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10 Cards in this Set

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3 compounds starch makes

Dextrin, maltose, and glucose

What does starch do?

Strengthens the baked item through gelatinization.

What is Gluten?

The protein portion of flour with the elastic characteristics necessary for the structure of most baked products.

What does gluten do?

firms the flour mixture

ability to let the baked product rise

What type of flour has the highest concentration of the proteins that form gluten

wheat flour

flour + water = ?

elastic network forms 2 wheat flour proteins

what two proteins does the elastic network form?

gliadin and glutenin

what is the first step in gluten formation?

hydration. gliadin and glutenin absorb twice their water weight.

protein content in flour highest to lowest

high-gluten flour, bread flour, all-purpose flour, pastry flour, cake flour

biological leavening ageant

yeast, bacteria (longer process)