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62 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Inferior TibFib joint
- Type
- DF
- Close pack
- Open pack
- capsular pattern
- syndesmosis - fibrous
- none
- weight bearing dorsiflexion
- No weight bearing position
- Pain when mortis is splayed
Osteokinematics at Inf Tib fib
dorsiflexion and internal tibial rotaion = supralateral translation
Arthrokin at Inferior tibfib joint
- minimal anterior/posterior glide of fibula on tibia
Talocrural Joint
- Type
- DF
- Closed pack
- Open pack
- capsular pattern
- compound, synovial, modified sellar
- one DF - plantar/dorsi flexion
- CP - dorsiflexion
- OP - 10 degrees plantar flexion
- Greater limitation with plantar flexion before dorsi
Osteokin of the Talocrural joint
- Axis/plane
- dorsiflexion
- plantar flexion
- oblique transverse axis/ impure sagital plane

- DF - Anterior swing (roll) with conjunct external rotation of Talus

PF - posterior swing (roll) with conjunct internal rotation if tibia
Arthrokin of Talocrural joint
- Dorsiflexion
- Plantarflexion
DF- posterior glide of talus on talar dome

PF - Anterior glide of talus on talar dome
Subtalar joint
- Type
- Synovial compound
Anterior joint surface = concave
Posterior = Convex
Anatomically = modified ovoid
Functionally = MODIFIED SELLAR
Subtalar joint
- Degrees of freedom
- Closed pack
- OPen pack
- Capsular pattern
DF - 1 (triplanar movement of supination and pronation)
CP = end range supination and pronation
OP = Mid position
Capsular= more limitation in supination than pronation
Osteokin at Subtalar joing
- axis/plane
- pronation
- supination

*during inversion...
- oblique axis/ frontal plane (impure)
pron - calcaneus = eversion, dorsiflexion, abduction
sup - calcaneus = inversion, plantar flexion, adduction

- anterior and posterior joint surfaces of calcaneous both roll in a medial direction
ARthrokin at subtalar joint
- pronation (hind foot eversion) - ant and post calc
- supination (hind foot inversion) - ant and post calc

*during inversion....
pron - lateral glide of anterior calcaneal facet on the talus
- medial glide of posterior calcaneal facet on talus

Sup - medial glide of anterior calcaneal facet on talus
- lateral glide of posterior calcaneal facet on talus

- anterior joint surface of calc glides medially
- posteror joint surface of calc glides laterally
Talonavicular joint
- type
- Degrees of freedom
- close pack
- open pack
- capsular pattern
- synovial, modfied ovoid
- 2 (Pf/Df, Inv/Ev)
CP- inversion of navic
OP - slight plantar flexion
Caps - equal limitation
Osteokin of the Talonavicular joint
- Dorsiflexion
- Plantar flexion
DF = Dorsal swing (roll) of navic
- conjuct adduction and ER
(* talus is abducted = relative adduction of navic)

PF = plantar Swing (roll) of navic
- conjuct abduction and IR
Arthrokin of the Talonavic joint
- Dorsiflexion
- Plantar flexion
DF = Dorsal glide of navic
- conjunct extertnal rotation (inversion) of navic on talus

PF = plantar glide of navic
- conjuct internal rotation (eversion) of navic on talus
Calcanealcuboid joint
- type
- degree of freedom
- close pack
- open pack
- capsular pattern
- simple, synovial - funtionally = modified sellar
DF - 1 - pron/sup
Close pack - none
Open pack - slight plantar flexion
Caps - Equal
Calcaneal Cuboid joint Osteokin
- pronation/supination
- pronates and supinates about an oblique axis
- arcuate swing - roll along an arch
Calcaneal cuboid arhtrokin
- Pronation
- Supination
Pron = Dorsal glide of cuboid on calcaneus
- conjunct internal rotation and abduction

Sup = Plantar glide of cuboid on calcaneus
- jonjunct external rotation and adduction
Cubonavicular joint
- Degrees of freedom
- Close pack
- Open pack
- syndesmosis
- zero
CP = supination
OP = neutral

- no movement
Cuneonavicular joint
- type
- degrees of freedom
- Close pack
- open pack
- capsular pattern
- Synovial, compound, modified ovoid
- 2 - DF/PF, Inv/Ev
- CP = supination
- OP = neutral
Caps = Equal
Cuneonavicular joint Osteokin
- Plantar flexion
DF = Dorsal swing (roll) and ext rotation
- conjunct adduction

PF = Plantar Swing (roll) and internal rotation
- conjunct abduction
Cuneonavicular joint Arthrokin
- Dorsi
- Plantarl
DF = Dorsal glide of cuneiforms on navic
- conjunct external rotation (as a group)

PF = Plantar glide of cuneiforms on navic
- conjunct internal rotation (as a group)
Cuneocuboid joint
- type
- Degrees of freedom
- close pack
- Open pack
- synovial, compound, planar
Df = one - sup/pron
CP = supination
OP = pronation
Cuneocuboid joint osteokin
- pronation
- supination
Pron = dorsal swing (roll) of cuboid on lateral cuneiform

Sup = Plantar swing (roll) of cuboid on lateral cuneiform
Cuneocuboid joint arthrokin
- pronation
- supination
Pron = Dorsal glide of cuboid

Sup = Plantar glide of cuboid
Intercueiform joints
- type
- DF
- close pack
- open pack
- synovial, compound, planar
- DF = one - pron/sup
- CP = supination
- OP = pronation
Intercuneiform osteokinematics
- Pronation
- Supination
*swing (roll) moves plantar/dorsal
Pro = medial and lateral cuneiforms slide dorsally on keystone
Sup = medial and lateral cuneiforms swing planter direction
Intercuneiform Arthrokin (at both lateral and medial cuneiform)
- Pronation
- Supination
Pron =
Medial Cun = slight dorsal glide of medial on middle
Lateral Cun = slight dorsal glide of lateral on middle

Sup =
Medial Cun = slight plantar glide of lateral on middle
Lateral Cun - slight plantar glide of medial on middle
Tarsometatarsal joint
- Type
- Degrees of freedom
- Close pack
- Open pack
- simple, synovial, modified ovoid
Df = 2 = DF/ PF, ABD/ Add
Close Pack = Full extension
Open pack - 10 deg DF
Tarsometatarsal joint Osteokin
- 1st ray (with med cuneiform)
* DF/PF - impure swing about an axis that runs from dorsal posterior medial to plantar anterior lateral

Dorsi - base of 1st swings(rolls) in a dorsal direction
Tarsometatarsal joint Osteokin
- 2-4th ray
DF/PF = impure swing

Dorsi - all roll in a dorsal direction
Tarsometatrsal joint Osteokin
- 5th ray
DF/PF - impure swing about an axis thta runs from plantar posterior lateral to dorsal anterior medial
Tarsometatarsal joint ARthrokin
- 1st ray
Dorsiflexion - Dorsal glide
- conjunct external rotation of 1st MT on medial cun
Plantarflexion - plantar glide
- conjunct internal rotation of 1st MT on medial cun
Tarsometatarsal joint ARthro
- 2-4 ray
- dorsal and plantar glide

*middle 3 rays usually follow the first ray
TMT joint ARthro
5th ray
DF = dorsal glide
- conjunct internal rotation of 5th MT on cuboid
PF = Plantar glide
- conjunct external rotation of 5th MT on cuboid
MTP joint
- type
- DF
- Close pack
- Open pack
- Capsular pattern
- 1st
- 2md - 5th
- simple, synovial, modified ovoid
Degrees of Freedom = 2 ( DF/PF, Abd/add)
CP = full ext
OP = 10 deg dorsiflexion
Caps = 1st MTP = extension more than flexion
- 2-5 = flexion more than extension
TMT Osteokin
DF = phalynx swings (rolls) dorsally
PF = phalynx swings (rolls) plantarlly

Ab/Ad = impure swing about a verticle axiz in a coronal plane
TMT arthrokin
- Plantar flexion MT 1
- Plantar flexion MT 2-5

- DF - MT 1
- DF - MT 2-5
Plantar flexion MT1 = plantar glide of base of phalanx
- conjunct internal external rotation
Plantar flexion MT2-5 = plantar glide of bas of phalynx
- conjucnt internal rotation

Dorsiflexion MT1 - Dorsal glide of base of phalanx
- conjunct internal rotation (to maintain ground contact)
Dorsiflexion MT 2-5 - Dorsal glide of base of phalanx
- conjunct external rotation
TMT Arthro ***All in relation to second ray**
- Abduction MT 1
- abduction M3-5

Adduction MT1
Adduction MT 3-5
ABd MT 1 - lateral glide of phalanx 1(away from ray 2 - towards medial body)
ABd MT 3-5 - lateral glide away from body

Add MT 1 = medial phalanx 1 (toward ray 2 - away from midline)
ADD MT 3-5 = medial glide (toward ray 2 so toward midline of body )
Interphalangeal Joints
- type
- degree of freedom
- close pack
- open pack
- caps pattern
- synovial, simple, modified sellar
DF = 1 flex/ext
CP = full ext
OP = slight flexion
Caps = extension loss greater than flexion
IP joint Osteokin
- flex
- ext
* arcuate swing about a transverse axis
flexion = plantar swing/roll
ext = dorsal swing/roll
IP joint Arthrokin
- flex
- ext
flex - plantar glide of distal phangeal base on proximal head

ext = dorsal glide of distal phalangeal base on the proximal phalangeal head
What is the Anterior drawer test testing
- anterior parts of the medial and lateral collateral ligaments and anterior capsule
What is the posterior drawer testing
- instability of the inferior tibiofibular joint and the mortise
3 tests for inflammation
1. Joint Splaying (syndesmosis and high ankle sprain)
2. Compression of proximal tibfib
3. Squeeze test at mid shaft of tibia
2 ligaments limiting Supination
*often injured together
1. Lateral talocalcaneal
2. Cervical
3 ligaments limiting pronation
1. medial talocalcaneal
2. Interosseous
How is the first ray (hallux) stabilized dynamically :
1- peroneus longus
2. Abductor hallucis
3. Flexor hallucis longus
Hallux stability relies on: 9
1. normal muscle length of peronei
2. minimum 16 deg platar flexion between 1st MT and medial cuneiform
3. minimum 65-75 deg dorsiflexion of 1st MT and medial cuneiform
4. Subtalar supination allows relative plantar flexion of the 1st ray
5. Unrestricted sesamoids allowing 1st MT to glide posteriorly
6. Head of 1st MT gliding on stable base of 1st proximal phalanx
7. plantar fascia extensibility
8. Supination of cuboid allow normal peroneii function
9. Normal Subtalar function
2 bones at risk for AVN
- neck of talus
- base of 5th
What is osteochondritis dessicans
- inflammatory reaction to the detachement of a fragement of cartialge and its underlying bone
- presents with symptoms of a lose body
- may be able to palpate the defect along the atnerior joint line of the talocrural joint
Where are lose bodies found
- subtalor and talocrural
Differential diagnosis for a loose body
- mortise instabiity
- ruptured calcaneofibular ligament
- xrays usually negative
Symptoms of osteochondral lesion of talus
- long history of pain and swelling - 1 yr +
- daily pain with swelling and limited sport
- positive anterior drawer
- decreased dorsiflexion
- decreased subtalar joint
Morton's Neuroma
- entrapment neuropathy on the plantar surface of the intermetatrsal ligament
- pain at 2nd or 3rd intermetatarsal space
- transverse compression of toes is painful
- tingling in 3rd webspace
treatment for Mortons Neuroma
- footwear modification
- injection
- ultrasound
- forefoot mobilization
- metatarsal pad
What is plantar fascitis
-inflammation of the plantar fascia or perifascial bursae
Where is plantar fasciitis most commonly located
- origin of plantar fascia on the medial tubercle of the calcaneus
Differential diagnosis with plantar fasciitis
- systemic conditions
- osteoporosis
- OA
- tarsal tunnel syndrome
- bursitis
- calcaneal fracture
Clinical presentation of plantar fasciitis
- tenderness on palpation of medial tubercle of calcaneus or length of plantar fascia
- pain with passive dorsiflexion at the big toe
- pain with gait
- pain with weightbearing (especially after a period of rest)
- slow decrease in pain with activity
- tight plantar flexors
Treatment for plantar fasiitis
- activity modification
- tape or lift
- modalities
- stretching
- injection
- intrinsic strenthening
What is equinas foot
- decreased length of the achilles
- congenital joint restriction
- aquired joint disfunction
- sublixation
Clinical presentation of equinas foot
- less than 10 degrees of dorsiflexion with knee extended
- compensates with subtalar pronation or dorsiflexion of midtarsal and tarsometatarsal joints
- Hallux valgus
- Navicular wedging
Treatment for Equinas foot
- acute
- subacute
Acute = heel lift
- treat joint dysfunction
Subacute - stretch with subtalar in neutral