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13 Cards in this Set

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What is included in inventory?

Raw materials, work in progress, finished goods held for sale

Define cost

Expenditure which incurred when bringing the inventories to the present location and condition

3 types of costs:

1. Cost of purchase: import duty, transport, discounts

2. Cost of conversion: direct labor, production overheads

3. Other costs

What costs are not included?

Storage cost, administrative overheads (unrelated), selling costs

Inventory should be valued at the lower of

Costs and Net realisable value

How is NRV calculated?

Selling price - cost to complete - cost to sell

Define asset

A resource controlled by an entity, from which future economic benefits will flow

Name three criteria for PPE

Tangible items

Held for use

Expected to be used longer than one period

Describe the accounting treatment for PPE (3 steps)

Recognition (obtaining the asset)

Determining CA

Recognition of depreciation charges and impairment losses

Name the costs that should be included when capitalising the asset

Acquisition cost

Cost of transportation to present location

Any costs attributable to bringing the asset into working condition and intended use

Costs of safety and site preparation

Cost of dismantling and removal

What are the two models to measure PPE?

The cost model and the Revaluation model

Describe how the Revaluation model works in practice

Assets are carried at Fair Value

Revaluations are made regularly (not necessarily every period)

How are decreases and increases in value treated?

Decreases are recognized as an expense

Increase is recognized in OCI and Equity: revaluation surplus

Decrease: any amount previously recorded in Revaluation surplus is reduced, and the corresponding amount recognized in OCI