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18 Cards in this Set

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Má huáng tāng 麻黃湯

J君: má huáng

C臣: guì zhī

Z佐: xìng rén

S使: zhì gān cǎo
Ephedra Decoction
Má(hemp) huáng(yellow) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Cold (Excess condition, No Deficiency)

TxP: induce sweating, release surface, open Lungs, and reduce asthma

CTX: Wind-Heat, Lin syndromes, Heat Toxins, Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), bleeding, sweating, Internal Cold, Deficiency condition
Descript: Ext WC: EPF constrains wei qi > inhib yang qi in ext; strong EPF vs strong zheng qi (=no deficiency) ///

Sx: chills and fever, headache, body ache, no sweating, clear nasal discharge, wheezing
Guì zhī tāng 桂枝湯

J君: guì zhī

C臣: bái sháo

Z佐: shēng jiāng, dà zǎo

S使: zhì gān cǎo
Cinnamon Twig Decoction
Guì(cinnamomi) zhī(twig) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Cold with Internal Wei Qi Deficiency

TxP: induce sweating, release surface, relax muscles, and harmonize Ying and Wei

CTX: Wind-Heat, Lin syndromes, Heat Toxins, Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), bleeding, sweating (due to Yin or Yang Xu), Internal Cold, Deficiency condition
Descript: ext WC (Taiyang) w/ wei qi def, disharmony of ying/wei ///

Sx: chills and fever, aversion to Wind, sweating, body aches, no thirst
Guì zhī jiā gé gēn tāng 桂枝加葛根湯

J君: guì zhī, gé gēn

C臣: bái sháo

Z佐: shēng jiāng, dà zǎo

S使: zhì gān cǎo
Cinnamon Twig Decoction Plus Kudzu Root
Guì(cinnamomi) zhī(twig) jiā(plus) gé(kudzu, Puerariae) gēn(rhizome, basis) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Cold with Internal Wei Qi Deficiency

TxP: induce sweating, release surface, relax muscles, and harmonize Ying and Wei

CTX: Wind-Heat, Lin syndromes, Heat Toxins, Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), bleeding, sweating (due to Yin or Yang Xu), Internal Cold, Deficiency condition
Descript: ext WC (Taiyang) w/ wei qi def & stiff neck (= w/ defic) ///

Sx: chills and fever, aversion to Wind, sweating, body aches: stiff neck, shoulder/upper back pain, no thirst
Gé gēn tāng 葛根湯

J君: gé gēn, má huáng

C臣: guì zhī, bái sháo

Z佐: shēng jiāng, dà zǎo

S使: zhì gān cǎo
Kudzu Decoction
Gé(kudzu, Puerariae) gēn(rhizome, basis) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Cold with Internal Excess (all Excess, No Deficiency)

TxP: induce sweating, release surface, and relax muscles

CTX: Wind-Heat, Lin syndromes, Heat Toxins, Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), bleeding, sweating, Internal Cold, Deficiency condition
Descript: Ext WC (Taiyang syndr) w/ neck stiffness (from fluids blocked from reaching back & neck); ext WC strong PF vs. strong zheng qi (=w/out defic) ///

Sx: stiff neck, shoulder/upper back pain, chills and fever, no sweating, body aches, no thirst
Xiāng sū săn 香蘇散

J君: zǐ sū yè

C臣: xiāng fù

Z佐: chén pí

S使: zhì gān cǎo
Cyperus and Perilla Leaf Powder
Xiāng(xiāng fù) sū(zǐ sū yè) săn(powder)

Dx: External Wind-Cold with Internal Liver Qi Stagnation

TxP: release surface, and smooth Liver Qi

CTX: Wind-Heat, Lin syndromes, Heat Toxins, Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), bleeding, sweating, Internal Cold, Deficiency condition
Descript: Ext WC w/ int qi stagn ///

Sx: chills and fever, hypochondriac pain, strong or sensitive emotions, headache, body aches, sinus congestion
Xiăo qīng lóng tāng 小青龍湯

J君: má huáng, guì zhī

C臣: gān jiāng, xì xīn

Z佐: wǔ wèi zǐ, bái sháo, bàn xià

S使: zhì gān cǎo
Minor Bluegreen Dragon Decoction
Xiăo(minor) qīng(bluegreen) lóng(dragon) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Cold with Internal Dampness in Upper Jiao

TxP: induce sweating, release surface, transform Damp, stop cough, calm asthma/wheezing

CTX: Wind-Heat, Lin syndromes, Heat Toxins, Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), bleeding, sweating, Internal Cold, Deficiency condition
Descript: acute ext wind-cold w/ chronic int cold damp in UJ (LU), damp from SP qi defic (water accum) ///

Sx: chills and fever, no sweating, cough, asthma/wheezing, copious watery white sputum, runny nose (copious, thin, white), difficulty lying flat
Sāng jú yĭn 桑菊飲

J君: sāng yè, jú huā

C臣: bò hé, jié gěng, xìng rén

Z佐: lián qiào, lú gēn

S使: gān cǎo
Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Drink
Sāng(sāng yè) jú(jú huā) yĭn(drink)

Dx: Early stage External Wind-Heat

TxP: eliminate Wind, clear Heat, open Lungs, and stop cough

CTX: Lin syndromes, Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), bleeding, sweating, Internal Cold, Deficiency condition
Descript: Ext Wind Heat - Early stage & mild, esp w/cough ///

Sx: slight fever, slight thirst, slight sweat, slight cough, scratchy/itchy throat
Yín qiào săn 銀翹散

J君: jīn yín huā, lián qiào

C臣: dàn dòu chǐ, jīng jiè

Z佐: jié gěng, niú bàng zǐ, bò hé, dàn zhú yè, lú gēn

S使: gān cǎo
Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder
Yín(jīn yín huā) qiào(lián qiào) săn(powder)

Dx: External Wind-Heat

TxP: induce sweating, clear Heat, reduce Toxin

CTX: Lin syndromes, Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), bleeding, sweating, Internal Cold, Deficiency condition
Descript: Wind-Heat at the Wei Level (ext WH), standard TCM formula ///

Sx: fever and chills, sore throat, slight thirst preferring RT, headache, cough, slight sweat, body aches
Má xìng shí gān tāng 麻杏石甘散

J君: má huáng

C臣: shí gāo

Z佐: xìng rén

S使: zhì gān cǎo
Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum and Licorice Decoction
Má(má huáng) xìng(xìng rén) shí(shí gāo) gān(gān cǎo) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Cold with Internal Lung Heat

TxP: induce sweating, release Surface, clear Heat, reduce cough/asthma

CTX: Wind-Heat, Lin syndromes, Heat Toxins, Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), bleeding, sweating, Internal Cold, Deficiency condition
Descript: Ext Wind-Cold w/ Int LU Heat (Yangming heat in merid) ///

Sx: chills and fever, cough, asthma/wheezing, chest pain, thick yellow Phlegm
Shēng má gé gēn tāng 桂枝加葛根湯

J君: shēng má

C臣: gé gēn

Z佐: chì sháo

S使: zhì gān cǎo
Cimicifuga and Kudzu Decoction
Shēng(raise, ascend, peaceful) má(hemp, numb with pins and needles) gé(kudzu, Puerariae) gēn(rhizome, basis) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Heat with Internal Lung/Stomach Heat

TxP: release Surface, eliminate Wind, clear Heat, relax muscles, reduce itching

CTX: Yang Deficiency (Cold type skin rashes)
Descript: Ext wind heat, int LU and ST heat ///

Sx: fever and chills, headache, body aches, sneezing, cough, red eyes, tearing, thirst, itchy skin
Chái gé jiĕ jī tāng 柴葛解肌湯

J君: chái hú, gé gēn

C臣: qiāng huó, bái zhǐ, huáng qín, shí gāo

Z佐: jié gěng

S使: bái sháo, shēng jiāng, gān cǎo, dà zǎo
Bupleurum and Kudzu Decoction to Release the Muscle Layer
Chái(chái hú) gé(gé gēn) jiĕ(break up, loosen, divide) jī(muscle) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Cold turning into Heat

TxP: release Surface, relax muscles, clear Heat

CTX: Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), Deficiency condition
Descript: Unresolved Ext Wind-Cold turning to Int Wind-Heat, w/neck & shoulder pn ///

Sx: chills and fever (fever increasing, chills decreasing), no sweating, headache, body aches, eye pain, nasal dryness, irritability,
Gé gēn huáng qín huáng lián tāng 葛根黃芩黃連湯

J君: gé gēn

C臣: huáng qín, huáng lián

Z佐: zhì gān cǎo

Kudzu, Scutellaria, and Coptis Decoction
Gé(kudzu, Puerariae) gēn(rhizome, basis) huáng(yellow) qín(scutellaria) huáng(yellow) lián(links, successive) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Heat transforming into Internal Heat

TxP: induce sweating, release Surface, clear Heat

CTX: Heat in Upper Jiao (e.g. nosebleeds), Deficiency condition
Descript: External WH transforming to internal ///

Sx: fever, chest fullness, dry mouth, asthma, sweating, anal burning, foul smelling bowel movements
Rén shēn bài dú săn 人參敗毒散

J君: qiāng huó, dú huó

C臣: chuān xiōng, chái hú

Z佐: rén shēn, jié gěng, zhǐ ké, qián hú, fú líng

S使: bò hé, shēng jiāng, gān cǎo
Ginseng Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Influences
Rén(human) shēn(root) bài(overcome, to defeat) dú(pathogenic influences, poison) săn(powder)

Dx: Qi Deficiency with External Wind-Damp-Cold (Qi Xu of Lu and/or Sp)

TxP: induce sweating, reduce External Pathogen, expel Wind, dry Dampness, and tonify Qi

CTX: Yang Deficiency
Descript: Ext Wind-Cold-Damp w/ Qi defic (history of colds, chronic disease, fatigue, cancer, etc.) ///

Sx: chills and fever, neck stiffness, no sweating, runny nose, cough with watery clear copious sputum, heaviness of body, muscle aches, chest distension, fatigue, poor appetite
Jiā jiăn wēi ruí tāng 加減葳蕤湯

J君: yù zhú

C臣: cōng bái, dàn dòu chǐ, bò hé, jié gěng

Z佐: bái wéi

S使: zhì gān cǎo, dà zǎo
Modified Solomon's Seal Decoction
Jiā(to add, plus) jiăn(to subtract, lower) wēi(luxurient) ruí(flowery, fringe) tāng(decoction)

Dx: External Wind-Heat with Internal Yin Deficiency

TxP: induce sweating, relieve Surface, clear Heat, and nourish Yin

CTX: Yang Deficiency
Descript: External wind heat , internal yin def ///

Sx: fever and chills, thirst, cough, irritability, dry mouth, dry throat
Dà chéng qì tāng 大承氣湯

J君: dà huáng

C臣: máng xiāo, zhǐ shí

Z佐: hòu pò

Major Order the Qi Decoction
Dà(major, big) chéng(order, to take charge) qì(qi) tāng(decoction)

Dx: Internal Excess Heat/Stomach Heat with Food Stagnation/Yangming Fu Syndrome

TxP: powerfully purge Internal Excess Stagnation

CTX: Deficiency conditions, pregnancy, Exterior conditions, Cold
Descript: 1)Internal Excess Heat (8principles); 2)ST heat w/food stagnation (zangfu); 3)Yangming Syndrome (6 Merid) ///

Sx: constipation (dry, small amount); thirst (preferring cold drinks, more than normal), fever, belching, heartburn, regurgitation, poor appetite, abdominal distension, abdominal pain worse with pressure, foul smelling breath, dry mouth and lips, restlessness, red face, loud voice
Xiăo chéng qì tāng 小承氣湯

J君: dà huáng

C臣: zhǐ shí

Z佐: hòu pò

Minor Order the Qi Decoction
Xiăo(minor) chéng(to take charge) qì(qi) tāng(decoction)

Dx: Internal Excess Heat/Stomach Heat with Food Stagnation/Yangming Fu Syndrome (milder)

TxP: purge Internal Excess Stagnation

CTX: Deficiency conditions, pregnancy, Exterior conditions, Cold
Descript: Mild Yangming Fu Syndrome, less dryness ///

Sx: constipation (dry, small amount); thirst (preferring cold drinks, more than normal), tidal fever, focal distension, abdominal fullness, abdominal pain not worse with pressure,
Tiáo wèi chéng qì tāng 調胃承氣湯

J君: dà huáng

C臣: máng xiāo

Z佐: zhì gān cǎo

Regulate the Stomach and Order the Qi Decoction
Tiáo(regulate, to transfer, to tune) wèi(stomach) chéng(order, take charge of) qì(qi) tāng(decoction)

Dx: Internal Excess Heat/Stomach Heat with Food Stagnation/Yangming Fu Syndrome (mildest)

TxP: mildly purge Internal Excess Stagnation

CTX: Deficiency conditions, pregnancy, Exterior conditions, Cold
Descript: Yangming Fu Syndrome, less distention (20% as strong ad da chengg qi tang). ///

Sx: mild constipation (dry, small amount); thirst (preferring cold drinks, more than normal), restlessness, irritability, fever, fullness and distension of abdomen, nosebleeds, swollen gums and throat, petechiae
Sān wù beì jí wán 三物備急丸

J君: bā dòu

C臣: gān jiāng

Z佐: dà huáng

Three-Substance Pill Prepared for Emergencies
Sān(three) wù(substance) beì(to prepare, get ready) jí(emergency, hurried, worried) wán(pill)

Dx: Internal Excess Cold or Stomach Cold with Food Stagnation

TxP: powerfully purge Internal Cold Stagnation

CTX: Pregnancy, weak patients, Heat; emergencies only - bā dòu very toxic
Descript: Int Cold in MJ to send yang qi to UJ. Cold in ST&intest w/ food stagn. Hyperthermia. ///

Sx: constipation, sudden epigastric and abdominal pain and distension, pressure makes worse and heat makes better, stabbing chest pain, rough uneven breathing, cyanotic facial complexion, poor circulation, pale or dark lips, chattering