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33 Cards in this Set

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Chinook Winds
a warming wind from the ocean into the interior regions of the pacific northwest
Panhandke Hook
Relatively infrequent storm system that occurs in the southwestern USA in the fall through winter. the texas panhandle accounts for most of the deadly snowstorms and blizzards.
Santa Ana Winds
A strong extremely dry offshore wind that sweeps through southern California in the late fall to winter.
Alberta clipper
A fast moving low pressure area that generally affects the centra; provinces of Canadia and parts of the great lakes region.
What gasses make up most of the Miodern Atmosphere????????
Nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide
What are the 5 layers of the atmosohere?
Troposphere, Stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere
What is the estimated amount of flux of energy entering the atmosphere???????
174 petawatts
What is the coriolois effect????
inertial force? ;)
what is an air mass??
a large volume of air defined by it's temp. and water vapor content
of the gasses that make up most of the atmosphere, what are the percentages of the gasses?
N2-- 78%
O2-- 21%
CO2-- 0.03%
the troposphere is divided into seprate horizontal sections known as ___________. (fill in the blank)
air masses
in ________ and ___________, advection often refers to the transport of some property of the atmosphere .
meterology, physcal oceanoghraphy
the ozone layer is contained within the ________________.
the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere extends from the ______ upward
what does earth's flux consist of?
solar radiation, geothermal radiation, tidal radiation, and waste heat
the avreage ______ of the earth is about 0.3 (30%)
the remaining 70% of the incent energy (from radiation) is ___________
________ is the measure of solar radiation energy recieved on a given surface area in a given time.
of the remaining 70% of the incident energy absorbed, what are the 2 other subunit %'s?
51% by land and water
19% by atmosphere
water is a(n) ___________chemicle substance made of hydrogen and oxygen.
describe a cumulus cloud:
describe a stratus cloud:
describe a cirrus cloud:
describe a nimbus cloud:
rain comes out of it
true or false: when a cloud gets heavy, it falls to the ground
false, it rains
the____ ____ is a current of fast moving air found in the upper levels of the atmosphere.
jet stream
colder air masses are called _________.
polar or arctic
warmer air masses are caleed _________.
deemed tropical
continental or superior air masses are ____.
moist air masses are called ____________.
maritime or monsoon air masses
_________________ seperate air masses.
weather fronts
What is a meteogram?
A time cross section of data for a specific station. includes temp, wind, pressure, and current weather
Stuve diagram
A diagram used to plot information from weather balloons.