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35 Cards in this Set

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Napoleon Bonaparte
Started as an officer in the French army and rose quickly as military leader and the eventual emperor of France.
Hero of the Hour
Octortober 1795, Napoleon was tasked with protecting the National Convention. Forcing the enemy into an early retreat, Napoleon was hailed as the savior of the republic.
Napoleon in Italy and Egypt
1796 Napoleon made several victories in Italy but was unable to keep the trend going in Egypt. Fortunately word of his defeat never got back to France and he remained a great hero in the eyes of the French public.
1799- The French political situation was deteriorating. Egged on by friends Napoleon and his troops marched to the Directory in November. Lawmakers voted to dissolve the Directory and elect three consuls, one of which was Napoleon. He quickly took the title of first consul and the role of dictator.

"..." means "blow to the state" and a coup has now become the term for a sudden seizure of power.
vote of the people. Took place in 1800 to give the impression that Napoleon was a ruler for the people.
Napoleon's reforms
Napoleon did not try to restore France to it's state under Louis XVI. Rather he support legislation that gave more power to the central government and accomplished the goals of the revolutionaries.
Napoleon reforms in the economy and government
set up a new and more efficient method of tax collection securing the government a steady amount of taxes.
set up a national banking system.
Wanted to rid the government of corrupt and inefficient officials. He dismissed those he felt were unproductive. Napoleon also set up lycees- or government run public schools. All males were welcome to attend regardless of background. Graduates would receive positions in public office base on merit
Agreement signed by Napoleon between France and Pope Pius VII which restored the position of the Church of France. The government recognized the influence of the Church but did not allow them control of national affairs.
Napoleonic code
comprehensive system of laws established by Napoleon. Supposed to create uniform laws and eliminate injustices. In reality it promoted order and authority above individual rights. Restricted freedom of speech and restored freedom in the French colonies of the Caribbean.
Treaty with Britain, Austria and Russia
Napoleon signed treaties with the three countries to prevent the from upsetting his expanding power. This brought peace to Europe for the first time in ten years.
Napoleon as emperor
1804 Napoleon crowned himself as emperor of France and was supported by the French voters. He crowned himself with a magnificent crown which signified his power over the church whom typically crowned rulers.
Loss of American territories
In 1789 French colonists, upon hearing the ideas of the French Revolution, demanded the same rights as French citizens. Enslaved Africans rose up and took control of an entire colony. Napoleon was unable to recapture it because of the ferocity of his opponents and disease. His loss convinced him to sell all of the Louisiana territory to Jefferson in 1803. This satisfied him on two counts: finance and revenge against Britain.
Conquering Europe
Having already captured parts of Italy and the Netherlands, Napoleon wanted to expand. Britain was able to coerce Prussia, Russia, Austria and Sweden into joining them against France. Napoleon crushed his opponents on the battlefield. He eventually signed treaties with Austria, Prussia and Sweden.
Battle of Trafalgar
Naval defeat and the only major Napoleon loss in his quest for a French empire. The Commander, Nelson, divided the French fleet and destroyed the French Navy. This had two major results. Firstly it ensured the supremacy of the British naval force. Second it forced Napoleon to give up on invading Britain.
The French Empire
Early 1800s saw many French victories. By 1812 the majority of Europe was under French control. It was huge but unstable and was only maintained at its full extent for five years. In part it's collapse in 1812 was caused by Napoleon.
The Continental System
Napoleon set up a blockade- forcibly closing ports to prevent communication between Britain and the rest of Europe. Intentions were to make Europe more self-sufficient and cripple Britain's economy.
The blockade was not nearly tight enough allowing for smugglers and some of Napoleon's allies disregarded the ban. It did not destroy British trade.
Britain also initiated it's own better managed (because of it's better navy) blockade. It forced neutral ships to go through British ports which angered the U.S. and caused them to declare war in 1812.
The Peninsula War
In 1808 Napoleon invaded Spain in order to encourage Portugal to accept the continental system. The Spanish were devout Catholics and feared that Napoleon would weaken the Church
Spanish fighters which revolted against Napoleon's invasion of Spain in 1808. Worked in small groups and Napoleon was unable to control their resistance.
Loyalty to one's country. Was also becoming a weapon against Napoleon. People no longer desired to be ruled by a foreign power.
Invasion of Russia
1812 invaded because of the loss of the treaty between Russia and France. Alexander pulled back troops and engaged in a scorched-earth-policy leaving nothing for the invading army to eat. Only a small number of troops made it out of Russia alive.
Napoleon was forced to give up power and retreat in exile to a small Italian army
1815- Napoleon returned to France was huge support from the French population. Yet he was defeated by British and Austrian forces. This ending his last bid for power called the HUNDRED DAYS.
Revolt of the Nobles
aka Calling of the Estates General in 1789. Sparked the French Revolution against King Louis XVI. Demanded by nobles because of proposition to start taxing the nobility violating the agreement between the nobles and Louis XIV
Revolt of the Third estate
June 1789.
Locked out of the estate general by King because they demanded 2 votes so as to be able to have equal power with the other two estates.
Storming of Bastille
July 1789-
French peasants stormed the prison in search of guns and gun powder in order to defend the national assembly as the national guard.
Declaration of the rights of man
Passed by National assembly and ignored kings authority.
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
The clergy owned a lot of wealth. NA passed a law that to be a priest or bishop one has to be elected and swear allegiance to the French government and not the Pope.
Clergy who took the oath of allegiance to the French government. Non-jurors/Refractory- stayed loyal to the Pope.
Louis XVI tries to escape France
1791- Completely turned French people against the monarchy. Effectively ends the monarchy creating a republic.
France declares war on Austria
1792- Preemptive strike against. Overall a bad move because they were unprepared for war
National Convention
Government of France. Elected power making France an official republic. (Year one of new French calendar)
Execution of Louis XVI
Led to a division in the National convention. Jacobins- in favor of execution and led by Rospierre who eventually took of the NC. The Girondists wanted to keep Louis alive.
Committee of Public Safety and the Terror (1793-1794)
Terror to stop France's enemies- internal and external. Concentration of executions is highest in places of revolutionary threats (and Paris). Power struggle between revolutionary wars.
Thermidorian Reaction 1795
Group of middle class that disliked Rospierre and his radical ideas. Called the White terror or counter-terror. Conservative middle class executes radicals and ends the terror.
Establishment of Directory
New governmental form. Only allowed rich males to have a voice in government. Almost absurdly controlled by checks and balances.