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77 Cards in this Set

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What are some possible explanations for this trend through time?

What are some possible explanations for this trend through time?

- Increased temp could decrease the amount of oxygen that can be in the water and could change the seasonal mixing

- Increased duration of stratification could cause
more seasonal oxygen depletion

What are three reasons DIC (dissolved inorganic carbon) are important in freshwater systems?

1) Main source of C for photosynthesis
2) Buffers water against pH changes
3) Pathway of C removal (and minerals) from the water


- Any element that an organism must acquire to live, grow, and reproduce. Energy for metabolism.

What are the 6 big macronutrients?

C, H, N, O, P, S (sounds like chinops)

Biogeochemical cycle

- Is a pathway by which a substance moves through biotic (biosphere) and abiotic (lithosphere, atmosphere, and hydrosphere) realms.

Name these:







- carbon dioxide

- carbonic acid

- bicarbonate

- carbonate

- calcium carbonate

- calcium bicarbonate

What adds up to give you the sum total of CO2 (DIC)?

ΣCO2 (DIC) = CO2 + HCO3- + CO32-


- Amount and types of compounds that collectively increase the pH of water or acid neutralizing capability. Expressed as the total quantity of a base.

Buffering capacity

- Is the ability to resist pH changes.

Lake water pH is largely controlled by what?

- The buffering reactions of ionic forms of DIC: H2CO3 = carbonic acid, HCO3- = bicarbonate, and CO32- = carbonate.

- These compounds are largely derived from the weathering of rocks

Endorheic regions

- Basins that are closed hydrologic systems, they don't flow into the ocean.

- Soda lakes found in these regions have high pH because they contain high [Na2CO3] due to the inability to drain to the ocean, so are controlled mainly by precipitation

Distribution of ΣCO2 (DIC) in water is influenced by what 5 factors?

1) Atmospheric CO2 and solubility in water

2) Equilibrium reactions
3) Weathering of rock
4) Photosynthesis (sink)

5) Respiration (source)

How soluble is CO2 in water compared to O2?

- CO2 is very soluble in water and lakes tend to be supersaturated

- 200x as soluble as oxygen in water

How is the solubility of CO2 controlled?

- Inversely related to temp and salinity

- Directly related to pressure

- Influenced by ionic carbon complex

How does the addition or removal of CO2 to a system change the equilibrium and pH?

- CO2 input shifts equation to the right and decreases pH

- CO2 removal by photosynthesis shifts equation to the left and increases pH

Lake Whiting

- A massive calcium carbonate precipitation event

- The precipitation of CaCO3 (marl) occurs when high photosynthesis and temp (great losses of CO2) shifts the DIC equilibria.

Why study [P] and cycling?

- Key component of biomolecules (e.g. DNA, RNA, ATP, lipids)

- Often first element to limit algal growth

- Management implications (Detergent Wars of the 1960-70s)



- Is the most significant form of P. P is very reactive and tends to form insoluble compounds- especially under aerobic (oxidized) conditions.

- Is the most important, and the form that algae use, it is difficult to measure reliably

Liebig’s Law of Minimum

- The element present in the lowest [conc.] relative to its demand limits growth.

Redfield ratio

- Rapidly growing algae uptake ratios of C, N, and P in a characteristic proportion, 106C: 16N: 1P (by atom),

Luxury uptake

- In order to obtain the limiting resource (P), algae can store P in vacuoles when availability is high

Explain each part:

Total Phosphorus (TP) = DIP + DOP + PP

DIP – (<5%) dissolved inorganic phosphorus PO43-

DOP – organic colloids, less available
PP – particulate P, often largest % of P in lakes (>70%)

[TP] in natural waters ranges from:

< 1 ug l-1 to > 200 ug l-1

- Variation is high and reflects regional geology.

- Most NB lakes 10-50 ug l-1

Trophic status of an aquatic ecosystem

- Represents its level of nutrients and algal growth.

Explain how phosphorous would change in lakes with an orthograde O2 curve vs lakes with a clinograde O2 curve.

- Lakes with orthograde O2 curve show little variation in P with depth.

- Lakes with clinograde O2 curve show ↑ P in hypolimnion.

- P exchange regulated by oxygen supply and metabolism of decomposers.

- Sediment-water interface is key.

External (allochthonous) phosphorous sources

1) Atmospheric fallout (eg dust from erosion, fires, fossil fuels)

2) Ground water- very minor
3) Runoff and weathering of rocks/soils
4) Sewage and agriculture

5) Guano from animals (eg seabirds)

Internal (autochthonous) sources of P in lakes

1) Food web- excretion by zooplankton and fish (taken up quickly)

2) Algae and macrophytes

3) Sediments and benthos

Name transport mechanisms of P at the sediment-water interface.

- Diffusion

- Wind-induced turbulance

- Bioturbation

- Gas ebuilition

- Attached algae/BG's

- Rooted aquatic plants



- If you have an oxidized sediment-water interface, then there is a barrier to PO43- release from the sediments.

What happens to P movement when sediment-water interface is anoxic?

- If the interface goes anoxic, then the barrier erodes and you get internal loading of PO43- from the sediments.

- As redox potential ↓ = release of P, Fe, etc. increase markedly.

Iron (Fe) role interacting with P

- Iron (Fe) plays a key role as a binding agent under oxic conditions.

- Fe (III) oxide (ferric form) binds to orthophosphate preventing its release from the sediments.

How do we manage excess nutrient loading?

- Removal of P from wastewater in sewage treatment plants

- Prevent wastewater from entering rivers and lakes

- Buffer strips along nearshore areas to trap nutrients

- Add chemical agents that bind P

Why study N and its cycling?

- Biomolecules (e.g. proteins, DNA, chlorophyll) largely composed of N

- Major nutrient in all ecosystems

- Complex microbial-driven cycle

- Human activities adding huge amounts to biosphere

- N accumulating in global ecosystems!

N enters a drainage basin in many forms:

1) N2 gas (strong bonds) *(only available to primary producers when converted into ammonia NH3)

2) Inorganic N (all can be found in atmosphere)

NH4+ = ionized ammonia

NH3 = ammonia
NH2OH = hydroxylamine

NO2- = nitrite

NO3- = nitrate

3) Organic N

DON = dissolved organic N

PON = particulate organic N

Major transformations of N are:

- N fixation (N2 > NH3, anoxic conditions)

- Nitrification (NH3 > NO2- > NO3-, oxic)

- Denitrification (NO3- > NO2- > NO/N2O . N2, anoxic)

- Anammox ( NO2- and NH3 > N2, anoxic)

- Ammonification (organic N > NH3, oxic)

Sources of N in aquatic ecosystems

1) Direct deposition onto surface (NOx, mainly forms)

2) Allochthonous inputs from surface and groundwater interacting with soils

3) N fixation in water and sediments

N fixers in aquatic systems

- Cyanobacteria (blue-green) and heterotrophic bacteria (often found in sediments and water column)

- All N fixers have an enzyme complex called nitrogenase that catalyzes the reduction of N2 to NH3 (ammonia).


- Cell in cyanobacteria where N fixation occurs.

- Light-dependent process.

- Protect enzyme from O2.


- Conversion of ammonia to nitrite and then to nitrate.

- Occurs aerobically by microbes.

- First is oxidation of ammonia to nitrite via hydroxyamine.

- Next is the oxidation of nitrite (NO2-) to nitrate (NO3-) by different set of bacteria.

Anammox bacteria

- Oxidize ammonia in anaerobic conditions by using nitrite as the electron acceptor to produce N2.


- Conversion of nitrate to N2, thus removing bioavailable N and returning it to the atmosphere.

- Necessary in sewage treatment.

- It is an anaerobic process, occurring in soils, sediments, and anoxic zones of lakes.

Losses of N in aquatic systems
1) Outflow from surface and groundwater
2) Denitrification by bacteria (NO3- to N2)
- returns N2 back to atmosphere in gas form
3) Sedimentation of inorganic and organic N compounds

*Also annamox


- NH4+ quickly utilized by algae in upper layers

- Increase in NH4+ at thermocline because of anoxic processes

- During anoxia release of NH4+ occurs from the sediments. Nitrification ceases.

What’s so special about shallow lakes?

- Numerically dominant in lowland regions

- Humans depend on these systems

- High biodiversity where wetland and littoral habitat coincide

- Stability (?) > Alternative stable states

Shallow lake (pond)

- Permanent standing body of water where light penetrates to the bottom sediments- often, macrophytes cover the entire basin.

List some general characteristics of shallow lakes.

- Extensive littoral system

- Organisms can use macrophytes as cover from threats

- Different predation dynamics

- Important for waterfowl
- Lots of invertebrates

- More simple food webs

Origins and distribution and shallow lakes.

- Occur in abundance in lowland areas of gentle relief.

- Basins often formed by: glacial activity, river erosion (or movement), and wind deflation.

- Humans have created many for agriculture, industry, water storage, and recreation.

Characteristics of shallow lakes

- Nutrient loading is high (lowlands and small volume).

- Nutrient losses less and recycling occur faster- results in light availability regulating primary production.

- Macrophytes and periphyton dominate → habitat heterogeneity can lead to high biodiversity.

- No distinct hypolimnion and stratification is weak (polymictic).

Relationship between macrophytes and macroinvertebrates/fish

- Increase in macrophytes means more macroinvertebrates and more fish

Factors that maintain macrophyte dominance

- Reduced wave action or currents (e.g. geomorphic conditions)

- Uptake of P and N by submersed macrophytes
- Refugia for large zooplankton that graze on phytoplankton

- Large surface area for periphyton/epiphyton habitat

- High metabolism of macrophytes (e.g. restrict fish populations)

Daphnia sp.

- Key invertebrate grazer of phytoplankton

- Filter water to obtain algal food

- Can reach >100 individuals/ L

- Vulnerable to fish/invert predation

- Adapt in many ways to predation

Factors that maintain phytoplankton dominance

- Reduced grazing from zooplankton due to lack of refugia

- Suspension of sediments = ↓ light and poor macrophyte substrate

- Strong competition by algal & cyanobacteria

- Once established, high nutrient loads and dense phytoplankton tend to persist

How can habitat size and isolation can promote species richness in small lakes?

1) Richness ↑ with lake size,

2)Shallow lakes tend to be in either a fish-dominated, turbid state, or in a state with high macrophyte biomass,

3)Biodiversity is higher in a fish-poor vegetated lake than in a fish-dominated unvegetated lake of the same size, and

4) The occurrence of the vegetated state decreases with lake size.

Other control mechanisms on plant dominance in shallow lakes.

- Fish introduction: species that disturb the sediments prevent macrophytes from rooting
- Winterkill of piscivorous species (more pressure on zooplankton)

- Waterfowl and muskrat: voracious herbivores

- Humans: herbicide application, mechanical cutting, and biomass removal

Role of macrophytes in lakes

- Macrophytes influence the physical, chemical, and biological composition of lakes.

- When macrophyte biomass is lost there can be:

• Change in habitat
• Reduced biodiversity
• Decreased water quality

Indicators of shifting alternative states

Far from threshold:

• Low variability
• High recovery rate

Approaching threshold:

• High variability
• Disturbances “pile up”

• Low recovery rate

Factors that may determine if shallow lakes are clear or turbid

- Nutrient concentrations - mainly [P]

- Zooplankton populations

- Macrophyte biomass
- Fish populations

- Climatic controls of water depth

Trophic cascades

- Can occur when predators reduce the abundance or alter behaviour of prey, thus releasing the next lower trophic level from predation creating cascading effects down the food chain


- Is the key process to ontogeny- controlled by within-lake and catchment loadings.


- Phenomenon of change through time of plant communities, usually after disturbance.

Lake ontogeny (NOT succession)

- The developmental history of lentic waters.

Factors that maintain low-nutrient conditions

1. Negligible loading
2. Small littoral zone
3. Low phytoplankton levels

4. Oxic hypolimnion
5. Low DOM & its breakdown


- The rate at which organic matter is supplied by or to a lake per unit time.

- Dystrophy “dark-water lakes”

- Oligotrophy

- Eutrophy

Dystrophic shallow pond

- Acidic and dark water

Characteristics of wetlands (bog, fen, marsh, swamp, peatland)

Transition between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems

Water-saturated long enough to promote aquatic processes

Water table near surface & poorly drained soils

Specialized biota adapted to these conditions

Very productive ecosystem

Importance of wetlands

“Kidneys” of the landscape

Flood storage & mitigation

Protect against erosion

Important habitat and C sink

Indicators of environmental change

- Plant macrofossils (vegetation change)

- Pollen (vegetation change)
- Charcoal (fire history)
- Diatoms (aquatic environments)

- Protozoa (moisture levels)

- Phytoliths (disturbance)

Transition from a shallow lake (pond) to a terrestrial system

- Characterized by accumulation of organic matter in excess of degradation.

- Does not happen overnight, can take thousands of years.

- Shift in origin of nutrients from catchment to atmosphere.

Sphagnum overstory

- Waterlogged environment

- Mosses favoured: accumulation of nutrients in non-available form, vascular plants restricted

- Anaerobic conditions: reduced decomposition & nutrient availability, peat accumulation


- Nutrients derived from surface or groundwater


- Nutrients derived from atmospheric sources

Quaking bogs

- Develop in deep basins of small surface area

- Mat encroachment toward the centre of the basin overlies littoral peat accumulations and much of the open water

Ontogeny results in water chemistry shifts

Rheophilous to Ombrophilous

- Large decrease in pH

- Increase in H

- Decrease in HCO3

- Decrease in salinity

Charismatic megaflora of the Bacillariophyceae

- Didymosphenia geminata (aka rock snot, Didymo)

- Benthic, colonial diatom native to Northern Hemisphere

- Clear, low-nutrient rivers
- Blooms reported worldwide after 1990s

Didymo stalk production results from what?

- Low inorganic [P]

Didymo impacts to habitat and higher trophic levels

Alter foodwebs
- periphyton (organisms that cling to other plants and surfaces) (Kilroy et al. 2005)
- benthic invert. (Gillis and Chalifour 2010) - fish behaviour and diet

Change river structure/function

- substrate

- aesthetics
- flow, e.g. hyporheic zone

Conditions favourable to Didymo that may promote blooms

1) Early ice-out extends growing season

- warmer/milder winter - potential to change way ice leaves, often scrapes bottom and disturbs bottom
2) Less disturbance (ice scour) & weaker/earlier freshet

3) Base-flow period extended
4) Lower inorganic [P] and reduced turbidity

5) Also hypothesized: N deposition, improved land-use, and fewer marine-derived nutrients

- N increases plant growth, so more plants would pull more P out of the soils, leaving
less to enter water systems
- Fish species that return to rivers from oceans die and provide nutrients - so reduction of
fish populations could affect nutrient levels