations that got the court to stop strikes by force if necessary
trust busting
used by mcklinley to try break up monopolise (carnegie, rockefeller, schwabb)
company town
an entire town owned by a company (Pullman car company) ppl forced to live their even though they can probably live somewhere else cheaper
using darwin like ideas but applying them to other fields like philosophy etc., dewey, james, peirce
type of architexture romantisque..
sioux wars
first in fort laramie wyoming, 29 indians killed called grattan massacre. then indians got revenge nebraska
dawes act
gave land to native americans in oklahoma
dingley act
raised tariff support by mckinley
wabash case
said states cant regulate interastate commerce created commision to do that
safety valve theory
reason why homestead act created thought was by giving free land reduce unemployment
gold bugs
mckinley supporters would wear gold to support his polices.
interstate commerce act
rates had to be 'just', rates needed to be published, secret rebates outlawed, price discrimination illegal.