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337 Cards in this Set

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types of forces

tension (we apply)

shear (we apply)

compression (more careful)

torsion (more careful)

tissues types that forces effect (fundamental tissue types)

muscular, nervous, epithelial, CT

extrinsic factors related to forces

orthotics, taping, assistive devices, footwear, desk work, what they are doing at gym


predicts/explains phenomena

physical stress

force applied to specific area of tissue

organ systems involved w/ guide to PT practice





physical stress theory

changes in relative level of physical stress cause predictable adaptive response in all biological tissue

effects of physical stress on tissue (hierarchy)

death, injury, increased tolerance (hypertrophy), maintenance, decreased tolerance (atrophy) death


tissue damage from excessive stress resulting in pain, discomfort, and/or impaired fxn

level of exposure to physical stress is composite value defined by ____,_____,______ of stress application

magnitude (how much force), time (how long force applied, duration), direction (compression, tension, shear, torsion)

excessive physical stress that causes injury can occur through 1 or more of the following 3 mechanisms

1) high force, short time (car accident)

2) mod force, mod time (running injury)

3) low force, long time (posture)

t/f: regardless of mechanism of injury inflammation ALWAYS occurs immediately following tissue injury and renders injured tissue LESS tolerant of stress than it was prior to injury


factors affecting level of physical stress on tissues or the adaptive response of tissues to physical stress

1) mvmt and alignment factors

2) extrinsic factors

3) pysch factors

4) physiological factors

mvmt and alignment factors of physical stress

muscle performance, motor control, posture and alignment, PA; occupational, leisure, and self care activities

physiological factors of physical stress

meds, age, systemic pathology, obesity

clinical reasoning in PT is

-interaction that is collaborative (enable understanding of problem, enable negotiated plan)


-deductive and inductive

-complex, non-linear, cyclical

-allows reflective learning and dev't of clinical expertise

types of clinical reasoning



reasoning about teaching



reflective thinking and critical thinking types

-reflection on action (what you did)

-reflection in action (as going through process)

-reflection for action (taking next sets in terms of past experience)

dialectic thinking

diagnostic reasoning, deductive reasoning vs. narrative reasoning, inductive reasoning

deductive reasoning

starting w/ known facts, logical reasoning to come up w/ additional facts

inductive reasoning

start w/ general info and try to find patterns in it, try to find patterns in it, generalization

8 hypothesis categories


Pathobiological mechanisms

Pt perspective

impairment/source of sx's

Contributing factors




classifications of injury




acute on chronic

acute injury

immediately after event; macrotrauma and microtrauma when gets to injury level; 7-10 days

subacute injury

12-20 days

chronic injury

not healing way it's supposed to

acute on chronic injury

injury for extended period of time, then reinjuring it

physical barriers to invading pathogens

skin, mucosal membranes

innate immune system

tissue macrophages, neutrophils, NK cells, complement system (membrane attack complex)

adaptive or acquired immunity

B cells: produced in bone marrow

T cells: produced in bone marrow, mature in thymus; regulatory T cells, Helper T, Killer T cells

T cells

produced in bone marrow, mature in thymus; bind to MHC complex; MHC I recognized by cytotoxic T cells; MHC II complex recognized by helper T cells


helper T


killer T

B cells

look for antigens, activated by binding with antigen, may need help from helper T cell to get fully activated, differentiate into clones of itself, turn into memory cells that recognize same antigen quickly, and plasma cells = antibody factories that bind to antigens

antibodies bind to antigens = flag antigens to increase rate of phagocytosis


activated as leave blood, most numerous, fastest responders

NK cells

normally in blood, kill what is not human (don't have MHC complex marker)


patched/fixed w/ tissue that is not same as tissue started out as


tissue replaced by tissue just like injured tissue

phases of wound healing


inflammatory phase

repair phase (fibroplasia/proliferative)

remodeling phase (maturation)

wound healing in general timeline

inflammatory: acute 0-48 hours, subacute 2-4 wks

fibroplasia/repair: day 2-4 to 4-6 wks

remodeling/maturation: 2-3 wks up to 2 years

inflammatory phase

essential for orderly, timely healing

3-7 days

goal: provide for breakdown and removal of cellular, extracellular, and pathogen debris

result: clean wound site for tissue restoration and initiation of repair process

fibroplasia/repair phase/proliferative phase

begins 3-5 days post injury

continues for 3 weeks in wounds healing by primary intention

goals: fills in wound defects w/ new tissue, restore tissue integrity of skin

benchmark: new tissue formation

remodeling/maturation phase

decreasing fibroblasts, increased cross links, type 3 to type I collagen

timeline of skin healing

inflammatory: up to 3 days (most w/in 1st 48 hrs)

fibroplasia/repair: day 4-14

remodeling/maturation: 10-14 days to several months

prothrombin to clot chart


5 cardinal signs of swelling

5 cardinal signs of swelling: redness, swelling, heat, pain, loss of fxn

key processes in inflammation

-mitogenesis and chemotaxis of growth factors

-controlled tissue degradation

-role of perfusion

-hypoxia and regulatory fxn of oxygen-tension gradient

-complement system activation to control infection

-neutrophil, macrophage, mast, and fibroblast cell fxns

-keratinocyte activation

-current of injury


lymphocytes: T cells and B cells

monocytes to macrophages

granulocytes: neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils

epithelialization phase

benchmark: resurfacing of wound and changes in wound edges

-process of resurfacing is fxn of keratinocytes

-response w/in hours of injury

-full thickness wounds

-tensile strength of remodeled skin

epithelialization in chronic wounds

diminished keratinocyte migration, delayed b/c of need for granulation tissue to fill wound bed

key processes in repair phase

angiogenesis, collagen synthesis, wound contraction


stimulated by hypoxia; formation of micro vessels to help re establish o2 in area of damage

granulation tissue in wound healing


replaces provisional fibrin matrix (formed w/ clot)

ground substance contains: macrophages, fibroblasts, myofibroblasts, neovasculature

capillary budding

fibroblastic cell proliferation wound healing

activated by cytokine GFs released by PDGFs

fibroblasts secrete: collagen fibers, GAGs, ground substance, fibronection

myofibroblasts: helps w/ remodeling

proliferative phase in chronic wound healing

fibroblast senescence

fibronectin composition

chronic wound fluid-inhibiting factors

plateauing of healing

delayed reepithelialization

remodeling phase in wound healing

begins as granulation tissue forms in wound bed during proliferative phase and continues for 1-2 years

scar tissue: initially 15-20% tensile strength, end 80% tensile strength

collagen conversion Type III to Type I

remodeling phase in chronic wounds

dysregulation of collagen synthesis

hypertrophic scarring: thick scar stays in wound margins


factors affecting healing process

local factors: cleanliness, size of injury, mvmt, depth of injury, enviro

systemic factors: disease, immune system, alcohol, nutrition

extrinsic factors: temp, cleanliness, meds

chemical mediators of inflammation

arachidonic acid




arachidonic acid

metabolism initiated by enzymatic degradation of cell membrane phospholipids

forms 3 major substances: leukotrienes, thromboxanes, PGs


involved w/ allergies and asthma


involved in clotting/hemostasis


produce pain and stimulate pain-producing chemicals

produced by nearly all cells in body, released in response to damage to cell membrane, multiple types of PGs (PGe1 and PGE2 primarily affect inflammatory phase of healing)


increase vascular permeability; sensitize pain receptors


attracts leukocytes and stimulates production of inflammatory mediators; sensitize pain receptors

anti-inflammatory agents, steroids and NSAIDs effect on inflammation

anti-inflammatory agent: inhibit production of arachidonic acid metabolites

steroids: act by inhibiting conversion of cell membrane phospholipids to AA

NSAIDs: blocks blocks cyclooxygenase metabolic pathway after AA is formed

CT roles

mechanical support


tissue fluid transport

cell migration

wound healing

control of metabolic processes in other tissue

composition of CT


ECM- fibers, proteoglycans, glycoproteins, tissue fluid

cells of CT





ECM components

fibers- collagen, elastin



tissue fluid


19 types

common triple helix structure

roles: strength and stability of ECM, resists tensile loading

structure of collagen in tendons

parallel alignment; resistance from unidirectional forces, transmission of muscular forces

structure of collagen in ligs

less parallel alignment; resists tension from multi-directional forces

structure of collagen in bone

complex arrangement of orthogonal arrays; provides large amount of multi-directional tensile strength

elastic fibers

allow tissue to withstand repeated stretching and deformation

arrangement: concentric fenestrated sheets, individual fibers, 3D honeycomb-like network


structure: core protein, covalently attached to sulphated GAGs

amount and type in CT affect specific biomechanics properties

aggregating vs. non-aggregating


small portion of total matrix components


multi-fxnal macromolecule

role: stabilizing surrounding matrix, link matrix to cell, regulate cell fxns

dense CT

supports or limits motion

examples: bone, lig, tendon, aponeurosis

loose CT


examples: muscles, nerves, fascia, skin

articular cartilage (general)

few chondrocytes in different layers

synovial fluid supplies nutrition

Type II collagen to anchor to bone

large amount of PGs... attract water


cells: chondrocytes, fibroblasts

dense interwoven collagen fibers: resists multi directional forces, ideal to dissipate loads


cells: osteoblats, osteocytes

type I collagen

ground substance: mineral salts, proteoglycans

local factors affecting healing process

type, size, location of injury


vascular supply

mvmt/excessive pressure

temp deviation

topical meds

retained foreign body

systemic factors affecting healing process


sex hormones (estrogen positive)



concurrent illness or disease




immunocompromised conditions


type I collagen

more mature, stronger, seen predominately in bone, tendons, ligs, annulus fibrosis, joint capsule

type III collagen

sign of immaturity, 1st laid down in healing process; transition to type I as healing occurs

type II collagen

nucleus pulposus, articular cartilage

V and XI collagen

affect diameter, bigger size of fibrils = smaller amounts of V and xI; control how big fibrils become

aggregating vs. non aggregating proteoglycans

aggregating: proteoglycans bind to this and get larger, becoming big complex, resist compression

non aggregating: will not bind to this molecule; no role in resisting compression


property of substance exhibiting both elastic and viscous behavior, application of stress causing temporary deformation if stress is quickly removed but permanent deformation if it is maintained


stretch before breaks, failure point far from yield point; allows deformation, big plastic region


breaks easily, fail point close to yield point, small plastic region


how tissue responds to constant load

stress relaxation

constant deformation; adapting to stretching

2 types of fx healing

intramembranous healing (primary)

secondary callus formation

phases of fracture healing

inflammatory phase (0-3 days)

reparative phase (3-40 days)- stable vs. unstable

remodeling phase (40+ days)

inflammatory phase of bone

WBCs and cytokines to area; macrophages cleaning up junk; mesenchymal cells getting ready to produce cells needed

reparative phase of bone

ORIF (stable): well vascularized area; osteoblasts deposit new bone and jxn btw surfaces

unstable fx/insufficient vascularization: not a lot of osteoblasts depositing new bone; more chondrocytes lay down cartilage/callus to stabilize fx and provide structure that bone can work with

remodeling phase of bone

callus replaced by bone; happens as fx site is already mechanically stable

factors that affect bone healing

age, reduction precision, fx type, blood supply, amount of local trauma, degree of bone loss, type of bone involved, type of repair, presence of medical complications, location, general health and nutrition

processes that augment bone healing

ultrasound: energy stresses bone to encourage healing

pulsed electromagnetic fileds: for non-unions/mal-unions

direct current: stimulates proteoglycans and collagen synthesis

capacitive coupling: electrodes on skin affecting Ca channels

demineralized bone: biologic added at time of ORIF to form scaffold

primary bone healing steps

stage I, phase I: fx f/b clot + granulation tissue formation

stage II, phase II: granulation tissue to bone

stage III, phase III: restores normal bone contour

secondary bone healing steps

stage I/II, reactive phase: fx f/b clot + granulation tissue formation

stage III/IV, reparative phase: granulation to callus to lamellar bone

stage V, remodeling phase: restore normal bone contour

S-H type I

physis separation

good px for growth

S-H type II

metaphysis side of physis

good px for growth

S-H type III

epiphysis side of physis

fair px for growth; may require surgery; physis often fuses

S-H type V

physis crushed

physis often fuses

colles' fx

posterior displacement of distal radius

jones fx

fx of diaphysis 5th met in foot, more towards distal end

boxer's fx

5th metacarpal, hitting something with closed fist

lisfranc fx

fx at lisfranc joint (metatarsal and mid foot)

march fx

fx of metatarsal shafts

stress fractures

repeated loading/unloading leading to fatigue failure

secondary to accumulation of micro damage

compression side of fx may lead to fx more slowly (more time allowed for repair)

tension side of fx may quickly become complete fx

stress fx risk

enviro, bone mass, muscle/fitness, nutrition, structure, gender

response: return to fxn after stress fx

graduated loading program, progressive changes, limit variables, allow time btw changes, use cyclic training (w/ rest), vary load

relationship btw Ca intake and health risk

goldilocks pattern (U)

OP pharmacological tx + other drugs that negatively impact bone

biphosphonates: Fosamax, most commonly rx

PTH: stimulates bone formation, starts remodeling process

calcitonin: reduces blood Ca (more in bone)

raloxifene: increases bone thickness

corticosteroids: inhibit obsteoblast fxn, inhibit Ca resorption in GI tract, not good for bone health

Cox-2 inhibitors: higher rates of non union fx's


flat skull

osteogenesis imperfecta


abnormality in type I collagen

primary impairments: bone fragility, short stature, scoliosis, lax ligaments, weak muscles, failure of postnatal growth, recurrent fx's

Type I most common

blount's disease

tibial vara

compressive forces on medial knee = etiology

RFs = obesity

tx = braces and surgery

legg-calve-perthes disease

avascular necrosis at femoral head

occurs in young boys more frequently

synovitis repeatedly before; kid limping

exposed to smoke increases risk

slipped capital femoral epiphysis

slippage at growth plate

femoral head off femoral neck

see in metabolic disorder, related to acute trauma

more common in older children, boys

kids that are obese or big growth spurt

pain w/ walking in hip and knee

sever disease

lots of pain in heels

self-limiting and lots of stretching

apophysitis = driver; place where tendons attach

common during growth sports

osgood schlatter disease

apophysitis of tib tuberosity

need to offload tendons

club foot

hindfoot varus

equinus at ankle

defective talus dev't

neurologic factors

don't see much in 1st world countries


children; large amounts of unmineralized osteoid; bone becomes more ductile; vitamin D deficiency


adults; decrease mineralization of bone; bone becomes more ductile; deficiency of vitamin D; don't see bowling b/c bone already formed, bone more likely to fx

diabetes- alterations in fx healing

tissue level changes: decreased bone formation, decreased cartilage formation, increased loss of cart, decreased vascularity and angiogenesis

molecular level changes: decreased growth factors, decreased matrix proteins, increased pro inflammatory genes, increased pro osteoclastogenic factors, increased pro apoptotic genes

hypothyroidism and bone

decreased chondrocytes proliferation, decreased hypertrophy, decreased vascular invasion, healing at slower pace


bone production < bone absorption

RFs: aging, women, genetics, thinner frame, post menopausal

DEXA scans

osteopenia precedes OP

estrogen therapy prevents but increased risk of stroke

mechanisms of control of bone growth

systemic: bilateral synchronization

local: variable by growth plate

mechanical control: alignment w/ predominant forces

wolff's law

every change in form and fxn of bone or of their fxn alone is followed by certain definite changes in their internal architecture, and equally definite secondary alterations in their external confirmation, in accordance w/ mathematical laws

bone changes according to stresses applied to it

increase bone SA results in

bigger changes in response to use or disuse; trabecular bone has profound changes in response to exercise/disuse vs. cortical bone (small changes)

what happens in mild genu varum?

higher medial compressive forces, medial growth rate increased, bone wedge formed which realigns axis, equilibrium is restored; extreme deformities do not correct self as in this case

properties of bone




how is bone anisotropic?

cortical bone: best set up to take longitudinal stresses (WB), less set up to take transverse stresses, bad at shear stress

trabecular bone: tolerates lower stresses overall than cortical bone

how is bone a composite?

inorganic component resists compression; organic component resists tension; direction fibrils deposited influenced by stress

how is bone viscoelastic?

mechanical properties of bone dependent on rate it is loaded

rapid loading = increased stiffness

higher loads = can be taken before fx occurs

slower loads = less stiff, fx occurs at lower load

total area under stress strain curve

energy required for failure to happen (fx)


low ability to tolerate strain before failure


able to take lots of strain before failure, low stress, resist propagation of microfx's

osteomalacia (Stress strain)

poorly mineralized bone, weak, more ductile

osteoporosis (stress strain)

hyper mineralized, very brittle bone

cortical bone (stress strain)

more brittle, doesn't tolerate deformation

trabecular bone (stress strain)

can't tolerate a lot of stress but can take a lot of deformation

t/f: how much resistance to bending is dependent on bone diameter/hoe much deposition on periosteal bone, and how wide outer ring is


length and width effect on stability

bone same length but diameter is different = resistance to bending related to cube of diameter

larger bone 2x diameter = 8x bending as thinner bone

same diameter, 2x length = 1/8 bending strength of shorter bone

bone is strongest in which forces/direction?

longitudinal direction (WB), compression in cortical bone

shear does ok

less strong against transverse tension and compression

trabecular significantly less strong

viscoelasticity of bone

with rapid loading = bone responds w/ more stiffness, tolerates more stress before failure, behaves more brittle

slow loading = ductile behavior; tolerate lower stresses, not as stiff more compliant

function of skeletal system


leverage for mvmt

mineral storehouse

blood production

bone stores what minerals

99.9% body's Ca, PTH and vitamin D3 hormone control of serum Ca; Na, phosphate, K stored in bone

blood production in bone

bone marrow in medullary cavity; red bone marrow present in infants and young children and ribs, sternum, vertebrae, and coccyx in adults; yellow bone marrow everywhere (doesn't produce RBCs)

components of bone

ECM: fibers, proteoglycans, glycoproteins, tissue fluid

cells: osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts


cuboid in shape, have central nucleus, form single layer on periosteal and endosteal surfaces; secretory abilities, polarized; have gap jxns; secrete organic components of bone matrix (90% collagen); have proteoglycans and glycoproteins; adhesion, migration and proliferation and differentiation of cells; have gamma-carboxylated proteins

following period where osteoblasts are secretory, they will undergo

apoptosis or differentiate permanently into osteocytes

osteoblasts what % of mature bone


nascent osteocyte

-in direct contact w/ bone lining and osteoblasts

-organelles analagous to osteoblasts

-cell volume decreased by ~30%

-pseudopodia toward previously embedded cells

-develop gap jxns

mature osteocyte

embedded w/in bone matrix

simplified organelles

cell volume decreased by ~70%

projections through canaliculi

long cell processes extended toward vasculature

lacunocanalicular network links

have 1/2 life of 25 years


giant cells


formed from many hematopoietic (macrophage/monocyte) precursors

mature osteoclasts from fusion of 10-20 precursors

have ruffled border to increase SA


form tight jxns btw bone SA and basement membrane

external vacuole is acidified and proteolytic enzymes secreted into resorption pit (how ship's lacunae)

after degradation products processed, released into circulation

bone matrix composed of

organic components: collagen 90% (Type I)

inorganic components: 70-90%; stores 99% Ca, 85% body's phosphorous

minor components

minor components of bone







small integrin-binding ligand



relatively abundant in bone, helps regulate osteoblast differentiation... lethal problem if something going wrong


bone connector, regulate mineralization, if taken away = OP


inhibit bone cell precursors, if not there = see dense bone


bind Ca; if no osteocalcin = bones seem normal


increases angiogenesis, enhance bone resorption; if not present, resistant to PTH

matrix gla protein

inhibit mineralization; if not there = may see normal bones but calcified blood vessels

parts of long bone

label picture

mature bone

aka lamellar/primary

cortical: 80% of bone

trabecular bone: 20% of bone structure but has 90% bone SA

woven bone

immature; 1st bone formed, also formed in fx repair

main unit of cortical bone


what lies centrally in osteon?

haversian canal: blood vessels lined w/ single layer of endosteol or osteoprogenitor cells, lamellae


houses number of osteocytes in lacunae; canaliculi allow communication btw adjacent lamellae

Volkmann's canal

connect haversion canals

trabecular bone located primarily

at ends of long bones, vertebral bodies, flat bones ; bone marrow fills in spaces

mesenchymal progenitors differentiate into

pre osteoblasts... osteoblasts

pre chondrocytes... proliferating chondrocytes... pre hypertrophic chondrocytes... hypertrophic chondrocytes

stages of long bone dev't

1) mesenchymal condensation

2) cartilage model

3) bone collar

4) replacement of cart by bone (primary ossification center)

5) diaphysis/metaphysis, vascular tissue enters

6) secondary ossification center, gets larger

7) epiphyseal cart disappears, bone stops growing longer, bone marrow cavity becomes continuous along length of bone

endochondral ossification

chondrocytes form cart bone model

chondrocytes in center of diaphysis hypertrophy

transformation to bone

ossification zones of endochondral ossification

reserve cart

chondrocyte proliferation

chondrocyte hypertrophy

cart calcification

principal nutrient artery

comes from major branches of systemic circulation, enters medullary cavity via nutrient foramen- ascending and descending medullary arteries

metaphysial and epiphysial a

numerous, supply ends of bones, supply ends of bones, arise mainly from periarticular plexus, supplies adjacent bones; terminate in bone marrow, trabecular bone, cortical bone, articular cart

periosteal arterioles

reach cortical surface of diaphysis along ligamentous attachments, supply outer 1/3 of diaphysial cortex

TH on bone

not enough = decrease chondrocyte proliferation, decreased hypertrophy, decrease vascular invasion

glucocorticoids on bone

inhibit chondrocyte proliferation; slow longitudinal growth

GH on bone

increase local and liver production of IGF I; increase chondrocyte proliferation

estrogen on bone

fusion of growth plates; stops bone growth after puberty in males and females

testosterone on bone

converted to estrogen in males to allow for stoppage of growth

progesterone on bone

partner w estrogen (fusion of growth plates; stops bone growth after puberty in males and females)

growth factors (FGF, indian hedgehog) on bone

paired w/ other hormones to result in controlled stimulation to help w/ process of proliferation

intramembranous ossification

typical of flat bone formation

no cart bone model required

occurs w/ condensed plate of mesenchymal cells

osteoblasts secrete osteoid

osteoid calcifies to become primitive trabecular bone

osteoblasts trapped become osteocytes in lacunae

as calcifies- bony spicules become surrounded by mesenchymal cells - periosteum


depression of nervous system


excitable nervous system; tetany, seizures

released in response to low Ca in blood


draw bone remodeling diagram


4 stages of bone remodeling





role of osteoblasts in bone remodeling

regulators for bone formation and resorption, deposition, regulation of differentiation and activity of osteoclasts, formation of bone

remodeling phase of collagen

controlled degradation of collagen occurs as excess collagen is removed and Type III collagen is replaced w/ Type I collagen as maturation of newly repaired tissues occur

biosynthesis of collagen

write out process


stimulation of integrin is responsible for causing adaptive rxn in cell in response to mechanical stresses

whole process of biosynthesis of collagen facilitated by

ascorbic acid/Vitamin C

if person has genetic abnormality in pro collagen chain...

deficiency in enzymes that control posttranslation modification processing, or deficiency in ascorbic acid ---- defective collagen is formed that is unable to tolerate normal stresses

degradation of collagen

enzymes called collagenases degrade covalent bonds of tropocollagen molecule causing it to split and be further broken down by various proteases, which are enzymes that break down proteins

collagen is normally resistant to proteases unless tropocollagen is denatured or degraded

functions of cartilage

1) provides viscoelastic structure that

2) transmits and disperses forces to underlying subchondral bone

3) allows virtual frictionless motion of joint

4) improves congruity of joint surfaces, dispersing forces over large area

5) provides stability and structure but w/ flexibility to move and conform

types of cart





type I collagen- preponderance

intermediate btw CT and hyaline cart

IV discs, pubic symphysis, menisci


Type II collagen and matrix plus abundance of elastic fibers

auricle of ear, eustachian tube, epiglottis

locations of HAC

ends of bones of diarthroidal joints

epiphyseal plates- developing infant to young adulthood

walls of respiratory passages

rib articulation w/ sternum

embryological template for bone

HAC characteristics


high tensile strength

resistant to compressive and shear forces

can undergo large deformations while still being able to return to its original shape and dimension

cell elements of HAC





make up 2-5% cart by volume

responsible for manufacturing proteoglycans, growth factors, cytokines, collagen, and maintaining ECM


immature chondrocytes which are derived from prechondrogenic mesenchyme are similar to chondroblasts of bone fx callus and growth plates

chondrocytes in HAC have receptor for

basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)

hypertropic chondrocytes in callous, growth plate do not have bFGF receptor

chondrocyte fxns

produce proteoglycans, GFs, cytokines, collagen tissue, produce and degrade ECM

works anabolically to build up ECM

works catabolically to degrade cart

use metalloproteinases

shape of chondrocytes

normally round or polygonal; close to articular surfaces may be flattened or discoid in shape

t/f chondrocytes possess hardware to produce and maintain multiple components of ECM


layers of articular cart (superficial to deep)

tangential layer

transitional layer

radial layer

calcified cartilage

subchondral bone

cell density is highest at

articular surface (decreases w/ age)

metabolic slugs of body


HAC ECM characteristics

avascular, aneural, alymphatic, CT

resists static and dynamic loading stresses

manufactured by chondrocytes

hydrophilic- attracts water

contents of ECM

fibrous collagen- mainly type II

ground substance- proteoglycans, non collagenous protein

water- 65-80% (more in superficial vs. deep layers)


proteoglycans + glycosaminoglycans

ground substance

aggregan and hyaluronic acid

_____ accounts of 90-95% of collagen content in HAC

type II

2 major types of GAGs in HAC

chondroitin 4 and 6 sulfate

keratin sulfate (looks like bristles on wire brush and are negatively charged)

higher concentration of chondroitin sulfate the better resistance to ____ loading

compressive loading

proteoglycans + GAG + water =

hydrated tissue that resists compression

___ content is larger in HAC than in other joint structures


articular cart zones normally spans how deep on ends of bones?

1-7 mm on ends of bones in majority of joints

anisotropic tissue

example is HAC zones; tissue that exhibits properties w/ different values when measured along axes in different directions

tangential zone

10-20% HAC zone

lamina splendens- fibrillar sheet

densely packed collagen in parallel to surface

purpose= resists shear forces

low fluid permeability = deforms more

transitional zone

purpose: provides bridge btw superficial and deep layers

large loose diameter

packed collagen and oblique shaped chondrocytes arranged perpendicular to surface

higher compressive modulus than superficial zone

deep layer/radial zone

purpose: plays role in load distribution and resists compression

chondrocytes arranged perpendicular to surface

highest proteoglycan concentration

lowest water concentration

**highest compressive modulus than any other zone

calcified layer

characterized by presence of tide mark

contains small cells in matrix w/ apatitic salts

tide mark

division btw deep radial layer and calcified cart and subchondral bone

biomechanical forces on HAC equation


contact pressure = contact force/contact area

contact pressure

total force on joint surfaces per square area

contact force

determined by GRF and soft tissue force across joint (ligs, capsules, and muscle forces across joint)

contact area

determined by alignment and intervening soft tissue (menisci), and surface in question

most pathologies act to ___ permeability, resulting in _____ delta t or loading across joint

increase; decrease

deformation ____ contact area which

______ articular cartilage pressure which leads to ____ stress transmitted to subchondral bone

increases; decreases; decreased

load-bearing equilibrium of HAC

swelling on solid matrix created by expansion of proteoglycan sln

tensile forces w/in collagen network resist swelling pressure

external load balanced by forces w/in ECM- no deformation of cart, no fluid flow

3 major forces ac to balance external load on HAC (intrinsic properties)

1) stress w/in collagen matrix- negatively charged

2) pressure w/in fluid phase

3) frictional drag due to fluid flow

HAC during loading

pressure differential is created

external forces > internal forces at site of compression

temporary creep as fluid is continually displaced to other unloaded areas of HAC and joint space (strain softening)

overt time get gradual increase CP of subchondral bone (strain hardening)

during articular cartilage loading, interstitial fluid diffuses out of matrix, creating frictional drag on solid matrix and decreasing ____

tensile stress (strain hardening)

2 methods of HAC growth



interstitial HAC growth

chondroblasts divide to form small groups of cells called isogenous groups- they secrete ECM

appositional HAC growth

differentiation of stem cells to chondrocytes

HAC contains ___% chondrocytes


how does lumbar facet orientation protect disc?

biplanar orientation limits both forward translation and axial rotation and protects IV discs form both twisting and shearing forces

articular cart is sensitive to/ can be destroyed by

1) impact loading- large delta V = increased acceleration

2) high CP

3) frictional abrasion

RFs for dev't of OA

skeletal malalignment

obesity (increased mass, F = ma)

increased labor loads

damage to HAC may result from

microtrauma (degeneration)

macrotrauma (falling)

inflammatory process

synovial joints consist of what components?

diarthroidial joint

joint capsule

joint cavity

synovial lining

synovial fluid


stratum fibrosum

outer layer of joint capsule of synovial joint

Sharpy's fibers- at ends as joint capsule attaches to periosteum of adjacent bones

poorly vascularized

joint receptors- high concentration- signal CNS regarding tension, pressure

stratum synovium

highly vascularized, plexus of blood vessels and lymphatics

poorly innervated- however many autonomic fibers of adventitia of blood vessels

synoviocytes- synovial lining cells- 2 types: macrophage derived and fibroblast derived

synovial fluid composed of

hyaluronic acid



hyaluronic acid

viscous, lubricates synovium, synovium need stop move and glide


surface active phospholipid lubricating factor


decreasing viscosity w/ increased mvmt

lubrication of synovial fluid

boundary lubrication: lubricin

fluid lubrication: compress of cart = weep that lubricates articular surfaces

hydrodynamic lubrication = wedge of fluid created

in healthy cartilage, collagen matrix bears only ___% of load


joint lubrication methods (2 main types)

usually going on at same time to different degrees depending on load, speed of loading, and amount of fluid available

1) boundary

2) fluid film

boundary lubrication method

hyaluronic acid glycoprotein molecule complex layer on each articulating surface

fluid film lubrication method

larger volume of synovial fluid trapped btw 2 joint surfaces

synovial fluid has solute pressure that is balanced by

plasma hydrostatic and osmotic forces

effusion is result of



can occur after injury to structures w/in joint capsule due to influx of proteins from plasma to SF and affecting osmotic pressure causing fluid to build in joint capsule

hormone influences on HAC: growth enhanced

HGH (human growth hormone)


testosterone- anabolic hormone

hormone influences on HAC: growth suppressed

cortisone- catabolic hormone



how is OA thought to result from progressive failure mechanism?

-single high-magnitude trans-articular impact causing perforation of cart tissue (high impact loading)

-decreased fluid pressurization in region of defects leads to load transfer from interstitial fluid to solid matrix

-increase stress on solid matrix = further damage (think of cathedral model)


chronic degenerative disorder of diarthroidial joints

OA characterized by

-activation of inflammatory and catabolic cascades at molecular level

-gradual deformation of articular cart

-mechanical and biochemical stress- lead to local production of pro inflammatory cytokines and mediators (interleukin IB, TNF, nitrous oxide, prostaglandins, matrix degrading)


female 2-3x more likely

<50 years old

possible gene related predisposition


age= 75% people > 70 have OA





NM dysfxn

metabolic disorders

prior surgery and injury to joint (ACL, repeated ankle sprains)

natural hx of OA

progressive cart loss

subchondral thickening

marginal osteophytes formation

distribution of joints affected: C and L spine facets


hips, knees, 1st MTP

natural hx of RA

chronic inflammatory arthritis

can affect any organ system

usually affects 3+ joints at same time

distribution of joints: R/L PIP, MCP, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, MTP

repair of articular cart

avascular response- VERY SLOW

necrosis of cells

no inflammatory response unless bone involved

no migration of cells for repair, rely on existing chondrocytes

almost no ability to regenerate cart

superficial vs. deep insult to cart

superficial: no healing, no OA

deep: healing from subchondral bone; hyaline w/ fibrocart elements- not same as articular cart- Type I collagen primarily

clinical concerns of single insult to cart

little concern

clinical concerns of multiple insults to cart

treat by shaving and must violate bone

stages of OA

early: increased cell number of fibroblasts; PGs decreased in zone 1 (tangential) = reduced capacity to resist compressive load

moderate: increased number of fibroblasts; PGs decrease in zone II and III

advanced: apoptosis, extensive PG loss, thickened subchondral bone

how do we treat OA?

sufficiently decrease stress to augment healing

decrease overall loading of joint = brace, surgery

increase WB area of joint = varus or valgus osteotomy

mechanical stimulation of fibrocartilagenous healing

osteochondritis dissicans

-separation of articular cart subchondral bone segment from articular surface

-etiology: ischemic necrosis as result of repetitive microtrauma

-presentation: pain w/ WB, (knee) stair climbing, PA, males > females, 11-20 year olds


higher incidence in pelvis and upper femur and ribs

malalignment tumor of cart

age > 40

tumor matrix made up of chondroid cells

survival rate > 90% grade I, <29% for grade 3

t/f: aspirin as destructive consequences on AC


effects of aging on HAC

-increased H20 w/ DJD cart

-increased displacement w/ loading due to increased permeability to lower resistance to fluid flow

-decreased ground substance and decreased collagen density

-delta t preserved to lesser degree

-increased stiffness of subchondral bone = increased compressive stress

-PG loss = decreases cross links btw collagen fibers = mechanical wear

implications for interventions of aging on HAC

-attenuate contact forces and increase contact area

-select exercises that may involve fluid film lubrication (high velocity + low loading/cyclical loading)


-repair ligamentous insufficiencies

-activity mod

surgical mgmt options of HAC damage

-initial surgery = debridement and leavage (palliative)

-micro fx = fibrin clot that brings scar tissue to fill deformity

-osteochondral autograft transplant

-autologous chondral implant

debridement and levage


cleaning up rough areas damaged

usually initial type of surgery for less serious articular damage

microfx HAC repair

-stimulate bone marrow

-use awl to tap into deep subchondral bone to stimulate vascular response and blood into area

-scar formation occurs filling in defect

-scar filled in by fibrocart w/ higher concentration of type I collagen w/ inferior qualities of resisting shear and compression

microfx rehab considerations

min WB 4-6 weeks

no closed chain exercises initially

low impact loading exercises

osteochondral autograft transplant

-plugs of bone and cart taken from non WB portion of joint

-site of lesion is derided down to subchondral bone

-site is measured

-correct number of plugs used and placed w/ snug fit flush w/ surrounding articular cart

-only one procedure = advantage

protective phased rehab

-progression of activities and exercises based on soft tissue healing constraints (tissue that is repaired)

-need to consider tissue that was repaired and forces imparted to that tissue to facilitate healing but not break down or fail

non protective rehab

no repair of tissue, usually debridement of offending tissue; progressions usually based on pt response

HAC primarily composed of


t/f: HAC has uniform distribution of its components throughout its layers


HAC is best at resisting what type of forces


fibrocartilage has much higher component of ___ collagen than HAC

type I

chondrocytes in fibrocartilage produce mainly type 1 collagen but in HAC, chondrocytes produce mainly what collagen?

type II

t/f: both fibrocartilage and HAC are completely avascular


the IVD is aneural, however, can cause pain if presses on nerve root


number of tidemarks ____ with age (> 60)


_____is a boundary in metabolically active zone between the noncalcified and calcified articular cartilage


t/f: Variations in subchondral bone volume are thought to influence the tidemark region


in vivo the tidemark advances in the direction of the ______

noncalcified cartilage

The following are all characteristics of synovial lining tissues except:

Synthesize biological lubricants and lubricate articular cartilage

Control synovial fluid volume and compositionRemove metabolic waste

Have clearly defined basement membrane

have clearly defined basement membrane

protects deeper layers from the shear stresses involved with articulation

superficial layer

provides the first line of resistance to the compressive forces.

middle layer

provides the primary resistance to compression

deep layer

secures the cartilage to the bone.

calcified layer

fxns of fibrocart

-increase joint congruity- increase SA of CP equation

-assist in joint lubrication- synovial fluid and models of lubrication

-protects edges of joint against extensive forces on periphery

-acts as shock absorber- architecture of fibrocart resists tensile and compressive forces

-transmits loads

-protects HAC from excessive wear

locations of fibrocart



labra of GH joint, hip

SC joint, TMJ, pubic symphysis

TFCC (triangular fibrocart complex)

menisci made up of what type of collagen

type I

menisci absorb what loads and collagen arranged in what pattern

compression; circumferential

arrangement of collagen fibers in menisci allow them to resist what stresses?

hoop stresses during WB

medial meniscus

-fibrocart structure that have bony attachments to A-P tibial plateau

-AP diameter of post horn is greater than anterior horn

lateral meniscus


-covers larger area of articular surface of tibia than medial

-A and P horns much closer

-attaches just adjacent to ACL anteriorly

-lateral meniscus has greater mobility

why is posterior portion of lateral meniscus difficult to repair

where popliteal tendon passes by lateral meniscus- meniscus is avascular

t/f: entire meniscus is vascular at birth and decreases until age 10 at which time it reaches adult condition


what parts of med/lat meniscus is vascular/neural

10-25% lat

10-30% med


neural: most abundant in outer portions

fxns of menisci

load sharing- 50-70% ext, 85-90% flex

reducing joint contact forces (by increasing contact SA)

distribute synovial fluid

shock absorption

passive joint stabilization

limiting extremes of flex and ext


during compression, decreased ability to tolerate shear forces

removal of ___ results in 50-70% decrease in femoral condyle surface contact area; increase of 100% in joint rxn forces

meidal meniscus

removal of ____ results in 40-50% decrease in contact area and increase of contact stresses by 200-300%

lateral meniscus

fairbanks sign

smaller medial space on knee, bone spur, sclerotic changes of OA

gold standard of dx imaging of meniscus


rehab considerations of repair vs menisectomy

outer 1/3 has blood supply

during healing, meniscus unable to take normal stresses

likely non-WB for 4-6 weeks

avoid hyperext and end range flex

may be partial WB w/ immobilized ext

IVD increases from ___ to ____

cervical to lumbar (lumbar supports more weight)

ratio btw thickness of disc and vertebral body is greatest in C region. why?

move mvmt

IVD allows for what degrees of freedom?


annulus fibrosis vs. nucleus pulposus collagen types

annulus = Type I

nucleus = Type II (resists compressive and tensile loads better)

IVD components

proteoglycans- GAG's linked to proteins

fluid- varies w/ age, time of day


innervation: outer 1/3 of C and L discs

recurrent meningeal (sinu-vertebral) nerve has 2 possible routes

segmentally: through adjacent posterior (dorsal nerve root)

extrasegmentally: through paravertebral sympathetic chain

cartilage end plant of IVD

HAC, 1 mm thick, caps end surface of vertebra

attached to vertebral body by thin calcified layer

pathway for diffusion of nutrients to disc and removal of waste products

barrier btw avascular proteoglycan rich nucleus and vascular sponges of vertebra

2 parts of annulus fibrosus

outer annular lamellae-ligamentous: resists tensile, some vascularity

inner annular lamellae- cartilaginous : load bearing role and high PG content (similar fxn to HAC)

composition of nucleus pulposus

90-70% water (decreases w/ age)

soft and more deformable than HAC

Type II collagen


in closed system = lift and separation of vertebrae

how is adult IVD nourished and what are clinical implications

diffusion from vascular buds and vertebral body disc; slow system = injury to area leads to increased swelling that sticks around for long time; why the next morning couldn't get out of bed from yard work the previous day

intradiscal pressure in supine



bending forward and lifting loads

intradiscal pressure in supine: 25

standing: 100

sitting: 150

bending forward and lifting loads: 220