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11 Cards in this Set

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Define Risk
Chance of injury, illness, or loss -> anything that can go wrong will go wrong, zero risk does not exist
- probability of individual or population developing adverse reaction following exposure to a hazard
What does Risk Analysis focus on?
What can go wrong and how to respond
What are the objectives of Risk Assessment
- understand underlying principles of risk analysis
- demonstrate the application of RA
- compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative approaches to RA
- dose response assessment and exposure assessment
What are the steps in Risk Analysis
1 - hazard identification
2 - risk assessment (qualitatively or quantitatively
3 - risk management - reduce the risks
4 - risk communication - how to prepare those potentially affected
--> goal is to address what can go wrong and how can we cope with it
Steps in Qualitative Risk Analysis
1 - frame right question
2 - identify the hazard
3 - outline a pathway - describe chain of events leading to negative outcome
4 - collect data and information
5 - estimate risk
What is the goal of a quantitative risk assessment?
- quantify the likelihood of hazards and their effects
- compare alternate approaches to manipulating or controlling risk
Describe a Deterministic Simulation Model...
- Input is constant value
- output is single value as product of individual probabilities for exposure, infection, and disease
- does not capture uncertainty or variability
Describe the Stochastic, Probabilistic, or Monte Carlo simulation models...
- account for uncertainty and variability in input
- quantify uncertainty in output
- output expresses the distribution of probabilities
Overall goal of Risk Assessment models?
- incorporating probability into risk assessment models
- understanding distributions
- facilitates comparing options for risk managment
Steps in Quantitative Risk Assessment
1 - define risk to be assessed
2 - identify the hazard(s)
3 - outline initial model pathway
4 - identify the inputs and obtain data
5 - adopt an iterative approach
6 - ensure clarity
7 - obtain feedback
What modeling provides a better picture of the potential risk given the uncertainty and variability of the input? why?
Stochastic model
- quantitative modeling accounts for uncertainty and variability through the inputs