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82 Cards in this Set

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Water accounts for about ____ of your body mass?
Infants are ___% of water?
73% or more
How much dos water account for in old age?
A health y young man is about _% water and a healthy young woman is about _%
man 60%, woman 50%
What tissue is the least hydrated in the body?
Adipose;20% water
What tissue has the most water?
skelital muscle 75%
Water occuoies what two main fluid compartments in the body?
Intracellular fluic compartment(ICF) about 25L of the 40 L in the body. (2) Extracellular fluid comapratment(ECF)(1/3 of water
The extracellular fluid compartment is divisible into what two subcompartments?
(1)Plasm(2)interstitial fluid (the microscpic places between tissue cells)
have bonds, usually covalent, that prevent them from dissociating in solution, therfore no electrically charged species are created when nonelectrolytes dissolve in water. (glucos,creatine,urea)
Chemical compounds that DO dissacociate into ions in water(inoganic salts,both inorganic and organic acids and bases, and some proteins
Water accounts for about ____ of your body mass?
Infants are ___% of water?
73% or more
How much dos water account for in old age?
A health y young man is about _% water and a healthy young woman is about _%
man 60%, woman 50%
What tissue is the least hydrated in the body?
Adipose;20% water
What has much greater osmotic power becuse it dissacoiates into at least two ions?
Electrolyte concentrations are ussually expressed in _____.
milliequivalents per liter (mEq/L)
Formula for the concentration of any ion in solution
mEq/L=(ionconcentration (mg/L)/atomic wheight of ion(mg/mmol)) X ( no. of electrical charges on ion)
The ICF contains only small amounts of __and ___
sodium and chloride
The ICF most abundent cation is ____an dmost abundant anion is ____
potassium= cation, HPO4 2- = anion
What are the factors that determine body water content?
Sex ( women have more fat then men), fat ( has the least amount of water of all the body tissues), amount of skelital muscle(has the most amount of water), age, mass
Echange between plasma and IF occure across _____?
Capillary membranes
Nearly protein free plasma is forced out of the blood into the intersitual space by what?
hydrostatic pressure
This filtered protein free plasm from the intersitual space is forced back into the blood for reabsorption by what?
colloid osmotic (oncotic) pressure of plasma proteins
The small amount of plasm left in the intersitual space after most of it is reabsorbed is usually picked up by what?
lyphatic vessels, which return it back to the blood.
Gluose and oxygen typically move ____the cells and metabolic wastes move ___
into the cells ; metabolic wastes move out
What circulates throughout the body and liks the external and internal environments?
Icreasing the ECF solut content (mainly the NACL concentration) can be expected to cause what?
osmotic and volume changes in the INF (namely a shift of water out of the cells)
The ICF volume is determined by what?
the ECF solute concentration
For the body to remain properly hydrated.....
water intake must = water output
water produced by cellular metabolism is called?
metabolic water or water of oxidation
Insensible water loss
water that veporizes out of the lungs in expired air or diffuses directly through the skin
About __% of water is excreted by the kidneys in urine.
A rise in plasm osmolality triggers what?
(1)thirst, which propts us to drink water and (2)release of ADH, which causes the kidneys to conserve water and excreete concentrated urine. A decline in osmolality triigers the opposite
What is the driving force of water intake?
The thirs mechanism. An increasein plasma osmoality of only 2-3% excites the hypothalmic thirst center
A dry mouth also occures from an increase in plasma osmolality because?
the rise in plasma oncotic pressure causes less fluid to leave the blood stream, an dthe salivery glands obtain the water they require from the blood, therefore less saliva is produced, reinforcing the drive to drink, the same respons in produced by a decline in blood volume or pressure (10-15% decrease required)
When are the hypothalmic thirst center neurons stimulated?
When their osmoreceptors lose water by osmosisto hypertonic ECF, or are activated by angiotensin II, by barorecptor inputs, or other stimuli, collectivley these events cause the sensation of thirst. This is why some bars gice out free salt snacks to their patrons
What is the negative feedback system for thirst?
the damoing of thirst begins as the mucosa of the mouth and throat is mostened and continues as strech receptors in the stomache and intestine are activated, provideing feedback signals that inhibit the thirst center
Obligatory water loss reflects
(1)when we eat an adequate diet, our kidneysmust excrete 900-1200mOsm of solutes to maintane blood homeostasis (2)human kidneys must flush urine solutes out of the body in water
Normally the kidneys begin to eliminate excess water about _ minutes after it is ingested
30What is always regulated in tadum to maintain water balance?
What is always regulated in tandum
the water balance and sodium
The amount of water reabsorbed in the renal collecting ducts is proportional to ____release?
When ADH is low what happens?
Most of the water reaching the collecting ducts is not reabsorbed but simply allowed to pass through because of the lack of aquaporins in the luminal membranes of the principa cells prevents the movement of water
What happens when ADH levels are high?
aquaporins are inserted in the principal cell luminal membranes and nearly all of the filtered water is reabsorbes; a small volume of concentrated urine is secreted
A decrease in ECF osmolality ___ADH release and allows more water to be excreted into the urine, restoring normal blood osmolality
A___in ECF osmolality stimulates ADH release
A decrease in blood pressure triggers an ____ in ADH secreation.
Factors that triger aDH release by reducing blood volume are?
fever; excessive sweating;vomiting, or diarrhea; sever blood loss, and traumatic burns, under these conditions aDH also acts to increase blood volume by constricitng arterioles
when water ouput exceeds water intake over a period of time, may also be caused by diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus
Hypotonic Hydration
overhydration; the EFC is deluted, its sodium content is normal, but there is still excess water, hyponatramia(low EFC NA+), damaging to neurons, could leave to coma or death
an atypical accumulation of fluid in the intersitial space, leading to tissue swelling; caused by any event that steps up the flow of fluid out of the blood or hinders its return
Electrolyte Balance
the salt balance in the body
phosphates are liberated during what?
catabolism of nucleic acids and bone matrix
Which salts account for 90-95% of all solutes in the ECF?
NaHCO and NaCl
What is the single most abundant cation in the ECF and the only one exerting significant osmotic pressure?
Water follows ___
In a healthy individuale nearly all Na+ can be reabsorbed
hypermatremia; cause dehydration, Hyponatremia; cause: solute loss, water retention
hyperkalemia; cause renal failure,deficit of aldosterone, burns or tissue injuries, consquence:nausea,vomiting,diarrhea Hypokalemia; cause:gastrointestinal tract disturbance, cushings disease, consequence:cardiac arrhythmias
hyperphosphatemia: cause: decreased urinary loss do to renal failure,hyperparathyroidism
Hypophosphatemia: causes: decreased intestinal absorption, increased urinary output
hyperchloremia: cause: dehydration, hypochloremia: metabolic alkalosis, aldosterone deficiency
hypercalemia:cause:hyperparathroidism, consequences= kidney stones, nausa
hypocalcemia: cause: burns, renal failure
hypermagnesemia:cause: rare, occurs in renal failure consequence = lethargy
hypomagnesemia: cause:alchoholism, loss of intestinal contents, consequencs: Tremors, tetany, convulsions
Aldosterone usually promotes __ and ___
sodium and water retention
addison's disease
lets the cardiovascular centers know that blood volume/pressure has risen
atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)
It reduces blood pressure and blood volume by inhibiting nearly all events that promote vasoconstriction and Na+ and water retention
are chemically similar to aldosterone, and enhance NaCl reabsortion, because water follows, many women retain fluid as their estrogen levels rise during their menstrual cycle
appears to decrease Na+ reabsorption by blocking the effect aldosterone has on renal tubules, thus it has a diuretic-like effect and promotes Na+ and water loss
Ex cortisol and hydrocortisol: enhances tubular reabsorption of Na+ and promote an increased glomular filtration rate
causes tetany
PTH activates osteroclasts, which breaks down the bone matrix resulting in the release of calcium
small intestine
PTH enhances intestinal absorption of Ca indirectly by stimulation to transform vitamin D to its active form
The normal ph of arterial blood is?
Two components of the nephron are
Two components of the nephron are
The efferent arteriole of a juxtamedullary nephron may form long loop-shaped vessels called
vasa recta
What structure is not part of the renal tubules
The nephron is considered to be the
The nephron is considered to be the
The entire responsibility of urine formation lies in the?
Blood in the urine may be a symtom of ?
bladder cancer
tubular secretion is effective in
controling blood pH
The turminal portion of the urinary system is the?