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88 Cards in this Set

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What is the effective circulating volume?
is that portion of the ECF that is contained in the vascular space and is effectively perfusing the tissues
Is effective circulating volume a measurable entity? it refers to?
no, but rather refers to the rate of perfusion of the capillaries
-ie, the sites of exchange between blood and tissue cells
In general, the effective circulating volume varies directly with?
the ECF volume in normal subjects
Is some disease states, the effective circulating volume and ECF may be?
In congestive heart failure patients, the effective circulating volume is?
reduced, due to a primary decrease in CO
What compensatory mechanisms occur in CHF patients with a decreased effective circulating volume?
sodium and water retention by the kidney leads to an increase in ECF (and plasma) volume
Maintenance of effective circulating volume is essential for?
delivery of adequate oxygen and energy substrates to tissues, and for removal of C02 and metabolic end-products
Maintenance of effective circulating volume is closely linked to regulation of?
sodium balance
Sodium loading (retention) leads to?
volume expansion
Sodium loss leads to?
volume depletion
What are the two steps in response to variations in effective circulating volume?
1. Volume change is sensed by multiple receptors
2. Activation of effector mechanisms that act together to restore normovolemia
What is the location of the primary receptors? 3
1. carotid sinus and aortic arch (baroreceptors)
2. atria of the heart
3. afferent arterioles in the kidney (JG cells)
What variable are the volume receptors actually sensing?
pressure (stretch)
Pressure and volume are usually ________ related.
The rate of discharge of the stretch-sensitive nerve endings in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch are proportional to?
the degree of stretch
Afferent activity from the receptors in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch is directed to?
the vasomotor centers in the medulla and to the paraventricular nuclei (ADH secretion) in the hypothalamus
What does volume depletion do to activity of the stretch receptors in the carotid sinuses and aortic arch?
tends to decrease stretch and afferent activity directed to the brain which causes a reflex increase in both vasomotor center output and ADH secretion
What does volume expansion cause?
increased pressure, increased afferent activity and reflex decrease in vasomotor output and ADH secretion
Atrial stretch receptors detect?
the degree of atrial filling
Volume expansion has what effect on atrial stretch receptors?
increases filling and stretch, reflex decrease in ADH secretion and release of ANP into the circulation
Volume depletion has what effect on the atrial stretch receptors?
decrease filling and stretch, reflex increase in ADH secretion and decreased release of ANP into the circulation
Renin secretion from JG cells of afferent arteriole is _______ related to?
inversely, the degree of stretch of the arteriolar wall
What does volume depletion do to afferent arteriole stretch?
reduces stretch which increases renin secretion and increases angiotensin II production and aldosterone release
What does volume expansion do to renin secretion?
suppresses it
What 3 effector mechanisms are involved in volume regulation?
1. SNS
2. RAS
3. Renal sodium excretion
SNS outflow from the medulla vasomotor centers is regulated, in part, by?
input from peripheral baroreceptors (inverse relationship)
What is the response of the SNS to decreased effective circulating volume?
Decreased venous return, CO, BP, baroreceptor stimulation, increased sympathetic tone
Pharmacologic blockade of SNS in hypovolemic patients can cause?
marked hypotension
Volume expansion reduces?
sympathetic output from vasomotor centers to minimize changes in CO and BP, and to facilitate sodium excretion
Secretion of renin from JG cells of afferent arteriole is influenced by?
sympathetic nervous system activity - direct relationship (beta-1 adrenergic receptors)
Degree of stretch of afferent arteriole is?
independent of SNS input, inverse relationship
-myogenic response
What converts angiotensin I to II?
Angiotensin II is a potent?
Angiotensin II stimulates secretion of? which promotes?
aldosterone from the adrenal cortex which promotes sodium reabsorption in principal cells of the CCT AND stimulates sodium reabsorption in PCT
When are renin secretion and angiotensin II formation enhanced?
in hypovolemic states such as sodium restriction/loss, hemorrhage, or decompensated heart failure
If you were to administer a pharmacologic blockade of the renin-angiotensin system in hypovolemic states would would happen?
marked hypotension
Renal sodium excretion varies directly with?
effective circulating volume
Volume expansion causes?
increased sodium excretion
Volume depletion causes?
decreased sodium excretion (urine can be virtually sodium free)
Adjustments in sodium excretion are due primarily to?
adjustments in sodium reabsorption by the tubules
What are factors that affect sodium reabsorption? 3
1. aldosterone
2. atrial natriuretic peptide
3. filtration fraction (FF)
Aldosterone promotes?
sodium reabsorption in CCT
ANP inhibits?
sodium reabsorption in MCT
Increased FF does what?
enhances proximal tubular sodium reabsorption; decreased FF has opposite effect
ECF volume determined by?
absolute amounts of sodium and water present
ECF osmolality determined by the ratio of?
solutes (primarily sodium salts) to water
Sweating leads to loss of hypoosmotic fluid which causes a?
rise in Posm and fall in ECF volume
Infusion of isotonic saline causes a?
rise in ECF volume but no change in Posm
So ECF volume and ECF osmolality can?
vary independently
Osmoregulation is achieved by?
regulation of water balance; sodium is not directly affected unless there are concurrent changes in ECF volume
Volume regulation is achieved primarily by?
regulation of sodium excretion; the hypovolemic stimulus for ADH secretion, however, also promotes water retention to help restore normovolemia
Crystalloid solutions contain?
water and electrolytes; no colloids
What is the replacement of blood loss ratio?
3:1 to 4:1, 3-4mL of crystalloid solution per mL of blood loss
what is the intravascular "half-life" of crystalloid solutions?
20-30 min
Balanced solutions have an?
electrolyte composition similiar to that of ECF
Lactated ringers solution
most physiological replacement fluid, though slightly hypotonic (273mosm/kg H20)
LR contains?
lactate, which is converted to bicarbonate
What are other examples of balanced solutions?
PlasmaLyte and Normosol-R
Normal saline is what type of solution?
isotonic and isosmotic solution
Normal saline has a?
chloride concentration that is higher than that of ECF
NS administered in large amounts can cause?
hyperchloremic (non-anion gap) metabolic acidosis
NS is the preferred replacement fluid (over LR) in patients with?
brain injury, hyperkalemia, or hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
What is the preferred solution for dilution of packed RBCs prior to transfusion?
Hypertonic saline solutions
3% may be used for treatment of severe, symptomatic hyponatremia
What solutions have been used for treatment of hypovolemic shock?
3%-7.5% saline
5% dextrose in water (D5W) is a?
hypotonic solution (253 mosm/kg H20)
D5W is used to provide?
free water, as the dextrose (glucose) is metabolized, but does not cause hemolysis
Why is D5W most commonly used?
used to provide glucose and prevent hypoglycemia in diabetic patients who have been administered insulin
D5W may also be used to treat?
What is the replacement ratio for colloid solutions?
What is the intravascular "half-time" of colloid solutions?
much longer than that of crystalloids
What is Plasmanate composition?
5% albumin, 5% plasma protein fraction
What is the colloid osmotic pressure of Plasmanate?
20 mmHg
The preparation of Plasmanate involves?
heating to destroy infectious agents
Plasmanate is appropriate for treating?
conditions with large protein losses eg, peritonitis, burns
Dextran solutions are?
water-soluble glucose polymers
Dextran 70 (Macrodex) has an average polymer MW of?
6% dextran 70 expands the vascular volume the same as?
5% albumin
Dextran 40 (Rheomacrodex) has an average MW of?
Dextran 40 is not used to?
expand plasma volume; used in vascular surgery to reduce blood viscosity, improve microcirculatory blood flow, and prevent thrombosis
Dextrans have?
antiplatelet activity and can increase bleeding time
Dextrans may cause?
anaphylactic or anaphylactoid reactions
Dextran polymers are enzymatically degraded to?
Hydroxyethyl starch is a?
synthetic colloid- very effective plasma volume expander; less expensive than albumin and nonantigenic
Hespan is 6% hydroxyethyl starch in?
Hextend is 6% hydroxyethyl starch in?
solution that contains electrolytes, glucose, and lactate; the polymer molecules are smaller than those of Hespan
Hetastarch preparations may interfere with?
clotting and raise PTT - more likely with Hespan
Pentastarch contains?
smaller hydroxyethyl starch molecules