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52 Cards in this Set

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What is the first branch off of the aortic arch and how does it arise and what does it divide into?
Innominate/brachiocephalic,Arises on Right only,
Divides into RCCA and Subclavian artery
What is the second branch off of the Aortic Arch and where does it terminate?
Lt CCA,Terminates at the carotid bifurcation
What is the third branch off of the aortic arch and where does it terminate?
Lt Subclavian, Thoracic outlet
What does the subclavian artery become as it travels along the shoulder to the upper arm?
The subclavian arches above the _____, in front of the _____ of the lungs, and behind the _____ anterior muscle.
clavicle, apex, scalenous
The subclavian runs ______ and downward to the outer border of the ____rib, there it becomes the ______ artery.
laterally, 1st, axillary
The axilliary artery becomes the _____ artery?
The ____ artery courses down the upper arm ending about ___ cm beyond the bend of the elbow and divides into ____ and _____.
Brachial, 1 cm, radial, ulna
What side of the forearm does the radial artery travel and on what side does the ulna artery travel?
Lateral, Medial
The ulna artery gives off a branch in the hand to form the deep palmar branch that terminates in the _______ before becoming the radial?
Superficial palmar arch
The radial artery gives off a branch into the hand to form the superficial palmar arch and terminates in the deep palmar arch by joining the deep branch with the _____ artery?
The first branch off of the abdominal aorta is the ______artery which feeds ____. ____. ____. ____ and ___.
celiac, stomach, liver, pancreas, duodenum, and spleen
The celiac artery consist of what three branches?
left gastric which is not seen on ultrasound. Splenic artery
common hepatic artery
The second branch off of the abdominal aorta is the ____, which feeds the ___, __, ____, and part of the _____.
SMA, small intestine, ascending colon, cecum, and part of the transverse colon.
SMA is located approximately _____ distal to the celiac artery.
1 cm
The renal arteries supply blood to what?
Kidneys, adrenal, ureters
It is not uncommon for a person to have _____ renal arteries.
The left renal artery is just below the _____renal vein which crosses the aorta _____.
left, anteriorly
The inferior mesenteric artery or ______ supplies the ____half of the ____ ____, ____ ____ and the _____ ____.
IMA, left half of the transverse colon, descending iliac, sigmoid colon
IMA arises from the aorta at apprx ___-___ cm above the biforcation.
The terminal branches of the abdominal aorta are the ___ and ___.
rt and lt iliac arteries
The common iliac divdes into the ______ iliac which is __-___ cm in length. Each divides into anterior and posterior branches.
Internal Iliac
What is the aka for the Internal Iliac artery?
_____ ____ is a continuation of the common Iliac artery.
External Iliac
The external iliac artery is larger than the ______.
This branch travels in a lateral and inferior direction aling the medial side of the psoas major muscle and when it passes underneath the inguinal ligament it becomes the ___ ___.
external iliac, common femoral
The CFA divides into ___ and _____
SFA runs the length of the thigh, and passes through an opening in the adductor hiatus also known as the ____ ___/____ canal.
What is the aka for the DFA, which is a large branch that arises approx ___ cm from the inguinal ligament on the lateral side.
Profunda Femoris, 5 cm
The ____ artery is the distal portion of the SFA. The SFA becomes the ____ upon entering the _______ fossa, at the lower portion of the popliteus muscle the ____ divides int ____ and ____ ___ arteries.
pop, pop, pop, ATA, PTA
The _____ artery is the first branch off of the distal popliteal and runs DEEP in front of the leg.
_____ passes in front of the ankle joint and it is more superficial and becomes the _____, traveling the dorsum of the foot toward the base of the first toe.
A major branch of the DPA is the ____ ____ artery, it penetrates the sole of the foot and unites the lateral planter artery to complete the planter arch of the foot.
Deep plantar artery
The Tiboiperoneal trunk is the second branch of the distal popliteal and quickly gives rise to the _____ and _____ arteries.
PTA, Peroneal
______ extends obliquely down the posterior and medial side of the leg and into the foot below the medial malleolus, it divides into the medial and lateral plantar arteries to supply the sole of the foot.
The ____ artery passes toward the fibula and travels down the medial side of that bone.
____ are the vessels of microcirculation?
What are the layers of a blood vessel?
Tunica Intima (inner layer), Tunica Media (Middle Layer), Tunica Adventitia (External layer)
What are the two things that you need to move fluid btw two points?
route, difference in energy / pressure levels btw two points
____the resistance = ____ flow rate.
____ the resistance the ____ the flow rate.
Lower, higher
Higher, lower
_____ energy /hydrostatic pressure is expressed in mmHg and changes with pt position.
Gravitational energy
What is normal flow type thought to exist in many vessels?
Bullet shaped blood flow pattern, where blood is the slowest at the walls and faster in the center.
___ is described as the thickness of the blood/fluid.
What happens when the viscosity is increased....the velocity ______?
What happens when the viscosity decreases then the ____ increases.
A change in the _____ of a vessel affects the resistance more dramatically than either the viscosity/length of the vessel.
Can small changes in the radius result in large changes in flow?
_____ law deals with flow patterns?
This law defines the relationship btw pressure, volume flow, and resistance.
Which law deals with pressure and velocity relationships?
Most plaque is located at what points?