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39 Cards in this Set

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The presentation of relevant learning activities or subject information to students before reading begins
Advanced organizer
A morpheme attached to a base word (also called a root word) that CHANGES the meaning of the base or its function.
The systematic use of alphabetic letters to represent speech sounds or phonemes in a language.
Alphabetic Principle
The ability to tell the difference between one sound and another sound. This is VERY important to develop phonemic awareness
Auditory discrimination
The knowledge that a student already possesses. Students who posses this are more likely to read a text fluently and with comprehension.
Background knowledge
The word in which affixes are attached. It is often called the root word.
Base Word
Large "child friendly" books that help children learn concepts of print and enjoy positive reading experiences.
Big Books
The ability to take separate sounds and blend them into a single word or syllable.
A "fill in the blank" assessment. Often used to test comprehension.
Cloze Test
note taking, outlining, self monitoring, rereading, summarizing, story mapping, and using learning logs.
Comprehension Strategies
An understanding of ways in which words, letters and sentences are represented on a page. Basically, knowing that oral language can be presented in print format.
Concepts about Print
When two or three consonants are blended together. You can hear each individual sound.
Consonant Blends
A pair of consonants that make a sound that is different from each individual sound.
Consonant Digraph
The use of information surrounding a word in order to understand the meaning. This includes syntax, meanings of surrounding words, pictures,topography.
Context Clues
Students who fall in this category have a high percentage of spelling efficiency. They know what compound words, homophones, and homographs are. They also posses an understanding of prefixes, suffixes, plurals, contractions and verb markers to words. They also are learning about silent consonants, silent vowels and double consonants. Also they are become aware of irregular spellings.
Conventional Spelling
The use of measurement tools that can be used directly related to the curriculum in the classroom.
Curriculum - Based Assessment
Analyzing words by decoding sound units.
The removal of sound from a word. It requires manipulation of phonemes in words and is considered to be more difficult than other forms of phonemic awareness.
An assessment designed to measure a student's academic strengths and weaknesses.
Diagnostic Test
A gliding vowel sound normally represented by two adjacent vowels.
An instructional strategy that involves modeling reading, writing, and speaking skills, the use of guided reading, and the encouragement of independent reading and writing.
Direct Instruction
It assesses and instructs students. Listening, predicting, and confirming one's predictions are emphasized.
The ability to process words in a text in the correct order. It includes both left to right and the return sweept (going from the end of one line to the beginning of another).
An awakening of a students reading ability. Students' have developed oral language skills, understand print concepts, and are phonemically aware.
Emergent Literacy
The study of the origins and history of words.
Understanding text as well as being able to critique it effectively. The third and highest level.
Evaluative Comprehension Skills
Instructional strategy that emphasizes group instruction. This instruction should include a lot of teacher-student activity.
Explicit Instruction
The primary purpose of this text is to provide facts or opinions. It is NOT centered around a plot. Its intention is to teach the reader.
Expository Text
A tool employed by authors to suggest that a piece of writing has a lot of similes and metaphors rather than strictly literary.
Figurative Language
The end of the word.
Final Position
The ability to read slowly with good comprehension. A fluent reader will possess a large sight word vocabulary, deploy effective decoding strategies, and have the ability to read with expression and with attention to the meaning of punctuation.
A test that must be administered in a certain way under specific conditions. An example of this is a standardized test.
Formal Assessments
The reading level which a student cannot accuratly recognize or comprehend more than 70% of the text.
Frustration Level
The process of sounding a word out. The use of letter-sound correspondence to figure out words in a text.
Graphophonic Cues
Enables the teacher and students (small group) to stop frequently and discuss the text!
Guided Reading
Words that appear most frequently in printed materials.
High Frequency Words
Teaching that uses non-directive teaching techniques and tactic implications instead of explicit teaching.
Implicit Instruction
The reading level where a student can read independently where they can recognize words and comprehend well enough that no teacher guidance is required.
Independent Reading Level
Reading that is done alone without assistance from a teacher or any other learners. This is crucial to developing reading skills. It advances familiarity with word structures, improves fluency and accuracy, increase vocabulary, broadens knowledge, and motivates students to read more for both information and pleasure.
Independent Reading