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157 Cards in this Set

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What book did Thomas Hobbes write?
What were his main ideas?


-thought people were naturally selfish

What book did Montesquieu write?

What were his main ideas?

The Spirit of Laws

-Separation of powers

What book did Voltaire write?

What were his main ideas?


-believed in freedom of speech and religion and separation of the church and state

What book did Denis Diderot write?

What were his main ideas?


-first big volume of information

What book did Jean-Jacques Rousseau write?

What were his main ideas?

The Social Contract

-Thought government's job is to protect you but if the government doesn't do it's job you have the power to overthrow the government

What book did Adam Smith write?

What were his main ideas?

The Wealth of Nations

-guide book for capitalism, and the idea that the government is not involved in business

What book did Mary Wollstonecraft write?

What were her main ideas?

A Vindication of the Rights of Women

-first feminist and advocate for women's rights

What book did John Locke write?

What were his main ideas?

Two Treatises of Government

-argued for democracy

What book did David Hume write?

What were his main ideas?

A Treatise of Human Nature

-all human knowledge is from expierence

What book did Immanuel Kant write?

What were his main ideas?

Critique of Pure Reason

-reason and rational thought

Samuel de Champlain
established Quebec
Jacques Cartier
explored St. Lawrence river and named Canada
Rene-Robert de La Salle
explored great lakes
Louis Jolliet
found origins of Mississippi River
Jacques Marques
mapped Northern Mississippi

Who were the Bourbons?

the royal family of France

Who were the Capets?

an old royal family of France

What was the Estates General?

It was like Parliament but was only called in emergencies

Who was Francis I?

King during the Renaissance

What is the Louvre?

it was a palace rebuilt by Francis I

Who did Francis I invite to France to help built Chambord?

Leonardo Da Vinci

What was Henri II famous for?

His love triangle between his wife Catherine Medici and Diane de Poitiers

How did Henri II die?

In a tournament, a splinter went into his eye

Who was Catherine Medici?

-daughter of Phillip II, ruler of Spain

-from Medici family in Florence



-got everything she wanted except love of her husband

Who was Diane de Poitiers?

-the woman Henri II was in love with

-20 years older than Henri

-drank gold to look younger

What palace did Catherine Medici and Diane de Poitiers fight over?


What was the St. Batholomew Day Massacre?

Catherine Medici is believed to have ordered the massacre

- 3,000 Huguenots were killed in Paris

-As many as 70,000 killed in total

What was Henri IV's nickname?

"Good King"

What did Henri IV do about religion and what quote is associated with this?

He converted from Protestant to Catholic and is said to have "jumped the ditch"

Who was Henri IV married to?

-Princess Mary

-Marie Medici

Who was Henri IV's dauphin?

Louis XIII

What is a dauphin?

Future king of france (heir)

Who was Henri IV's advisor?

Duke of Sully

Why was Henri such a popular king?

He had great ideas:

-wanted to make France rich

-wanted to stop religious fighting

What was the Edict of Nantes?

It gave Huguenots and Protestants religious rights and it ended the religious wars

What quote exemplifies Henri IV's wish for France?

"A chicken in every pot every Sunday"

What did Henri IV say about converting religions?

"Paris is worth a Mass"

What is the most famous thing Henri IV built?

Le Pont Neuf

What was the nickname of the Pont Neuf?

"The New Bridge"

What were new features of the Pont Neuf?

-first sidewalks

-first bridge without houses built on it

What is Trickle Down Economics?

Cutting taxes for the rich which will (hopefully) cause them to invest in businesses which will create more jobs for the poor

What is Keynes Economics?

build infastructure to create jobs and allow easier commerce travel


building of bridges, sidewalks, roads, etc.


raw goods

Who is Ravaillac?

-the man who assasinated Henri IV

-a rejected monk and failed schoolteacher, he was a fantical Catholic, expierencing hallucinations and delusions

How did Ravaillac kill Henri IV?

Henri was stuck in traffic and Ravaillac stabbed him 3 times

What was Ravaillac's sentence for killing Henri IV?

He was scalded, then his flesh was torn with pincers, then he was drawn and quartered

What was New France?

France's Colony in the New World (Canada)

Who is Louis XIII?

Henri IV's son

What was Louis XIII known as?

"The Just"

What is a regent?

A person who rules when king/queen is too young

Who was Louis XIII's regent?

Marie Medici

Who was Louis XIII's dauphin?

Louis XIV

Who was Louis XIII's other son?


Who was Louis XIII's adviser?


What did Richelieu do?

Basically ran the country

Why was Louis XIII regarded as an odd king?

-loved to crossdress

-was possibly gay


Duke Sully was to Henri IV as Richelieu was to ___

Louis XIII

What happened when the Estates General was called for the first time?
Richelieu, Marie, and Louis didn't like what was being discussed, they locked the doors and send everyone home

Who becomes the advisor to Louis XIII after Richelieu dies?


Mazarin was from where that caused people to dislike him and start revolutions?


What happened when Mazarin was ruling for Louis XIV, while he was still little?

The people of Paris revolted and Louis had to escape out a window, which caused him to hate Paris

Louis XIV is the greatest example of what in France?

An Absolute Monarch

What is Louis XIV nicknamed and who does he compare himself to?

"Sun King"

Apollo, sun God

What does Louis XIV do when Mazarin dies?

He names himself his own advisor and famously quotes "I am the state"

His reign was the ___ of a French monarch.


What was Louis XIV's personality like?

-huge ego

-talked about himself in 3rd person

-referred to himself as France

What did Louis XIV do in the beginning of his reign?

He revolutionized France and made it rich

What had Louis XIV done to France by the end of his reign?

The economy begins to fall

What was Fronde?

A series of revolutions that happened when Louis XIV was a child and he had to escape out the window in Paris.

Louis XIV did what with the Edict of Nantes?

He cancelled it and 200,000 fled, many to Canada

What did Louis XIV want to do to France's borders?

extend them to "Natural Borders"

What did Louis XIV famously built?


How much of France's income was Louis XIV putting into Versailles?


Who were Louis XIV's financial advisors?

Nicolas Fouquet and Jean Baptiste Colbert

What happened with Nicolas Fouquet?

He was caught stealing money and Louis XIV threw him in prison

-possibly had iron mask??

How did Louis XIV get the money for Versailles?

-inviting nobility to live at Versailles

-sent government agents to run the countryside instead

-Louis got all the tax money

Who was Jean Baptiste Colbert and what did he do?

Louis XIV's other financial advisor who helped Louis get rich

What is the Intendant System?


What were Taille and Gabelle?

land tax, salt tax

What was the belief in Mercantilism?

economic belief that world has set amount of wealth and only way to get richer is to take from others

Who is Louis XV?

The great grandson of Louis XIV

What is Louis XV's nickname?

"The Well Loved"

Why was Louis XV known as "The Well Loved"?

He was very popular during his early reign, especially with females

-he had many mistresses

Who was Louis XV's advisor, what else was she?

Madame Pompadour

she was also his mistress

What major events happened during Louis XV's reign?

7 Years War


What was Madame de Pompadour into?

Art, Fashion, and Architecture

What art style came from Madame de Pompadour?

Rocco Style

What was the Bastille?

A prison, people went into it and they never came out

What was the 7 Years War?

It was a dispute between France and Great Britain over colonies.

It was global.

What were the two famous battles of the 7 Years War?

Battle of Quebec and Battle of Duquesne

What ended the 7 Years War?

Treaty of Paris

What was the effect of the 7 Years War on France?

Lost war, began questioning government, huge debt, lost colonies (Canada), and as a result the ability to pay off debt

What was the effect of the 7 Years War on Great Britain?

Huge debt (doubled), which caused them to tax 13 Colonies, which started American Revolution

What was the Enlightenment all about?

Reason and rational thought

Where did people meet during the Enlightenment to discuss ideas?


What did each country question during the Enlightenment?




England and France: Government

Scotland: Economics

Germany: Science

What did Adam Smith publish in 1776 that was considered to be more important than the Declaration of Independence and what were it's ideas?

Wealth of Nations, which said that the government should not be involved in business

Where were famous people of France (not including kings) especially people from the Enlightenment buried?


Who does Louis XV tax to help pay off 7 Years War debt?

No one

Ben Franklin convinces Louis XVI to do what?

Get involved in the American Revolution

What does Louis XV famously say to his son as he is dying?

"After me the flood"

Why is the French government on the verge of collapse?


-population has grown

-bad harvest

-hungry people will revolt

What was Louis XVI's nickname?

"The Locksmith"

Who was Louis XVI married to?

Marie Antoinette

What were the major events that occured during Louis XVI's reign?

American Revolution and French Revolution

What family is Marie Antoinette from?

Hapsburg Family from Austria

What was the peoples opinion of Marie Antoinette and why?

They hated her because she was from Austria

What happened between Louis XVI and Marie that got people talking?

Marie didn't get pregnant

What were the causes of the French Revolution?

-Funded American Revolution


-Population increase

-bad crops

-lost 7 years war and got large debt

-lost colonies

-Louis XV and Louis XVI were bad monarchs

-Debt Crisis


-Marie Antoinette

-Calling of Estates General

-Storming of the Bastille

Who suggested to Louis XVI the calling of the Estates General?

Necker and Lafayette

What happened to the number of reps for the 3rd Estate?

It got doubled

What was the problem with the Estates General?

It was set up so that the 3rd Estate would always get screwed despite being the largest

What does the Estate General begin talking about and what does it cause Louis XVI to do?

They begin talking about a constitution and Louis XVI decides to lock them out like Louis III did

What do some members of the Estates General do after they are locked out?

They stay and rename themselves the National Assembly

What oath do the members of the National Assembly take and what does it entail?

Tennis Court Oath ~ swear they are not leaving until France has a constitution

What happens when word gets out about the National Assembly?

Louis ignores it, Marie wants to send the army, and the people decide they need to protect the National Assembly

When was the storming of the Bastille?

July 14, 1789

What was the storming of the bastille?

People demanded weapons from the bastille, the warden said no and they tortured him and beheaded him (first beheading in the revolution)

What was the goal of the French Revolution?

France was going to be an Enlightened Utopia

Who was Robbespierre?

The leader of the National Assembly and the French Revolution

What was Robbespierre's nickname?

The incorruptable

What was the Old Regime?

time period of the kings

What was the bourgeoisie?

Middle Class

Who was Louis XVII?

Marie and Louis XVI's son, he never ruled but he was the rightful heir which was why he got the title Louis XVII

What was the Summer of Great Fear?

summer of 1789 after the storming of the Bastille

What was the Declaration of the rights of Man?

A declaration that all men are free and equal

What was the most important document in the French Revolution?

The Declaration of the Rights of Men

What is "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"?

the slogan of the French Revolution

What is the Tricolor(flag)?

France's new flag that is red, white, and blue

What is La Marseillaise?

French National Anthem

What are the September Massacres?

when Parisians stormed the prisons and killed prisoners and defiled women in fear of the Prussian/Austrian armies

What are the Émigrés?

noblemen that fled the country

Who was Jacques René Hébert?

He offered to destroy the power of the Catholic Church

What was Conciergerie Prison?

The prison where Marie Antoinette, along with a lot of other prisoners, was held

Who were the Jacobins?

Robbespierre's political party. They wanted to kill the king and called for the heads of revolutionaries

Who were the Girondists?

A milder political party that thought that the king should be spared and that death was not the answer

Who was Jean-Paul Marat?

Creator of L'ami de pu, a journalist and writer for the revolution

Who was Charlotte Corday?

The murderer of Jean-Paul Marat

Who was Georges Danton?

Minister of justice, convinces people on the frontier to join the war effort

What was the Guillotine?

an instrument used to behead people

What was the Committee of Public Safety?

a 12 man committee headed by Robbespierre that ruled France during the Reign of Terror

What was the Festival of Supreme Being?

It was like Christmas, but it was a holiday for Robbespierre's new religon that worshipped a goddess of wisdom

-seen as a cult

What was the Reign of Terror?

An emergency government made in a hurry that killed anyone who might be a traitor

What was the Great Terror?

when most people were killed during the Reign of Terror

What was the Revolutionary Calendar?

A new Calendar, in which the months were renamed and each month had three weeks of ten days

Who was J. Louis David?

a painter during the revolution

What were cahiers?

Notebooks with lists of grievances brought to the Estates General meeting

What was the Brunswick Maifesto?

If you hurt the king or queen, Prussia will destroy Paris

What was the Storming of the Tuileries Palace?

the ending of the monarchy

What was the Directory?

The government following the reign of terror

Who were the san-culottes?

citizens that didn't wear knee breeches

Who was Charles Henri Sanson?

operated the guillotine

What was Assignat?

Revolutionary money

What starts the Reign of Terror?

Beheading of the King

What ends the Reign of Terror?

Beheading of Robbespierre

What ends the Directory?

Napoleon takes over