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50 Cards in this Set

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Popular Sovereignty gives American people a voice.

The people's consent through elected representatives to allow the government to operate a certain way.

Federalism involves the government and their authorities.

How the states and government share power.

Reserved Powers are clearly stated in the constitution.

Powers assigned to the states and the people.

Concurrent Powers help both governments to regulate the laws.

Powers shared by both the state and federal government.

People have the right to Impeach the current President.

Charge the holder of a public office with misconduct.

The Bill was approved by Congress.

A possible law presented to parliament.

The Cabinet met with the president later that day.

A team of advisers for the president.

The unfair law was now under Judicial Review.

Review by the US Supreme Court for the fairness of a legislative law.

Due Process is what keeps our justice equal.

Fair treatment to everyone in the Judicial system.

Students are taught to recite the Preamble.

Introduction to the Constitution.

The Constitution is what keeps America free and fair.

A written set of principles that lay the foundation of the federal government.

Enumeration helps the government keep track of the population.

To establish the number of something.

Adjourn the court trial until further notice.

To postpone or take a break from a meeting.

Concurrence was reached at the end of the meeting.

An agreement.

Revenue is what allows the government to build its funds.

Money that the government gets from taxes.

After a long debate, they finally reached a Resolution.

A formal opinion agreed upon by a group after meeting.

Naturalization allows immigrants to come over legally to live here.x

when U.S. citizenship is granted to a foreign citizen.

The man was accused of Treason for betraying his King.

When you betray your country.

The Amendments help make the law more fair.

An article added to the Constitution.

The new laws are ready for Ratification.

To give consent and make official.

The Majority agreed that the law should be passed.

The greater number.

The government might soon have an Insurrection on its hands.

An uprising against authority.

Apportionment is important to ensuring each state is represented properly.

The measure of the population so that each state may have the proper number of seats in the Senate.

Women had to fight for their Suffrage.

The right to vote.

The President Elect is already making big plans for his presidency.

The person who has been elected president that hasn't taken office yet.

Abolition of slavery is one of the nation's greatest achievements.

To abolish a practice or system.

Checks and Balances keep our government branches in check.

The system used in US government in which each branch prevents the others from overstepping set boundaries

Expressed Powers are clearly stated in our Constitution.

Powers granted to the government as written in the Constitution.

Implied Powers are more complicated, being that they're not clearly stated.

Powers that were never written, but are assumed to exist to carry out existing powers.

Separation of Powers are another way to ensure that our government stays fair.

Seperating the government into separate branches of power.

The Bill of Rights is a government protected document.

The first ten Amendments to the Constitution.

The newest employee Policy was a big change for the workers.

A course of action chosen by the government.

The American government is a Republic.

Power is held by the people through their elected representatives

The royal family is called a Monarchy.

All power is given to a singular person or family.

Hitler was part of a hateful Dictatorship.

A dictator is given absolute authority.

I don't really have a sentence for Oligarchy.

a small group of people are given all power.

some voters would prefer a Direct Democracy in the US.

When people vote on issues directly.

America prides itself on Liberty.

When people cant act or speak freely.

Equality is the root of all liberty in America.

When all people are given the same rights and powers.

Free Enterprise is what lets Capitalism flourish.

When businesses operate free of government interference.

The Articles of Confederation was our very first Constitution.

The first constitution of the United States.

The Virginia Plan was beneficial for large states.

Proposal by Virginia delegates for two houses of Congress elected by population.

The New Jersey Plan was beneficial for small states.

Proposal for a one-vote-per-state representation.

The Great Compromise helped bring everyone's ideas together.

An agreement by large and small states that defined the legislative branch.

The president will surely Veto that law.

To reject a government proposal.

Hopefully that law gets Repealed very soon.

To revoke a law or act.

I am not part of a Political Party, because I can agree with both.

A group of people who support certain policies.

The massive car accident caused a Gridlock.

A traffic jam that affects a whole network of streets.

Some people would love to do away with the Electoral College, claiming it is unfair.

The mechanism in which each state is allowed a certain number of representatives by population.

The government gave the state a Block Grant to improve their infrastructure.

A grant given to a regional government by the federal government.