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56 Cards in this Set

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Virchow's triad helps dx?

thrombosis (DVT, PE)
How can DM worsen HTN?
DM (hyper
How does tamoxifen work? What is it used for?
- selective E receptor modulator; antagonizes receptors in breast, but not uterus

- prevents breast CA
- but may have small risk for endometrial cancer

benzos not to Rx in elderly, or use with extreme caution?

clonazepam and valium - long-acting
Sxs of SSRI withdrawal
jitteriness, nausea, sleep disturbance
when does preeclampsia usually occur in pregnancy?
20th week
HELLP syndrome
Elevated liver enzymes
Low platelets (thrombocytopenia)
most common vitamin deficiency in USA
folic acid deficiency
normal pregnancy beta-hCG at 6-10 weeks
>= 40,000 IU/m, increasing
ectopic pregnancy beta-hCG at 6-10 weeks
only 1000-6000 IU/m, not increasing
Quad screen includes
unconjugated estriol
How is quad screen abnormal in Trisomy 21?
AFP low
hCG high
unconjugated estriol low
Inhibin-A high
Name some pregnancy category D drugs
gentamicin, ACI, ARB, Tekturner, Ibuprofen, tetracycline, minocycline, doxy, paroxetine
med to give for abortion
chemical for satiety

how are BB and vasoconstricting meds pose a risk for heat stroke?

decrease adrenergic (sympathetic) activity, thereby decreasing cardiac output
causes of elevated lipase that are NOT pancreatic-related.
renal failure
perforated duodenal ulcer
bowel obstruction
bowel infarction
Someone with very very high TGs and fairly high LDLs. What do you treat?
very very high TGs (>500) bc worry about pancreatitis
LVH shows what EKG abnormality?
high R waves
What signs are usually absent in a sick child (but may be present in an adult)?
hypotension, cool skin, stiff neck
fluid in middle ear, looks noninfected
OM c effusion
Tx for AOM for pt with PCN-allergy (rash)
cefdinir, cefuroxime, cefpodoxime
Sick child, feverish, vomitted. Must r/o what?
sepsis, which the best indicator of sepsis in children
HCTZ-induced electrolyte imbalance
low K
low Na
low Mg
High Ca (calcium-sparing)
lasix-induced electrolyte imbalance
low K
low Na
low Mg
low Ca
Leads showing LATERAL MI
I, aVL
Leads showing INFERIOR MI
Leads showing ANTERIOR MI
V leads (precordial leads), or V3 and V4
Crohn's disease usually occurs where in bowels?
upper bowels (malabsorption syndrome), where rectum is usually spared
Rovsing sign
rebound tender on other side (lower left quadrant) of appendicitis
syphilitic skins lesions may be confused with what other skin disorder?
pityriasis rosea (with herald patch)
Lachman's test
Stabilize thigh with one hand, and other hand grasp tibia and pull anteriorly (while pt lies supine with knee bent 30 degrees).

Tests for knee instability is positive (indicating a torn ACL) when the lower leg slides farther forward from the femur (thighbone) than it is supposed to.
How do synovial aspirate differ in OA vs. RA?
OA - normal clear yellow
RA - WBCs present, inflammatory changes
Tx for syphilis, allergy to PCN.
Doxy or tetracycline
Tx for PID
ofloxacin (or levaquin) with metronidazole
strawberry patches on cervix and vagina
believed cause of prostate CA
high fat diet
UTI antibiotics for pregnant women
nitrofurantoin, amoxicillin
labs for unknown cause of uterine bleeding
CBC, UA, TSH, prolactine, hCG, pap, STD testing
folic acid is vitamin B__?
active TB tx regimen.
high WBC
high bilirubin
high AST, ALT
high LDH
high amylase
abdominal pain
inflam bowel dz = contains ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
which part of bowels does ulcerative colitis affect?
always the rectum then extends upward
barium enema xray shows loss of haustra ("lead pipe" appearance).
ulcerative colitis
Tx for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
same treatment:

- SULFASALAZINE (a derivative of mesalamine)
- immunosuppressants for refractory cases.
Hypertensive urgency
Hypertensive emergency
First-line anti-hypertensive in African Americans, recommended by JNC7 and influenced by ALLHAT study.
thiazide diuretic
acute inflammatory reaction secondary to knee injury. how do you prevent deformity and maintain function of knee?
total immobilization of joint and performance of isometric exercises
normal auscultation sounds of abdominal pulsation is high or low pitch?
low pitch
early signs of glomerulonephritis in child
periorbital edema and hematuria

sleep walking in children is a/w

immaturity of CNS
Harlequin sign
sharp line of demarcation dividing upper and lower parts of body while infant lying on side (dependent half is pink, and superior half is pale).

- immature autonomic regulatory system
8 yo boy with constipation. Tell mom to increase diet with fiber and decrease consumption of what?
dairy products
cholesterol guidelines suggests cholesterol testing for a child if?
if either biological parents has cholesterol level of 240 mg/dl or higher.