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16 Cards in this Set

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AVOIR: passé composé - GOT, received
- J'ai eu un accident. I got into an accident
- J'ai eu une bonne surprise. I got a nice surprise
- J'ai eu faim. I got hungry
AVOIR: imparfait - HAD

- J'avais de l'argent. I had some money
- Je n'avais pas assez de temps. I didn't have enough time
- J'avais faim. I was hungry
CONNAITRE: passé composé - MET

- J'ai connu Michel hier. I met Michel (for the first time) yesterday
CONNAITRE: imparfait - KNEW, was familiar with

- Je la connaissais bien. I knew her well
DEVOIR: passé composé - MUST HAVE, HAD TO

J'ai dû le perdre. - I must have lost it
J'ai dû partir à midi. - I had to leave at noon (and did)
DEVOIR: imparfait - WAS SUPPOSED TO (whether I did or not)

Je devais partir à midi. - I was supposed to leave at noon
POUVOIR: passé composé - MANAGED TO, was able to (more effort)

J'ai pu mentir. - I managed to lie.
POUVOIR: imparfait - COULD; couldn't / was unable to

Je ne pouvais pas mentir. - I couldn't lie.
SAVOIR: passé composé - LEARNED, FOUND OUT

J'ai su la solution. - I found out / discovered the solution
J'ai su nager. - I learned how to swim
SAVOIR: imparfait - KNEW / KNEW HOW TO

Je savais l'adresse. - I knew the address
Je savais nager. - I knew how to swim
VOULOIR: passé composé - TRIED, decided to; (negative) refused

J'ai voulu partir. - I tried / decided to leave
Je n'ai pas voulu partir. - I refused to leave
VOULOIR: imparfait - WANTED

Je voulais partir. - I wanted to leave
Je voulais plus d'argent. - I wanted more money
verbes toujours en imparfait
* aller + infinitive (near future)
* avoir (with age)
* être en train de
* faire (with weather)
* venir de + infinitive (recent past)
ex: J'allais étudier. - I was going to study.
J'avais 18 ans. - I was 18.
J'étais en train d'écrire une lettre. - I was writing a letter.
Il faisait beau. - It was nice out.
Je venais d'arriver. - I had just arrived.
verbes souvent en imparfait
* aimer - to like, love
* croire - to believe
* espérer - to hope
* être - to be
* penser - to think
* sembler - to seem
* sentir - to feel
But, these verbs are used in the p.c. when clear indication of the beg or end of the action, or when obvious that it only occurred once.
- Je n'ai pas aimé le film. I didn't like the movie.
- Je ne t'ai pas cru quand tu as dit... I didn't believe you when you said...
PLUS-QUE-PARFAIT / pluperfect
indicates an action in the past that occurred before another action in the past
- Il n'avait pas mangé (avant de faire ses devoirs). He hadn't eaten (before doing his homework).

- J'étais déjà sorti (quand tu as téléphoné). I had already left (when you called).
PLUS-QUE-PARFAIT conjugation:
The French past perfect is a compound conjugation with 2 parts:
imperfect of auxiliary verb (avoir or être)
past participle of the main verb
The pluperfect is also used in
'si clauses" to express a hypothetical situation in the past contrary to what actually happened:

- Si tu m'avais demandé, j'aurais répondu. If you had asked me, I would have answered.
AIMER (plus-que-parfait)
using AVOIR
j'avais aimé
tu avais aimé
il,elle avait aimé
nous avions aimé
vous aviez aimé
ils,elles avaient aimé
DEVENIR (plus-que-parfait)
using ETRE
j'étais devenu(e)
tu étais devenu(e)
il était devenu
elle était devenue
nous étions devenu(e)s
vous étiez devenu(e)(s)
ils étaient devenus
elles étaient devenues
SE LAVER (plus-que-parfait)
reflexive using ETRE
je m'étais lavé(e)
tu t'étais lavé(e)
il s'était lavé
elle s'était lavée
nous nous étions lavé(e)s
vous vous étiez lavé(e)(s)
ils s'étaient lavés
elles s'étaient lavées
DEPUIS = since or for
Present tense to talk about an action that began in the past and continues in the present.
- J'étudie le français depuis 3 ans. I've studied French for 3 years.
DEPUIS = since or for
Indicates an action that was occuring (imparfait) when it was interrupted by another action (passé composé).
- Depuis quand dormais-tu quand je suis arrivé ? How long had you been sleeping when I arrived?
DEPUIS = since or for
past moment defined in time *that continues* uses Imparfait + Depuis
- Ils travaillaient depuis 50 ans. They had been working for 50 years.
more Pendant examples:
- J'ai vu un film pendant mon séjour. I saw a film during my stay.
- Ils ont travaillé pendant 50 jours. They worked for 50 days.
PENDANT = for or during
refers to an action in its entirety that has no relation to the present. It can be used for both the past and the future.
Pendant in passé composé:
- J'ai étudié le français pendant 3 ans. I studied French for 3 years.
- On a parlé pendant une heure. We talked for an hour.