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77 Cards in this Set

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what comprises the nucelosome core?
2 of each of the positively charged H2A, H2B, H3, H4 (make the histone octamer)
what histone connects the nucleosome core?
histone H1
what type of chomatin is transcriptionally active?
what precursor are de novo purines made from?
what precursor are de novo pyrimidines made from?
what is the MOA of hydroxyurea?
inhibits ribonucleotide reductase
what is the MOA of 6-mercaptopurine?
blocks de novo purine synthesis
what is the MOA of 5-fluorouracil?
inhibits thymidylate synthase
what is the MOA of methotrexate?
inhibits DHF reductase
what is the MOA of trimethoprim?
inhibits bacterial DHF reductase
at what base does a silent mutation often occur?
third position of codon -- tRNA wobble position
what is a nonsense mutation?
change resulting in an early stop codon
what do flouroquinolones inhibit?
DNA gyrase (specific prokaryotic topoisomerase)
in what direction does DNA pol III proofread?
3' -> 5' exonuclease activity
what is the role of DNA pol I?
degrades RNA primer and fills in gap with DNA
what type of DNA repair is mutated in xeroderma pigmentosum?
nucleotide excision repair resulting in accumulation of thymidine dimers with sun exposure
what type of DNA repair is mutated in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer?
mismatch repair
what is the mRNA start codon?
what are the mRNA stop codons?
UGA = u go away
UAA = u are away
UAG = u are gone
in eukaryotes, what is the role of RNA pol I, RNA pol II, and RNA pol III?
RNA pol I makes rRNA
RNA pol II makes mRNA
RNA pol III make tRNA
what does alpha amanitin inhibit?
RNA pol II
what are the 3 processing steps in order for heterogenous nuclear RNA to become mRNA?
1. 5' cap (7-methylguanosine)
2. 3' polyadenylation tail
3. slicing out of introns
what is the role of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase?
scrutinizes amino acid before and after it binds to tRNA
contrast the role of ATP vs. GTP in protein synthesis?
ATP used for tRNA Activation (charging)

GTP used for tRNA Gripping and Going places (translocation)
memory device for protein synthesis
going APE
A - accepts incoming aminoacyl tRNA
P - accomodates growing Peptide
E - holds Empty tRNA as it Exits
give examples of permanent cell types that regenerate from stem cells
neurons, skeletal and cardiac muscle, RBCs
what is synthesized at the RER?
secretory (exported) proteins
what do free ribosomes synthesize?
cytosolic and organellar proteins
what is the role of the SER?
steroid synthesis and detox of drugs and poisons
what is I cell disease?
failure of addition of mannose-6-phosphate to lysosomal proteins; instead of going to the lysosome they are secreted outside the cell
what is the phenotype seen in I cell disease?
coarse facial features, clouded corneas, restricted joint movement, high plasma levels of lysosomal enzymes
what is chediak-higashi syndrome?
microtuble polymerization defect resulting in decreased phagocytosis
what is kartagener's syndrome?
immotile cilia due to dynein arm defect - results in infertility, brochiectasis, and recurrent sinusitis

assoc. with situs inversus
what to the collagen types I - IV make?
be so totally cool, read books

type I = bone, skin, tendons
type II = carTWOlage
type III = reticulin
type IV = basement membrane or basal lamina
what type of collagen is more frequently involved in ehler-danlos syndrome?
type III
what are 3 characteristics of ehlers-danlos syndrome?
hyperextensible skin, hypermobile joints, tendency to bleed
what type of collagen is abn in osteogenesis imperfecta?
type I (autosomal dominant)
what does osteogenesis imperfecta cause?
brittle bones with multiple fractures

blue sclera
what type of collagen is defective in alport's syndrome?
type IV (X-lined recessive)
what does alport's cause?
nephritis and deafness
memory device for blotting procedures
southern = DNA
northern = RNA
western = protein
what are microarrays used for?
profile gene expression levels and detect single nucleotide polymorphisms
what is ELISA testing for?
antigen-antibody reactivity
what does FISH allow?
direct visualization of genes and anomalies like microdeletions
what is the function of RNAi?
dsRNA is synthesized that is complimentary to the mRNA sequence of interest. when transfected into human cells, dsRNA separates and promotes degradation of target mRNA
what type of chromosomes does karyotyping look at? what is it used for?
metaphase chromosomes; used for detecting chromosomal imbalances
what is the defect in achrondroplasia?
defect of the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3
what mutation is associated with APKD? what is an important clinical association with this disease?
mutation of apkd1 on chromosome 16

berry aneurysms
what condition results from deletion of the APC gene on chromosome 5?
familial adenomatous polyposis
what chromosome is assoc. with huntington's CAG repeat?
chromosome 4 "hunting 4 food"
what is an important clinical assoc. of marfans?
dissecting aortic aneurysms
what gene is mutated in marfan's
what gene is assoc with MEN II and III
ret gene
what disease is assoc. with cafe au lait spots? what chomosome?
neurofibromatosis type I or von recklinghausen disease

long arm of chrom 17
8 year old pt. presents with bilateral acoustic neuromas and cataracts - what chromosome is affected?
chromosome 22 -- neurofibromatosis type 2
pt. presents with ash leaf spots and facial lesions with an astrocytoma - what does they have?
tuberous sclerosis
renal cell carcinoma may occur in the context of what disease and deletion of what gene?
von Hippel-Lindau disease with a deletion of VHL tumor supressor gene on chromosome 3
individual has a positive sweat test - what chromosome is affected?
usually a deletion of Phe 508 on chromosome 7 --> causes a defect in the CFTR gene leading to cystic fibrosis
what tx will loosen the mucous plugs in cystic fibrosis/
memory device for x-linked recessive disorders
Be Wise, Fool's GOLD Heeds False Hope

Bruton's agammaglobulinemia, Wiskott-Aldrich, Fragile X, G6PD deficiency, Ocular albinism, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, Duchenne's MD, Hemophilia A and B, Fabry's disease, Hunter's syndrome
pt. presents with hypertropied calfs, and proximal muscle weakness - what gene is deleted?
frame shift mutation leading to a deleted dystropin gene
what is becker's muscular dystrophy?
mutated dystropin gene (not entirely absent) --> phenotype less severe than DMD
trinucleotide repeat in fragile X?
memory device for trinucleotide repeat expansion diseases
Try hunting for my fried eggs (X)

try = trinucleotide
hunting = huntington's disease (CAG)
my = myotonic dystrophy (CTG)
fried = friedrich's ataxia (GAA)
X = fragile X (CGG)
you are counseling the mother of a down's syndrome child. what should you tell her the child is at greater risk for later in life?
alzheimer's disease and ALL
what are the two most common causes of down's?
meiotic nondisjunction followed by robertsonian translocation
a 1 month old child displays mental retardation, rocker bottom feet, a small jaw, and clenched hands. what trisomy does he have?
Edward's syndrome - trisomy 18
1 month old infant has cleft palate, mental retardation, and polydactyly. what trisomy does he have?
Patau syndrome - trisomy 13
patient displays mental retardation, good verbal skills, cheerful disposition and seems to be very friendly with strangers. what chromosome is effected?
microdeletion of chromosome 7 causing Williams syndrome
22q11 deletion may result from what embyological defect?
aberrant development of the 3rd and 4th pouches
what does DiGeorge syndrome cause?
cleft palate, abn facies, thymic aplasia, cardiac abn, hypocalcemia secondary to no parathyroid
infant displays a high pitched cry - what chromosome is deleted?
cri du chat syndrome with a deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5
what does thiamine deficiency result in?
Wernicke-Korsakoff (confusion, opthalmoplegia, ataxia with confabulation), Dry beriberi (polyneuritis), Wet beriberi (dilated cardiomyopathy)
what does riboflavin deficiency result in?
cheilosis (inflammation of lips, scaling and fissures)

corneal vascularization
what is the functin of SAM?
methyl donor man
where is b12 found?
animal products
where is folate found?