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15 Cards in this Set

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A particular stock plus the fishing activities relating to its harvest including fishermen, vessels gears and associated facilities.
All the individuals of a given species in a given area
Unit Stock
Discrete population which has the same gene pool, is self-perpetuating and has little connection with adjacent populations]
Fishery Dependent Data
Logbooks maintained by vessels or or from inspections, on board observers or interviews
Fishery Independent Data
Data from surveys, experimental, fishing acoustic surveys, mark an recapture, genetic studies
Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)
The the largest long-term theoretical average catch or yield that can be taken from a stock
The biomass at the maximum sustainable yield
The effort at the maximum sustainable yield
Maximum Economic Yield occurs at half of the economic break point (where the revenue from a catch and the cost of he effort to catch are equal). This can be below the MSY if yield and cost have a linear relationship.
Spawning Stock Biomass
The stock population capable of reproducing. Can be affected by needing to get to a certain size/age before reproduction or phenology.
A group of subjects that have shared a set of events over a particular time span.
Surplus Production Model (SPM) or dynamic biomass model
Works under the principle that fish produce more offspring than is needed to replenish themselves. The surplus can be harvested without endangering the population. The models consider biomass as a whole (no age structure is used)
Virtual Population Analysis
A way of keeping tack of age cohorts in a fishery. The catch at the terminal year (no fish are assumed to live past this) and work backwards each year adding M on until you get back to the earliest recruitment year.
Yield per recruit model
Used to address the problem: do you capture lots of young fish (occurs with high effort) or few old fish (occurs with low effort)?
The fish that are added into the fishery population from all the offspring.