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57 Cards in this Set

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-ger verbs (voyager, nager, plonger, manger, etc.)
-undergo spelling change to keep the pronunciation of a soft g in all forms. An e is placed after the g as needed for pronunciation regularity.
-je voyage=nous voyageons
-occurs in the nous form of the present tenses and in all but the nous and vous forms of the imperfect with verbs whose infinitive ends in -ger.
Prendre (apprendre, comprendre, surprendre, etc.)
je prends
tu prends
il prend
nous prenons
vous prenez
ils prennent
Prendre (apprendre, comprendre, surprendre)-Past Participles
pris, appris, compris, surpris
Découvrir (couvrir, offrir, ouvrir, souffrir, etc.)
-Conjugated like -er verb in the present
-Je découvre Paris.
-Nous découvrons le plaisir de voyager.
Découvrir (couvrir, offrir, ouvrir, souffrir)-Past Participles
découvert, couvert, offert, ouvert, souffert
Prepositions for cities, islands, or groups of islands
-use the preposition à to express to or in.
EX:J'habite à Dakar. (city)
-use the preposition de or d' to express from.
EX:Elle part de Cuba. (island)
-Cities w/ definite articles as part of their name (La Nouvelle Orléans, etc.) always keep the article.
EX:Vous allez à La Nouvelle-Orléans.
Sing. Fem. Names of Countries, French and Canadian provinces, Continents, and Fem. States, and Masc. Sing. states/countries beginning w/ vowel.
-Use preposition en to express to or in.
EX:Ma famille voyage en Afrique. (continent)
EX:Le professeur passe ses vacances en Louisiane. (fem. state).
-Use the prepostion de or d' to express from.
EX:Nous sommes partis d'Israël. (masc. country beginning w/ vowel)
Sing. Masc. Countries, Provinces, and States (all that don't end in -e except le Mexique, le Zimbabwe, le Mozambique, and le Combodge)
-Use the preposition à + definite article (au) to express to or in.
EX:Ils vivront au Sénégal l'année prochaine. (masc. country).
-Use the preposition de + definte article (du) to express from.
EX:Mes ancêtres sont du Danemark. (masc. sing. country)
Plural Names of Geographical Areas
-Use the preposition à + definite article (aux) to express to or in.
EX:Tu verras des tulipes aux Pays-Bas. (masc. pl. country)
-Use the preposition de + definite article (des) to express from.
EX:Elles reviendront des Etats-Unis au printemps. (masc. pl. country)
Expressing to/in for States
-use dans l'état de/d' for fem. states and masc. states beginning w/ vowel.
EX:Nous ferons du cheval dans l'état de Californie. (Fem. state)
-use dans l'état du for masc. states.
EX:J'habite dans l'état du Texas. (masc. state)
Expressing from for States
-use de l'état de/d' for fem. states and masc. states beginning w/ vowel.
EX:John est de l'état de Virginie. (fem. state)
-use de l'état du for masc. states.
EX:Je suis rentré de l'état d'Utah hier. (masc. state beginning w/ vowel)
Continents/Feminine Countries and Provinces/Feminine States/Masculine States and Countries beginning w/ a vowel sound
Masculine Countries, States, and Provinces
Plural Names of Geographical Areas
Future Tense
-What will happen
-stem is infinitive or modified form of the infinitive
je -ai
tu -as
il -a
nous -ons
vous -ez
ils -ont
Conditional Tense
-expresses what could, might or would happen if a certain condition existed.
-stem is infinitive or modified form of the infinitive
je -ais
tu -ais
il -ait
nous -ions
vous -iez
ils -aient
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -er verbs
-the infinitive is used in most cases.
EX:Nous nous amuserons sur la Côte d'Azur. (futur)
EX:Nous voyagerions à pied si nous n'avions pas de vélo. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -er verb exceptions
-stem ir-
EX:Tu iras au Maroc avec moi. (future)
EX:J'irais en Tunisie. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in-er verb exceptions
-stem enverr-
-to send
EX:Nous t'enverrons des cartes postales. (future)
EX:Ses parents l'enverraient en colonie. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -ir
-infinitive used in most cases
EX:Elles partiront ce soir. (future)
EX:Tu te divertirais en Suisse. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -ir exceptions
-to become/to hold/to come
EX:Vous viendrez avec nous au Danemark? (future)
EX:Il deviendrait moniteur de ski s'il avait le temps. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -ir exceptions
-to run/to die
EX:Nous courrons le long de la plage. (future)
EX:Vous mourriez de peur si vous faisiez du parapente. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -re
-stems formed by dropping the e from the infinitive.
EX:Je prendrai le train pour Lyon. (future)
EX:Ils se détendraient à la montagne s'ils y avaient un chalet. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -re exceptions
-stem ser-
EX:Nous serons à Paris le 15. (future)
EX:Vous seriez champion de ski nautique si vous vous entraînez. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -re exceptions
-stem fer-
EX:Tu feras du stop cet été. (future)
EX:Il ferait de la randonnée en Espagne. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -oir
-Change in a variety of ways
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -oir
-stem: aur-
-to have
EX:J'aurai assez de temps pour lire en vacances. (future)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -oir
-stem: pourr-
-to be able, can
EX: Tu pourrais visiter le Québec. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -oir
-stem: devr-
-must, should, to have to, owe
EX:Il devra prendre le train. (future)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -oir
stem: faudr-
-to be necessary, should, have to
EX: Il faudrait acheter des souvenirs. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -oir
-stem: saur-
-to know, to know of
EX: Nous saurons faire du surf après ce stage. (future)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -oir
-stem: voudr-
-to want, to wish
EX: Vous voudriez bronzer. (conditional)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -oir
-stem: verr-
-to see
EX: Ils verront leurs grands-parents. (future)
Future and Conditional: infinitive ends in -oir
-stem: vaudr-
-to be worth
EX: Il vaudrait mieux arriver un peu en avance. (conditional)
Usage of the Future Tense
-used to speak about events that are expected to happen in the future
EX:Quand serons-nous de retour?=When will we be back?
EX:L'avion atterrira à 17 heures.=The plane will land at 5 P.M.
Conjunctions that require Future Tense:
quand, lorsque
EX:Quand nous irons à Bruxelles, nous ferons un tour de ballon captif.=When we go to Brussels, we will go for a hot-air balloon ride.
Conjunctions that require Future Tense:
dès que, aussitôt que
-as soon as
EX:Dès qu'il y aura une monnaie unique, on ne devra plus changer d'argent.=As soon as there is a common currency, one will no longer have to change money.
Conjunctions that require Future Tense:
tant que
-as long as
EX:Tant que tu feras du stop, ta mère s'inquiètera.=As long as you hitchhike, your mother will worry.
Future Tense and aller + infinitive
-aller + infinitive=what is going to happen
-aller + infinitive is a future event that is more likely to happen or will happen sooner
-Simple future is a more distant time in the future and is more uncertain
Present Conditional: vouloir, pouvoir, savoir
-used to express politeness by softening or attenuating a request, command, or suggestion.
-vouloir, pouvoir, savoir often used in conditional
EX:Je voudrais connaître vos projets.=I would like to know your plans.
EX:Pourrais-tu m'aider avec ma valise?=Could you help me with my suitcase?
Present Conditional
-used in a conjecture or hypothesis in the future or present, to express a possibility, something that might or could happen.
-often accompanied by a subordinate clause (either before or after) in which a condition is stated.
EX:A ta place, je prendrais mon sac de couchage.=If I were you, I would take my sleeping bag.
EX:Nous ferions la grasse matinée si nous ne devions pas travailler.=We would sleep late if we didn't have to work.
Present Conditional:
Indirect Speech
-When you are reporting what someone else has said (indirect speech) about a future event, and the statement was made in the past, the conditional replaces the future in the part you are indirectly quoting.
-Direct Speech:Phillippe a dit: <<Nous verrons le Tour de France cet été>>=Philippe said, "We will see the tour de France this summer."
-Indirect Speech:Philippe a dit que nous verrions le Tour de France cet été=Philippe said that we would see the Tour de France this summer.
Indirect Speech
-the subject may need to change in the quoted sentence when you use indirect speech.
EX:Il a dit: <<Je ne ferai pas de surf des neiges.>>=He said, "I will not go snowboarding."
EX:Il a dit qu'il ne farait pas de surf des neiges.=He said he would not go snowboarding.
Future Perfect (Futur antérieur) Formation
-"will have done"
-future tense of the auxiliary (avoir or être) and the past participle
EX:C'est moi qui vous aurai montré le monde.=I am the one who will have shown you the world.
EX:Quand nous serons arrivés à Québec, tu verras le Château Frontenac.=When we arrive in Quebec City, you will see the Château Frontenac.
Past Conditional (Conditionnel passé) Formation
-"would have + past participle
-present conditional tense of the auxiliary (avoir or être) and the past participle
EX:Nous serions allés en Tunisie si tu nous avais invités.=We would have gone to Tunisia if you had invited us.
EX:Il n'aurait jamais vu Québec si son fils ne l'y avait pas emmené.=He would never have seen Quebec City if his son had not taken him there.
Future Perfect Usage
-used to talk about events in the future that will have happened prior to or before another event in the future.
-often occurs w/ conjunctions that refer to certain points in time.
Future Perfect Conjunctions
-aussitôt que, dès que
-après que
-quand, lorsque
-tant que
EX:Quand nous serons arrivés à Montpellier, nous te téléphonerons.=When we arrive in Montpellier, we will call you. (literally:When we will have arrived)
EX:Dès que tu auras appris à faire du ski, tu pourras passer tes vacances en Suisse avec nous.=As soon as you have learned to ski, you will be able to spend your vacation with us in Switzerland. (literally: As soon as you will have learned)
Past Conditional Usage
-used in connection with if-clauses constructions.
Passé Simple
-used only in writing, literary texts, fairy tales and sometimes journalism
-indicates that an action has been completed in the past and has no relation to the present.
EX:Le vieil homme ferma les yeux=The old man closed his eyes.
EX:Il ne vit pas les villages=He didn't see the villages.
Passé Simple formation:Regular er verbs
-drop er and add:
je regardai
tu regardas
il regarda
nous regardâmes
vous regardâtes
ils regardèrent
Passé Simple formation:Regular ir or re verbs
-drop ir or re and add:
je répondis
tu répondis
il répondit
nous répondîmes
vous répondîtes
ils répondirent
Passé Simple: avoir
tu eus
il eut
nous eûmes
vous eûtes
ils eurent
Passé Simple: être
je fus
tu fus
il fut
nous fûmes
vous fûtes
ils furent
Passé Simple: faire
je fis
tu fis
il fit
nous fîmes
vous fîtes
ils firent
Past Simple formation: Irregular verbs
-usually built on past participle
-past participle -is have -i in passé simple
-past participle -u have a -u in passé simple
EX:aperçu=nous aperçumes
EX:paru=elles parurent
EX:remis=il remit
Passé Antérieur
-literary equivalent of plus-que-parfait
-refers to an action in the past that preceded another action in the past
-formed with the passé simple of avoir or être and the past participle
EX:Dès qu'il eut déposé son père devant la maison, il s'empressa de partir.=As soon as he had dropped his father off in front of the house, he rushed to leave.