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89 Cards in this Set

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binding sites on beta subunit of laminin
heparan sulfate, proteoglycan, integrin
binding sites on gamma subunit of laminin
entactin, proteoglycan, integrin
lamina densa contains
type IV collagen
has a collagen binding site of lamina densa and a laminin binding domain
allow interactions between cells and basal lamina
junctional epidermolysis bullosa
epithelial tissue is separated from basement membrane
binds collagen/binds cell- dimer by disulfide bonds
contains GAG side-chains
bind to laminin network
can sequester growth factors
has glycine every third and is rich in proline and hydroxyproline
alpha helix
registered peptides that allow chains to assemble- RER
procollagen peptidases
cleave non-helical portions = tropocollagen
tropocollagen aggregates to form
fibrils assemble to form
collagen fibers
elastic fibers
fibrilln I
fibrillin II
microfibril associated glycoproteins
assembled in extracellular environment
Marfan Syndrome
deficiency in fibrillin I
tall, long arms, legs, fingers, toes
mitral valve prolapse
dilation of root of aorta
aortic dissection
matrix metalloproteinases
depend on metal ions
can degrade ECM proteins
6 ways MMPs can be regulated
protelytic activation
proteolytic processing/inactivation
protein inhibiton (TIMP)
ECM localization
cell surface localization
endocytes and intracellular degredation
Mast cells
have IgE receptors
when antigen binds mast cells:
Ca2+ is mobilized and this causes the release of granules which store histamines, proteases, and proteglycans
cytokines are also released
combat parasitic infections
eosinophil properties
crystalline center
____and ____ can both be moved in the cell
MF and MT
MT brought to focal adhesion by_____or_____. the contact causes__________ and______.
elongation or motors
GTP cap destabilized
MT retracts and breaks focal adhesion
contraction of smooth muscle regulated by
phosphorylation of myosin light chains
Lamina Densa is made up of
type IV collagen
Type IV collagen has __ domains. These are:
non-collagenous domain 7S
collagenous doman (triple helix)
Non-collagenous domain NC1
binds laminin and collagen IV together
lamina reticularis
connects the basal lamina to connective tissue/stroma
made up of collagen III
allows connective tissue cells to interact with basement membranes
fibrinectin structure
collagen binding domain
cell binding domain (through integrins)
dimer formed by disulfide bonds at the C-term end
ECM protein
binds laminin network
structure of proteoglycan and what this can do
glycosaminoglycan side chains(contains heparan sulfate or chondroitin sulfate)
these sequester growth factors
BM is connected to ECM by___
fibromectin and proteoglycan and their interactions with integrins located on the cell membrane
BM is connected to the cytoskeleton by__________
binding integrins which are transmembrane proteins and these in turn bind to attachment proteins(talin, vinculin, and alpha actinin) that attach to actin
generate signaling complexes that effect distributions of tight junction components
tensile strength
pemphigus foliaceus
desmoglein 1 antibodies
loss of adhesion of keratinocytes in epidermis
gap junctions
no connection of cytoplasm
6 connexins make connexon
regulated by cAMP
cell specific
connect IFs of cells to proteins in basal lamina
hemidesmosomes bind ____ protein in membrane
adapter proteins of hemidesmosomes
plectin/ BP230
bullous pemphigoid
caused by autoantibodies of BP230
two other proteins that aid in hemidesmosomes
collagen VII and laminin V
epidermolysis bullosa
mutation in laminin 5 which helps connect the epidermis to the dermis
focal adhesions
connect actin to extracellular proteins in basal lamina
uses integrins
adapter proteins
alpha-actinin, talin, filamin, vinculin
selectins are found on
endothelial cells which secrete the selectin when stiumulated by cytokines
secreted by endothelial cells and bind integrin on the leukocytes to stop them
-bind alpha-actinin in cytoplasm and can also bind each other
binding sites on alpha subunit of laminin
heparan sulfate
epidermolysis bullosa simplex
defect in keratin K5 or K14
severe blistering
early onset
charcot-marie-tooth disorder
abnormal neurofilaments
symptoms similar to lateral sclerosis(degredation of motor nerves)
desmin-related myopathy
chronic neuromuscular disorder
abnormal neurofilaments
dilated cardiomyopathy
mutated desmins(intermediate filaments in muscles)
Emergy-Dreyfus muscular dystrophy
mutated lamin A or emerin
limb/girdle muscular dystrophy
pemphigus foliaceus
autoantibodies to desmoglein I(cadherin family proteins)
crusty sores
no oral problems
pemphigus vulgaris
antibodies to desmoglein 3
blistering on oral cavity or body
intra-epithelial clefting
bullous pemphigoid
autoantibodies to hemidesmosome proteins(BP180, BP230, laminin 5, beta4 integrin)
muscular dystrophies
mutations of dystrophan
polycystic kidney disease/retinal degeneration
defects in kinesis complexes that carry cargo to top of cilia and flagella
binds carbs
weaker than cadherins
slow down leukocytes for extravasation
binds PSGL-1 on leukocytes
promote binding between endothelial cells and leukocytes
located on endothelia
binds integrins
bound to alpha actinin in cytoplasm
activated by selectin binding
bind ICAMS
The basement membrane is found____
on the basal of epithelium and endothelium
surround all muscle cells and nerve cells
lamina reticularis is made by
fibroblasts in underlying connective tissue
basal lamina contains____ and is made by_____
lamina rara and lamina densa
epithelial cells
laminin is composed of
three polypeptides- alpha, beta and gamma
the alpha subunit of laminin has________binding domain
heparan sulfate
binding sites on gamma subunit of laminin
integrin, entactin, proteoglycan
binding sites on beta subunit of laminin
proteoglycan, heparan sulfate, and integrin
_______makes up lamina densa
Collagen Type IV
Three domains in collagin IV
non-collagenous domain 7S
collagenous domain (triple helix)
non-collagneous domain NC1
binds the laminin and collagen together
what binds the basal lamina to the epithelial cells?
integrin- transmembrane in the cells
This allows cells to move and stay firmly attached
mutations in integrins or laminin chains result in
detachment of epithelium from basement membrane
Integrin function
transmembrane proteins that are receptors for extracellular matrix proteins(fibronectin and laminin)
Structure of Integrin
two subunits, alpha and beta. with many different combinations
_____is an integrin specific to hemidesmosomes and binds ______
extracellular laminin
extracellular matrix protein that binds integrins
it also binds other proteins such as collagen
extracellular matrix protein that binds integrins
it also binds other proteins such as collagen
in hemidesmosomes, __________binds adapter proteins which in turn bind to __________
intermediate filaments

a protein in the plaque proteins (adapter proteins) that help bind integrins

also cross links IF to other IFs and IFs to MT and MF
mutations in plectin cause
epidermolysis bullosa
plaque protein
autoantibodies cause bullous pemphigoid
Collagen XVII
transmembrane component of hemidesmosomes
also called BP180- autoantibodies cause bullous pemphigoid
Collagen VII
helps connect the dermis to the epidermis
laminin 5 also does this
laminin 5
helps connect the dermis to the epidermis
mutations in collagen VII cause
epidermolysis bullosa
focal adhesions connect_______to _______by using______.
actin cytoskeleton
extracellular proteins
actin binding protein
defining feature of focal adhesions