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124 Cards in this Set

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Prescriptive Training System
Is one which clearly defined and measurable performance standards have been developed for all various individual skills and company evolutions deemed necessary for the department to be able to fulfill its mission.
The principles upon which mastery learning is based on are?
1. Mastery Definition
2. Small Step Learning
3. Simple-to-complex sequencing
4. Reinforcement
5. Formative evaluation
6. Corrective activities
7. Summative evaluation
Trainees learn best in what kind of group?
Small Groups
What are the three stages of stress?
1. Alarm reaction
2. Resistance
3. Exhaustion
Alarm reaction
The initial reaction to the stressor.
Resistance Stage
Also called the Fight/Flight stage. The body prepares to defend itself or remove itself from the presence of the stressor.
Exhaustion Stage
The stage in which permanent damage to the system occurs. If the stressor is not removed durring this stage, death may result.
What are some Psychological stressors?
1. The sound of the alerting system
2. interruption of meals and sleep
3. the need for speed when responding to alarms
4. the poteneial dangers at the scene.
What are some signs of psychologiacal stress?
1. General irritability
2. Emotional instability
3. Inability to concentrate
4. Fatigue
5. Insomnia and restless sleep
What is the difference between centralized authority and decentralized authority?
The level at which decisions are made.
Cenralized Authority
Decisiona are made by one person at the top of the structure.
Decentralized authority
Decisions can be made at a lower level (granted at different levels to accomplish specific tasks)
Division of Labor
Breaking large jobs down into smaller tasks that are assigned to specific individuals. (training fire fighters to perform specialized tasks)
Why is Division of labor necessary?
1. To assign responsibility
2. To prevent duplication of effort
3. to make specific clear cut assignments.
Does training fall into a should do category?
Pre incident survey focuses on?
1. Gatherin and evaluating information
2. developing procedures
3. Keeping the information current.
Type I construction
Fire resistive constuction. Consists of structual members, including walls, collumns, beams, floors, and roofs, that are made of noncumbustible materials
Type II Construction
Noncumbustible or limited combustible. Similar to Type I except that the degree of fire resistance is lower.
Type III Construction
Also known as Ordinary construction. Consists of structual members andexterior walls made of noncumbustible materials.
Type IV construction
Heavy Timber.
Strategic Goals
Overall plan for controlling the incident.
Strategic Goals should be translated into the departments?
Emergency situation priorities
1. Life safety
2. Incident stablilization
3. Property conservation
True or false
Is stabilization a possible mode of operation on a size up?
Strains and sprains account for more than ___ % of all firefighter injuries.
most common type of fireground injury?
Strains, and sprains.
NFPA 1581
Standard for fire department infection control program
Most injuries occur where?
At the incident
What is the common form of orginizational strucure in the fire service?
Scalar Structure
What if the form of communication that is most effective?
Face to Face
What is generally accepted as the span of control for effective supervision? (number)
Sppan of control (3 to 7 personnel)
Are based on the authority delegated to the officer to implement departmental policies and procedures; directives are not.
What are the variables that affect span of control in any given situation?
1. the ability and experince of the supervisor
2. The ability and experience of the subordinates.
3. The nature of the task.
4. The proximity of the subordinates to the supervisor and to each other.
5. The consequences of a mistake.
What is not a factor that affects the span of control?
1. the ability and experince of the supervisor
2. The ability and experience of the subordinates.
3. The nature of the task.
4. The proximity of the subordinates to the supervisor and to each other.
5. The ability of the supervisor to up channel problems.
5. The ability of the supervisor to up channel problems.
A guide to decision making within an organization
Prespective training systems are?
performance based
What is the most effective skill development and maintenance techniques, especially for the most critical skills?
Mastery Learning
Mastery Learning
Highly effective, it often involves small group instruction and even one on one tutoring.
Theory X
Style of leadership in which the leader believes that the average worker prefers to be directed and will avoid responsibiliity due to a general lack of ambition.
Theory Y
Style of leadershiop in which the leader believes that the average worker enjoys work, performs well with minimal supervision, will both seek and accept responsibility if given the opportunity, and will subscribe to organizational objectives if he associates those objectives with direct rewards.
Theory Z
Management style based on the belief that involved workers are the key to increased poductivity and that there is a mutual loyality between the company and the workers that often translates into life time employement and a close relationship between work and social life
Bureaucratic Leadership
Leadership style in which the leader has a low degree of concern for workers and production.
Dual-Issue Leadership
Leadership style in which the leader has a high degree of concern for both workers and production.
Middle-of-the-road Leadership
Leadership style characterized by a moderate degree of concern for both production and workers.
Single Issue leadership
Leadership style that is characterized by an overriding concern for either production or people.
Expert Power
Sufficiently stron perception that a leaders expertise, knowledge, and abilities will produce a desirable outcome so others willingly follow that leader.
Legitimate Power
That which stems from any or all of three sources: shared values, acceptance of social structure, or thesanctions of a legitimizing agent.
Identification Power
That which stems form the human tendecy to follow or mimic those who are admired or respected.
Reward Power
Based on the subordinates perception of the leaders ability to grant rewards such as salary increases, promotions, and bigger budgets.
What are the five types of power?
Reward power
Coercive Power
identification power
Expert Power
Legitimate Power
Coercive Power
Power to punish or impose santions on those who fail to behave in a prescribed manner
What are the five key dimensions that determine the quality of an officer's leadership ability?
1. Make other people feel strong and help them feel that they can influence their future and thier environment.
2. Build others trust in the leader
3. Structure cooperative rather than competitive relationships.
4. Resove conflicts by confronting issues together rather than by avoiding or forcing a particular solution.
5. Stimulate and promote goal oriented thinking and behavior.
Identify the 3 factors that determine the quality of a individuals leadership ability.
1. Producing awards
2. Building Trust
3. Confronting conflicts
4. Exerting authority
5. Promotin goal oriented thinking
6.Delegating authority
2. Building Trust
3. Confronting conflicts
5. Promotin goal oriented thinking
Assembly occupancies
Buildings or portions of buildings where 50 or more persons gather for deliberration, worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amusement, or to await transport.
Unity of command
Organizational principle in which workers report to only one supervisor in order to eliminate conflicting orders and the confusion that would result.
At the company level the fire investigation involves what three major components?
1. locating the point of origin
2. securing the scene
3. determining the cause of the fire
what items should be on an injury/accident form?
1. who was involved
2. what was involved
3. what were the circumstances?
4. what was the root of the cause?
What are the four steps of instruction?
Of the four steps of instruction which one is the most important?
The application step in the most important because this is where most of the learning takes place
A fire department on a military station is either what?
1. Legal authority to operate or function
2. Bouyndries of a legally constituted entity
Municipal Fire Dept
a functional division of the lowest level of local government, such as a city, town, township, village, that is authorized at the state or provincial level to form a fire department
Indirect Fire Attack
Directing fire streams toward the ceiling of a room or building in order to generate a large amount of steam. Converting the water to steam absorbs the heat of the fire and cool the area sufficiently for firefighters to safely enter and make a direct attack on the fire.
What kind of command is necessary when an incident involves or threatens to involve more than one jurisdiction?
Unified command Structure
Channels on radios may be assigned for what functions?
Ground to air
Air to Air
Automatic Aid
A formal written agreement between fire departments that share a common boundry. Automatic aid occurs whenever a certain predetermined condition occurs. (example- a given number of alarms, specific facilities)
Mutual Aid
a reciprocal agreement between two or more fire protection agencies. The agreement may be local, regional, statewide, or interstate so the agencies may or may not have contiguous boundries. (On request)
Outside aid
A signed contract under which one agency agrees to provide aid to another in return for an established payment.
True or false?
The fire chief can issue general orders that filter through the chain of command and are translated into specific work assignments for the various ranks down through the orginizational structure?
End Run (breach)
occurs when a subordinate sidesteps the immediate supervisor and takes a problem directly to an officer higher than the chain of command
Division of labor
Breaking large jobs down into smaller tasks that are assigned to specific individuals.
Why is division of labor necessary?
1. To assign responsibility
2. to prevent duplication of effort
3. to make specific clear cut assignments
What is an important aspect of thedivision of labor?
_______ discipline has been understood to mean correction or punishment.
Setting the limits or boundries for expected performance and enforcing them
Having an uninterupted series of steps or a chain of authority
Line personnel
Those who deliver emergency services
those who support the efforts of the line personnel(training, logistics, personnel administration)
Functional Supervision
orginizational principle that allows workers to report to more than one supervisor without violating the unity of command principle
the legal ability of an individual to make and implement decisions for which the individual is held accountable
________ are not held responsibile for the criminal acts of their subordinates unless they fail to stop the criminal conduct or they participated in it
A civil wrong or injury
What is the main purpose of a tort?
to seek payment for property damaged or destroyed, personal injuries, or lost income
the failure to exercise the same care that a reasonable, prudent, and careful person would under the same or similar circumstances.
NFPA 1021
Fire Officer Professional Qualifications
NFPA 1500
Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program
Within each ________ group it is common for _________ subgroups to form
Who is the leader of a formal group?
the company officer by the authority vested in the position by the separtment.
What are the five elements of a group?
1. have a common binding interest
2. have a vital group image
3. have a sense of continuity
4. have a shared set of values
5. have different roles within the group
Groups that have a positive self image tend to be ________?
Higher Achievers
Groups that have low group images tend to be ________?
Poor Producers
Hierarchy of needs
explanation of why individuals behave the way they do
From top to bottom what are the Maslows Hierarchy of needs
Self actualization
What are the five major responsibilities that are common to all supervisors?
1. getting the job done
2. kepping the work area safe and healthy
3. ecouraging teamwork and cooperation
4. developing member skills
5. keeping records and making reports
Supervisors are responsibile for all work that is assigned to the company and for making sure it gets done. How would the fire officer ensure that this gets done?
1. carefully plan, schedule, and coordinate work
2. organize subordinates to work as a team
3. Delegate work
4. monitor and evaluate the work
what are the supervisory skills that are absolutely necessary for any company officer?
decision making
resource management
time management
What is the companies primary job?
Handeling emergencies
Mutual Aid
Is a recirprocal agreement between two or more fire protection agencies.
Who can issue general orders that filter through the chain of command and are translatred into specific work assingments for the various ranks down through the organizational structure?
Fire Chief
Line personnel
Those who deliver emergency services.
Staff personnel
Those who support the efforts of the line personnel
Authority is granted at different levels to accomplish specific tasks
What may be based on failure to perform a service or failure to excrsise due caution
Civil Action
Who is a leader of a formal group by the authority vested in the position by the department?
Company Officer
What are the five essential elements of group?
1. common binding interest
2. vital group image
3. sense of continuity
4. shared set of values
5. different roles within the group
Groups that have a positive self image tend to be?
Higher achievers
True or False
In a fire company the company officer is the assigned leadr but may not be the indigenous leader
What are Vrooms three important elements to motivate people
1. Valence or value
2. intrumentality
3. expectancy
anything that acknowledges a persons existence
What are the five major responsibilities of the supervisor?
1. getting the job done
2. keeping the work area safe and healthy
3. encouraging teamwork and cooperation
4. developing member skills
5. keeping records and making reports
Means the review and practice necessary to maintain them over time
_______ step is the most important because this is where most of the learning takes place.
Research has shown that trainees learn best when learning occurs in?
Small steps or units
What is one of the first skills required of the company officer when dealing with irate citizens?
Effective listening
What are the four things to do when you recieve a complaint?
1. Apologize to the customer
2. identify the nature of the comlaint
3. ask the customer how they would like the complaint resolved
4. Do it
Method of which the message is deliverd
not based on a policy or procedure it is more of a nature of a request
A guide to decision making within an organization.
a written communication closely related to policies
What is the inspections team primary concern?
Means of egress
At the company of fire investigation what are the three major components?
1. locating the point of origin
2. securing the scene
3. determining the cause of the fire
If a company officer asks one crew member to help another with a task what kind of order was given?
What are the five C's of communication?
1. Conciseness
2. Clarity
3. Confidence
4. Control
5. Capability