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96 Cards in this Set

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conducting zone

large airways + bronchi + terminal bronchioles

purpose of conducting zone

warm, humidify, filter the air

cartilage in respiratory system

extends to end of bronchi

respiratory zone

respiratory bronchioles + alveolar ducts + alveoli, gas exchange

collapsing pressure

= 2*surface tension/radius

surfactant synthesis

begins week 26, mature levels reached week 35

fetal lung maturity

L:S > 2.0






aorta, thoracic duct, azygos vein

innervation of diaphragm

C3, 4, 5 (phrenic nerve)

physiologic dead space

Vd = Vt * (PaCO2 - PECO2)/(PaCO2)

minute ventilation (Ve)

= Vt * respiratory rate

alveolar ventilation (VA)

= (Vt - Vd) * RR

elastic recoil

lungs want to collapse in, chest wall wants to spring outward

FRC importance

inward pull of lungs = outward pull of chest wall; AW and alveolar pressures are 0, intrapleural pressure is negative, PVR at minimum

decrease in compliance

pulmonary fibrosis, pneumonia, pulm. edema

increase in compliance

aging, emphysema

shift Bohr curve to the right

increase H+ (decr. pH), incr. CO2, incr. 2,3-BPG, incr. temperature

methemoglobin Hb

oxidized form of Hb (Fe3+), doesn't bind O2 as readily, incr affinity for cyanide

methemoglobinemia presentation

cyanosis, chocolate-colored blood

methemoglobinemia Rx

methylene blue


bound to CO instead of O2; decr. oxygen-binding capacity, left-shift oxygen-Hb dissociation curve = decr. O2 unloading in tissues

carboxyhemoglobin Rx

100% O2 + hyperbaric O2

fetal Hb dissociation curve

shifted left due to higher affinity for O2

O2 content of blood

(Hb*1.34* % saturation) + dissolved O2

decrease in PaO2 + pulmonary circulation

hypoxic vasoconstriction

Fick's diffusion equation

Vgas = A/T X D(P1-P2)

pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)

= P(pulm artery) - P(L atrium)/CO

alveolar gas equation

PAO2 = PIO2 - (PaCO2/R)


(Pb - 47) * FiO2

A-a gradient

PAO2 - PaO2, normal 10-15 mmHg

hypoxemia + incr. A-a gradient

right to left shunting, V/Q mismatch, diffusion limitation (fibrosis)

Hypoxemia + normal A-a gradient

high altitude, hypoventilation (opioid use)

V/Q at apex

increased (3) = wasted ventilation

V/Q at base

decreased (0.6) = wasted perfusion

base of the lung vs. apex

ventilation and perfusion are both greater

where do you find TB?

apex (b/c thrives in high O2)

V/Q = 0

oirway obstruction (shunt)

V/Q approaches infinity

blood flow obstruction

Haldane effect

at lungs, oxygenation of Hb => dissociate H+ => form CO2 => release CO2 from RBCs

Bohr effect

at tissues, incr. H+ from tissue metabolism shifts curve to right = unload O2

high altitude effects on PaO2 and PaCO2

decr. atmospheric oxygen = decr. PaO2 = incr. ventilation = decr. PaCO2

other high alt. effects

incr. EPO = incr. HCT, incr. 2,3-BPG, incr. mitochondria, RVH (chronic hypoxic VC)

high altitude - kidneys

compensate for respiratory alkalosis by incr. renal excretion of HCO3-


incr. CO2 production, incr. O2 consumption, incr. ventilation rate, V/Q more uniform, incr. pulm. BF, lower pH (lactic acidosis); no change in PaO2 and PaCO2

DVT predisposition

Virchow triad = stasis + hypercoagulability + endothelial damage

prophylaxis + acute management of DVT

unfractionated heparin or LMWH (enoxaparin)

Rx of DVT

oral anticoagulants (warfarin, rivaroxaban)

lines of zahn

interdigitating areas of pink and red - pulmonary emboli

types of emboli

FAT BAT = fat, air, thrombus, bacteria, amniotic fluid, tumor

imaging test of choice for PE

CT pulmonary angiography

PE symptoms

sudden onset dyspnea, chest pain, tachypnea, tachycardia

chronic bronchitis pathology

hyperplasia of mucus-secreting glands in bronchi

chronic bronchitis Sx

productive cough for >3 mo for >2 years, wheezing, crackles, cyanosis, late-onset dyspnea, CO2 retention

emphysema pathology

incr. air spaces, decr. recoil, incr. compliance, decr. diffusing capacity for CO

emphysema sx

exhale through pursed lips, barrel-shaped chest

asthma pathology

smooth muscle hypertrophy, Curschmann spirals, Charcot-Leyden crystals

asthma sx

cough, wheezing, tachypnea, dyspnea, hypoxemia, decr. insp./exp. ratio, pulsus paradoxus, mucus plugging

bronchiectasis findings

dilated airways, purulent sputum, recurrent infections, hemoptysis

bronchiectasis associations

poor ciliary motility (smoking, Kartagener), CF, ABPA, bronchial obstruction

ILDs (restrictive lung dz)

ARDS, IRDS, pneumoconiosies, sarcoidosis, IPF, goodpasture, Wegener's, eosinophiic granulomatosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, drug toxicity

hypersensitivity pneumonitis

mixed type III/IV reaction to environmental antigen = dyspnea, cough, chest tightness, H/A

farmers, bird exposure


pleural plaques, incr. risk of lung cancer, lower lobes


aerospace, manufacturing industries; affects upper lobes, granulomatous on histology

coal workers' pneumoconiosis

black lung disease - macrophages laden with carbon results in infl. & fibrosis; upper lobes


asymptomatic, urban dwellers exposed to sooty air


sandblasting, mines; macrophages release fibrogenic factors, incr. TB and bronchogenic carcinoma risk; upper lobes

supplemental O2 in IRDS

retinopathy of prematurity, intraventricular hemorrhage, bronchopulmonary dysplasia (RIB)

ARDS characteristics

acute onset respiratory failure, bilateral lung opacities, decr. PaO2/FiO2, no HF

ARDS pathogenesis

DAD = incr. alveolar cap. permeability = leakage into alveoli + noncardiogenic pulm. edema = intraalveolar hyaline membranes

normal mean pulm. a pressure

10-14 mmHg

pulm. HTN

>25 mmHg at rest

cause of idiopathic PAH

BMPR2 gene inactivating mutation

pleural effusion - physical exam

decr. breath sounds, dull percussion, decr. fremitus

atelectasis - physical exam

decr. breath sounds, dull percussion, decr. fremitus, trachea towards side of lesion

simple pneumothorax - physical exam

decr. breath sounds, hyperresonant, decr. fremitus

tension pneumothorax - physical exam

decr. breath sounds, hyperresonant, decr. fremitus, trachea away from side of lesion

consolidation (lobar pneumonia, pulm. edema) - physical exam

bronchial breath sounds, late inspiratory crackles, dull percussion, incr. fremitus


low protein; caused by incr. hydrostatic pressure or decr. oncotic pressure (HF, nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis)


high protein; caused by malignancy, pneumonia, CVD, trauma

pneumothorax sx

unilateral chest pain and dyspnea, unilateral chest expansion

primary spontaneous pneumothorax

rupture of apical blebs/cysts; tall, thin, young white males

secondary spontaneous pneumothorax

diseased lung, mechanical ventilation w/ use of high pressures -> barotrauma

traumatic pneumothorax

blunt or penetrating trauma

tension pneumothorax

air enters pleural space but can't exit = trachea deviates away from affected lung

lobar pneumonia

S. pneumoniae >>> Legionella, Klebsiella


S. pneumoniae, S. aureus, H. influenzae, Klebsiella; acute infl. infiltrates from bronchioles into adjacent alveoli - patchy distribution

interstitial (atypical) pneumonia

viruses, Mycoplasma, Legionella, Chlamydia; diffuse patchy infl. in interstitial areas at alveolar walls; more indolent course ("walking pneumonia")

cause of lung abscess

aspirate oropharyngeal contents or bronchial obstruction; anaerobes (Fusobacterium, Peptostreptococcus, Bacteroides), or S. aureus

CXR lung abscess

see air-fluid levels

pancoast tumor causes...

horner syndrome (ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis, enopthalmos)

SVC syndrome

impairs blood drainage from the head, neck, upper extremities; caused by malignancy, thrombosis from indwelling catheters

sites of metastases from lung cancer

adrenals, brain, bone, liver

bronchioloalveolar carcinoma

adenocarcinoma in situ; CXR shows hazy infiltrates like pneumonia, excellent prognosis

squamous cell carcinoma paraneoplastic syndrome

incr. PTHrP = hypercalcemia