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17 Cards in this Set

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En: functions as postmodifier of quantifying expressions. Which two types of phrases? What does it represent? give an example.

Noun phrases and adverbial phrases. Represents prepositional phrases describing either the noun or verb. Il a un grand nombre de choses--- il en a un grand nombre. Il mange pas mal de chocolat. Il en mange pas mal.

En: Functions as a prepositional object, give an example. What does it represent?

Il parle de la situation--- il en parle. Represents prepositional phrase as prep object.

En: represents humans/non-humans?

Represents non specific groups of humans, specific humans in colloquial register and non-human objects.

En: As well as representing prepositional phrases functioning as postmodifiers of quantifying expressions, what else does it represent the post postmodifiers of? give an example.

represents prepositional phrases functioning as postmodifiers of adjectival phrases. Il est fier d'avoir gagne? oui, il en est fier.

En: when is it not possible to represent a prepositional phrase with 'en'?

When there is a prepositional phrase within a prepositional phrase.

En: which types of genitives can it not represent?

subjective (use possessive article), specific humans (use possessive article)

En: represents prepositional phrases functioning as what types of genitive postmodifiers? give examples. What type of phrases do they postmodify?

represents partitive, possessive & objective genitives. Noun phrases.

En: when can it not represent a partitive/ possessive/objective genitives? (usually it can represent them)

if the referent is the same as the subject of the main clause

En: when not representing a prepositional phrase, it can represent an i......... n... p.....

indefinite noun phrase

En: when representing an indefinite noun phrase, which bits of the phrase does it represent?

The head noun, not the numeral article, can represent modifiers

En: can represent a prepositional phrase functioning as a: l........ o..... or an a........

Locative object or an adverbial

En: when representing an adverbial or locative object, what does it denote? give an example of each possibility.

subject of passive (il a été entouré de lions), place (il en est sorti) or cause (il en étouffait).

En: give examples of frozen expressions

où étions-nous?, je ne dis rien, mais je n'en pense pas, en vouloir à, ne pas en croire ses yeux

Y: represents

prepositional phrases, mostly à, but also others such as dans, sous, sur

Y: can function as p............ o....., l....... o....., l....... a........, p............ of a......... p......

prepositional object, locative object, locative adverbial, postmodifier of adjectival phrase

Y:postmodifier of adjectival phrase, give an example.

il est sensible au froid. il en est sensible

Y: frozen expressions, give examples.

il y a, ne plus y tenir, s'y prendre,