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40 Cards in this Set

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Define constitution
A constitution is a set of basic principles and laws that state the powers and duties of the government.
Define republicanism
Support for a system of representative government known as a republic.
Define limited government
A political principles which holds that government should be bound by laws that limit its power.
Define suffrage
Voting rights
Define ratification
Official approval
What is the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom
This law promoted the separation of church and state in Virginia.
What is the Articles of Confederation
Document that created the first central government for the United States; was replace by the Constitution in 1789
What is the Land Ordinance of 1785
Legislation passed by Congress authorizing surveys and the division of public lands in the western region of the country.
What is the Northwest Territory
Lands including present-day Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and part of Minnesota; organized by the Northwest Ordinance of 1878.
What is a tariff
Taxes on imports or exports
What is interstate commerce
trade that is conducted between states
What is inflation
Increased prices for goods and services combined with the reduced value of money.
What is a debtor
People who owe money.
What is a creditor
People who lend money.
What is inflation
Increased prices for goods and services combined with the reduced value of money.
What was the Shays's Rebellion
Uprising of Massachusetts's farmers, led by Daniel Shays, to protest high taxes, heavy debt, and farm foreclosures
Who was Daniel Shays
He was a poor farmer and Revolutionary War veteran who became the main leader of the Shays's Rebellion.
What is a depression
A steep drop in economic activity combined with rising unemployment.
What is Popular Sovereignty
The idea that political authority belongs to the people; principle that would allow voters in a particular territory to decide whether to ban or permit slavery.
What is Federalism
System of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and individual states.
What is the Legislative Branch
Division of the government that proposes bills and passes them into laws.
What is the Executive Branch
Division of the federal government that includes the president and the administrative departments; enforces the nation's laws.
What is the Judicial Branch
Division of the federal government tht is made up of the national courts; interprets laws, punishes criminals, and settles disputes between states.
What is the system of Checks and Balances
A system established by the Constitution that prevents any branch of government from becoming too powerful.
What was the Constitutional Convention
Meeting in Philadelphia at which delegates from the states wrote the Constitution.
Who is James Madison
He wrote most of the Virginia Plan (large-state plan. It offered a new federal constitution that would give sovereignty, or supreme power, to the central government.
What is the Virginia Plan
Plan for government proposed at the Constitutional Convention in which the national government would have three branches: executive, judicial, and legislative. Representation in the legislature would be determined by state population.
Who was William Paterson
A New Jersey delegate who presented the small-state or New Jersey Plan.
What is the New Jersey Plan
Proposal ato create a unicameral government with representation by state rather than by population; rejected at the Constitutional Convention.
What was the Great Compromise
Agreement at the Constitutional Convention establishing a state's population would determine representation in lower house of the legislature, while each state would have equal representation in the upper house of the legislature.
What was the Three-Fifths Compromise
Agreement worked out at the Constitutional Convention stating that 3/5 ths of the slaves in each state should be counted as part of the state's population for determining representation in the lower house of Congress.
What are Amendments
Official changes, corrections, or additions to a law or constitution.
What are the Antifederalists
People who opposed ratification of the Constitution
Who was George Mason
An antifederalists who warned against the power of a strong government.
What are the Federalists
System of government in which power is distributed between a central authority and invididual states.
What is the Federalists Papers
Series of essays that defended the Constitution and tried to reassure Americans that the states would not be overpowered by the proposed national government.
What is the Bill of Rights
First ten amendments to the Constitution; ratified in 1791
What English and colonial examples of political ideas did Americans draw from when creating their new government
Democracy from the Roman Republic. English law from England. England had limited the power of its kings and queens in two documents - Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights. Also influenced by the Enlightenment. Writers of that period had called for the use of reason and exspressed a belief in human goodness.
What did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 accomplish
The ordinance created the Northwest Territory. Also created a system for bringing new states into the Union. When population of a territory reached 60,000, the people could ask Congress for permission to join the Union as a state. Also had a bill of rights, required public education and no slavery.
How did a weak central government affect the American economy
Britian forced American merchants to pay high duties on U.S. exports. The Confederation Congress could not fix the problem because it did not have the power to pass tariffs. If one state passed a tariff, the British could simply sell their goods in another state. Most states did not cooperate when passing tariffs. British goods flowed freely into the U.S. and American exports dropped. British merchants undersold locally maded goods.