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286 Cards in this Set

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A gardener presents with SOB, salivation, miosis and diarrhea - what caused this and what's the mechanism?
Most likely organophosphate poisoning.
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
What drug can you use if atropine alone does not reverse an organophosphate poisoning? What does that drug do?
Pralidoxime - regenerates acetylcholinesterases.
What drug helps to improve FEV1 in a patient with COPD?
What autonomic drug would you use to treat a schizophrenic suffering from urinary retention 2ary to neuroleptic tx? Mechanism?
Bethanecol - direct cholinomimetic.
Neostigmine - AChE inhibitor (good because it won't cross CNS)
What autonomic drug classes (and specific drugs) causes mydriasis?
Muscarinic blockers (atropine, homatropine, or tropicamide)
Alpha1 agonists (phenylepherine)
What autonomic drug that is used to tx shock also maintains renal blood flow?
What are you thinking if a 60 y/o pt comes to you complaining of eye pain when looking at oncoming headlights at night?
What nerve is most likely to be injured with anterior dislocation of the shoulder?
Axillary (=no abduction or deltoid sensation)
What was fractured and what nerve did it affect is someone has numbness in the medial palm after a fall?
Ulnar - usually due to a medial epicondyle fracture ( = hand of benediction)
What nerve and artery are most at risk with a mid-shaft fracture of the humerus?
Radial nerve
Deep Brachial artery
What are you thinking when a pt presents with numbness and tingling of the lateral digits with thenar wasting?
Carpal tunnel syndrome (median nerve injury)
What organisms are most commonly the cause of subacute endocarditis?
Viridans strep, staph epidermidis, and enterococci
What is the most common organism in acute endocarditis?
Staph aureus
What are you thinking if a breast-feeding female complains of redness and swelling of her right breast in the last 24 hrs? What do you do?
Mastitis secondary to a staph aureus infection
Keep pumping milk until it goes away
What is the most common aerobic skin flora?
Staph epidermiditis
What compliment factor is responsible for neutrophil chemotaxis?
What is the most likely defect in a kid that gets reccurent lung infections and granulomatous lesions?
Chronic granulomatous disease = deficiency of NADPH oxidase (impairs PMN respiratory burst = increased susceptibility to catalase positive organisms)
A hypocalcemic child with recurrent viral and fungal infections had a defect from which of the germ cell lines?
Endoderm in the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouchs didn't develop = DiGeorge's Syndrome
What is the most likely immune disorder in a kid who gets recurrent staph abscesses? What is the pathogenesis?
Hyper-IgE (Job's syndrome = no INFalpha = no PMN chemotaxis)
What compliment proteins are most likely deficient in a patient that suffers recurrent Neisseria infection?
What ab are most specific to dx SLE in a female with malar rash and arthritis?
What are you thinking if a patient suffers from dermatitis, enteritis and hepatitis after a bone marrow transplant?
Graft vs. Host Disease (a type IV hypersensitivity)
What type of study is being conducted if a group of hospitalized pts with pancreatitis and a group without are being interviewed to ID potential risk factors?
Case-control study (retrospective to identify risk factors comparing a group with to a group without)
What is the description of a test that gets similar numbers each time but they aren't near the true value?
Good precision but poor accuracy
What type of study is it if a group of people is followed over 20 years and every 2 years it's determined who develops cancer and who doesn't
Cohort study (following over time and asking, "what will happen")
What is the sensitivity if the false negative rate is 1%?
What can you say about disease duration if population A has twice the prevalence but the same incidence as population B?
Duration in A is twice that of B
What should you say to an exercising smoker diagnosed with lung cancer?
Educate on the risk factors, avoid belittling and validate their good habits
What do you do if you're attracted to one of your patients?
Never date (even if no longer a patient) and use a chaperone
What should you do if the patient's friend says he never wanted surgery but the wife insists you save his life regardless?
"substituted judgement" - get a court order so you can do what the patient would want
What should you do if you've diagnosed a fatal disease and the family requests you don't tell the patient?
Do what would be best for the patient's health
What should you do if a pt with a strong family history is refusing a mammogram?
Informed consent - Explain the risks and benefits and leave the decision up to her
What should you do if a post-MI patient is refusing aspirin because it makes him feel "funny"?
Investigate the "funny" feeling and possible alternatives and explain risks/benefits
What should you do if you smell alcohol on a Dr's breath while he's working?
Report it.
Is a 1 yr old developing normally if they can walk and know 5 words? When can toilet training start?
2-3 years old
Is it normal if a 2 y/o can speak in short 2-3 word sentences but can't ID colors or say the ABC's?
Yup (colors and ABCs = by 5 years)
How old is a girl if she can speak in complete sentences, has an imaginary friend and considers boys gross?
6-11 years
What is the differential for a 60 year old that's 1 yr post MI that comes to you complaining of failure to achieve a full erection?
atherosclerosis versus drugs (like beta blockers) versus fear of dying/psych issues
What stage of sleep is a man in if he has variable BP and EEG and penile tumenscence (erection)?
What are you thinking if a 6mo old becomes flaccid after being given honey?
ACh release prevention due to botulinin toxin
A family gets vomitting for 10 hrs after eating potato salad and then recovers, what are you thinking?
Staph aureus's preformed enterotoxins in the mayo
Gram negative, oxidase positive diplococci?
Gram negative rods in the stomach of patient c/o burning after meals?
50 y/o smoker c/o cough with flu like sx with rods in sputum on silver stain?
Legionella pneumo
40 y/o with acute onset unilateral knee pain and bilateral Bell's palsy - what organism is most likely?
Borrelia burgdorferi (lyme disease from tick bite)
21 y/o with 5 day hx of fever and an enlarged painful knee?
Neisseria Gonorrhea if he's getting action - tx with ceftriaxone
Adult with toxic megacolon and diarrhea after antibiotic tx?
C.Difficle - injures mucosal membrane via actin depolymerization
What defense mechanism is seen a in pt that asks her husband to spend the night in the hospital with her because she's afraid to be alone?
Which defense mechanism underlies all other defense mechanisms?
What defense mechanism is illustrated by a patient that jumps out of bed and does push-ups after being told he has an MI?
What human problem's illustrated by a baby monkey that becomes withdrawn, socially isolated and grooms poorly after separation from it's mommy?
Anaclitic Depression
15 y/o old girl with enlarged parotids and laxatives in her closet?
4 y/o with n.gonorrhea?
Sexual abuse
72 y/o with decreased memory, poor judgement, and lack of abstraction ability (he doesn't know why I wish I hadn't payed for Milad when the milk was free)?
72 y/old that's been napping excessively for the past few weeks and is not able to focus on your questions?
Elderly demented patient needs sleep meds - what's not ok to give?
Don't give diphenhydramine or benzos. Ok = haloperidol or trazadone
What should you ask a patient who has attempted suicide that will help you assess their need for hospitalization?
What did you do after you slit your wrists?
What's the dx if a woman has 2/9 sx of depression + sadness for the past 6 years? What if she has sx of mild mania?

What's our dx if a patient has problems eating and sleeping 1 month after the death of her spouse?
Normal bereavement (get 2 months)
What can you do if a patient doesn't want to undergo a MRI because of claustrophobia?
Drug with him with benzo's
Young woman who's scared about her first pap is told to imagine it happening - what technique is this?
Somatic desensitization
What if a patient has hypoglycemia but no elevation in c protein?
She's dosing exogenous insulin = facticious disorder
What are you thinking if a 40y/o female tries to commit suicide after you switch her to a different doc after she hits on you?
What are you thinking if a woman is dressed provocatively and is very flirtatious?
What are you thinking if a patient says she can only have the best doctor in town?
Why would a pt with mycoplasma have anemia?
IgM cold agglutinins
What's the most likely cause of an aspiration pneumonia?
Klebsiella or an anarobe (like bacteriodes) = foul smelling sputum
What other findings are expected in a patient with aganglionic colon and other neural crest derivative deficiencies?
Albinism (failure of melanocyte migration)
Name the drugs drugs that are contraindicated in pregnancy?
Retinoic acid, alcohol, ace inhibs, aminoglycosides, alkylating agents, DES, cocaine, folate antags, iodide, tetracycline, thalidomide, valproate, vitamin A, Warfarin, anticonvulsants.
What are you thinking if a pt presents with hypertension in both arms but no palpable pulses in ankles/feet?
coarctation of aorta
What is the direction of blood flow through a PDA after birth?
From the aorta to the pulmonary artery
List fetal blood flow from the umbilical cord and back?
Umbilical vein to ductus venosis to inferior vena cava (where it mixes with systemic circulation) to superior vena cava to the rt ventricle to pulm/foramen ovale to aorta to inferior iliac to umbilical artery to mommy
What can cause one twin to have a 15% hematocrit and the other to have a 55%? Which one typically does better?
Monozygotic twins sharing placenta = twin-twin transfusion.
The 15% does better because intrauterine stress = increased lung development
What are the nerves associated with each of the brachial arches?
I = 5 = muscles of mastication
II = 7 = muscles of facial expression
III = 9 = stylopharyngeus
IV/VI = 10 = swallow/speech muscles
23 year old with an undescended testicle = increased risk for what?
Germ cell cancer
Testicular cancer spreads through what routes?
Para-aortic lymph nodes
What are you thinking if a female presents at 16 with lack of a uterus and amenorrhea?
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (male pseudohermaphroditism)
Fungal cause of pneumonia in a patient who vacationed in new mexico?
"Cauliflower" lesions with broad-based budding yeast?
HIV+ pt with yeast in his CSF is most likely?
Thron prick = ulcers along lymphatic drainage is caused by?
Parasitic infection from mexico that = bloody diarrhea?
Entamoeba histolytic (check from trophozoites/cysts in stool)
32 year old man who contracted diarrhea while camping and now has liver damage with jaundice - most likely causative?
Entamoeba histolytica
What's the cause of the cyclical fever of plasmodium infection?
Merozoite release into blood when the RBCs rupture
How does increasing the diameter of a vessel by 2 affect the resistance?
Decreased by 16
What changes in capillary/interstitial pressures can cause edema?
Increased capillary pressure or permeability
Decreased plasma proteins
Increased interstitial colloid osmotic pressure
What is the equation for net filtration pressure?
(Capillary - interstitial fluid pressure) - (Plasma - interstitial colloid osmotic pressure)
What's a good replacement drug for a patient on an ACE inhibitor that can't tolerating the coughing? Why doesn't it have the same effects?
Losartan - angiotensin II receptor blocker - doesn't inhibit the breakdown mechanism for bradykinins
What lipid lower drug is a patient on if they get first dose rash, pruritis, and diarrhea?
How can the flushing reaction of niacin be prevented?
Dose with aspirin
What is the mechanism of action of the cardiac glycosides (digoxin/digitoxin)?
Inhibits Na/K ATPase = decreased extracellular Na = no Na/Ca exchanger activity = increased intracellular calcium = increases contractility and stimulates the vagus nerve depressing the SA and AV nodes
What is the most likely underlying cause of an abdominal aortic aneurysm?
What are the 5 deadly causes of chest pain?
MI, aortic dissection, unstable angina, pulmonary embolism, tension pneumothorax
What are you thinking if a patient with poorly managed htn has acute substernal sharp chest pain that radiates to the back and progresses to death in a few hours?
ascending aortic dissection
What type of cardiac disease is most suspected in a young athlete that collapses and dies?
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
What murmurs are heard best in the left lateral decubitus position?
S3 and S4

mitral stenosis
What's the most likely cause of a systolic crescendo-decrescendo murmur following an ejection click in and 80 year old man?
aortic stenosis caused by senile calcifications (can lead to syncopal episodes)
What's the most likely cause of a stroke in a patient that recently suffered many long bone fractures in a trauma?
Fat embolism or DVT via paradoxical embolism
What are you thinking if you hear a high pitched holosystolic blowing murmur?
Mitral or tricuspid regurg
What are you thinking if you hear a holosystolic harsh-sounding murmur loudest at the tricuspid area?
What are you thinking if you hear a late systolic crescendo murmur with midsystolic click?
mitral prolapse
What are you thinking if you hear a high-pitched blowing diastolic murmur with wide pulse pressure and head bobbing?
aortic regurg
Opening snap with delayed rumbing late diastolic murmur?
mitral stenosis
What are you thinking if you hear a continuous machine-like murmur loudest at S2?
What the most likely cause of chest pain with dyspnea, tachycardia, and tachypnea in an IVDU?
Staph aureus endocarditis with pulmonary bacterial embolism
What's the most likely cause of chest pain with dyspnea, tachycardia, and tachypnea in a patient after an MVA
tension pneumothorax
What's the most likely cause of chest pain with dyspnea, tachycardia, and tachypnea in a patient after surgery?
Pulmonary embolism
What should you use in a patient with bacterial endocarditis due to a congenital valve disease?
Under what conditions do you see pulsus paradoxus?
cardiac tamponade or increased inspiratory effort (COPD, asthma, croup, etc)
What would you see on CXR if a htn pt presents with sudden, sharp tearing pain radiating to the back?
Mediastinal widening due to aortic dissection
What are you thinking if a 3rd trimester prego has a normal BP when standing and sitting but it's 90/50 when supine?
Compression of inferior vena cava
What was 45 year old with squamous cell ca of the penis exposed to?
20 y/o student with LAD, fever and HSM who's blood agglutinates sheep RBCs - what type of cells are infected?
B cells (with EBV)
How does rabies virus travel through the CNS so it can cause fatal encephalitis with seizures?
Retrograde up the axons
What is the characteristic shape of the rabies virus?
What will a gram stain show in an adolescent with cough and rust colored sputum?
gram positive diplococci
What heavily encapsulated organism is responsible for meningitis in AIDs pts?
What is the most likely causative organism if an older patient has blood in his urine and renal stones?
Proteus - especially if it's a staghorn caluculi
50 y/o has an abdominal surgery 3 days ago, has been catheterized, and now has a fever - what's the cause?
Which of the nonepithelial/nonjunctional adhesion mechanism joins only cells of the same type and doesn't attach to the basement membrane?
Where does new bone formation take place in growing long bones?
epiphyseal plate
A player was kicked in the leg and suffers damage to the medial meniscus - what else is likely to have been damaged?
The ACL and MCL
What's the diagnosis if a man has swelling in his big toe joint and the bx has needle-like crystals?
What's the treatment for acute gout?
NSAIDs and chochicine
What else would you expect to see if a patient with anti-centromere antibodies and has difficulty swallowing and distal cyanosis in cold temperatures?
Dry mouth and eyes with SubQ calcinosis (CREST)
A patient has photosensitivity, arthritis, renal disease, and recurrent oral ulcers. She's taking primaquine and NSAIDs - what type of check should she be receiving twice a year?
Renal disease screen
30 y/o with low grade fever, rash across her nose, and wide spread edema - what lab tests would confirm diagnosis?
anti-dsDNA and anti-smith
What's the dx if you see bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy on CT?
X-ray of a joint in a 75 y/o man with acute knee pain and swelling shows no erosion of the joint space - what are you thinking and what would you see?
Pseudogout with positively bifringent rhomboid crystals
50 y/o female complains of double vision, amenorrhea, and headaches - what is the most likely diagnosis?
pituitary adenoma (prolactinoma)
Patient's MRI reveals sella turcica filled with CSF?
Empty sella syndrome - usually asymptomatic but can cause deficiencies in pituitary hormones
What hormones arise from the anterior pituitary?
TSH, GH, prolactin, ACTH, LH, FSH, and MSH
Which hormones share a common alpha subunit?
TSH, LH, FSH, and betaHCG
Young woman has short stature and shortened 4th and 5th metacarpals - what's the most likely endocrine disorder?
Albright's hereditary osteodystrophy - kidney doesn't respond to PTH
35 y/o female with diffuse goiter and hyperthyroid - what are the expected TSH and TH?
Decreased TSH
Increased thyroid hormone
48 y/o female suffering from progressive lethargy and extreme sensitivity to cold - diagnosis?
hypothyroid - most likely Hashimoto's
Adult male with elevated serum cortisol and signs of Cushing's undergoes dexamethasone suppression test - if 1mg doesn't decrease but 8mg does - what's the dx?
pituitary adenoma
Tan child with pale mother presents to clinic as hypotensive - dx?
28 y/o male comes in with DKA - he's recently been taking cold medicine - what's the cause of his current condition?
infection stress
How is hemoglobin glycosylated in DM to form HA1c?
How dose UV damage DNA?
thymine dimers on the same DNA strand
What are the sourced of carbon in purines? What about pyrimidines?
Purine = glycine and THF
Pyrimidine = CO2 and aspartate
What aa has more mRNA coding sequences than are represented in peptides from the mRNA?
How is hnRNA processed before it leaves the nucleus?
Ploy a tail
5' cap (7 methyl guanosine)
Introns spliced
What medications can cause cardiotox and bone marrow suppression?
Patient tries to commit suicide with digoxin OD - how do you tx it?
anti-dig Fab
Normalize Mg and K
What are the inducers of P450?
BCEG PQRS: barbituates, carbamazepine, chronic ethanol use, griseofulvin, phenytoid, quinidine, rifamipin, and st. johns wort
What are the inhibitors of P450?
PICK EGS: protease inhibitors, isoniazid, cimetidine, ketoconazole, erythromycin, grapefruit juice, and sulfonamides
What enzyme is a black man deficient in if he develops anemia after taking malaria prophylaxis?
Which of the man boob causing drugs is the worst offender?
What drugs could a patient be on if they develop tinnitus, dizziness, h/a and GI upset?
Quinidine (IA antiarrhythmic)
Quinine (antimalarial)
Obese woman with amenorrhea and increased testosterone most likely has?
polycystic ovarian disease
What type of cancer has increased risk in patients with polycystic ovarian disease?
Why is estrogen combo'd with progesterone in HRT?
To decrease the risk of endometrial cancer
Under what conditions would you expect to see an increase in LH?
PCOS, menopause, prior to ovulation, premature ovarian failure, androgen insensitivity disorder
What is a prego with hx of c-section at increased risk for?
placenta previa and accreta (placenta either covering the os or in the muscle layer)
A 16 wk prego has atypically large abdomen and hypertension - what's a possible cause (if she's not prego with multiples)?
Complete mole - would see very elevated Hcg
What substance is present at high levels in the case of a hyatidiform mole?
23 y/o on rifampin and birth control gets prego - why?
Rifampin (used in TB prophylaxis) induces P450 = lower levels of hormones
What's the best type of birth control for the mentally retarded?
IM depo provera (medroxyprogesterone)
What does the drug Tamoxifen increase the risk of?
Endometrial cancer
What cells are responsible for maintaining high testosterone concentrations in the seminiferous tubules?
Although Leydig cells make the testosterone, it's kept in high concentration by ABP from sertoli cells
What BPH med can case increased testosterone, decreased DHT, gynecomastia and edema?
Where does testicular cancer met to?
the para-aortic lymph nodes
A patient with a cortical lesion is unaware of this neuro deficit - where's the lesion?
Right parietal lobe
What are the findings of Brown-Sequard syndrome?
Ipsilateral = UMN sx and loss of tactile and proprioception
Contralateral = loss of pain and temperature
At level of the lesion = no sensation and LMN sx
40 y/o develops dementia and uncontrollable movements - what is the gross change in his brain?
Atrophy of the caudate (huntington's)
Male presents with involuntary flailing of one arm - where's the lesion?
contralateral subthalamic
Pt is exposed to MPTP - what neurotransmitter is depleted?
Patient can't abduct left eye by convergence is normal and she's having difficulty smiling - where's the lesion?
CN VI and VII = pontine
What bone and vessel was injured if CT shows an intracranial hemorrhage that doesn't cross suture lines?
temporal bone fracture - tearing the middle meningeal artery
Marfan's pt presents with severe h/x and nl CT but bloody CSF - what's the deal?
Ruptured berry aneurysm causing subarachnoid hemorrhage
Alzheimer's pt falls and presents 3 days later with n/v and h/a - what the deal?
Tearing of bridging veins = subdural hematoma
After trauma, pt can't turn head to left and has a right shoulder droop - where's the injury?
Accessory nerve on the right (CN XI)
What neuro deficits could be seen with infection of the cavernous sinus?
EOM deficits
Increased or decreased facial sensation
Patient can't blink eye or seal lips - where's the lesion and what's the dx?
Facial nerve lesion = Bell's palsy
Pt has leftward deviation of the tongue on protrusion and right sided spastic paralysis - where's the lesion?
Left medulla at the hypoglossal nucli and corticospinal tract
What's most at risk with an anterior should dislocation?
axillary nerve
posterior circumflex artery
what's most at risk with a mid-shaft humerus fracture?
Radial nerve (main extensor)
Deep brachial artery
Where's the lesion if a patient presents with bilateral decreased pain and temp sensation over the lateral arm?
Anterior white commisure = Syringomylia (seen with Arnold - Chiari)
Decreased prick sensation over lateral foot and leg - what nerves injured and what motor deficits would be seen?
Common peroneal nerve
Lack of foot eversion and dorsiflexion
Patient hits elbow then can't feel medial palm - what's damaged and how?
Medial epicondyle fracture = ulnar nerve injury
What nerve's most at risk with a fibularneck fracture?
deep peroneal
What's the dx on a patient that has numbness on their lateral digits and thenar eminence wasting?
Carpal tunnel = medial nerve injury
Pt has decreased sensation over the back of their leg and lateral half of the foot with weak plantar flexion - what's damaged?
What's damaged if a patient can't adduct their eye but convergence is normal?
what eye abnormality is seen with MS and internuclear opthalmoplegia?
Inability to adduct eye and nystagmus during abduction but normal convergence (MLF)
Where's the defect if a patient has paradoxical bilateral pupillary dilation when a light's shone into the left eye but bilateral constriction when it's shone into the right?
Right optic damage prior to the pretectal afferents
Dx if a patient has h/a, visual distrubances, and amenorrhea?
pituitary adenoma
Dizziness and tinnitus with enlarged internal acoustic meatus on CT - dx?
acoustic schwannoma
Child with proximal muscle weakness and enlarged calves - dx?
Duchenne's - xlinked
25 y/o with sudden uniocular vision loss and slurred speech with hx of transient weakness and paresthesias: dx?
10 y/o that "spaces out" during class - dx?
absence seizures
Patient presents with vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss - what's the dx?
VIII issue = Meniere's disease
A patient has an extended respiratory phase on a PFT, what's the dx?
A tall, thin teenager has abrupt onset of dyspnea and left sided chest pain with hyperresonance and decreased breath sounds on the left side - dx?
Spontaneous pneumothorax
How do you calculate total lung capacity?
= Inspiratory reserve + Tidal + expiratory reserve + reserve
= Functional reserve capacity + Inspiratory capacity
= vital capacity + reserve volume
Collapse of right middle lobe with right bronchial mass in a patient with history of recurrent pneumonia - dx?
Bronchogenic carcinoma
What's the immuno reaction behind asthma?
mast cell and basophil degranulation due to crosslinking of IgE's = release of leukotrienes C3/4/5 (type I hypersensitivity)
What's the dx if a premie has SOB with diffuse ground glass appearance on xray?
Neonatal ARDS (should have given mommy steroids - now give artificial surfactant to the baby)
What's the likely eitology of fatal lung abcesses in a ventilated patient?
Aspiration pneumonia
What is seen histologically in a patient recovering from ARDS?
proliferation of type II pneumocytes to regenerate the damaged type I's
Coal miner is a risk for bronchogenic carcinoma due to exposure to?
What protein is defective if a patient has infertility, recurrent UTI, and dextrocardia?
Dyneine arm defect (Kartagener's)
Causative organism if a sputum from pneumonia in an older male doesn't gram stain but has rods on silver stain?
Legionella pneumophilia
What happens to the trachea of a smoker?
Metaplasia from columnar to squamous cells
What are the clinical findings of a pneumothorax?
Hyperresonance with decreased lung sounds and no fremitus. In a tension pneumo, the trachea deviates away from the affected side
Caseous necrosis = ?
Most likely diagnosis if a patient with fibroids is chronically tired?
Anemia = decreased O2 content but normal saturation
Dx in a patient with a normal cxr and no hx of COPD but recent tibial fracture? What can this mimic?
Pulmonary embolism - can mimic MI
Most likely cause of hypoxia in a patient with an enlarged heart on CXR?
heart failure
Plumber's lung biopsy shows elongated structures with clubbed ends in tissue? What's this man at increased risk of?
Increased risk of bronchogenic ca and mesothelioma
What is cut when cutting through the thyroid cartilage to establish an airway?
Crichothryroid ligament
What genetic principle do praderwilli and angelman's demonstrate?
Imprinting = praderwilli's a paternal deletion, angelman's a maternal deletion
Patient on NSAIDs gets an ulcer - what drug would most directly address the mechanism behind their current problem?
Misoprostol (PGE1 analog)
Newborn with difficulty feeding has gastric airbubble on xray - dx?
tracheoesophageal fistula
What's the most likely type of esophageal cancer in a patient with GERD?
Middle aged man has diarrhea and hematochezia with transmural inflam on intestinal biopsy - dx?
Weight lifter has emergency surgery to remove section of small bowel with focal hemorrhages - what's the problem?
Incarcerated hernia
40 year old has to poo 4 times a day for the past several months with low grade pain that's somewhat relieved by defecation has a nl colonoscopy - dx?
Irritable bowel syndrome
What drug should you give a pt with ataxia, tremors, and a ring at the periphery of his cornea?
Pt has yellowing of palms and soles but no scleral icterus - what are you thinking?
Excess consumption of carrots
Idiopathic hyperbilirubinemia in an otherwise healthy patient with a recent hx of flu - dx?
Gilbert's disease
Fate of bilirubin after being excreted into the GI tract?
80% excreted in stool as urobilinogen
20% reabsorbed - 90% back to liver, 10% excreted by kidney as urobilin
Right upper quadrant pain that can be localized with one finger and is tender to light touch - dx?
Muscle tear or malingering/ factitious disorder
What vitamin deficiency can cause convulsions and irritability?
B6 (pyridoxine)
What vitamin deficiency = gum bleeding , bruising, anemia, and poor wound healing?
Vitamin C is necessary for the hydroxylation of which amino acids in collagen synthesis?
Which vitamins in excess can cause hypercalcemia?
D and A
What vitamins have functions similar to reduced glutatione?
A, C, and E
What's the vitamin deficient in an alcoholic that develops rash, diarrhea, and altered mental status?
B3 (this is pellegra)
How does acidosis affect extracellular K concentrations?
Increases them
What drug should be avoided when txing a fungal infection in a patient taking cyclosporin?
What dosage changes need to be made to a patient's digoxin and digitoxin if they go into renal failure?
Decrease digoxin
No change in digitoxin (not renally excreted)
What affect will an obstructive renal stone have on GFR and FF?
Decrease in GFR and in FF (since PFR isn't changed)
When do the renal glucose reabsorbtion mechanisms become saturated?
What BMP changes can be expected in a patient treated for status asmaticus
Decreased pH and HCO3 due to the hypoxia. Beta blocker given = decreased K
What are the causes of anion gap acidosis?
MUD PILES = methanol, uremia, DKA, paraldehyde/phenformin, INH/iron, lactic acidosis (shock), ethylene glycol, or salicylate poisoning
What drug can you switch a patient to if they get coughing after taking lisinopril?
ARBs like losartan or valsartan
What diuretic can be used if a patient with an exacerbation of CHF has a sulfa allergy?
Ethacrymic acid
What's the dx if a patient presents with HTN, hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis and low plasma renin? Tx?
Primary hyperaldosteronemia
Give aldosterone antagonist like spironolactone
What are you thinking if you see a glomerulus with multiple mesangial lesions?
diabetic GN
Dx if a teenager presents with nephrotic syndrome + hearing loss?
Alport's (abnl type IV collagen)
4 y/o with facial edema and proteinuria - dx? tx?
Nephrotic syndrome/minimal change disease - tx with steroids
What's a patient at increased risk of if they have a UTI caused by proteus vulgaris?
Stuvite stones causing a staghorn calculi
What's a patient with hx of long term acetominophen use at risk for?
renal papillary necrosis
transitional cell cancer
What artery prevents the ascent of a horseshoe kidney?
Inferior mesenteric
What CMP changes will be seen in a patient with renal failure?
Increased: BUN, Creatinine, Na, and K
Decreased: pH and Ca
Other labs = anemia and increased TGs
What's the dx is U/S shows massively enlarged kidneys bilateral?
What's the primary energy source in a patient that hasn't eaten in 2 days?
What's the gibb's free energy equation?
DeltaG = DeltaH - T(DeltaS)
What's the most to least exergonic out of AMP, ATP, and PEP?
PEP then ATP then AMP
Why does someone who drinks a lot without eating become hypoglycemic?
Increased liver NADH causes OAA to be shunted to malate and Pyruvate to lactate (away from gluconeogenesis/energy production)
Dx if a patient develops intense muscle cramps and dark urine after exercising?
McArdel's (myophosphatase defect/deficiency)
What allows RBCs to change shape as they pass through vessels?
What's the dx if a patient that's had hemolytic anemia since birth is cured by a splenectomy?
Hereditary spherocytosis (ankrin or spectrin defect = increased MCHC)
Why wouldn't you just give folate to a patient wiht a megaloblastic anemia?
They could have a B12 deficiency which can result in permanent neuro damage
What's the dx if a patient with anemia, hypercalcemia and bone pain has large round cells with off center nuclei on bone marrow bx? What could a UA show?
UA will be normal but Urine elctrophoresis may show the presence of bence-jones proteins
What neoplasms are associated with AIDs?
B cell lymphoma (CNS lymphoma), kaposi's sarcoma and invasive cervical carcinoma
Which chemotherapeutic agents should be avoided in a patient with CHF?
Danorubicin (both are cardiotoxic)
Chromosomal analysis of leukemia pt = t(9:22). What is the treatment?
Imantinib (binds bcr-abl to tx CML)
After a normal delivery a new mom bleeds profusely from her vagina and gums: What abnormal lab values would you suspect?
DIC - Increased BT, PT, PTT and D-dimer with a decrease in platelets, clotting factors and fibrin.
Pt = chronic non-healing ulcer on his foot and imaging shows a small calcified spleen: what drug can improve his symptoms?
Pt has sickle cell so tx with hydroxyurea to increase HbF levels
NSAIDS inhibit the production of which substance important in platelet aggregation?
Does HbF have more or less affinity for 2,3-bisphosphosphoglycerate?
Less = greater O2 affinity
What's the defect in familial hypercholesterolemia?
absent or decreased LDL receptors
What dietary changes should a PKU patient make?
No phenylalanine, increased tyrosine.
Pt with malignant form needs to replace THB in body
Dx if 2 y/o has increased abdominal girth with failure to thrive and skin/hair depigmentation?
Dx if a man has dark spots on his sclera and his urine turns black on standing?
Alkapturia = homogenistic acid oxidase deficiency
Dx if a patient must restrict protein so they don't get mental retardation, ketoacidosis and death?
maple syrup urine disease
18 y/o has moderate generalized abdominal pain and paresthesias in her lower extremities with normal WBCs and no fever - dx?
Acute intermittent porphyria = defective porphobilinogen deaminase = increase in porphobilinogen and ALA
What's the treatment for homocysteinuria?
Depends on the type but decreased methionine with increased cysteine, B12, B6 and folate should cover all bases.
What's the dx if an alcoholic gets blistering lesions in sun exposed areas and hypertrichosis of the face?
Porphyria cutanea tarda (defective uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase = uroporphyrin in urine = tea colored)
Artery closest to the mid-shaft of the femur?
Deep femoral
Artery running behind the knee?
Femoral to popliteal
Artery closest to the mid-shaft tibia?
More proximal = anterior tibial
More distal = posterior tibial
Sensory to dorsum of foot and anterolateral leg?
Common peroneal (injured with lateral leg trauma or fibular neck fracture). Does foot eversion, dorsiflexion, and toe extension
Sensory to the sole of the foot?
Tibial nerve (injured with knee trauma). Does foot inversion, plantarflexion and toe flexion
Nerve injured if you have a positive Trendelenburg?
Superior gluteal - injured with posterior hip dislocation or polio. Does Thigh abduction
Venous drainage of thigh?
Femoral, deep femoral and greater saphenous combine to form external iliac to IVC
Dermatomes around the bum?
Dematomes around back of legs and thigh?
S1 and 2 (S2 also does genitals!)
Dermatomes at front of leg?
L3 and L2 = thigh
L4 at knee
L5 at ankle
CYP system that breaks down statins?
CYP3a4 (inhib by grapefruit juice!)
Main mutation involved with Hirschprung's disease?
RET on chromosome 10
Virus present in 80% of normal urinary tracts that can cause hemorrhagic cystitis with immunosuppression?
BK virus (polyomavirus = naked DS circular DNA)