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48 Cards in this Set

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ATP yield equation
{(n/2)*12} + [{(n/2-1)*5}-2]
serine protease inhibitors - irreversible suicide inhibitors. mimic natural substrates, but in intermediate step, changes shape and inhibits serine protease
type of serpin, inhibits coagulation in blood clotting. If antithrombin is too low, too much clotting; if it's too high, too much bleeding
inhibits neurophil elastase in lungs (protective)
- inactivated when person is a smoker.
- low levels, emphysema, cirrhosis
- some ppl have predisposition to low levels
treatment for heavy metal poisoning - competes with heavy metal for enzyme - wants to speed up poisons dissociation.
problem - it interferes with MMPs, other proteases
Aspects of line-weaver burk
Vmax = 1/Yaxis intercept
Km = -1/x-axis intercept
slope= Km/Vmax
equilibrium constant for inhibitor
heme oxidase
catalyzes breakdown of heme.
- stress response, increase in tumors
- you WANT to inhibit (use antifungals?)
myasthenia gravis
too few receptors for acetylcholine. Symptoms alleviate when signal persists for long time in the receptors
drug, lets acetylcholine stay in receptors longer. inhibits acetylcholinesterase.
Exs: neostigime - competes as substrate, slows enzyme down
If OD on carbamites, nerve signal is overstimulated, paralysis@
restriction in blood supply to an organ - heart attack or stroke
if encounter bacterium, convert NADPH to NADP+ and e-. electron combins with 02 --> superoxide, kind of like bleach, bacteria explode
Fenton reaction
superoxide and H+ form hydrogen peroxide. Then, hydrogen peroxide adds to iron II to create an OH radical and OH- and Fe3+. Then, Fe3+ can be oxidized back to Fe2+ and react again.
arachidonic acid
catabolism of this is important for immunity and signalling, but has free radical side products. Free rads can insert randomly into FA --> toxin, decrease fluidity
superoxide dismutase
SOD, gets rid of superoxide radicals. 3 forms: mitochondrial (Mn cofactor, SOD2; cytoplasmic (Cu/Zn cofactor, SOD1); extracellular (Cu/Zn cofactors, SOD3)
glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase
enzyme - catalyzes oxidation of glutathione to glutathione disulfide. Reduces H202 to H20.
Glutathione reductase reduces glutathione disulfide to glutathione and oxidizes NADPH to NADP+.
In diabetes, glutathione is irreversibly altered. Without glutathione, less ways to get rid of peroxide. AND no way to generate NADP+
consists of 1) cells 2) ground substance 3) extracellular fibers
ground substance + extracellular fibers = matrix
hyaline cartilage
- type II collagen
- perichondrium - dense connective tissue surrounding
- in external auditory meatus, cartilage models of long bones
elastic cartilage
- in pinna in ear, larynx
- type II collagen + elastic fibers
- perichondrium surrounds
(these aren't smooth like hyaline cartilage cause of elastic fibers)
- in intervertebral disks, pubic symphysis
- type I collagen
- no perichondrium
proteoglycan aggregate
proteoglycan subunits attached to hyaluronic acid, forms bottle brush arrangement
cartilage matrix
consists of ground substance (proteoglycans) and fibers (collagen - for elastic, hyalin cartilage, collagen = type II)
canals that extend from one lacuna to another
compact/lamellar/cortical bone
dense areas wihtout cavities, packed with Haversian systems. Around periphery of bone
cancellous/trabecular bone
3D lattice of branching bony spicules, forming trabeculae around marrow in center
end of long bone
shaft of long bone
between epiphysis and diaphysis of long bone
dense, connective tissue around outside of bone
lines marrow cavities
Organic Part of bone matrix
35%, contains proteins, glycoproteins, proteoglycans synthesized by osteogenic cell. Type 1 collagen (makes up 95% or organic matrix) is in amorphous ground substance
inorganic part of bone matrix
made up of hydroxyapatite crystals.
osteoprogenitor cells
stem cells. capable of generating into osteoblasts.In periosteum and endosteum as bone lining cells
synthesize and secrete organic matrix of bone - collagenous (type I) and noncollagenous and alkaline phosphate.
collagenous and noncollagenous material made by osteoblasts; noncalcified
alkaline phosphatase
increases local calcium:phosphate ratio
big, multinucleate. come from monocytes not osteoprogenitors. seals itself in lacuna, produces acidic environment (like lysosome outside of cell) - breaks down bone matrix. Ruffled border.
mature bone cells. osteoblasts that have entrapped themselves in calcified matrix. Communicate through gap jxns. May be able to do a little resorption and bone deposition
bone-lining cells
have osteogenic potential and can respond to parathyroid hormone by shifting calcium flux between bone fluid and extracellular fluid
Volkmann's canal
connects 1 haversian canal to another or a haversian canal to the surface
ARF cycle
activation of osteoblasts, resorption by osteoclasts, reversal (osteoclasts shut down), formation (osteoblasts lay down bone), resting phase
parathyroid hormone
works in bone, kidneys and intestine. low blood-calcium levels, stimulation of parathyroid hormone, causes birth of osteoclasts and increases ruffled border activity (via stimulation of osteoblasts!!!) NO receptors for PTH on osteoclasts
acts to decrease blood-calcium levels. less effective than PTH
vitamin D
signals osteoblasts to signal osteoclasts to break down bone and increase in number. NO receptors for vitamin D on osteoclasts
ligand/receptor - message sent by osteoblasts to osteoclasts to increase ruffled border activity
macrophage-colony stimulating factor
stimulates osteoclast precursor (monocyte) to differentiate into an osteoclast. produced by osteoblast
decoy receptor for RANK. can take up RANK ligan and shut down osteoclasts activity. Secreted by osteoblasts
induces osteoclast death. In osteoporosis, too many osteoclasts!