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199 Cards in this Set

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A professional organization charged with establishing voluntary standards for recognizing superior teachers as board certified.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
The term used to describe the intentional effort to develop personal connections with individuals who could be helpful in finding positions or gaining professional advancement.
A two-year teacher education institution popular in the nineteenth century, many of which were expanded to become today's state colleges and universities.
normal school
the science of teaching
Compilations of work (such as papers, projects, videotapes) assembled to demonstrate growth, creativity, and competence. Often advocated as a more comprehensive assessment than test scores.
A summary of a person's education and experiences, often used for application to school or employment
A program that places unlicensed college graduates in districts with critical teacher shortages as they work toward attaining a teacher license.
Teach for America
A procedure for acquiring a teacher’s license for those who have not graduated from a traditional state-approved teacher education program.
alternative licensure
Teachers who demonstrate high levels of knowledge, commitment, and professionalism are awarded this recognition of advanced teaching competence through a competitive review process administered by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
board-certified teachers
The more rapid promotion of gifted students through school.
accelerated programs
Courses and programs in which younger students can earn college credit.
advanced placement
The area of learning that involves attitudes, values, and emotions.
affective domain
Educational programs in which students of limited or no English-speaking ability attend classes taught in English, as well as in their native language. There is great variability in these programs in terms of goals, instructional opportunity, and balance between English and a student’s native language.
bilingual education
The physical, emotional, and aesthetic characteristics, as well as the learning resources of a school classroom.
classroom climate
The area of learning that involves knowledge, information, and intellectual skills.
cognitive domain
Personality characteristics, such as persistence, can be measured as part of a new human dimension referred to as EQ. Some believe that EQ scores may be better predictors or future success than IQ scores.
Emotional Intelligence quotient (EQ)
The process of acquiring a culture; a child’s acquisition of the cultural heritage through both formal and informal educational means.
Students who require special education and related services in order to realize their full potential. Categories of exceptionality include retarded, gifted, learning disabled, emotionally disturbed, and physically disabled.
exceptional learners
There is great variance in definitions and categorizations of the “gifted.” the term is most frequently applied to those with exceptional intellectual ability, but it may also refer to learners with outstanding ability in athletics, leadership, music, creativity, and so forth.
gifted learners
The practice of educating and integrating children with disabilities into regular classroom settings.
Federal law passed in 1990, which extends full educational services and provisions to people identified with disabilities.
Individual with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
An educationally significant language and/or learning deficit.
learning disability
The program best suited to meeting a disabled student’s special needs without segregating the student from the regular educational program.
least restrictive environment
A student who has a limited ability to understand, speak, or read English and who has a native language other than English.
Limited English Proficiency (LEP)
The inclusion of special education students in the regular education program. The nature and extent of this inclusion should be based on meeting the special needs of the child.
mainstreaming (inclusion)
Educational policies and practices that not only recognize but also affirm human differences and similarities associated with gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, and class.
multicultural education
A theory developed by Howard Gardner to expand the concept of human intelligence to include such areas as logical-mathematical, linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.
multiple intelligences
Programs and instruction for children with physical, mental, emotional, or learning disabilities or gifted students who need special educational services in order to achieve at their ability level.
special education
The principle that no child with disabilities may be denied a free and appropriate public education.
zero reject
Refers to giving every student the educational opportunity to develop fully whatever talents, interests, and abilities he or she may have without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or economic status.
Equal Educational Opportunities Act (EEOA)
The mechanism through which a disabled child’s special needs are identified, objectives and services are described, and evaluation is designed.
Individualized Education Program (IEP)
The time a student is actively engaged with the subject matter and experiencing a high success rate.
academic learning time
The amount of time a school or an individual teacher schedules for a subject.
allocated time
Using longer "blocks" of time to schedule classes results in fewer but longer periods given to each subject. It is designed to promote greater in-depth study.
block scheduling
In classrooms using cooperative learning, students work on activities in small groups, and they receive rewards based on the overall group performance.
cooperative learning
Instructional activities are organized in response to individual differences rather than content standards. Teachers are asked to carefully consider each student's needs, learning style, life experience, and readiness to learn.
differentiated instruction
A model of instruction in which the teacher is a strong leader who structures the classroom and sequences subject matter to reflect a clear academic focus. This model emphasizes the importance of a structured lesson in which presentation of new information is followed by student practice and teacher feedback.
direct teaching
The part of time that a teacher schedules for a subject in which the students are actively involved with academic subject matter. Listening to a lecture, participating in a class discussion, and working on math problems all constitute this
engaged time
Questions that require students to go beyond memory in formulating a response. These questions require students to analyze, synthesize, evaluate, and so on.
high-order questions
The creation of more personal collaboration between teachers and students to promote similar academic goals and values.
learning communities
The practice of teaching the same class for several years, over two or even more grades. The purpose is to build stronger teacher-student connections.
Questions that require the retrieval of memorized information and do not require more complex intellectual processes.
lower-order questions
An educational practice in which an individual demonstrates mastery of one task before moving on to the next.
mastery learning
The purpose of a lesson expressed in a statement.
A system of teacher-student interaction that includes four steps: structure–teacher introduces the topic; question–teacher asks questions; respond–student answers or tries to answer questions; and react–teacher reacts to student's answers and provides feedback.
pedagogical cycle
Predicated on a broad and in-depth understanding of what is happening in the classroom, reflective teaching promotes thoughtful consideration and dialogue about classroom events.
reflective teaching
provides support to help a student build understanding. The teacher might use cues or encouragement or well-formulated questions to assist a student in solving a problem or mastering a concept.
are content-related questions originating from the student, yet comprising only a small percentage of the questions asked in class.
student-initiated questions
The amount of time a teacher waits for a student's response after a question is asked and the amount of time following a student's response before the teacher reacts.
wait time
A group of teachers, parents, and even businesses may petition a local school board, or state government, to form a charter school which is exempt from many state and local regulations. Designed to promote creative new schools, the charter represents legal permission to try new approaches to educate students. First charter legislation was passed in Minnesota in 1991.
charter school
An educational company that contracts with local school districts, promising to improve student achievement while making a profit in the process.
Edison Schools (Edison Project)
Flat grants or payments representing the cost of educating a student at a school. Awarded to the parent or child to enable free choice of a school–public or private–the voucher payment is made to the school that accepts the child.
educational vouchers
The term is borrowed from Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) and refers to the growing number of profit-driven companies in the business of public education.
Educational Maintenance Organization (EMO)
These schools provide a network of social services from nutrition and health care to parental education and transportation, all designed to support the comprehensive educational needs of children.
full service school
Home school advocates focused on avoiding public schools in order to impart their own set of values.
A specialized school open to all students in a district on a competitive or lottery basis. It provides a method of drawing children away from segregated neighborhood schools while affording unique educational specialties, such as science, math, and the performing arts.
magnet school
The practice of permitting students to attend the school of their choice within their school system. It is sometimes associated with magnet schools and desegregation efforts.
open enrollment
Term given to home school advocates motivated by humanistic rather than religious goals.
The movement toward increased private sector, for-profit involvement in the management of public agencies, including schools.
Also called social reconstructionism, this is a view of education as a way to improve the quality of life, to reduce the chances of conflict, and to create a more humane world.
The name given to several programs in which parents choose what school their child will attend.
school choice
By volunteering in a variety of community settings, from nursing homes to child care facilities, students are encouraged to develop a sense of community and meet what is now a high school graduation requirement in some states.
service credit
Formerly Educational Alternatives, this private company works in the public school sector, attempting to improve school efficiency and student achievement, while making a profit
The assignment of pupils to homogeneous groups according to intellectual ability or level for instructional purposes.
ability grouping
The movement to eliminate school tracking practices, which often have racial, ethnic, and class implications.
School effectiveness research emphasizes five factors, including effective leadership, monitoring student progress, safety, a clear vision, and high expectations.
five factor theory
Tests that compare individual students with others in a designated norm group.
norm-referenced tests
Tests that measure whether students have mastered a designated body of knowledge rather than how they compare with other students in a norm group.
objective-referenced test
A diagram that is constructed to record social interactions, such as which children interact frequently and which are isolates.
The method of placing students according to their ability level in homogeneous classes or learning experiences. Once a student is placed, it may be very difficult to move up from one track to another. The placements may reflect racism, classism, or sexism.
The unheralded but persistent move of schools away from formal tracking programs.
unremarked revolution
The private or semipublic secondary schools in the United States from 1830 through 1870 that stressed practical subjects.
During the 1980s, a revival of the back-to-basics movement evolved out of concern for declining test scores in math, science, reading, and other areas. Although there is not a precise definition of back to basics, many consider it to include increased emphasis on reading, writing, and arithmetic, fewer electives, and more rigorous grading.
back to basics
The collection of literature and other works that typically reflects a white, Euro-centered view of the world.
A program to teach elementary and secondary students about the world of work by integrating career awareness and exploration across the school curriculum.
career education (vocational education)
A central body of knowledge that schools require all students to study.
core curriculum
An education philosophy that unites the theory of critical thinking with actual practice in real-world settings. The purpose is to eliminate the cultural and educational control of the dominant group, to have students apply critical thinking skills to the real world and become agents for social change.
critical pedagogy
Knowledge of the people, places, events, and concepts central to the standard literate culture.
cultural literacy
Planned content of instruction that enables the school to meet its aims.
A term used to describe the technological gap between the "haves" and "have nots." Race, gender, class, and geography are some of the demographic factors influencing technological access and achievement.
digital divide
The demand for a more practical education in eighteenth-century America led to the creation of these private schools that taught commerce, navigation, engineering, and other vocational skills.
English Grammar School
The study and analysis of the conditions and causes of pollution, overpopulation, and waste of natural resources, and of the ways to preserve Earth's intricate ecology.
environmental education
The part of school life that comprises activities, such as sports, academic and social clubs, band, chorus, orchestra, and theater. Many educators think that the extracurriculum develops important skills and values, including leadership, teamwork, creativity, and diligence.
A single sheet of parchment containing the Lord's Prayer and letters of the alphabet. It was protected by a thin sheath from the flattened horn of a cow and fastened to a wooden board–hence, the name. It was used during the colonial era in primary schools.
The study and analysis of the conditions of and need for peace, the causes of war, and the mechanisms for the nonviolent resolution of conflict. It is also referred to as peace education.
peace studies
An approach to reading instruction that emphasizes decoding words by sounding out letters and combinations of letters (as contrasted with the whole language approach).
Critics such as Paul Goodman, Herbert Kohl, and John Holt who believed that schools were stifling the cognitive and affective development of children. Individual critics stressed different problems or solutions, but they all agreed that schools were producing alienated, uncreative, and unfulfilled students.
romantic critics
Originally created during the 1970s to study the history, literature, psychology, and experiences of women, topics typically missing from the traditional curriculum.
woment's studies
The curriculum that is not taught in schools.
null curriculum
A type of evaluation that represents actual performance, encourages students to reflect on their own work, and is integrated into the student's whole learning process. Such tests usually require that students synthesize knowledge from different areas and use that knowledge actively.
authentic assessment
The knowledge, skills, and dispositions that students should master in each subject. These standards are often linked to broader themes and sometimes to testing programs.
content standards
These standards attempt to recognize and respond to individual differences and circumstances. Poorer students learning in schools with fewer resources should receive more appropriate and adequate learning opportunities, and if some students need more time to take tests, additional time should be provided.
opportunity to learn standards
Statements that describe what teachers or students should be able to do, and how well they should do it.
performance standards
Formulas that use objective, quantitative measures to determine the reading level of textbooks
readability formulas
The belief that people can live ethically without faith in a supernatural or supreme being. Some critics have alleged that secular humanism is a form of religion and that publishers are promoting secular humanism in their books.
secular humanism
In order to avoid possible problems and parental complaints, some educators quietly remove a book from a library shelf or a course of study. Teachers practice the same sort of self-censorship when they choose not to teach a topic or not to discuss a difficult issue.
Under the No Child Left Behind Act, each state establishes annual criteria to determine school district and school achievement.
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
A psychological theory that interprets human behavior in terms of stimuli-response.
A credit awarded to a student for successfully completing a high school course. It is used in determining graduation requirements and college admissions.
Carnegie Unit
Financial aid to local school districts from state or federal agencies for specific purposes.
categorical grant
In 1892, the National Education Association formed the committee, influenced by college presidents, to reform the nation's high schools. The result was an academically oriented curriculum geared for colleges, and the creation of the Carnegie unit as a measure of progress through the high school curriculum
Committee of Ten
A public, tax-supported school. First established in Massachusetts, the school's purpose was to create a common basis of knowledge for children. It usually refers to a public elementary school.
common schools
Primary schools in colonial and other early periods in which students were taught by untrained women in the women's own homes.
dame schools
Educator Ralph Tyler's study in the 1930s that indicated the effectiveness of progressive education
Eight Year Study
Is a term applied to the gender stereotyping of career and occupational fields. Teaching, for example, was initially gendered male, and today is gendered female, particularly at the elementary school level.
gendered career
Latin term meaning "in place of the parents"; that is, a teacher or school administrator assumes the duties and responsibilities of the parents during the hours the child attends school.
in loco parentis
Schools often associated with a teacher preparation institution for practice teaching, demonstration, research, or innovation.
labratory schools
For almost 100 years, this reading series promoted moral and patriotic messages and set the practice of reading levels leading toward graded elementary schools.
McGuffey reader
Federally sponsored programs (1958) to improve science, math, and foreign language instruction in schools
National Defense Education Act
One of the first textbooks in colonial America, teaching reading and moral messages.
New England Primer
A two-year teacher education institution popular in the nineteenth century, many of which were expanded to become today's state colleges and universities.
normal school
Provided for the sale of federal lands in the Northwest territory to support public schools.
Northwest Ordinance
Massachusetts colony law requiring teachers in towns of fifty families or more and that schools be built in towns of one hundred families or more. Communities must teach children to read so that they can read the Bible and thwart Satan.
Old Deluder Satan Law
An educational philosophy emphasizing democracy, student needs, practical activities, and school-community relationships.
The branch of philosophy that examines the nature of beauty and judgments about it.
A behavior modification program developed by Lee and Marlene Canter designed to "catch" and reward students being good, while discouraging off-task and inappropriate behavior.
assertive discipline
A strategy to alter behavior in a desired direction through the use of rewards.
behavior modification
With roots in cognitive psychology, this educational approach is built on the idea that people construct their understanding of the world. Constructivist teachers gauge a student's prior knowledge, then carefully orchestrate cues, classroom activities, and penetrating questions to push students to higher levels of understanding.
A central body of knowledge that schools require all students to study.
core curriculum
Working from a general rule to identify particular examples and applications to that rule.
deductive reasoning
The philosophy that maintains that sensory experiences, such as seeing, hearing, and touching, are the ultimate sources of all human knowledge. Empiricists believe that we experience the external world by sensory perception; then, through reflection, we conceptualize ideas that help us interpret the world
The branch of philosophy that examines the nature of knowledge and learning
An educational philosophy that emphasizes basic skills of reading, writing, mathematics, science, history, geography, and language.
The branch of philosophy that examines questions of right and wrong, good and bad.
The tendency to view one's own culture as superior to others, or to fail to consider other cultures in a fair or equitable manner.
A philosophy that emphasizes the ability of an individual to determine the course and nature of his or her life and the importance of personal decision making.
A doctrine holding that knowledge is derived from ideas and emphasizing moral and spiritual reality as a preeminent source of explanation.
Drawing generalizations based on the observation of specific examples.
inductive reasoning
In many cultures, augments or takes the place of formal schooling as children learn adult roles through observation, conversation, assisting, and imitating
informal education
The branch of philosophy that deals with reasoning. Logic defines the rules of reasoning, focuses on how to move from one set of assumptions to valid conclusions, and examines the rules of inference that enable us to frame our propositions and arguments.
The area of philosophy that examines the nature of reality.
Spoken language is the primary method for instruction in several cultures around the world. Word problems are used to teach reasoning, proverbs to instill wisdom, and stories to teach lessons about nature, history, religion, and social customs.
oral tradition
The love of or search for wisdom; the quest to understand the meaning of life.
An approach to analyzing how past and present societies are arranged and governed and how better societies may be created in the future.
political philosophy
The philosophy that emphasizes the power of reason and the principles of logic to derive statements about the world. Rationalists encourage schools to emphasize teaching mathematics, because mathematics involves reason and logic.
An educational strategy attributed to Socrates in which a teacher encourages a student's discovery of truth by questions.
Socratic method
Holding schools and teachers responsible for student performance.
Federal dollars provided to the states, with limited federal restrictions, for educational aid and program funding.
block grants
A certificate of debt issued by a government guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date. Bonds are used by local communities to raise the funds they need to build or repair schools
Financial aid to local school districts from state or federal agencies for specific purposes.
categorical grant
The executive head of a state department of education. The chief state school officer is responsible for carrying out the mandates of the state board of education and enforcing educational laws and regulations. This position is also referred to as state superintendent.
chief state school officer
The trend toward combining small or rural school districts into larger ones.
The trend of dividing large school districts into smaller and, it is hoped, more responsive units
Form of representative government in which the interests of a particular geographic region are represented through an individual or "delegate." Some school boards are organized so that members act as delegates of a neighborhood or region
delegate representative
The term given to a school when a large proportion of its students do not do well on standardized tests or other academic measures. Critics charge that students attending such schools are not receiving their constitutionally guaranteed adequate education
failing school
Adds state funds _to local tax revenues, especially in poorer communities in order to enhance local educational expenditures.
guarenteed tax base program
The unofficial power structure within a school. It cannot be identified by the official title, position, or functions of individuals. For example, it reflects the potential influence of a school secretary or custodian.
hidden government
Local real estate taxes (also cars and personal property) historically used to fund local schools
property tax
The state education agency that regulates policies necessary to implement legislative acts related to education
state board of education
Financial aid to local school districts from state or federal agencies for specific purposes.
categorical grant
The executive head of a state department of education. The chief state school officer is responsible for carrying out the mandates of the state board of education and enforcing educational laws and regulations. This position is also referred to as state superintendent.
chief state school officer
The trend toward combining small or rural school districts into larger ones.
The trend of dividing large school districts into smaller and, it is hoped, more responsive units
Form of representative government in which the interests of a particular geographic region are represented through an individual or "delegate." Some school boards are organized so that members act as delegates of a neighborhood or region
delegate representative
The term given to a school when a large proportion of its students do not do well on standardized tests or other academic measures. Critics charge that students attending such schools are not receiving their constitutionally guaranteed adequate education
failing school
Adds state funds _to local tax revenues, especially in poorer communities in order to enhance local educational expenditures.
guarenteed tax base program
The unofficial power structure within a school. It cannot be identified by the official title, position, or functions of individuals. For example, it reflects the potential influence of a school secretary or custodian.
hidden government
Local real estate taxes (also cars and personal property) historically used to fund local schools
property tax
The state education agency that regulates policies necessary to implement legislative acts related to education
state board of education
An agency that operates under the direction of the state board of education, accrediting schools, certifying teachers, appropriating state school funds, and so on.
state deparment of education
This conception of a school board member's role differs from the delegate approach, as members are viewed as representatives of the entire community, rather than representing the narrower interests of a particular group or neighborhood.
trustee representatives
The opportunity for teachers and students to learn, teach, study, research, and question without censorship, coercion, or external political and other restrictive influences
academic freedom
The 1974 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act granting parents of students under 18, and students 18 or over the right to examine their school records.
Buckley Amendment
A model comprised of various strategies that promote a defined set of core values to students
character education
Physical, sexual, or emotional violation of a child's health and well-being
child abuse
Disciplining students through physical punishment by a school employee
corporal punishment
The procedural requirements that must be followed in such areas as student and teacher discipline and placement in special education programs. Due process exists to safeguard individuals from arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable policies, practices, or actions. The essential elements of due process are (1) a notice of the charge or actions to be taken, (2) the opportunity to be heard, (3) and the right to a defense that reflects the particular circumstances and nature of the case
due process
A new experimental line of litigation similar to the concept of medical malpractice. Educational malpractice is concerned with assessing liability for students who graduate from school without fundamental skills. Unlike medical malpractice, many courts have rejected the notion that schools or educators be held liable for this problem.
educational malpractice
A section of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution that says that Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion. This clause prohibits nonparochial schools from teaching religion
establishment clause
A legal principle allowing limited use of copyrighted materials. Teachers must observe three criteria: brevity, spontaneity, and cumulative effect.
fair use
Enacted in Congress in 1994, schools can lose federal funds if they do not have a zero-tolerance policy mandating one-year expulsions for students bringing firearms to schools. The vast majority of schools report zero-tolerance policies for firearms
Gun-free Schools Act
Deliberately acting improperly and causing harm to someone.
Failure to act in a proper manner to prevent harm.
Failure to exercise appropriate responsibility that results in someone's being harmed
model, comprising various strategies, that encourages students to express and clarify their values on different topics.
values clarification
Such rigorous rules offer schools little or no flexibility in responding to student infractions related to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, violence, and weapons. These policies have been developed by both local school districts and a number of state legislatures, and in most cases, students who violate such policies must be expelled.
zero tolerance policies
Family units that differ from the traditional image; examples include foster care children, single parents, central role of grandparents, and gay couples.
alternative families
A method for remedying segregation by transporting students to create more ethnically or racially balanced schools. Before busing and desegregation were linked, busing was not a controversial issue, and, in fact, the vast majority of students riding school buses are not involved in desegregation programs.
This theory asserts that academic problems can be overcome if educators study and mediate the cultural gap separating school and home.
cultural difference theory
The segregation of racial or other groups resulting from circumstances, such as housing patterns, rather than from official policy or law
de facto segregation
The segregation of racial or other groups on the basis of law, policy, or a practice designed to accomplish such separation.
de jure segregation
A theory that asserts that the values, language patterns, and behaviors that children from certain racial and ethnic groups bring to school put them at an educational disadvantage.
defecit theory
The process of correcting past practices of racial or other illegal segregation
First made popular by Rosenthal and Jacobson, this theory holds that a student's academic performance can be improved if a teacher's attitudes and beliefs about that student's academic potential are modified.
expectation theory
When a school's multiracial populations are separated through tracking, extracurricular activities, and even in informal social events, the school is considered to be in second-generation segregation.
second generation segregation
A legal doctrine that holds that equality of treatment is accorded when the races are provided substantially equal facilities, even though those facilities are separate. This doctrine was ruled unconstitutional in regard to race.
separate but equal
Any action that limits or denies a person or group of persons opportunities, privileges, roles, or rewards on the basis of sex.
sex discrimination
Attributing behavior, abilities, interests, values, and roles to a person or group of persons on the basis of sex. This process ignores individual differences.
sex role stereotyping
A national organization of teachers that is primarily concerned with improving educational conditions and protecting teachers' rights.
American Federation of Teachers
A negotiating procedure between employer and employees for resolving disagreements on salaries, work schedules, and other conditions of employment. In collective bargaining, all teachers in a school system bargain as one group through chosen representatives
collective bargaining
The largest organization of educators; is concerned with the overall improvement of education and of the conditions of educators. It is organized at the national, state, and local levels.
National Education Association (NEA)
School district efforts to improve knowledge, skills and performance of its professional staff
proffessional development
the first school of education in the United States
Samuel Hall
helped establish the first state-supported normal school
Horace Mann
theory of mutiple intelligences
Howard Gardner
advocates that teachers develop students EQs as well as IQs
Daniel Goleman
identifies 4 levels of multicultural education
James Banks
Which educational researcher analyzed effective classroom management, identifying such skills as withitness, overlapping, and avoidance of fragmentation
Jacob Kounin
studied and analyzed the pedagogical cycle
Arno Bellack