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47 Cards in this Set

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Q: First Degree Burn
A: Urtica urens, Arsenicum album, Calendula or Hypericum ointment (UA CH)
Q: Second Degree Burn (blisters, redness, pain):
A: Apis mellifica, Arsenicum album, Causticum
Q: Third Degree (white, charred all the way through to bone):
A: Cantharis, Causticum
Q: Electrical burns
A: Phosphorous
Q: Stings
A: Apis mellifica, Ledum palustre, Urtica Urens, Staphysagria (for large mosquito bites) (ALUS)
Q: Rapid Swelling, redness
A: Apis mellifica
Q: Burning and Stinging pains, Severe pains
A: Apis mellifica
Q: Anaphylaxis
A: Apis mellifica
Q: Hives
A: Apis mellifica
Q: Insect stings or bites, Jellyfish stings
A: Apis mellifica
Q: Retention of urine
A: Apis mellifica
Q: Sunstroke
A: Belladonna, Glonoinum, Natrum carbonicum
Q: Heat Exhaustion
A: Carbo vegetabilis, Gelsemium sempirvirens, Veratrum album (CGV)
Q: Bruises
A: Arnica, Bellis perennis, Sulphuricum acidum (ABS)
Q: Fractures
A: Set & immobilize first. Arnica (shock & swelling), Hypericum (nerve-like pain), Symphytum (help bone unite - MUST be set first!), Calcarea phosphorica (slow healing), Eupatorium perfoliatum (deep or severe bone pain)
Q: Fractures, for shock & swelling
Ans: Arnica
Q: Fractures, for nerve-like pain
Ans: Hypericum
Q: Fractures, to help bones unite - MUST be set first!
Ans: Symphytum
Q: Fractures, if healing is slow
Ans: Calcarea phos
Q: Fractures, for severe pain
Ans: Eupatorium
Q: Collapse
Ans: Carbo veg, Gelsemium, Aconite, Veratrum album, Arnica, Camphora (CGA VAC)
Q: Snakebite
ANS: Ledum, Lachesis, Hypericum perfoliatum, Golondrina
Q: Head Injury
Ans: Hypericum perfoliatum, Arnica, Stramonium, Natrum sulph, Opium (HAS NO)
Q: Poison ivy/Poison Oak
Ans: Croton tiglium, Anacardium orientalis, Rhus tox, Sulphur, Graphites, Apis mellifica, Sepia (CARS GAS)
Q: Whiplash
Ans: Aconite, Rhus Tox, Calcarea phos, Hypericum (ARCH)
Q: Topicals
Ans: Hypericum, Arnica, Ledum, Calendula, Urtica urens, Thuja (HAL CUT)
Q: Topical for bruises
Ans: Arnica (only use on unbroken skin)
Q: Topical for cuts and scrapes
Ans: Calendula officinalis lotion
Q: Topical antiseptic and hemostatic
Ans: Calendula officinalis lotion
Q: Topical, promotes healing
Ans: Calendula officinalis lotion
Q: Topical for bites and stings
Ans: Ledum tincture
Q: Topical for burns
Ans: Urtica urens tincture, Calendula ointment, Hypericum ointment.
Q: Topical for warts
Ans: Thuja
Q: Sprains/Strains, first line remedy
Ans: Arnica montana
Q: Sprains/Strains, second line remedy
Ans: Rhus toxicodendron
Q: Sprains/Strains, third line remedies
Ans: Ruta graveolens, Bellis perennis, Bryonia alba, Calcarea carbonica (R BBC)
Q: Wounds, incised
Ans: Calendula, Hypericum
Q: Wounds, with pus
Ans: Hepar sulph, Silica, Myristica (HSM)
Q: Wounds, stab
Ans: Staphysagria
Q: Wounds, surgery
Ans: Arnica, Bellis, Staphysagria (ABS2)
Q: Wounds, puncture
Ans: Hypericum, Apis, Ledum (HAL)
Q: Bleeding, general
A: Phosphorus, China officinalis
Q: Nosebleed, after blowing nose too hard
A: Phosphorus
Q: Nosebleed, after injury
A: Arnica
Q: Hangover
A: Nux Vomica, Coffea
Q: Frostbite, main remedies
A: Agaricus muscarius, Pulsatilla
Q: Frostbite, other possible remedies
A: Rhus Toxicodendron, Hepar sulphuris, Apis mellifica, Lachesis (R HAL)