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72 Cards in this Set

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Pierre Bourdieu

(Culture) That which goes without saying; language skills are a cultural capital.

Marcel Mauss

Armchair sociologist

Notion of what it means to be a person across the world and in time. Western idea of personhood is incredibly recent and historically situated.

Sapir Whorf Hypothesis

Language determines how people think (a.k.a the ways in which you categorize the world are shaped by language)

Mary Douglass

Symbols are a means of social classification. Shared symbols promote social solidarity and social control and the human body is a symbol of society (Purity and Danger).

Victor Turner

Social solidarity and conflict. Solidarity is maintained through ritual. Symbols are the smallest unit of a ritual.

Max Gluckman

Rites of reversal, and rites of inversion. Rites of reversal protest the established order, while actively working to preserve it.

Karl Marx

People are limited by the choices available to them "men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly encountered, given and transmitted from the past."

Oscar Lewis

Culture of poverty: poor people are conditioned into poverty throughout their childhoods and adolescents. Because it's a culture, they are unable to escape poverty.

Michel Foucault

Discursive power: power in talking, setting terms of debate, words used. Power of speech.

Capillary power, bio-power.

"...Power is not wielded overtly, but rather "flows" through the very foundations of what we recognize as reason, civilization, and scientific process."

Laura Nadar

"studying up"


studying how words work

Focal Vocabulary

a specialized set of terms and distinctions that is particularly important to a certain group: those with a particular focus of experience or activity. A lexicon, or vocabulary, is a language's dictionary: its set of names for things, events, and ideas.

Language vs. Dialect

language is what the dominant people speak, dialect is how people in less privileged positions speak.

Cultural Capital

Translates into financial capital success or status.

Covert racist discourse

(mock-spanish) indirect indexcality. Smug smirks of people


Switching back and forth between one language variation and another according to cultural context


Who you project yourself to be: "social mask"


Historical processes that give race it's social and political meaning, and the ways such meanings are deployed through various practices, institutions, ideologies and contexts.


the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing the entirety of the individual or society's knowledge and point of view.


The theory of the way things are, and how they used to be.


An object, word, or action with a culturally defined meaning that stands for something else.

Medical Materialism

Explaining religious experiences through hygiene, health, etc.

1. All primitive religions can be related to hygiene

All primitive religions have hygiene bases but are wrong.

2. Primitive religions have nothing to do with hygiene which keeps us from examining our own similarities.

Separation ritual

Period, segregation from the community

Transition ritual (liminal)

liminal stage, tells you the most about the society

"transitional beings are particularly polluting, since they are neither one thing nor another; or maybe both; or neither here nor there; or may even be nowhere...and are at the very least 'betwixt and between' all the recognized fixed points in space time of structural classification"

Incorporation ritual

reintegration into a society with a new status

Rites of inversion

Rituals in which the usual rules by which society operates are inverted.


what needs to be known to be a grown person in society that you are given and taught.

Imagined community

an imagined community where you don't know everyone involved. Inherently limited and sovereign, because most of them will never meet each other, and unites everyone in comradeship.

The lumpen

a residual class; marginal, historical fallout of reorganizations of economy; "scum, awful refuse of all the classes"

Forms of violence (Structural)

built into engineered inequality.

Forms of violence (symbolic)

Self-blame, mis-recognition of inequality as "natural"

violence enacted the self, or against what people represent

Forms of violence (everyday)

death without weeping: trying to survive within a power structure designed to disenfranchise.

Racialized habitus

when race becomes involved (use of drugs 'skin-pop' , 'vein-searching')


the system of embodied internal dispositions developed by an agent/actor in response to structural conditions.

Discursive power

power of words, language, speech and who frames the discourse

Capillary power

the tiny, tiny ways power is exerted around us.


how the state gets people to control their own bodies and mind. (Public health)

Studying up

Studying the rich, people in power to determine the currents of society.

What is race?

Social construct related to skin color and ethnicity, with real physical and biological ramifications.

Race as social

Same as "what is race?"

Race and Biology

Disproportionate susceptibility in heart disease and heart failure in african american people (i.e.)


How one perceives the world, and the ideas that influence ones perception. "Natural." A system of concepts and often unstated assumptions about life. Presents answers to the ultimate questions: life, death, evil and conflicting values

Dirt (Purity and Danger)

Offends against order, it exists in the eye of the beholder--goes against the natural order. Matter out of place

Village scout training and movement

Variation on boy scouts/girl scouts in Bangkok. Took people from normal lives, and put them through a series of rituals, and put them at equal status, and at the end they were given a village scout bandana. Process bonded them and instilled a fervent nationality in them. They were given greater status as scouts in society.

Ritual and Symbol

Symbols are the smallest unit of a ritual, and a ritual is a sequence of symbols that mean many things when combined.

Ritual as transformitive

Transition from one state of being to another, whereas a ceremony is a reinforcement.

Culture of poverty

Idea that people are socialized based on economic circumstance, specifically poor people "they don't know anything different."

Structure and agency

Relates to dopefiends, "community of addicted bodies." Agency: the ability to act within a given structure. Structure is the forces at work that restrain agency.

Moral economy of sharing

Ex. Cotton balls, gift-giving and sharing as a system ensuring you have a community to fall back on. Currency of sharing for future help.

Grey Zone

Area of moral ambiguity imposed by structural forces that makes people commit cruelty, violence and betrayal.

Symbolic Violence

Reinforces blame on individuals rather than structural that forces people to act rather than punished for. ie. Health outreached.

Culture of smartness

Construction and maintenance of hegemonic elitism.

Dude - Scott F. Kiesling

Develops cool solidarity where men can express homosocial bonding while maintaining hegemonic masculine ideals of non-intimate male friendship. Midigates anger and possible confrontation, to express commiseration. Focal vocab: words and terminology that develop particular sophistication to describe the unique cultural realities experienced by a group of people.

Whorf revisited: You are What you Speak-Guy Deutsher

Language differs essentially in what they must convey and not in what they may convey; ie. "gender"

Conversation style: Talking on the job- Deborah Tannen

Nothing happens in a vacuum, everything has a cultural context. Gender segregations in language and dialect

Language, Race and White Public Space- Jane H. Hill

Covert racist discourse; stress put on bilingual people

Mixed Blood--Jefferson Fish

Race as social construct

For affirmative Action, Brazil sets up Controversial Boards to determine race--Lulu Garcia-Navarro

Determine race for affirmative action.

Racial Realities- Yolanda Moses

No biological category of race, but it has physical and social consequences that can affect biology.

I Like Your Colour!- Jemima Pierre

Value of whiteness that is being sold.

Where beauty Means Bleached Skin- Helene Cooper

Social currency to be bought with having white skin, even if there is social stigmatization (it is still preferable) because of the social gains. Analogous to how white is treated in US.

Differences in Voice-Hearing Experiences- T.M. Luhrmann

What qualities the inner voice posses; what they communicate in relation to good or bad. India=domestic helpful voices. US=Violence, violation of brains sanctity.

Sociology and Psychology (essays)- Marcel Mauss


Purity and Danger-Mary Douglas

Dirt as a function of what society deems acceptable; medical materialism. Pollution behavior: anything that contradicts cherished classifications.

Betwixt and Between-Victor Turner

Ritual as transformative experience. Ceremony=confirmative.

Rituals of National Loyalty-Katherine Bowie

Power of ritual, and how it was used and abused to fan the flames of nationalism.

Righteous Dopefiend-Philippe Bourgois and Jeff Schonberg

Symbolic violence, structure and agency, lumpen abuse, habitus, radicalized habitus, community of addicted bodies

Liquidated-Karen Ho

Culture of smartness

The Jobs that Really Smart People Avoid-Jeff Guo

Culture of smartness

How Subtle Class Cues can Backfire on your Resume-Lauren Rivera and András Tilcsik

Gender and race can destroy you on your resume.

Knowing your enemy-George Packer

Targeting people, to figure out weakness and values, in order to exploit it.

Anthropology Inc- Graeme Wood

ReD-"infiltrated" to find out about the consumer