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59 Cards in this Set

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A cation that plays a major role in BONE FORMATION ?
A nurse is caring for a client who is addicted to opiods. The doc has px maintenance therapy using methadone(Dolophine)for d/tox. which of the following should the nurse keep in mind when careing for this pt?
~ Dose varies with regard to LENGTH OF PT'S ADDICTION
A client has been using nonnarcotic analgesics daily over an extended period. w/c of the following effects should the nurse carefully monitor for this client?
After a sulfonamide that nurse has administered to your patient, you notice that he has developed a fever, cough, and muscular aches. The nurse also observes that this patient has developed lesions in the form of red wheals on the neck and the mouth. The nurse recognizes that these are symptoms of_________________.
~ Stevens-Johnson Syndrome(SJS)
A nurse is caring for a client with sepsis. Which of the following should the nurse monitor closely to determine if disseminated intravascular coagulation (dic) has occured in the client?
~ ~ The client's skin color
A sensitivity reaction in a human receiving animal antiserum is called_____________.
~ Serum sickness
In which of the following groups of children or teenagers is the use of salacylates, particularly aspirin, contraindicated b/c their use appears to be assoc'd with Reye's syndrome?
~Patients with chickenpox
Which of the following conditions should the nurse monitor for in the patient receiving an opioid antagonist?
~ Sweating
Symptoms of high plasma pH may include_____________.
~Muscle twitches
*think triad of symptoms
The positively-charged particles in the atom nucleus are called____________.
~ protons
In which condition should the nurse take xtra care to check for signs of bruising or bleeding?
A) Dehydration
B) Hypokalemia (*)
C) Hypocalcemia
Think :a K+ decrease- causes bleeding w/c would result in bruising and bleeding
A nurse is caring for a patient prescribed dextran. What are the reactions to dextran that the nurse should observe the patient for?
A) Cyanosis
B) Wheezing-Answer
C) Hyperlipidemia
A substance that has a name ending in -ase is MOST likely a(n):
A) protein
B) lipid (answer)
C) cabohydrate
D) mixture
A decrease in the rate and depth of breathing could theoretically alleviate__________.
A) metabolic alkalosis**(answer)
B) respiratory acidosis
C) dehydration
D) edema
Which of the following is not a type of T-cell?
A) helper cell
B) plasma cell ***
C) Cytotoxic cell
D) memory cell
The primary health provider has prescribed 764mg of carbenicillin indanyl sodium to be taken orally 4 times per day. The available tablet contains carbenicillin indanyl sodium equivalent to 382 mg of carbenicillin. The nurse should administer how many tabs to the patient four times a day?
A) 2 (*)
B) 2.5
C) 3
A common isotope of sodium is called Sodium-24,based on its atomic weight. The atomic weight can be calculated by adding up the number of protons and the number of neutrons. The atomic weight of sodium is 11. How many neutrons does sodium-24 have?
~ 13
A pateint undergoing penicillin therapy shows improvement and states that he is feeling better. Which of the following interventions is the nurse most likely to perform in such a situation?
~ record evaluations on the patient"s chart
A mixture in which the components evenly distributed is a(n) ________.
~ Solution
A patient w/ respiratory depression is administered an opioid antagonist by the
Monitor vital signs every 15 minutes
A nurse is assigned to care for a patient who has been prescribed an opioid analgesic . Which of the following activities should the nurse perform as part of the preadministration assessment?
Document description of pain and estimate of when the pain began
macrophages participate in?
~ phagocytosis
A client is prescribed pain medications. W/c of the following interventions will enable the client to consume an adequate meal intake during the treatment?
Administer the medix 30-45 BEFORE MEALS
A patient who has been on penicillin therapy for several days has developed inflamed oral mucous membrane and swelling in the tongue and the gums. The primary health provider has diagnosed it as a fungal superinfection of the oral cavity resulting in impaired oral mucous membranes. Which of the following interventions should the nurse perform ?
~ Inspect mouth and gums regularly
A patient with chronic back pain is admitted to a local hospital for respiratory depression and is prescribed an opioid antagonist. What assessment should the nurse perform BEFORE administering an opioid antagonist to this patient ?
~ Monitor vital signs every 5-15 minutes if the patient is responsive.
A doctor prescribes a patient 3.375g pipercillin sodium and tazobactum (Zosyn) every 6 hours. After reconstitution, the concentration of the drug is 2.25g/50mL. How much should the nurse prepare and administer ?
~ 75mL
An element needed to build bones is___________.
How should the administration of analgesics be scheduled to provide a uniform level of pain releif to a client?
~ administering the analgesics every 3 hours
Cancer treatments that attempt to stimulate the patient's immune system are called ?
~ Immunotherapy
After having penicillin administered as prescribed, a patient showssigns of diarrhea and informs the nurse that there is blood in his stools. Which of the following interventions should the nurse perform?
~ contact the doctor IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!
A nurse is caring for a patient who is being administered penicillin. For what common adverse reactions to penicillin should the nhurse assess?
~ Inflammation of the tongue and mouth
Which of the following should the nurse provide with a client with respiratory infection?
A) Avoid intake of frozen foods.
B) Avoid visiting older adults (*)
C) Avoid direct sunlight
D) Avoid meats and other protein-rich foods.
Which of the following should the nurse recommend to a client with a bruised ankle to initially relieve pain associated with the injury and reduce localized swelling?
~ Applications of HEAT & COLD
Which of the following is a reliable source for quantifying pain?
~ The client's description of the pain.
A client struggles to breathe, appears confused, and has tachycardia, and the skin appears dusky. What should the nurse do to restore normal pH if ventilation efforts are not successful?
~ Give bronchodilators.
The inflammatory reaction and interferon participate in________________.
~ Cell-mediated immunity.
All processes that involve an injection result in a form of immunity called__________.
~ Artificially acquired immunity.
A nurse should expect which of the following consequences in a client with severe burn injury and elevated hematocrit levels and blood cell counts ?
~ Imbalance in electrolytes.
A substance composed of two or more elements participating in a chemical bond is a(n)?
~ Compound
What should a nurse do when a client under treatment for severe hypokalemia complains of burning during IV infusion?
~ Dilute the infusion
The primary cation in the interstitial fluid is________?
~ Na+
Antidiuretic hormone is _________ _______ _______ ?
~ secreted when water is too low
Humoral immunity results from the action of________cells.
~ Plasma cells
Which of the following statements illustrates species immunity?
~Mr. L has the measels, but his dog will not catch the measles despite repeated exposure.
Jl and ML are twins, and ae thus genetically identical. JL is experiencing severe stress from exams and a failed relationship, whereas ML is having a wonderful time as a lifeguard. JL catches a cold, but ML, despite repeated exposure, does not. JL and ML differ interms of their:
~ individual immunity
Mr. D suffers from malignant melanoma. His physician is trying a revolutionary treatment, in which antigen-presenting cells are extracted, injected with some of Mr D's tumor, re-injected into M D's bloodstream. The goal of the treatment is an example of cytotoxic T cells to seek out and destroy the tumor. This treatment is an example ____________.
~ immunotherapy
Cobalt has 27 electrons. What is the atomic number?
~ or 54 ????????
Addison disease is a disorder of____________?
~ adrenal cortex
The chemical catgory is that includes fats and cholesterol is ?
Which of the following is a reliable source for quantifying pain?
~ The client's description of the pain.
A client struggles to breathe, appears confused, and has tachycardia, and the skin appears dusky. What should the nurse do to restore normal pH if ventilation efforts are not successful?
~ Give bronchodilators.
The inflammatory reaction and interferon participate in________________.
~ Cell-mediated immunity.
All processes that involve an injection result in a form of immunity called__________.
~ Artificially acquired immunity.
A nurse should expect which of the following consequences in a client with severe burn injury and elevated hematocrit levels and blood cell counts ?
~ Imbalance in electrolytes.
A substance composed of two or more elements participating in a chemical bond is a(n)?
~ Compound
What should a nurse do when a client under treatment for severe hypokalemia complains of burning during IV infusion?
~ Dilute the infusion
The primary cation in the interstitial fluid is________?
~ Na+
Antidiuretic hormone is _________ _______ _______ ?
~ secreted when water is too low
Humoral immunity results from the action of________cells.
~ Plasma cells