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Wert zum Einstellen der horzontalScroolPolicy
alternativezur Stringverkettung '''assets/nav_'+data.catName+'.jpg''''
Zugriff auf das Item eines Repeaters
repeater.currentItem oder repeater.currentIndex danach event.target.getRepeaterItem()
Vorhandene MausEvents
mouseOver, mouseDown, mouseDownOutside, mouseFocusChange, mouseMove, mouseOut
Aufbaue von States
<mx:State name="expanded">
<mx:VBox width="100%" x="200">
<mx:SetProperty target="{add}" name="visible" value="true" />
Describe Metadate [ArrayElementType]
Defines the allowed data type of each element of an Array. For more information, see ArrayElementType metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [Bindable]
Identifies a property that you can use as the source of a data binding expression. For more information, see Bindable metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [DefaultProperty]
Defines the name of the default property of the component when you use the component in an MXML file. For more information, see DefaultProperty metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [Deprecated]
Marks a class or class element as deprecated so that the compiler can recognize it and issue a warning when the element is used in an application. For more information, see Deprecated metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [Effect]
Defines the MXML property name for the effect. For more information, see Effect metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [Embed]
Imports JPEG, GIF, PNG, SVG, and SWF files at compile time. Also imports image assets from SWC files.This is functionally equivalent to the MXML @Embed syntax, as described in Embedding Assets.
Describe Metadate [Event]
Defines the MXML property for an event and the data type of the event object that a component emits. For more information, see Event metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [Exclude]
'Omits the class element from the Flex Builder tag inspector. The syntax is as follows:[Exclude(name=''label'', kind=''property'')]'
Describe Metadate [ExcludeClass]
Omits the class from the Flex Builder tag inspector. This is equivalent to the @private tag in ASDoc when applied to a class.
Describe Metadate [IconFile]
Identifies the filename for the icon that represents the component in the Insert bar of Adobe Flex Builder. For more information, see IconFile metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [Inspectable]
Defines an attribute exposed to component users in the attribute hints and Tag inspector of Flex Builder. Also limits allowable values of the property. For more information, see Inspectable metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [InstanceType]
Specifies the allowed data type of a property of type IDeferredInstance. For more information, see InstanceType metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [NonCommittingChangeEvent]
Identifies an event as an interim trigger. For more information, see NonCommittingChangeEvent metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [RemoteClass]
Maps the ActionScript object to a Java object. For more information on using the [RemoteClass] metadata tag, see RemoteClass metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [Style]
Defines the MXML property for a style property for the component. For more information on using the [Style] metadata tag, see Style metadata tag.
Describe Metadate [Transient]
Identifies a property that should be omitted from data that is sent to the server when an ActionScript object is mapped to a Java object using [RemoteClass]. For more information, see Transient metadata tag.
event phases
capturing phase ==> targeting phase ==> bubbling phase
capturing phase
The first part of the event flow is called the capturing phase. This phase comprises all of the nodes from the root node to the parent of the target node. During this phase, Flash Player examines each node, starting with the root, to see if it has a listener registered to handle the event. If it does, Flash Player sets the appropriate values of the Event object and then calls that listener. Flash Player stops after it reaches the target node's parent and calls any listeners registered on the parent. For more information
targeting phase
The second part of the event flow, the targeting phase, consists solely of the target node. Flash Player sets the appropriate values on the Event object, checks the target node for registered event listeners, and then calls those listeners.
bubbling phase
The third part of the event flow, the bubbling phase, comprises all of the nodes from the target node's parent to the root node. Starting with the target node's parent, Flash Player sets the appropriate values on the Event object and then calls event listeners on each of these nodes. Flash Player stops after calling any listeners on the root node.
event constructor
Event(event_type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean)
How to embed images via as
private var buttonUpIcon:Class;
Event-Metadata in as-Class
public class MaxRestorePanel extends Panel
Methods of omponentLifeCycle
describe creatChildren()
Components implement the createChildren() method to create child objects (such as other components) in the component.
describe commitProperties()
You use the commitProperties() method to coordinate modifications to component properties. Most often, you use it with properties that affect how a component appears on the screen.
describe measure()
The measure() method sets the default component size, in pixels, and optionally sets the component's default minimum size.
describe layoutChrome()
The Container class, and some subclasses of the Container class, use the layoutChrome() method to define the border area around the container.
describe updateDisplayList()
The updateDisplayList() method sizes and positions the children of your component based on all previous property and style settings, and draws any skins or graphic elements that the component uses. The parent container for the component determines the size of the component itself.
call createChildren()
'You do not call the createChildren() method directly; Flex calls it when the call to the addChild() method occurs to add the component to its parent. Notice that the createChildren() method has no invalidation method, which means that you do not have to call it a second time after the component is added to its parent.'
call commitProperties()
Flex schedules a call to the commitProperties() method when a call to the invalidateProperties() method occurs. The commitProperties() method executes during the next render event after a call to the invalidateProperties() method. When you use the addChild() method to add a component to a container, Flex automatically calls the invalidateProperties() method.
call measure()
Flex schedules a call to the measure() method when a call to the invalidateSize() method occurs. The measure() method executes during the next render event after a call to the invalidateSize() method. When you use the addChild() method to add a component to a container, Flex automatically calls the invalidateSize() method.
When you set a specific height and width of a component, Flex does not call the measure() method, even if you explicitly call the invalidateSize() method. That is, Flex calls the measure() method only if the explicitWidth property or the explicitHeight property of the component is NaN.
call layoutChrome()
Flex schedules a call to the layoutChrome() method when a call to the invalidateDisplayList() method occurs. The layoutChrome() method executes during the next render event after a call to the invalidateDisplayList() method. When you use the addChild() method to add a component to a container, Flex automatically calls the invalidateDisplayList() method.
call updateDisplayList()
A component does not appear on the screen until its updateDisplayList() method gets called. Flex schedules a call to the updateDisplayList() method when a call to the invalidateDisplayList() method occurs. The updateDisplayList() method executes during the next render event after a call to the invalidateDisplayList() method. When you use the addChild() method to add a component to a container, Flex automatically calls the invalidateDisplayList() method.
add elementrs to chrome
override createChildren
override protected function createChildren():void{
override updateDisplayList
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{
define measuredHeight measuredWidth
'Specifies the default height and width of the component, in pixels.
These properties are set to 0 until the measure() method executes. Although you can leave them set to 0, it makes the component invisible by default.'
define measuredMinHeight measuredMinWidth
Specifies the default minimum height and minimum width of the component, in pixels. Flex cannot set the size of a component smaller than its specified minimum size.
define unscaledWith unscaledHeight
Specifies the width and height of the component, in pixels, in the component's coordinates, regardless of the value of the scaleX/scaley property of the component. This is the width/height of the component as determined by its parent container.
define setActualSize()
To size components in the updateDisplayList() method, you use the setActualSize() method, not the sizing properties, such as width and height.
define move()
To position a component, use the move() method, not the x and y properties.
returns the explicit set width or measuredWith
Define ICollectionview
An ICollectionView is a view onto a collection of data. The view can be modified to show the data sorted according to various criteria or reduced by filters without modifying the underlying data. An IViewCursor provides to access items within a collection. You can modify the collection by using the IViewCursor interface insert() and remove() methods.
HTTP-Service in MXML
<mx:HTTPService id="salesRPC" url="http://www.flexgrocer.com/rawSalesData.xml" result="salesRPCResult(event)"
fault details of remote procedure call (RPC)
faultCode : String
[read-only] A simple code describing the fault.
faultDetail : String
[read-only] Any extra details of the fault.
faultString : String
[read-only] Text description of the fault.
rootCause : Object
The cause of the fault.
mxml for Datagrid
<mx:Datagrid ...>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataFile="."/>
<mx:DataGridColumn dataFile="."/>
</mx:Datagrid ...>
How to use itemeditor in datagrid
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="quantity" headerText="Quantity" itemEditor="mx.controls.NumericStepper" editorDataField="value"/>
How to call a view function from inline itemRenderer
Grouping data for advanceddatagrids
id="myGroup" source="{dp}">

call myGroup.refresh() after creationComplete
Grouping AdvanceDataGrid in AS3
var myGroupColl:GroupingCollection = new GroupingCollection();
myGroupColl.source = myADG.dataProvider;
var group:Grouping = new Grouping();
var gf:GroupingField = new GroupingField("cat");
group.fields = [gf];
myGroupColl.grouping = group;
myADG.dataProvider = myGroupColl;
Available operations for SummaryField
How to have access to viewstack items?
selectedChild=componentID or
selectedIndex= int
Available validators
CreditCardValidator, CurrencyValidator, DateValidator, EmailValidator, NumberValidator, PhoneNumberValidator, RegExpValidator, SocialSecurityValidator, StringValidator, ZipCodeValidator
Available blendmodes?
Available formatters?
CurrencyFormatter, DateFormatter, NumberFormatter, PhoneFormatter, ZipCodeFormatter