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40 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Structural Analysis
using meaningful parts of the words such as prefixes, suffixes, inflectional ednings, roots and bases to identify words
Root Words
words from which other words are derived
Base Words
meaningful linguistic units that can stand alone and contain no smaller meaningful parts (free morphemes)
meanings that can be added to the beginnings of base words to change their meaning
Inflectional Endings
word parts that can be added to the ends of root words to change their case, gender, number, tense, or form

Boys= possessive case
stewardess= gender
Trees= number
Walked= tense
Funiest= form
Compound Words
Two or more smaller words. May or may not be hyphenated
Shortened forms of two words in which a letter or letters have been replaced by an apostrophe
Running Record
Written record of a student's oral reading
Miscue Analysis
Analyzing a student's reading miscues in order to infer which strategies a student is or not using
are not vowels
are known for their noise and the way in which air is constricted as it is stopped and released for forced through the vocal tract, mouth, teeth, and lips
a speech sound produced by the easy passage of air through a relatively open voal tract

a,e,i,o, u
Consonant Blends
made of two or three letter sequences that are blended together
Consonant Dipgraph
two letters that represent one sound

sh, ch, th, wh
the smallest unit of speech that distinguishes one word from another

t of tug
r of rug
a complex speech sound beginning with one vowel sound and moving to another within the same syllable

noise- oi
a written or printed symbol representing a phoneme
a single syllable or word is the initial consonant sound

onset of sun is s
onset of slide is sl
a unit composed of the vowel and any following consonant with a syllable

rime in tag- ag
Bound Morphemes
ing, er
speech sounds associated with with printed symbols
phonemic awareness
understanding that speech consist of a series of small sound units
the smallest unit of meaning in a language
Aphabetic Principle
the concept that letters represent speech sounds
Contet Clues
clues to word meanings or pronunciation found in the surrounding words or sentences
words that have identical spellings but sound different and have different meanings
an indirect reference to a person, place, thing, or event considered to be known to the reader
Semantic Map
graphic representation of relationships among words and phrases in written material
Informal Reading Inventory (IRI)
an informal instrument designed to help teachers determine a child's independent, instructional, frustration, and capacity levels.
a group of words that has meaning different from that of the sum of the meanings of the individual words
Literal Comprehension
understanding of ideas that are directly stated
the ability to read words of connected text smoothly and without significant word recognition problems
Book Handling Skills
Building print awareness by getting books into a students hands

- Grasp book and put it in the mouth
- Helps to turn the page or does it ackwardly
- Turns it right side up
the process of translating written language into verbal speech sounds
Syntactic Cues
clues derived from the word order in sentences
Explict Instruction
Directed, methodical, or planned
Implict Instruction
Not directed or implied
Expository Text
Presenting and organizing information in whatever way suits the information and the purpose
Whether the test results are likely to be repeated with a similar examinee test group
Whether the test questions effectively measure their specified content