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60 Cards in this Set

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Definition of Learning
A change in behavior as a result of an experience
Characteristics of Learning P-E-M-A/P
Purposeful and Comes through experience while multifaceted it is also an Active Process
Explain Learning is Purposeful
Each student has specific purposes and goals
Explain Learning Comes Through Experience
A student must perform or experience a skill in order to fully learn the material
Explain Learning is Multifaceted
While learning the subject at hand students may be learning other things as well
Explain Learning is an Active Process
If learning is a process of changing behavior clearly that process must be an active one
Laws of Learning R-E-E-P-I-R
Readiness Exercise Effect Primacy Intensity Recency
Explain Law of Readiness
Individuals learn best when they are ready to learn and when students are ready to learn they meet the instructor at least halfway which simplifies the instructors job
Explain Law of Exercise
Those items most repeated are the best remembered
Explain Law of Effect
This law is based on the emotional reaction of the learner Whatever the element it should affect the student positively and give them a feeling of satisfaction
Explain Law of Primacy
The first state of Being often creates a strong almost unshakable impression so teach right the First Time
Explain Law of Intensity
Vivid dramatic or exciting learning experiences teaches more than a routine or boring experience
Explain Law of Recency
The things most recently learned are best remembered
Factors Which Affect Perception
Physical organism Basic Need Goals and Values Self Concept Time and opportunity Element of Threat
Explain Physical Organism
Vehicle by which individuals become aware
Explain Basic Need
Maintain and enhance self
Explain Goals and Values
Experiences are judged by individuals beliefs and value structures
Explain Self Concept
How one pictures oneself
Explain Time and Opportunity
Students need time and multiple opportunities to learn new tasks
Explain Element of Threat
Confronted with threat students focus attention to threatening object or condition
Five Senses S-H-T-S-T
Sight 75% Hearing 13% Touch 6% Smell 3% Taste 3%
Explain Rote
Memorize without understanding
Explain How People Learn P-F-I-M
Confronted with threat
Explain Understanding
Hands on experience allow perceptions and insights to practice and develop a skil
Explain Insights of Learning
Grouping perceptions or ideas into meaningful wholes
Explain Application
Apply a skill to complete a specific task successfully
Explain Motivation of Learning
The most dominant force which governs students progress and ability to learn
Explain Correlation
Combining skills or tasks to complete complex operations
Levels of Learning R-U-A-C
Rote Understanding Application Correlation
Learning Skills Part A
Physical Skills involve more than muscles Desire to learn Pattern to follow Perform the skill Knowledge of result
Learning Skills Part B
Progress follows a pattern Duration and organization of a lesson Evaluation versus Critique Application of skill
Explain Knowledge of Result
One way to make students aware of their progress is to repeat a demonstration or example and to show the standard against which they can compare their performance
Explain Physical Skills
Perception changed as the sequence became easier Concepts of how to perform the skill were developed and attitudes were changed
Explain Progress Follows a Pattern
If the student is aware of the learning plateau frustration may be lessoned
Explain Desire to Learn
The skillful instructor relates the lesson objective to the student’s intentions and needs and in doing so building on the student’s natural enthusiasm
Explain Duration and Organization of a Lesson
As a student gains experience longer periods of practice are profitable
Explain Patterns to follow
Having a model to follow permits students to get a clear picture of each step in the sequence What it is and how to do it
Explain Evaluation
Provides a check on teaching effectiveness and can be used to predict students learning proficiency
Explain Perform the skill
Practice is necessary the student needs coordination between muscles and visual and tactical senses
Explain Critique
Evaluations are a prerequisite for constructive criticism
Explain Application of Skill
The student applies skill to the appropriate condition
Retention P-R-F-L-M
Praise stimulates remembering Recall promoted by association Favorable attitude aid retention Learning with all senses is most effective Meaningful repetition aids recall
Explain Praise Stimulates Remembering
Responses which give a pleasurable return tend to be repeated
Explain Recall is Promoted by Association
Data associated with something else makes it easier to recall when needed
Explain Favorable Attitude Aids in Retention
People learn and remember only what they wish to know
Explain Learning With All Senses is Most Effective
When several senses respond together making fuller understanding and greater chance of recall is achieved
Meaningful Repetition Aids Recall
Note Repetition does not guarantee retention so be careful because excess repetition could be harmful
Forgetting D-I-R
Disuse Interference Repression
Explain Disuse
Data not used is harder to recall as time passes
Explain Interference
New events displace many things that were previously learned
Explain Repression
Material or experiences that are unpleasant or produce anxiety can be moved to the subconscious mind for protection
Habit Formation
It is the instructors responsibility to insist on correct techniques and procedures from beginning
Transfer of Learning P or N
Positive or Negative
Positive Transfer
A helps B
Negative Transfer
A hinders B
Positive Transfer Idea 1
Plan for Transfer
Positive Transfer Idea 2
Help students seek other applications
Positive Transfer Idea 3
The more through the understanding
Positive Transfer Idea 4
Create activities exercise a students imagination and ingenuity to apply their skill
Positive Transfer Idea 5
Use material that make relationships clear