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44 Cards in this Set

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What is a content based restriction?
- Forbids the communication of specific ideas
- Generally has to meet strict scrutiny
What are the two types of content based restrictions?
1. Subject matter restrictions - topic
2. Viewpoint restrictions - Viewpoints (strict)
What standard is required for content restrictions on viewpoints?
- Must meet strict
Generally, what standard do content neutral laws burdening speech have to meet?
What standard is required for prior restraint?
- Strict scrutiny
Are gag orders on the press to prevent prjudicial pretrial publicity?
NOT allowed
What are the two requirements for government requiring a license for speech?
  1. Clear criteria leaving almost no discretion to the licensing authority
  2. Procedural safeguards such as prompt determination of requests for licenses and judicial review of license denials
When is a speech law void for vagueness?
if a reasonable person cannot tell what speech is prohibited and what is allowed
When is a speech law void for overbreadth?
- if it regulates substantially more speech than the constitution allows to be regulated
- Means you are property regulating certain speech, but prohibiting more than you should.

EX: saying that there is an ordinance preventing all live ordinances to shut down nude dancing. Too overbroad because it would shut down other stuff.
What three things are required for the government to regulate symbolic speech?
Gov can regulate conduct that communicates if:
  1. Gov has an important interest
  2. Unrelated to the suppression of the message; AND
  3. Impact on the communication is no greater than necessary to achieve the gov.'s goal
Are limits on campaign contributions allowed?
YES, but can't limit expenditure limits
What is required for government speech and funding of speech to be constitutional?
- Rationally related to a legitimate state interest.
- so, first amendment does not require the gov to aid private speech, or restrict government speech.
What are the six types of speech that get less or no 1st Am protection?
1. Incitement of illegal activity
2. Obscenity and sexually-oriented speech
3. Commercial speech
4. Defamation
5. Speech related to privacy
6. Speech by Gov. employees
What are the three requirements for punishing incitement of illegal activity?
1. There is a substantial likelihood of
2. Imminent illegal activity; AND
3. the speech is directed to causing imminent illegality
What are the three things required to restrict Obscene speech?
1. Material appeals to the prurient interest or a shameful or morbid interest in sex (community standard)
2. The material must be patently offensive (community standard)
3. taken as a whole the material lacks serious redeeming artistic, literary, political, or scientific value (National standard)
When are the two times profane and indecent speech is not protected?
1. Free over the air broadcast media (e.g. george carlin)
2. In schools
What are the two types of commercial speech that is not protected by the 1st amendment?
1. Advertising for illegal activity, and false and deceptive ads
2. true commercial speech that inherently risks deception
What is required to regulate commercial speech that is protected by the 1st amendment?
- Intermediate scrutiny
- Narrowly tailored
What are the two things required for a public official/Public figure to sue for defamation?
1. clear and convincing evidence of the falsity of the statement
2. Actual malice (knew the statement was false or acted with reckless disregard of the truth)
What are the two ways actual malice can be met for defamation?
1. Knew the statement was false; OR
2. Acted with reckless disregard of the truth
What types of defamation damages can be recovered by public officials/figures?
1. Compensatory
2. Presumed/punitive
What two things must a private figure regarding a matter of public concern prove for defamation?
1. Negligence;
2. Falsity of the statement
What damages are available for a private figure regarding a matter of public concern in defamation?
1. compensatory
2. presumed or punative (only with actual malice)
What is negligence for defamation?
- The speaker was not as careful as a reasonable speaker should have been.
What does a private figure have to show when the matter is not of private concern?
1. That is defamatory

Note: burden is on defendant to prove truth
What are the two requirements for speech by government employees to not be protected by the 1st am?
  1. on the job
  2. in performance of their duties
When can the state not create liability for truthful reporting of information from government records?
As long as it was legally obtained
What are the two things required to prevent the state from holding the media liable for broadcasting illegally intercepted calls?
1. Media did not participate in the illegality: AND
2. It involves a matter of public importance
What is the only instance where the public has a 1st am right to attend gov proceedings and have access to gov papers?
- Criminal trials and pretrial proceedings
What are the five types of places available for speech?
1. Public forums
2. Designated public forums
3. Limited Public Forums
4. Non-public forums
5. Private property
What are public forums?
these are government properties that the government is constitutionally required to make available for speech.

ex: sidewalks, parks
What are the five requirements for regulation of speech in a public forum to avoid strict scrutiny?
1. Must be subject matter neutral
2. Must be viewpoint neutral
3. Must be a time place or manner regulation;
4. That serves an important government purpose; AND
5. Leaves open adequate alternative places for communication
- Does not have to be least restrictive alt.
When are permit fee requirements unconstitutional?
if the city officials have discretion in setting the amount of the fee.
What are designated public forums?
- these are government properties that the government could close off to speech, but chooses voluntarily to open to speech
- ex: school facilities in the evening and on the weekends. Although gov cannot pick and choose who gets to use the rooms.
What rules apply for designated public forums?
- Same as public forums:
1. Must be subject matter neutral
2. Must be viewpoint neutral
3. Must be a time place or manner regulation;
4. That serves an important government purpose; AND
5. Leaves open adequate alternative places for communication
- Does not have to be least restrictive alt.
What is a limited public forum?
Government properties that are limited to certain groups or dedicated to the discussion of some subjects.
- ex: civic auditorium being opened for a mayoral debate.
What two things are required for gov. to regulate speech in a limited public forum?
1. reasonable (rational basis)
2. viewpoint neutral
What is a non-public forum?
these are government properties that the government constitutionally can and does close off to speech
- ex: Military bases, areas outside prisons and jails, schools, sidewalks outside post offices, airports.
What two things are required for gov to regulate speech in a non-public forum?
1. Reasonable (meets rational basis test)
2. viewpoint neutral
What are the six common examples of non-public forums?
1. Military bases
2. Areas outside prisons and jails
3. schools
4. signs on public property (e.g. telephone polls)
5. sidewalks outside a post-office
6. airports (can only prohibit solicitation of money)
What is the one sidewalk that is a non-public forum?
Outside of the post office
What can be prohibited at an airport?
- solicitation of money
- cannot prohibit distribution of literature
What 1st amendment rights are there for private property?
- None
- ex: shopping centers

What type of restriction is a specific tax against the press?

Content based.