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40 Cards in this Set

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Normal Sodium Range
135-145 mEq/liter
Sodium Regulation
• Maintains appropriate ECF volume & osmolarity
• Aids impulse transmission in nerve and muscle fibers
• Affects the concentration, excretion and absorption of K+ and (I-
• Na+ balance regulated by the kidneys
• When Na+ falls, kidneys promote water excretion under the influence of ADH
• When Na+ rises, release of ADH causes kidneys to retain more water to dilute Na+ to
normal levels
• Major Cation of the extracellular fluid
-CHF & kidney failure= decrease Na+ because water follows Na+, fluid overload
Potassium Regulation
Potassium (K+) 3.5 - 5.0 mEq/Liter
• Major cation in the intracellular fluid
• Affects cardiac muscle contraction, electrical conductivity, and cell excitability.
• Aids neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses.
• Eliminated via the kidneys and feces
• Aldosterone secretion results in renal Na+ reabsorption and renal K+ excretion.
Magnesium Regulation
Magnesium (Mg ++) 1.5 - 2.5 mg/dl
• Affects neuromuscular irritability and contractility of cardiac and skeletal muscle.
• Affects peripheral vasodilation and causing changes in BP and cardiac output.
• Facilitates transport of Na+ and K+ across cell membrane.
Calcium Regulation
Calcium (Ca++) 8.5 -10.5 mg/dl
• Helps maintain cell membrane structure, function and permeability
• Affects activation, excitation and contraction of cardiac and skeletal muscle
• Helps activate steps in blood coagulation
• Parathyroid hormone promotes Ca++ transfer from bone to plasma and aids intestinal
and renal Ca++ absorption
Phosphorus Regulation
Phosphorus (HP04- - -)
• 80% exist in bone with Ca++
• Majors role in acid-base balance through its action as a urinary buffer
• Mobilization phosphorus from bone is influenced by PTH levels
• Essential role in muscle, RBC, neurological function, and metabolism of carbs, protein,
Chloride Regulation
Chloride (CI-) 96 - 106 mEq/liter
• Maintains serum osmolarity along with Na+
• Through production of HeL, (1- plays a major role in maintaining acid-base balance.
• CI- and Na+ levels usually change in direct proportion to one another.
• Decrease Cl- level results in increased HCO---level to balance anions and cations in ECF
Osmolality reflects the concentration of fluid that affects the movement of water between
fluid compartments by osmosis
Osmotic pressure
Osmotic pressure is the amount of hydrostatic pressure needed to stop the flow of water by osmosis
Osmosis & Diffusion
• Osmosis is the diffusion of water caused by fluid gradient.
• Diffusion is the movement of a substance from area of higher concentration to one of
lower concentration.
Isotonic - same solute concentration; equal; no movement across membrance
Hypertonic/hyperosmotic - greater osmotic pressure (concentration); water pulled into
fluid to equalize
Hypotonic/hypo-osmotic - lesser osmotic pressure (concentration); water pulled out of
fluid to equalize.
Intravenous Therapy
,• Systemic Complications
-fluid overload
-air embolism
IV therapy
• Local Complications
Infiltration and extravasation
- Thrombophlebitis
-Clotting and Obstruction
Anti-diuretic Hormone (ADH)
Stimulates water conservation and the thirst center
i Blood osmolality = i ADH
- Stops water loss in kidney
-Increases thirst feeling.
-More fluid in blood = t in osmolality
Aldosterone: most important mineralocorticoids in humans
• Increase reabsorption Na+ from distal tubes and collecting duets of kidney into plasma
• Increase excretion K+ and H+ fluid volume
Increased aldosterone=hypokalemia, alkalosis
Decreased aldosterone
hyponatreuria, hyperkalemia
-personality change, decreased BP, dizziness, abd cramping, n/v, diarrhea, dry mucous mem, coma
-Replace Na+ slowly; saline IV infusions;
- If excess fluid, mannitol
- Check ADH levels
-Monitor electrolytes if Na+ K+
- Diet therapy
-extreme thirst, dry flushed skin, dry mucous mem., decrease BP, fever, agitation, irritability
If fluid loss, hypotonic IV fluids;
- If fluid and Na+ loss, isotonic IV fluid
- Restrict Na+,
-shallow respirations, pulse thready
and weak, dysrhythmia, lethargic, confusion, coma, GI hypoactivity;weakness, fatigue, n/v, intestinal distention, decreased bowel sounds, decrease deep tendon reflexes, dysrhythmias, weak irregular pulse
-Administer K+ oral or ~ monitor lab work
-Renal failure: cannot ingest a lot of K+ because excrete it, teach to eat apples, bananas
- EKGchanges, weakness, cramps, diarrhea
-Stop K+ - oral or IV;
-Administer K+ excreting diuretics (Iasix) and Kayexlate; dialysis if severe K+
insulin/D50 administration
Causes: osteoporosis, prolonged immobilization
- decreased muscle tone, weakness, lethargy, kidney stones
Causes: Vitamin D deficiency
- Numb and tingling fingers and circumoral region, muscle cramps
Fluid Volume Excess
-HTN, crackles in lungs(listen to lungs), neck vein distension, dependent edema, increased body wieght, bounding pulses, dyspnea,
Fluid Volume Deficit
-Mental status
-decreased BP,sudden weight loss, increased USG, increased HR, dry skin, dehydration, thrist, weakness, dry mucous membranes, decreased skin turgor
Hypotonic solutions
1/2 NS
Isotonic solutions
Lactated Ringers
Parental fluid
-provide water, electrolytes, and nutrition
-replace water, correct electrolyte imbalance
-admin meds and blood products
Parental fluid Replacement Methods
-Peripheral IV catheter (Regular IV)
-Peripheral Inserted central catheter (PICC)
-Central Line
-Port a cath: long-term therapy
Total Parental Nutrition
10-20% Dextrose, central cath, or PICC
-hypertonic solution of lipids, electrolytes, minerals
-H2 blocker
Renal Failure
-increase K+, Na+, Cl-
-Metabolic acidosis
-Increase BUN/Creatinine
-fluid volume excess
-increased BP, swollen (edemas), urinary retension
Heart Failure (CHF)
-Decreased CO
-Decreased kidney perfusion
-Decreased UO
-Retain Na+ & water leads to circulatory overlaod
Meds- digoxin (restrict Na+), diuertics, Nitro (vasodilate, ACE inhib)
-excess ADH secretion
-water intox
-Fluid volume excess
-concentrated urine--- increased USG
Diabetes Insipidus
-too little ADH secretion by pituitary
-large volume of diluted urine
-low USG
controls Ca+
Interstitial fluid
in between the cells
in veins, arteries, blood plasma
pleural space, peritoneal, senovial fluid
Intracelluar Fluid
most fluid in ICF
Extracellular Fluid

-includes interstitial, intravascular, transcellular