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24 Cards in this Set

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What directive outlines the Navy's olicy on fraternization?
What has the Navy historically relied upon to define the bounds of acceptable personal relationships among its members?
Custom and tradition
Why has the proper social interaction among officer and enlisted always been encouraged?
because it enhances unit morale and esprit de corps?
What is evidenced by junior personnel recongnizing and respecting the authority inherent in a senior's grade, rank, or position?
by the observance and enformcement of the military courtesies and customs that have traditionally defined proper senior-suboridinate relationships.
What is the term traditionally used to identify personal relationships that contravene the customary bounds of acceptance senior-subordinate relationships?
Historically, why is fraternization a gender-neutral concept?
because its focus is on the detriment to good order and discipline resulting from the erosion of respect for authority inherent in an unuly familiar senior-subordinate relationship, not the sex of the members.
What personal relationships between officer and enlisted members are prohibted by OPNAVIST 5370.2 series?
Those that are unduly familiar and that do not respect the differences in grade or rank.
What personal relationships between chief petty officers (E-7 to E-9) and junior personnel (E-1 to E-6), who are assigned to the same command, are prohibited by OPNAVIST 5370.2?
Those that are unduly familiar and that do not respect the differences in grade or rank.
What personal relationships between officers and enlisted are healthy and clearly appropriate?
Participation on command sports teams and other command-sponsored events intended to build unit morale camaraderie.
When may the actual or apparent loss of objectivity by a senior result?
With the perception that the senior is no longer capable or willing to exercise fairness and make judgements on the basis of merit.
Is conduct, which constitues fraternization, excused or mitigated by a subsequent marriage between the offending parties?
Who has the primary responsibility for preventing inappropriate relationships in the Navy?
The senior.
What is fraternization?
Any personal relationship between an officer and enlisted, officer and officer, enlisted and enlisted, or student and instructor which is unduly familiar and does not respect differences in rank and grade, also where senior-subordinate supervisory relationships exist.
What does unduly mean?
Excessively, immoderately, too much, overly. You have crossed the line from appropriate profesional behavior to inapropriate.
What is the Navy's pollicy on fraternization?
Inappropriate conduct of this nature is to be avoided and, when it is found to exist, commands are expeted to take administrative or disciplinary action as necessary to correct it.
Explain the effects on the command when fraternization takes place.
Such inappropriate relationships are they undermine the respect for authority which is essential to the commands ability to accomplish its military mission.
Define sexual harassment.
form of sex discrimination that involves unwelcome secual advances, requests for sexual favors when: either ex;licitly or implicitly is used to affect a person;s job, pay, or career, when submission to or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employment decisions affecting that person, or when it interfers with ones work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
State the Navy's policy on sexual harassment.
It is prohibited! All DON personnel, military and civilian, will be provided a work environment free from sexual harassment.
What are Green Zone behaviors?
Not sexual in nature. examples: performance counseling, touching which could not be reasonably perceived in a sexual way, etc
What is Yellow Zone behavior?
many people would find these behaviors unacceptable, and they could be sexual harassment. Examples: violating personal space, whistling, sexually suggestive comments, repeated request for dates, unwanted letters, sitting or gesturing sexually etc
What is Red Zone behavior?
behaviors are always considered sexual harassment. Example: sexual favors for employment rewards, threats if sexual favors are not provided, etc
Addressing sexual harassment and Fraternization problems starts where?
Always at the lowest level.
When correcting fraternization and sexual harassment issues who receives feed back?
All parties concerned
Describe the differences between sexual harassment, sexual politics, inappropriate behavior, and harassment.
-Secual harassment: unwelcome sexual behavior that occurs in or impacts the work environment.
- Secual politics: using sex, sexuality, or sexual attractiveness to obtain favor or job-related rewards.
-Inappropriate behavior: any behavior that makes any individual in the work environment uncomfortable such as non-sexual touching, or use of obscene language.
- Harassment: non-sexual actions that may be construed as being harassing such as assigning extra work or duties on an individual with no official reason or cause.