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47 Cards in this Set

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تاسف باره

Her friend is pathetic mess



اسيب پذير

Come on. She is needy. Vulnerable

از زمان جنيس با هيچ دختر ديگه اي بيرون نرفتي

3300:02:55,397 >-- 00:02:50,937You haven't been out with a woman since Janice. You're doing this.

مي خوام بوي تاكسي و از دستم بشورم

4500:I'm gonna wash the cab smell off of my hands.I'm gonna wash the cab smell off of my hands.

تشريفات مذهبي

ˈriCHo͞oəl 8100:06:14,702 >-- 00:06:12,472 Okay, what kind of ritual?

مي اونيم بخونيم و برقسيم لخت با چوب

سرود خواندت، سرود


8400:06:27,577 >-- 00:06:21,581 Or we can chant and dance around naked with sticks.

عروسك خيمه شب بازي

could make little puppets out of them.



منو رسوند خونه

He walked me home.

از كي تا حالا

Since when?

غرغرهامو سر تو خالي كنم

Complaining about them to you.

با پنبه سر بريدن مي مونه

Cushions the blow.

با پنبه سر بريدن مي مونه

Cushions the blow.

سگم و فرستادند تا تو مزرعه زندگي كنه

Sending our dog off to live in a farm.

چه حسي داره وقتي بدوني قراره بميري

What does it feel knowing you are about to die?

ولي بايد با اين فكر زندگي كني تو يكي و محكوم به مرگ مردي

You will live with the knowledge that you sent an honest man to die.

مي خوام به سلولم برگردم چون تو سلولم مي تونم سيگار بكشم

I just want to go back to my cell, because in my cell I can smooke.

بزار مچت ازاد باشه

Let your wrist go.

حالا يه پك بزن

Now take a puff

به عنوان چيزي كه دستت مدت ها يه چيزي كم داشته بهش فكر كن

Think of it as the thing that has been missing from your hand.

وقتي داريش احساس خوبي مي كني

When you hold it, you feel right.

انگشت اشاره

Index finger

مي شه از ارن يكي شصتم استفاده كنم

May I use either thumb.

دارم راه مي افتم

I am getting good at this.

500 دلار اضافه تو حسابم بود

There was 500 extra in my account

بايد برم باهاشون صحبت كنم

I have to go deal with them.

باهر قدمي من چي مي شنوم؟

What I would hear with every step?

حتي وقتي كه خوشحالم و بپر بپر مي كنم

Even if I was happy and skipping, i would hear

اللن كه در موردش فكر مي منم حق با شما بود كه اخراجش كرديد

Now that I come to think about if, you are right to dismiss hin.

حالا كه راجع بهش فكر مي كنم ، چقدر احمق بودم

Now that i come to think about it, how ignorant i was

حالم بهم خورد

Oh, gross

اينم جايزه منه

It is my reward

يادت بيار چقدر سختت بود وقتي مي خواستي ترك كني

Think about what you went through when you quit.

بندازش بيرون

Put it out

بندازش بيرون

Put it out

كي قراره ببينيمش

When do we get to meet him.

٥٠٠ دلار اصافه رو به خسابتون اضافه كرديم. به هاطر مزاحمتي كه شد معذرت خواهي مي كنيم

We credited you 500$. We are so sorry for inconvenience.

خوب رفتار كنيد

Please be good.

: to cause or allow (something, such as part of your body) to hit something very hard or forcefully

: to hit (someone or something) very hard or forcefully

: to hurt or damage (something) by hitting or beating

خوب ضربه زدن به الن رو شروع كنيم


Let's let the Allen-bashing begin.

كي مي خواد اولين ضربه رو بزنه

Who is gonna take the first shot

متوجه شديد؟

Did you notice?

وقتي تو لبخند يه طرف لب بالا مي اد

His smile was crooked.


معياري هست كه بتوني باهاش دوست پسرهاي ايندتو اندازه بگيري

Is the yardstick by which future boyfriends will be measured.

احساسي كه اون اون نسبت به من مي ده

The way he makes me about myself.

احساسي كه اون اون نسبت به من مي ده

The way he makes me about myself.

ما يكي دو تا چيز. ر مورد بيس بال به ارن جواهرفررش هاي جهودي ياد داديم

We sure showed those Hasidic jewelers a thing or two about softball.

همين الن بودن مادرزاديشت كه ما خيلي دوست داريم

It is his innate "Alen-ness" that we adore.