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12 Cards in this Set

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ping wei san
*cang zhu, hou pu, chen pi, zhi gan cao
purely for dampness
drying dampness and strengthen spleen
think sp qi and dampness symptoms
huo xiang zheng qi tang
*relieving exterior syndrome wind cold
*eliminating interior dampness
regulate qi
stomach flu like symptoms
yin chen hao tang
yin chen, zhi zi, da huang
less dampness more heat
damp heat jaundice with bright yellow color
san ren tang
more dampness less heat
*initial stage of damp warm syndrome
summer heat
damp in qi level
removes dampness by BM, urine and sweat
ba zheng san
good for bladder infection
clearing heat and purging fire
remove stranguria
burning pain in urethra
er miao san
huang bai, cang zhu
clearing heat
drying dampness
painful tendons and bones
red swelling pain of knees and feet
wu ling san
*ze xie, fu ling, zhu ling, bai zhu, gui zhi
*remove dampness by diuresis
water retention due to malfunction of qi activity in UB
warming yang to promote transformation function of qi
evil qi blocks bladder
dampness blocks urination
phlegm in any or all 3 jiao
zhu ling tang
*fu ling, zhu ling, ze xie
*heat type water retention by yin def
difficulty of urination due to water and heat combination
thirst with desire to drink
insomnia or restlessness
wu pi san
*fu ling, sheng jiang pi, sang bai, da fu pi, chen pi
*excessive dampness and edema due to spleen def
mild, safe, good for edema during pregnancy
ling gui zhu gan tang
*fu ling, gui zhi, bai zhu, gan cao
*phlegm fluid retention due to middle yang def
strengthen the spleen and eliminate dampness
zhen wu tang
*fu zi, fu ling, sheng jiang, bai zhu, bai shao
cold type edema
warm kidney yang to eliminate water
*spleen and KIDNEY yang def causing water qi stag. (cold water)
taiyang disease, symptom exist after perspiration
du huo ji sheng tang
interior wind dampness
very good for cold type arthritis
benefits liver and kidney
tonify qi and blood
*chronic bi