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16 Cards in this Set

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3 things a forensic scientist would do

Professional testimony in court

Analyse evidence

Collect evidence at crime scene

Who is Edmund Locard?

A forensic scientist in the early 1900s

What is the Locard Principle

Whenever a person and an object, or 2 people or 2 objects come in contact with each other, there is ALWAYS a transfer of material

What is a crime scene?

A place where an offense has been committed and forensic evidence may be gathered

Does evidence always have to be found at the crime scene?


What is evidence when it is found?

Unknown evidence because the moment you collect it, you are unsure as to who or where it came from

What is a control sample?

Evidence from a suspect or victim that is used to compare crime scene evidence to

Who are control samples collected from

The victim and/or the suspect

What is circumstantial evidence?

Places someone somewhere but doesn't prove that they did amything

What are the two types of circumstantial evidence?

Biological and non-biological

What is direct evidence

Evidence that proves a fact without any inferences or assumptions

What are the two types of direct evidence?

Testimonial and physical

What is individual evidence?

Evidence that can be linked to a unique, single, specific source

What is class evidence?

Evidence that cannot be linked to a unique, single, specific source, but instead is associated with a group of people

How can class evidence be used to narrow down a field of suspects?

With enough, you can narrow down the search to one person

True or false: DNA determines your fingerprint pattern
