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29 Cards in this Set

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What structure carries the Ovarian vessels?
The Suspensory ligament of the ovaries.
What structure carries the Uterine vessels?
The Transverse cervical (cardinal) ligament.
What structures are carried in the round ligament of the uterus?
What nerve is responsible for Erection in the male? Which division of the autonomic nervous system does this?
The Parasympathetics of the Pelvic nerve is responsible for this.
Which nerve is responsible for Emission in the male? Which division of the autonomic system is responsible for this?
The Sympathetic division of the Hypogastric nerve is responsible for this.
What nerve(s) are responsible for Ejaculation?
Visceral and Somatic nerves are responsible for this, but in specific the Pudendal nerve plays a large role.
Which hormone is responsible for the maintenance of pregnancy?
Which phase is variable in the female menstrual cycle: Follicular (Proliferative) or Secretory (Luteal)?
The Proliferative phase. The Luteal phase is usually constant at 14 days.
What is Mittelschmerz associated with ovulation?
Mittelschmerz is blood from a ruptured follicle that causes peritoneal irritation that can mimic appendicitis.
What are three conditions associated with pathologic elevation of hCG?
Hydatidiform moles, choriocarcinoma, and gestational trophoblastic tumors.
Explain why there are increased levels of FSH in a patient with Kleinfelter's syndrome (XXY).
In a patient with Kleinfelter's syndrome there is dysgenesis of seminiferous tubules, which leads to decreased production of Inhibin, which leads to the allowance of increased levels of FSH.
Explain why there are increased levels of Estrogen in a patient with Kleinfelter's syndrome (XXY).
Abnormal Leydig cell function gives decreased testosterone. This gives increased LH, and thus increased Estrogen.
Preeclampsia before 20 weeks of gestation during pregnancy suggests what condition?
A Molar pregnancy.
What is the main risk factor associated with Endometrial Carcinoma?
Unopposed Estrogen (estrogen unopposed by progesterone).
Which gynecological tumors have the most frequency vs. the least frequency: ovarian, endometiral, cervical?
Endometrial > Ovarian > Cervical
Which gynecological tumors have the worst prognosis vs. the best prognosis: ovarian, endometrial cervical?
Ovarian > Cervical > Endometrial
What are the two most common tissues for malignant breast tumors to arise from?
Malignant breast tumors typically arise from mammary duct epithelium or lobular glands.
Over expression of what type of receptors is a common mutation found in breast cancers?
Overexpression of estrogen/progesterone receptors or erb-B2 (HER-2 an EGF receptor) is common.
What is the single most important factor affecting prognosis for a woman diagnosed with breast cancer?
Axillary lymph node involvement.
Which lobes are most commonly enlarged in BPH?
The Lateral and Middle lobes.
What is a key difference between mature teratomas in males and female?
Unlike in females, a mature teratoma is malignant in males.
What is the most common testicular cancer in old men?
Testicular lymphoma is the most common testicular cancer in old men.
What are the three biggest risk factors for developing Squamous cell carcinoma of the Vulva?
HPV type 16, Smoking cigarettes, Immunodeficiency.
Which lymphnode does squamous cell carcinoma of the Vulva first metastasize to?
The Inguinal lymphnode node.
What type cancer is Extramammary Paget's disease? Describe its appearance. Is it invasive? What cells is this tumor derived from? What substance do these cells contain?
Extramammary Paget's disease is an Intraepithelial adenocarcinoma that appears as a red, crusted vulvular lesion. This cancer spreads along the epithelium and rarely invades the dermis. The tumor derives from primitive epithelial progenitor cells and malignant Paget's cells contain mucin.
Which bacteria adheres to the squamous cells of the vagina to produce "clue cells"?
Gardinella vaginalis. "Because men don't have a 'clue' about gardening, or vaginas"
Which STI causes a painful chancroid? Which causes a painless chancroid?
Hemophilus ducreyi causes a painful chancroid. Syphilis causes a painless chancroid.
What is the Jarich-Herxheimer reaction associated with Syphilis? Describe the pathophysiology behind why it happens?
This reaction is an intensification of the rash in primary or secondary syphilis that may occur due to proteins released from dead organisms after Tx with penicillin.
What kingdom of organisms is Trichomonas vaginalis? What type of vaginal discharge does it produce?
Protozoan. Trichomonas produces a greenish frothy discharge.