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74 Cards in this Set

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catabolic pathways

decompose glucose and other organic fuels to yield ATP energy by transferring electrons during chemical reactions

oxidation reduction reactions

transfer of electrons (redox for short)

a molecule that loses electrons is ______


a molecule that gains electrons is ______


the electrons in food molecules are transferred to _______ to form NADH



oxygen not required. glucose + 2NAD+ >> 2pyruvates; 2NADH and 2 net ATPs

in cellular respiration, if oxygen is present, pyruvate and NADH will ________

enter the mitochondria

In cellular respiration, as each crosses the mitochondria membrane,

NAD+ is reduced to NADH and 2pyruvates > 2NADH +2 acetyl co A

Kreb's Cycle

2 acetyl col A molecules will be oxidizes, which reduces 6 NADH+ to 6 NADH and 2FAD+ to FADH2

Kreb's cycle/ citric acid cycle results in:

6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2ATPs and CO2

oxphos two parts:

electron transport and chemiosmosis

oxphos result

10 NADH = 30 ATP and 2 FADH2 = 4 ATP and water

final electron acceptor to form H2O


if oxygen is not present....

pyruvate cannot enter the mitochondria. then fermentation happens.


pyruvate is converted into lactic acid or ethanol depending on the organism

light reaction=

taking light and splitting H2O, which releases oxygen. there are two parts.

two parts of light reaction:

1. photosystem II (makes ATP)

2. photosystem I (makes NADPH)

calvin cycle=

6 CO2 are used along with energy from ATP and NADPH from light reaction to make C6H12O6 (glucose)

plants that need their stomata open in order to perform photosynthesis, problem with dehydration during hot days

C3 Plants (oat, wheat, soy)

in C3 plants, _______ enters the Calvn cycle as a 3 carbon sugar

carbon dioxide

plants that have a better way to store carbon dioxide, do not have to worry about dehydration

C4 (sugar cane)

plants that store carbon dioxide as molecule CAM. open their stomata only at night and store carbon dioxide as CAM and close their stomata during the day

CAM plants (succulents, cacti)

molecule oxidized to pyruvate during glycolysis:


what molecule enters the krebs cycle?

acetyl co A

what molecules enter the electron transport chain?

10 NADH and 2 FADH

what is the function of ATP synthase?

to attach phosphate to ADP to form ATP using the energy from the electron transport chain

the process by which millions of cells are made every second in an animals body. occurs to increase primary growth in shoots and roots and secondary growth in woody plants.


_____ codes for all the proteins


______ will condense (be packed tighter) to form chromosomes before the cell divides

chromatin DNA

before mitosis, all DNA is replicated by ____

forming chromatids

the two identical chromatids will...

join together to form sister chromatids

sister chromatids are attached to each other at

the centromere

humans have 23 pairs of ______

homologous chromosomes

humans have approximately ________ genes on the 23 pairs of chromosomes


I _____ you!



G1 (AKA Gap one/ growth one) is the ______ phase

synthesis. DNA replicates

G2 (growth or gap two) is when...

DNA condenses

G1, S, G2 =


the cell spends 90% of the time in ______


S phase=

DNA replicates. S stands for synthesis of new DNA


cells divide into two daughter cells with identical chromosomes and genes that are genetically identical to the parent cell that divided

four phases of mitosis:

Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase


sister chromatids condense and are visible. nucleolus fragments and disappear. spindle of microtubules forms and attaches to the sister chromatids at the centromere

the attachment point of the spindle on the sister chromatids is called the....


sister chromatids line up across the equator of the cell on the metaphase plate


sister chromatids separate into individual chromosomes during anaphase (they are no longer sister chromatids) the spindle pulls them towards the poles (each end) of the cell


nucleus and nucleolus reform. the spindle disappears and cytokinesis occurs to form two daughter cells



the separation of two cytoplasm to form two daughter cells. in animals a cleavage furrow is formed during cytokinesis but in plant cells a cell plate from vesicles that carry cellulose fusing together. this forms the new cell wall in plants

controls that set the timing of the cell cycle , these are proteins that signal the cell when to start the different parts of the cell cycle . they determine how long a cell spends in g1 and g2


caused by a mutation in cell cycle proteins (cyclin)


the longest parts of the cell cycle

g1 and g2

normal looking cells just going through mitosis a little faster than normal cells, noninvasive to other tissues

benign tumors

cells do not look normal in biopsy. cells are constantly going through mitosis (g1 and g2 phases of cell cycle). these cells are invasive into other tissues and will break off into the lymphatic system or the circulatory system -metastases

malignant tumor

genes that code for normal growth factors.


proto-oncogenes that turn on and stay turned on


four major factors causing cancer

viruses, radiation, chemicals, heredity

reduction division


diploid cell divides to make 4 haploid cells with half the number of chromosomes in each


pairs of chromosomes in diploid organisms

homologous chromosomes

because we have pairs of chromosomes, we are ____

diploid organisms

sex cells


process of meiosis

diploid cells go thru 2 rounds of cell division and only replicate their chromosomes in the first round

unwinds double stranded DNA making replication bubbles


binds to DNA and adds nucleosides going from 3 to 5

DNA polymerase

removes the added tension in the double stranded DNA caused by helices unwinding when it forms replication bubbles


connects the lagging strands together, the glue that seals the free ends

DNA ligase

repeating sequences of TTAGGG form 100-1000 base pairs are found at the ends of DNA strands and act as a buffer preventing damage to the chromosome ends


add the RNA primer for DNA polymerase to bind


enzyme cuts damaged DNA at 2 pts and the damages section is removed and polymerase repairs it


DNA is packed into these proteins which are bonded together to form nucleosomes


DNA starts as 2nm in diameter and becomes ______nm chromatids by the time it is done condensing


heterochromatin is/ is not used during interphase

is not

chromatin that is loosely arranged and will unwind to form the various required proteins for the cell


