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37 Cards in this Set

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RTA associated w/ abnormal H+ secretion and nephrolithiasis
Type 1 RTA (distal)
RTA associated w/ abnormal HCO3- and rickets
Type II (proximal) RTA
RTA associated w/ aldosterone defect
Type IV (distal) RTA
Doughy skin
Differential of hypervolemic hyponatremia
Cirrhosis, CHF, nephritic syndome
Chvostek's and Trousseau's sign
The most common cuase of hypercalcemia
Malignancy (if in hospital pts), hyperparathyroidism (in outpt population)
T wave flattening and U waves
Peaked T waves and widened QRS
First line treatment for moderate hypercalcemia
IV hydration and loop diuretics (lasix)
Type of ARF in a pt w/ FENa<1%
A 49 y.o. male w/ acute onset flank pain and hematuria
The most common type of nephrolithiasis
Calcium oxalate
A 20 y.o. w/ palpable flank mass and hematuria. US shows b/l enlarged kidneys w/ cysts. Dx? Associated brain condition?
ADPKD associate w/ cerebral berry aneurysms
Hematuria, HTN, and oliguria
Nephritic syndrome
Proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperlidipuria, and edema
Nephrotic syndrome
The most common form of nephritic syndrome
Membranous glomerulonephritis
The most common form of glomerulonephritis
IgA nephropathy (Berger's disease)
Glomerulonephritis w/ deafness
Alport's syndrom
Glomerulonephritis w/ hemoptysis
Wegener's granulomatosis and Goodpasture's syndrome
Presence of red cell casts in urine sediment
Glomerulonephritis/nephritic syndrome
Eosinophils in urine sediment
Allergic interstitial nephritis
Waxy casts in urine sediment and Maltese crosses (seen w/ lipiduria)
Nephrotic syndrome
Drowsiness, asterixis, nausea and a preicardial friction rub
Uremic syndrome seen in pts w/ renal failure
A 55 y.o. male is dx'd w/ prostate cancer. Treatment options?
Wait, surgical resection, radiation, and/or androgen suppresion
Low urine specific gravity in the presence of high serum osmolality
Water restriction. Demeclocycline
Hematuria, flank pain, and palpable flank mass
Renal cell carcinoma
Testicular cancer assocated w/ elevated b-hcg and AFP
The most common testicular cancer
Seminoma, a type of germ cell tumor
the most common bladder cancer
Transitional cell carcinoma
Complication of overly rapid correction of hyponatremia
Central pontine myelinolysis
Acid base disorder w/ ASA OD
Mixed: Anion gap metabolic acidosis combined w/ primary respiratory alkalosis due to central respiratory depression
Acid base distrubance commonly seen in pregnant women
Respiratory alkalosis
Three systemic diseases that lead to nephrotic syndrome
DM, SLE, amyloidosis
Elevated EPO level, elevated Hct, normal O2 sat?
RCC or other EPO secretion tumor. evaluate w/ CT scan
A 55 y.o. male presents w/ irritatie and obstructive urinary symptoms. Tx?
Likely BPH. Options include no treatment, terazosin, finasteride, or TURP