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60 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 structural components of Freud's personality theory?
Id, Ego, Superego
The ___ employs secondary process thinking.
The ___ employs primary process thinking
Behaviors that are rewarded by the child's parents become part of the child's _____, while behaviors that are punished are incorporated into the ______.
ego ideal; conscience
_____ thinking is characterized by realistic, rational, thinking , and planning.
Secondary process
______ involves forming a dream, hallucination, or other mental image of an object that would satisfy the id's needs.
Primary process thinking
The ____ operates on the basis of the reality principle.
The _______ delays gratification of of the id's instincts until an appropriate object is available in reality.
The ____ develops at about 6 months of age.
The ______ emerges when the child is between 4 and 5 years of age.
The Superego develops when the child is between __ and __ years of age.
4; 5
The id operates on the basis of the ______ and seeks immediate gratification of its instinctual drives and needs in order to avoid tension.
Pleasure principle
The ego operates on the basis of the _______ principle.
When the ego is unable to ward off danger through rational, realistic means, it may resort to ____________
Defense mechanisms
______ alerts the ego to impending internal/external threats.
Defense Mechanism hierarchy
(1) Psychotic Defense Mechanisms
(2) Immature Defense Mechanisms
(3) Neurotic Defense Mechanisms
(4) Mature defense Mechanisms
Mature Defense Mechanisms include:
Sublimation, altruism, suppression, anticipation, humor
Neurotic Defense Mechanisms include:
intellecualization, repression, reaction formation, displacement, and dissociation
Immature defense mechanisms include
fantasy, projection, hypochondriasis, passive-aggressive behavior, acting out
Psychotic defense mechanisms include:
distortion, delusional thinking, projection
______ defense mechanisms are common in all people
_______ defense mechanisms are common in depression, personality disorders, and adolescence
________ defense mechanisms are common in psychosis, dreams, and childhood
_________ defense mechanisms are common in healthy adults
Freud viewed ______ as stemming from an unconscious unresolved conflict that occurred during ______
psychopathology/maladaptive behavior; childhood sexual experiences
The goal of psychoanalytic psychotherapy is...
to make the unconscious conscious, and reintegrating previously repressed material into the total personality structure
Freud viewed _____ as a result of anxiety which has been displaced onto an object or event involved in unresolved conflict.
_____ is the belief that all behaviors are meaningful and serve some __________ function.
Psychic Determinism; psychological
Freud believed that slips of the tongue, or _______ are not meaningless accidents but expressions of unconscious motives.
The therapeutic technique, _____, allows without censure unconscious material to surface into consciousness
free association
_______ , are considered to be the "royal road of the unconscious."
In ______ the client relates the manifest content and then free associates to the elements to identify its _____ content
Dream Analysis; latent
A client shows _____ when she is aware of previously unconscious material and wants to avoid anxiety.
___________ often underlies what appears to be quick improvement in symptoms during the _____ stages of therapy.
Positive transference; early
___________ often underlies resistance and occurs in the _____ stages of therapy
Negative transference; late
When the client actually confuses the therapist with another person . This is referred to as ______________
Transference neurosis
The term ________ is used to describe a therapist's inappropriate emotional reactions to a client.
_______ involves restating the client's remarks and feelings in clearer terms.
_______ entails making statements that help the client see her behavior in a new way
"You seem to feel that people judge you negatively because you didn't go to college" is an example of a psychoanalytic technique called _______
"I wonder if the reason you missed your last appointment has anything to do with what we were talking about during the last few sessions?" is an example of a psychoanalytic technique called __________
"Is it possible that your workaholism is a way to make sure that you don't have to face being rejected by men?" is an example of the pscyhoanalytic technique called ________
_________ statements connect current behavior to unconscious process
Interpretive statements connect ________ to _________
current behavior; unconscious process
______ is the emotional release resulting in recall of unconscious material.
Improvement in psychoanalysis is attributed to a combination of ______, _______, and __________.
Catharsis, insight, and working through
_______ is the final stage of psychoanalysis, which allows the client to gradually assimilate new insights into her personality.
Working through
The Oral Stage is from ____ to ___.
birth; one year
Fixation at the oral stage produces such personality traits as ______, ______, ______, _____, _____, _____, and orally focused habits.
dependence, passivity, dependence, envy, manipulativeness, sarcasm
The Anal Stage is from ____ to ____.
1; 3 years
Fixation at the Anal stage produces _____, ______, ______, ______, _______, ______, ______
stinginess, selfishness, obsessive compulsive behavior, cruelty, destructiveness, messiness
Phallic stage is from ____ to _____ years
3; 6 years.
Fixation at the phallic stage involves _____ of others
sexual exploitation
The Latency stage is from ____ to _____.
6; 12 years
The Genital Stage is from ____ to _____ years.
12; 12+
The _____ Stage's emphasis is on developing social skills.
The _____ Stage's occurs when sexual desire is blended w/ affection to produce mature sexual relationships.
The ____ is identification or love for the opposite parent (sexual love) and hatred of the same sex parent who dominates the attention
Elektra Complex
The ____ stage is related to passivity or excessive eating or smoking.
_____ is known as the primary or basic defense mechanism