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25 Cards in this Set

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molecules moving from high to low concentration

requires NO energy
Facilitated Diffusion
molecules moving from high to low using a specific carrier

requires NO energy
Active Transport
molecule moving against concentration gradient

ex: Na- K pump

requires external energy
movement of H2O from low solute to high solute

when membrane is permeable to H2O BUT not solute

requires NO energy
Osmotic Pressure
amount of pressure required to stop osmotic flow

determined by concentration of solutes in solutions

major force that holdfluids in vascular system @ capillary level
Hydrostatic Pressure
force w/in a fluid compartment

major force that pushes H2O out of vascular system @ capillary level
Oncotic Pressure
osmotic pressure exerted by collids in solution

pulls fluid back into the vascular space at venous side
1st spacing
normal distribution in ICF and ECF
2nd spacing
abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid [edema]
3rd spacing
fluid accumulation in part of the body where it is not easily exchanged with ECF [often seen in disease states]
hypothalamic regulation
osmreceptors in hypothalamus sense fluid deficit--- increases thirst
pituitary regulation
releases antiduretic hormone [ADH]

renal tubules "save" H2O
adrenal cotical regulation
releases hormones to regulate H2O and electrolytes

cortisol and aldosterone [saves Na and H2O
Renal Regulation
adjust urine volume

renin, angiotension, aldosterone system [RAAS]
Cardiac Regulation
natriuretic peptides are antagonists to RAAS---
suppress secretion of RAAS----
decrease BP and blood volume
GI Regulation
oral intake accounts for most H2O in body
small amount of H2O eliminate by GI in feces
Insensible water loss
invisible vaporization from lungs an skin to regulat body temp.
ECF volume deficit
Causes: diarrhea, hemorrhage, inadequate intake, plasma-to-interstital fluid shift

S/S: hypotension, thirst, oliguria, decreased cap refill, confusion, fatigue

tx: replace H2O and electroyltes with IV solutions
fluid volume excess

causes: excess intake, abnormal retention, interstital-to-plasma fluid shift, increased age

S/S: increased fluid volume, edema, tachycardia, HTN, confusion, weight gain, dyspnea

tx: remove fluid w/out changing electroytle composition, diuretics
increase potassium

causes: kidney disease, burns, excessive dosage, use of ACE inhibitors

S/S: cardiac irregularities [vent. fib], weakness, nausea, diarrhea, irritability

tx: admin K+ free fluids, dialysis, diuretics, IV insulin or sodium bicarbonate
decreased potassium

cause: diarrhea, vomiting, diuretics, inadequate intake

S/S: loss of muscle tone, vomiting, cardia dyrhythmias [PVCs], abdominal distention, bradycardia, CNS changes

tx: increase dietary intake, PO/ IV replacement
increased sodium

cause: DM, excess NaCl IV fluid, renal failure

S/S: dry mucous membranes, oliguria, thirst, lethary, seizures, coma

tx: low sodium diet, sodium free fluid intake, diuretics
low sodium

cause: diuretics, diarrhea, GI suction, excess water intake

S/S: abdominal cramps, convulsions, nausea, vomiting

tx: NaCl IV fluid and tablets PO, fluid restriction,D5W
high calcium

cause: hyperparathyroidism, prolonged immobility, excess intake of vit D./ Ca+

S/S: flank pain, deep bone pain, relaxed mm, thirst, confusion, decreased memory, fatigue

tx: correct primary problem, increase fluid intake, loop diuretic, mobilization
low calcium

cause: removal of parathyroid glands, admin electroylte fredd IV flds., acute pancreatitis

S/S: tingling of extremities, tetany, cramps, convulsions, +trousseaus's or +chvostek's sign

tx: PO/IV replacement, treat anxiety and pain