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20 Cards in this Set

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Simple sentence

A sentence having one independent clause

(a complete idea and containing a subject and a verb)


1. 'Heather stopped'

2. 'the carpenter and the electrician arrived simultaneously'

Compound sentence

Is the sentence where two or more independent clauses are joined together by a semicolon or a comma and conjunction.

'Mary went to the concert; Bill stayed home with the baby.'

Complex sentence

A sentence which contains one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.

'no one responded when (she rang the doorbell) '

Compound-complex sentence

A sentence which has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.


(Because he knew that the job was important,) he begain very carefully, (but as time passed,) he grew impatient.

(When the heat comes), the lakes dry up, and the farmers know that their crops will fail.

How to make a good, elaborate sentence

1. Take a simple sentence

2. Add an independent clause.

3. Build in a dependent clause

4. Attach a dependent clause

Jim, Sam and Sally, (who had met at a church party) , mediated and debated about life and death, (while they were waiting for the minister) , but they could not agree about anything.

Jim, Sam and Sally mediated and debated about life and death. They can not agree about anything. They had met Church party while they were waiting for the ministry.

Purpose of simple sentence

Focus attention on a single idea.

Purpose of compound sentence

Please two or more ideas are level of equality.

Purpose of complex-compound and complex sentences

Provide the important information in the main clause while the rest of the ideas are subordinate to the main ideas.

A clause

Is simply a word group that contains a subject and a verb.

Example: (Early in the morning,) George proposed.

A phrase

A phrase is a group or words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence.

Example: It was a story as old as time.


1. Attaching a number of statements to one independent or principal clause and putting them in 'sub' order to it.

2. Adding a dependent thought (clause or phrase) to an independent thought or clause.

Example: even though I was tired, I stayed up to watch the horror movie.

A sentence fragment

Is any group or words that is punctuated like a sentence but does not fulfill the requirements because it is an incomplete idea.

Example: 'Because he loves you very much'

A run-on sentence

Occurs when two or more sentences run together with no adequate sign is provided to mark the break(s) between them.

Bad Example: 'He is the meanest little kid on the block he eats only the heads of animal crackers.'

Good example: 'he is the meanest little kid on the block; he eats only the heads of animal crackers.'

Note: semicolon.

Parallel sentence structure

Occurs when identical grammatical constructions - whole sentences or parts of sentences - are used in order to place ideas side-by-side. Parallel structure makes use of balance, but unlike the balance sentence, it may also include unbalanced elements.

Aka Putting items in a list in the same grammatical structure.

There were cats everywhere - big cats and little cats, young cats and old cats, grey cats and black cats; the place was littered with them. (parallel abjectives)

Sentence balance

Sentence balance exist when identical grammatical constructions are used to place two ideas in parallel structure. Balance may occur within a sentence or between sentences. In a balanced structure, the complete sentence is involved, no unbalanced elements may be included.

Example: Dogs love to do what pleases their owners; cats love to do it pleases themselves.

Sentence variety

Sentence variety is essential in creating interesting writing and can be achieved by expressing thoughts and feelings in a variety of sentence forms as well as in a variety of sentence length.

Martha's essay is the best of the lot, even if it's too long.

Martha's essay, even if it's too long, is the best of the lot.

Even if it's too long, Martha's essay is the best of the lot.

Denotative language

Denotative language is the exact, literal meaning of the word it is precise, dictionary use of the word. It is usually a characteristic of more formal language.

Example: she was able to spell all the words correctly while competing in the spelling bee.

Connotative language

Connotative language is language which suggests or implies, usually to achieve an emotional impact on the reader. It is a suggested meaning of a word based on personal experience or association.

Example: Santa Claus was the Jolly man in the red suit who delivered the present that he brought in his bulging sack.

Fat can mean chubby (denotative) and Jolly (connotative)

Another word for dependent clause

Subordinating clause

Another word for Independent Clause

Principle clause.